1.5. Her evil twin cousin made the darkness beautiful.

Light seeks Darkness

I ditched the already lighted cigarette on my fingers to go to the source of the commotion. It was so uncharacteristic of me and I can’t even give any convincing excuse why but I am worried about the prosecutor. Krystal knows that we're dealing with a coldblooded killer but she still went there. She’s supposed to have a law degree for crying out loud.



Maybe she’s likes for daredevil things too. Great, now I am babysitting three Jungs. I hope you won't take whatever I am doing for your evil twin cousin badly. It's not as if I am getting married to her in two weeks. I'll just have to make sure your cousin stays alive to close this case that’s all.




With a resigned sign, mixed with an annoying guilty feeling that I am cheating on you, I walk slowly towards the crowd. Each slow step I take made me get more and more wary as I get close to the middle. Maybe it has something to do with the conversations around me.




"Isn't that the prosecutor?"


"I don't know that she's actually related to the colonel."


"Why do we have to be related to that freak?"


"eww, what is she doing?"


"Nothing interesting here, let’s just leave. It's just Krystal."




I counted twenty in my head while blinking again and again to control the anger that was bubbling in the surface. I took mouthful calming breaths to try to reign the agitation before I snap at the ignorant fools milling around her. It’s not time for my episode, certainly not with the colonel in the same room. My nails dug deep in my palm as I try to block out the sounds and focus on the destination.





I won’t even justify why I’m getting worked up on this, I just feel a sudden sense of protectiveness for Krystal. I know she never really talks that much, and she's annoying most of the time, but these ignorant fools are really oblivious to the real deal.




God it that most big mouthed people are ignorant as . How can some of these people even be related to you?


The series of curse that were starting to slip from my lips stopped and I froze in the spot when I got a clear view of what's going on. There was your cousin with no care in the world, cradling what was supposed to be a dog on her lap. The dog has a gashing wood in the middle of its stomach. I wrinkled my nose.



Ugh, I really don't have stomach for this stuff, but I can't just leave her in the middle of this monsters.




Acting on impulse, I continued to trek towards the center, mentally bracing myself for the smell of blood and death. It’s too strong and I feel like vomiting but I crouched to touch Krystal’s shoulders.




It seemed to startle her because her head immediately shoot upwards, the ever present glare still on. It’s not sharp and convincing as it usually is. I frowned at that, something is really terribly wrong here. She didn't move away when she recognized me and the glare faded away completely. The passive indifferent mask was back.





Cold onyx eyes that were unnervingly the same and different as yours met mine. Our gazes locked, making me grind my teeth because the strong pulls were back. Krystal’s eyebrows twitched and her eyes shifted a little, she wanted me to tell me something. I am not cheating on you I swear, but I held her gaze to know. She didn’t speak though, we kept the staring contest until the crowd buzzed louder behind me.





I immediately looked away from her face and my eyes dropped to the bloody mess in her lap. The dangerous heave in my stomach gave me the courage I guess, I placed my hand on the small of her back.  With a firm pressure I urged her to stand up but she ignored me and she won't let go of the dog even if her skirt was ruined by all the dam blood. There’s a lot of blood, and death has a really foul odor. Maybe, your cousin is really demented.





I adjusted my footing so that I can have leverage in case things gets physical like earlier. Krystal remained seated in the pool of blood and I couldn’t take it anymore, I swallowed hard, ready to start another argument. It’s the inevitable end of Krystal and I’s talks. It’s not even a hard math so I was ready, but I was not able to utter a single word. My stomach heaved dangerously again, forcing me to press my lips tightly. The scent of blood was making me nauseous.




A firm grip on my left arm distracted me from the inner battle between my will and my stomach. Krystal tugged hard and I leaned closer to her against my better judgement.




"It’s Tiffany's dog, this a warning, be careful. Leave now."




Blood and Channel O5 assaulted my senses. I focused on the latter shaking my head vigorously, there’s no guarantee I won’t throw up if I try to speak. At least my nose have become too sensitive to her scent. It cleared some of the daze. I gave the crazy prosecutor an incredulous look.




Does your cousin really think that low of me? Of course I cannot leave her like this. Not with these dangerous people. You thought me better than that. According to you, I should do the right thing, when stuck in situations like this. It'll help me have my sins be forgiven. It'll make the voices stop you said. It'll give me a chance to leave hell when everything ends.



Krystal’s signature glare was thankfully getting more and more convincing as we stayed with death, so nausea be damned.




"How ‘bout a no. Let go of the dog. It's dead already. Come on, I'll call my detective friend. She can help us."




"Damn it." she cussed frustrated, but she didn't make any move that would indicate that she's even listening to my suggestion or that she heard me for the matter.




The stubborn streak of the Jungs was really getting to my nerves so I pulled her hand ignoring the feel and smell of blood. I tugged hard until she's standing on her feet. She wanted me to let go but I didn't.




