unpopular opinion re: google drive link


am i the only one who thinks that the op who publicized the actual link is the one to be blamed? i didn't want to view the link when i first heard about it being out but a few of my friends informed me that my face was included there, but you don't see me ing about it because i was guilty of posting that picture on my story for everyone to see. now i do think it is weird for the person to save it, considering we do not know each other personally, but it was still my decision to let everyone in that rp see my face. what i do not get is why would the op, in the slightest bit, think that it is okay to share the link to a public community knowing quite well that other people's faces are included there?? it doesn't make sense?? and people think they are the good guys for exposing the link?? if they really cared about all the people whose faces are on that drive, then they should have kept the link to themselves. that's all i have to say. thank you for coming to my ted talk. 


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