Just Bare With It

Believe in Me
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“Is that her?''

''I see what you mean, the freak.''

''I heard she's a nerd as well.''

Jinsol squeezed her eyes shut. If all those people would just go away. She opened her locker, quickly shoved the books she needed for the next class into her bag and then closed her locker again. As she stiffly made her way to the classroom, the rumoring and pointing continued. It wasn't like she was not used to the rumors and the fact that she was looking down upon. She didn't get why it was, really. It could be because her hair dyed blonde hair, an usual color. It could also be because she got the highest grades in school... but she did not see the logic; Why would people hate someone just because that person is intelligent? If somebody has a talent, shouldn't others be happy for them? As Jinsol made her way to her seat, she mentally cursed. She was seated in the back of the class, and to get to her seat she had to pass Kim Jungeun, Ha Sooyoung and Jo Haseul. The three of them were the most popular students at their high school, and the people that hated her the very most. She took a deep breath and tried walking as quickly as possible, but, before she knew it, a foot was stuck between her legs, causing her to trip.

She let out a small shriek and fell down on the floor, knees first. When she slowly looked up, the first thing she noticed was Sooyoung’s smug expression, ''My, my. I'm sorry, Jinsol. I really didn't see you.'' Even though Jinsol did not believe Sooyoung for a second, she muttered, ''It's ok,'' she did not want to make things worse.

When she got up, a hand grabbed her shoulder.

She tried shaking it off, but the grip on her shoulder didn't loosen. When she looked up, she noticed the person the hand belonged to was no one else than Jungeun, ''I didn't hear you.''

''I said that it's ok.'' Sakura replied in a low voice.

''Really? Because I think you should be the one to apologise. You were the one that bumped into her leg in the first place.'' ''She's right, you know. Apologise, blondie'' Sooyoung threw in.

''But I didn't do a thing!'' Jinsol stuttered. Oh how she wanted to cry... But she would not allow them to see her pain. She had to stay strong. “Apologise! Apologise! Apologise!'' The class quickly followed. As she looked around for help, her gaze lingered on Haseul. She had had a crush on her since elementary school. And even though she just sat there, with a smirk on her face and an expression that said, ''kiss my ,'' just the view of her almost entranced her.

''Apologise! Apologise! Apologise! Apolo-'' The class chimed, only to be cut off by the teacher that entered the classroom. Sunmi opened the door and walked straight to her desk, without looking up from the book she was reading for a second. “If anyone would like to spend this afternoon in my office instead of with their friends, please continue whatever you are doing. The rest, open up your text books on page sixty-eight. Jinsol, sit down please.'' Jinsoltried to ignore her classmates' muffled giggling, as she rushed to the back of the class. ''...Er... Jinsol?''

Jinsol looked up. Jiwoo, one of her classmates, had turned in her seat, so she was now facing Jinsol. ''Are you hurt?'' The girl asked her, fidgeting her thumbs, ''It was a mean thing they did.” “I'm fine, Jiwoo. Really.'' Jinsol replied.

''..I- ok.'' Jiwoo said, turning around again. When the bell rang to announce the start of the lunch break, Jinsol was the last to leave the classroom.

She walked straight up to her locker, and decided she would spend this break outside. The weather was beautiful today. And noticing it was spring, the temperature wasn't half bad either. As she walked out of the door, she was greeted by a fresh breeze and the faint scent of flowers. She first passed a group of people that always used the school yard to smoke, and then a group of girls that started to giggle as soon as they caught sight of Jinsol. She had learned to ignore people like them, so she walked on. As soon as she turned around a corner and was about to sit down by the fountain, she noticed Jungeun, Haseul, Sooyoung and a few more people whose names she didn't know sitting on a few benches that were shaded by trees. Not wanting to get into trouble, she settled herself against one of the oak trees that were planted all over the school yard. When she sat down, she notice

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I love it, please continue!!!!
kasterian #2
Chapter 1: Was this originally supposed to be an IZONE or Produce 48 fic? The names Sakura and Karin were mentioned in place of Jinsol and Kahei...