I honestly don't know what I am doing or why I am doing it. My mind was still trying to comprehend all the oddity that was going on around us and the only one who can probably give me honest answers was the prosecutor who was struggling not so silently in my grip right now. All I know was that the dead dog has shaken her, no matter how well she’s holding herself together in front of her ignorant relatives, and that I have to do something about it, whatever it is.




Her eyes were twitching everywhere unlike the other times. I intertwined our fingers firmly.




I dragged her away from the room. Her verbal protest was quite impressive, composed of very colorful language and at some point I thought she’s talking alien or it must be French I caught casse toi. It’s evident that she’s learned in multitasking because she’s bombarding me with her verbal prowess while she’s forcefully trying to free her fingers and pushing me off of her in general. It’s distracting but I have the leverage. She's still dazed whether she’ll admit it or not and her stilettos were a little slippery because of blood. 




Probably, at least a hundred venomous words later I finally got the two of us seated on the garden fountain. This part of your house never really brought happy memories for us. It help that it never does, I can focus on your fuming cousin.




We have the moonlight as the sole illumination, the light posts in the vicinity were covered with thick moss. It's a full moon today. Something beautiful and cold, mysterious. Like the lady beside. She's silently glaring at me as always. Perhaps thinking of a more appropriate cuss for me. I just let her be for a while. Police will surely be swamping here soon because that's a really bloody mess on the jung's laundry room. I reached out for my blackberry and speed dialed number 3. Fingers crossed that it won’t go on voicemail like it does the past few days.



She answered after the fifth ring. Thank heavens.



"Kim Taeyoen."



"Tae, where are you?"



A hand firmly gripped my wrist, pulling the device away from my ears.



“Driving this ---------" Krystal wrestled with me for my phone, I pressed the loud speaker out of reflex thinking DEMENTED, seriously DEMENTED! "DUI is the latest yolo thing, can you believe?"



"Tae Jung man-"



Before I was able to say the rest of the sentence, my favorite prosecutor has already tossed my blackberry towards the fountain. I can only stare at her wide eyed as the most important gadget in my life fall slowly into the dark water.




"What's wrong with you?!" we said at the same time.




Your dear cousin has the nerve to look beyond pissed. She looked homicidal. I was getting mad as well. Of course I was, your cousin really have some serious issues. I breathe in and out through my nose, my hands were getting itchy because of the blood. I turned my back on her to go to the smaller water fountain on the side before I explode. The decapitated angel was distracting and I focused on that. It’ll be messier than your bloody laundry if I won’t.



Forcefully pulling my gloves, I washed my hands angrily. You know how much I hate arguing with a Jung. I already have my fair share with you and your sister. It's never a pleasant experience. I am betting my next paycheck, a confrontation with this Jung will not be anywhere near that but she’s really asking for it Soojungie.



Heavy breathing, the crickets, the running water and the muffled noise from inside of the mansion reigned around us. I was grinding my teeth to stop me from snapping because someone got to be mature here. There’s a killer in the place and here I was playing wrestling and toss blackberry on the fountain with your DEMENTED cousin, god-




"Amber Liu." 




Prosecutor Jung started her long summation of how much of an she thinks I am by calling my name. She said it in her normal voice. That damn cold beautiful voice that flows like a chaotic symphony with the cold night air. Everything suddenly seemed peaceful except for those restless places --- my head and your cousin's.




She made me face her with her fingers on my chin. Seriously?




I can see her clearly at this angle under the moonlight. A dried blood splattered was on her right cheek but I still don't have the word to properly describe her. Beautiful does not cut it, neither does enchanting, enthralling, breathe taking, arresting, even beguiling. I can go on with the adjectives I was forced to learn, but I'll still fail.




A shuddering breathe came from me when my wet hands moved on their own accords, wiping the dry blood that was obstructing the view. I can see how the hairs on her arms stand up when she raised it to slap my hand away. For the first time since I met her, those obsidian orbs were down casted. Humanity looked beautiful to me for the first time.




"You shouldn't have called Officer Kim. You should’ve known better than that. Damn it, I really should've get you involved in this." She ended her sentence by looking at me with so much intensity. She didn't have to shout to make me know she really wanted to hurt me at the moment but she didn't move away from my fingers that were still resting on her cheeks. Her right hand was on mid-air. She let it fall on her sides dejectedly.




"Let's get you home, Krystal. We'll deal with this tomorrow."




I can feel it. We were both physically and emotionally drained for the day. I don't know how she can still act like this after all this time, but I know she's dying inside like me. I never agreed when someone says sadness is beautiful, that’s romanticizing the pain but I can’t help it. Like how Krystal made humanity look appealing, she made sadness look breathtaking as well. You really should've introduced your cousin to me before, for whatever reason, I cannot give you a decent one yet.



I hope you’re safe in his arms soojung. You don't need me now, but this lady does, so I'm here. I hope you understand someday.




"You can go home if you want. I need to be here when the police arrives to do damage control. This is not good. Why do you have to call her ex-girlfriend of all the people?"



