The beginning

A Siren's Love Song

Damned be those who fall in love,

No one can be saved now.

Doomed until eternity,

I won’t rest with thou.


Seagulls shrieked high in the sky. The waves crushed against the ship, trying to stop it from sailing any further. Clouds begin to form, turning into a dark gray, almost black colour. A blue flash crossed the sky, illuminating the sea and the monstrous creatures within. One by one, the heads would rise from the water. First, ten. later twenty, until they were surrounded by the creatures. 




When the rain started pouring, Jungkook gave the sign. All men on deck ran to their positions with as much weapons as they could hold. Harpoons, arrows, pistols, they had it all. The black haired male walked to his own position, pistol in his hand twirling like a stick. The silverware was far too beautiful for a murder weapon but Jungkook loved it. He killed so many monsters with his ‘ol friend’ as he liked to call it. 


The creatures openend their mouths. A well-known melody filled the pirates’ ears. ‘Cover your ears, men’, Jungkook shouted. His voice was barely audible. Jungkook rummaged through his pockets, taking out some cottonwool. Once he plugged the soft pieces inside his ears, he was focused. Jungkook rose his pistol and shot the first siren he saw. A bang was heard, followed by a single blood curdling scream. His crew followed suit, turning the sirens into sea foam, dissolving in the sea. 


The sky rumbled. The waves climbed higher with each hit. It was trying to reach the deck, wanting to swipe off all the crew. ‘The sea is fierce. We’ can’t keep the ship going, Jungkook. We have to return’, a blonde haired male screamed. ‘Never!’ Jungkook’s eyes were glowing dark, turning almost black. ‘We have to kill all of them, Namjoon! I can’t let them have their fun.’ The elder frowned. Namjoon knew Jungkook very well. Heck, Jungkook was like his own little brother. He knew the younger had experience, but Namjoon wasn’t named ‘The Brain’ for nothing. ‘It’s best for all of us, if we return to shore. They are too strong this time. We have to give up’. He whispered the last part. Jungkook turned his head furiously but didn’t say anything. Instead he pointed his pistol to siren climbing up the ship. Namjoon shivered. His dongsaeng could be so cold sometimes.


‘Tell the men to keep going. We need to get this job done before it’s too late. They can’t escape again.’ Namjoon nodded. He knew the younger wouldn’t make up his mind. He prayed the gods to spare his life. 


A sudden blow of wind made the crew turn around to Jungkook’s direction. the wind was so powerful everyone had to hold on to something to keep them from falling to the ship. Jungkook, however, was blown away with such a force. The slippery deck didn’t help either. Before he could notice, Jungkook fell of the ship crashing into the sea. the sirens attacked him right away. One scratched her claws against Jungkook's chest. He felt a sharp pain, making it hard to breath. Jungkook kicked his feet hoping it would stop the sirens from pulling him under. With his pistol he managed to kill a few sirens. The cold water made Jungkook’s limbs go numb. He struggled to keep his head above the salted water, grasping for air. In the distance, he could hear Namjoon scream his name.


Something got ahold of his leg pulling him under. Everything was blurry. Jungkook tried hard to focus but the pain on his chest combined with his lack of oxygen made it difficult to make out the shapes of the sirens swimming around him. He started shooting randomly at the figures hoping he would at least kill one of these monsters. The only thing he heard was a shrill laugh. ‘Just give up now, pirate’, the siren that pulled him under spoke. Her long hair was red. Just like her eyes. They always had a maroon colour. The darker the colour, the more men they had killed. The more blood they had spilled. The pirate was struggling to keep his eyes open. Black patches appeared in front of his eyes. The siren crept up to him. Her beautiful features masking the face of a killer. Her innocent smile turned into an evil grimace. It made her an ugly monster. Her real personality appeared. Jungkook tried to shoot the siren but missed terribly since he was underwater. The siren grabbed his chin. With her claws, she scraped down from under Jungkook’s eyes to his jaw. It would make a nasty scar. Jungkook was sure of that. Not that it mattered anymore. The claws then spread to his throat. His eyes closed, not wanting to see that disgusting monster any longer. As he embraced himself for his death, the weight on his body suddenly shifted. Jungkook’s eyes fluttered open although he couldn’t see much as the water was still blurry. 


‘YOU’, the siren screamed. ‘How dare you touch me, Kim.’ She loathed. ‘Leave him alone. He’s mine’. A low angelic voice said. That voice was the most beautiful thing Jungkook ever heard. It was low and soft like honey. ‘How rude’, the siren continued. ‘I’m your princess. So be wise and go now’. The siren turned to the pirate again. ‘I’m not letting you get away from me, pirate’. She spat the last word. 


‘Leave him alone’. The voice said again. This time the voice was lower, darker. 


‘You are just a mere siren. A low rank. Obligated to obey the Royals. So, do as you're told and go before I kill you.’ ‘Never’. The voice spoke. A flash of turquoise flashed in front of Jungkook’s eyes. The female siren let go of him. A blood-curdling scream filled his ears. He saw the female clutching as blood seeped out of it, turning into sea foam the moment it touched the water. Slowly, more foam formed and the siren was gone. Jungkook’s eyes shut again. It was all too much to comprehend. He knew sirens would fight over prey sometimes. It didn’t mean he was saved. He was just prey to the stronger siren. 


A soft smooth tail slid down his legs entwining the tail and his legs. Soft hands placed on his chest. The wound stung. Jungkook let out a soft moan. Then, the most unspeakable thing happened. Soft lips captured his own. Jungkook’s heart tightened, ready to burst any moment. Was this how he would die? With a cruel kiss? Instead, the stinging pain fade out. His skin grew back together. The wound was healing? This couldn’t be happening. The kiss had another effect on Jungkook. Jungkook felt really tired all of the sudden. His adrenaline was gone. Jungkook felt the tail move graciously. They sped through the water until Jungkook lost consciousness. 


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