I was taken aback by her statement. I pulled my finger from her face and let it drop to my sides like she does a while ago. Praying hard that my next question won't be answered in affirmative.




"She doesn't know as well?"



I turned pale when she nods her head before tilting it to the side. Indifference coated the beautiful again, she didn’t even blink as I start my panic outburst in front of her.




"What?! Then who knows. How come there are police reports? And since when? , Tae, I thought she knew, that’s why I can’t contact her for days. Oh no. Why didn't you tell me this?"



"Does that really matter now? There'll be another manslaughter if that midget does anything stupid. I-"



"Amber! There you are. God you got me worried. We're the hell have you been?! Oh. Hello Krystal! "



I swear I caught a smile graze your cousin’s lips as my head whipped quickly towards the sound of Jessica’s voice. Your sister looks fine. She even have that devilish smirk on. I mumbled another curse before addressing your sister, ignoring the eyes boring holes at the back of my head. Jessica is my only hope to avoid another bloody mess tonight. Her girlfriend actually, its’ risky, but risky is better than deadly.




"Babe, Can you please call your girlfriend and ask her to keep Tae away from here. Please babe. I'll explain Later. Please."




I cringed inwardly at the sound of my pleading voice, but I know you and your sister can’t resist it, so be it. To my horror and amazement, Jessica ignored me and smiled at Krystal cordially instead. She even brushed a few strands of Krystal’s hair from her face.




I looked up in the sky helplessly, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE, Jessica Jung definitely does not do cordial smiles and soft like that but maybe it’s your cousin, but your cousin is not nice, Sica-cordial smiles and soft touches are for nice, like you, not for hell fires like Krystal.



"Sorry for disrupting your date Am…Krystal-ssi. Tell me if she does anything stupid Krys. I'll gut her for you.”






“Yeah, yeah. Whatever babe. Go for the kill okay."



"Jess, I'm serious. Call Yul now and you should get going I won't be riding with you."



Your sister was waving her arms dismissively in a flash. Her back quickly disappeared in the corner with her hands raised to her ears. At least she’s talking to Yuri. She seemed too distracted, maybe still unnerved because of the colonel. I don't think she'll still recognize the butchered dog in the laundry room, but I still can't help but feel worried. If someone is really pulling strings all this time, I’m sure he or she will not allow the word of the general daughter's murder circulate on this elite gathering. Not yet anyway.




I really should check on you before I leave this place.




"You should go with her."




I almost forgot that your cousin was still standing with me until she spoke again. She has her arms around herself. Eyes everywhere except in contact with mine. I know she's contemplating hard. I've notice it before, she usually bites her lower lip when she's thinking, a slight ripple on her eyebrows. I wonder why she didn’t correct your sister, but then again there’s a lot of things that she does that I can’t understand.




Opting to ignore her I took her bloody hands on mine. It must be itchy.




I shivering involuntarily because of the cold flesh. I just notice that it’s always cold, surgeon hands of a lawyer. Thinking of ironies and other unlikely things to distracted me from the closeness and the fact that she’s not struggling at all, I pulled her hands under the running water to wash away the smell and the crimson that was starting to get dry.



Each gentle scrub made me hyperaware of the enigma that was Krystal Jung. My attention was focused on the tasked but my mind was all over the place. No, all over Krystal, another first today, it’s not you.



It’s not helping that she just watch me intently, with that piercing gaze and that suffocating presence. Channel 05 will forever be imprinted in my memory before this day ends.




After a few more disconcerting minutes of scrubbing dried blood, her pale hand were finally clean, and dripping wet. She’s still standing immobile beside me and I don’t think she’s planning to do anything about her arms so I took the initiative. Her thinking face is on anyway.



I did what I usually do when you and I are stuck in this kind of situation. Being the person who never brought handkerchief, I pulled my button up shirt from its place then I wiped her hands and arms with the hems of the cloth. This surprised her, but she kept her expression straight as expected. I am not cheating on you, it’s just necessary.



"Come on, let's borrow some jeans from Jess before she leaves. Then let's do the damage control together. Okay Krystal?"

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I will update this soon. Sorry for leaving this on hiatus for too long. Krystal's POV or Amber's again?


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jinmher #1
Chapter 14: Rereading till update comess
jinmher #2
Chapter 14: I'm rereading it again hehe
ssgsperera #3
Please update soon author.thank you
2076 streak #4
Chapter 14: I love this story so much
Appledots5 #5
Where are youuu~~~
This story honestly deserves much more attention
Appledots5 #7
Where are youu authornim
Chapter 14: Who has the strongest motive to kill Tiffany?

After seeing that quote, I had the sudden urge to read The Merchant of Venice.
Appledots5 #9
Chapter 14: Dont tell me Amber killed tiff.. cz hmm krystal familiar with that left messages
and joe=amber? I guess
Hanley24 #10
Chapter 14: I presume JOE is Amber?