Chicken Wings and Other Things

Angel Doughnuts

“I don’t get it. I don’t get it.”

Rosie shook her head. It made zero sense. Why wouldn’t her halo just stay on her head? Why did it keep going back to this human?

Did her own halo somehow develop a mind of its own and decided it didn’t want to be hers anymore? Did her own halo not like her?

Tears welled up in Rosie’s eyes. Why was this happening? It wasn't supposed to be like this. She was supposed to go back to heaven right after she found her halo. The plan was go, grab, and get out. But it seems like everything and everyone was determined not to make things easy for her.

Lisa watched the angel’s aura turn gloomier each passing second. She was just as confused but seeing the angel so upset and heartbroken triggered something inside her.

It wasn't just that the girl was pretty (though Lisa does have an Achilles heel for pretty girls as any gay woman would) but she looked like heaven and hell just her and nothing was right in her world. Lisa felt an ache inside her, to help this angel and make things right.

Lisa heard a sniffle and that was the last straw.


She tentatively put a hand on the angel's shoulder. Rosie jumped from the sudden touch and Lisa pulled back. The angel looked up at her with big reddened puppy dog eyes from the crying and it took all of Lisa's willpower not to just scoop her there and then in her arms and hold her.

Lisa just offered a hand.

"I don't know what's going on, but I know it will all be alright. We'll figure something out, okay?"

Rosie wiped her tears and sniffled once more. She stared at the offered hand then looked up at the human. Lisa smiled at her, friendly and comforting, and Rosie thought she caught a glimpse of something divine there - something good and pure that could have only come from heaven.

The angel took the human's hand. Lisa pulled her up, made her stand straighter, then pulled her close. Slowly but surely, careful enough to give the angel time to push her away and reject the physical comfort she was offering, Lisa wrapped her arms around Rosie's waist and settled them somewhere on her back, beneath the feathers of her wings. She pulled her close, flushed against her and rested her chin on the angel's shoulder. She drew tiny, light, comforting circles on Rosie's lower back.

Rosie knew what was happening - she understood hugs and affection and she often showered her other angel friends and the cherubs with it. But Rosie never shared a hug with a stranger and a human at that.

This hug felt different from the others.

Rosie had wings all her life but she felt like she was flying and floating but also covered in softness and safety all at once.

She wrapped her arms around Lisa, too, and melted into the embrace.

Lisa closed her eyes. They stayed in the embrace, neither of them moving away.

"I'm Rosie."

The angel said quietly. Lisa smiled against her shoulder.

"Hi, Rosie. I'm Lisa."

Dalgom nudged Rosie's leg, sniffed it, then her there. Lisa saw and chuckled.

"This is Dalgomie. He's nice to everyone except for me."

Rosie smiled.

The halo jangled above them.



Rosie watched wide-eyed as Lisa munched on a slice of pizza. They sat facing each other on the floor, boxes of pizza and wings open in front of Lisa.

"So, you 'eat' this triangular thing and it gives you the sustenance you need to stay alive?"

Lisa spoke around a mouthful, cheeks round and puffed out.

"Yeth. It gib enerthy."

"A what?"

Lisa chewed, swallowed, then burped. Dalgom looked at her in judgment. Lisa's eyes widened and she covered with a hand.

"Oh my god, that's embarrassing. Excuse me."

Rosie was surprised at the sound and clapped in amusement.

"What was that?!"

Lisa felt her cheeks heat up, but she answered the curious angel's questions anyway.

"That was a burp. It's basically a release of gas, but it also means you were satisfied with your food."

"Oh." Rosie put a finger to her chin, as if she was thinking. "And were you satisfied? Was this thing you call 'pizza', satisfying?"

Lisa grinned, a bit of pepperoni still stuck to her teeth.

"Oh, yeah. Absolutely. It goes so well with wings."

Rosie raised an eyebrow.


Lisa nodded.

"Yeah, wings. You eat them with the pizza!"

Rosie's eyes widened. She folded her wings behind her and hurriedly scooted away from Lisa.

Lisa furrowed her brows in confusion before she burst laughing. She'd realized the angel thought. Lisa waved her hands in front of her to dispel whatever wrong notion Rosie formulated in her brain.

"No, no! Not angel wings!" Lisa laughed. "Chicken wings!" She took one wing out of the box and showed it to the angel before taking a bite out of it. She the sauce off her fingertips and then around her lips.

Rosie breathed out a sigh of relief and put a hand over her chest.

"Phew. I thought I was going to lose my wings to you, too."

Lisa looked at the angel and studied her.

"Oh my god. You're serious."

Laughter exploded from Lisa's mouth and she almost tumbled over.


A genuine look of confusion was on Rosie's face. Lisa shook her head, hand holding her side, still laughing. She laughed until her eyes teared up and she wiped it away.

Rosie still didn't understand anything.


Lisa shook her head again.

"Nothing." Lisa smiled and looked at the angel fondly. "You're just unintentionally funny."


Rosie looked down at the box of wings in curiosity.

"So what is eating food like?"

Lisa thought about how to explain it but then had a better idea instead. She took a piece of chicken wings and presented it to the angel.

"Why don't you try it for yourself?"

Rosie was surprised but was also curious. Lisa waved the wing in her hand a little and smiled. She urged Rosie to take it and after a while, the angel did.

Rosie brought the wing to her nose and sniffed it. The smell made water and she gulped. She looked to Lisa as if asking permission. Lisa just opened and closed it, making a biting motion and showing Rosie how to do it.

Rosie followed. She opened and slowly sunk her teeth into the chicken wing's tender meat. She pulled the meat apart from the bone and started chewing.

And then she stopped and just looked at Lisa. Stars appeared in the angel's eyes. She looked at the wing and took another bite and nodded her head in satisfaction.

Lisa grinned.


Rosie closes her eyes and held one hand up as if in surrender. She just nodded her head as she chewed. She had no words for what she was experiencing right now.

It was close to euphoria.

Lisa nudged the boxes of chicken wings and pizza closer to the angel, offering them.

Rosie looked at her, awe and gratitude in her eyes. Lisa laughed.

"Go on, keep eating. We'll share!"

Rosie probably found her favorite thing on earth - food. She kept chewing and Lisa just watched her, feeling content with doing just that.

But the angel suddenly stopped and turned to Lisa with a start. She swallowed the food in before speaking.

"I know how I can fix this. I know what to do."

Lisa dreaded what the angel was going to say next. Something told her she wasn't going to like it.


"We have to go to heaven."

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little_spitfire #1
Chapter 4: This story is so cute and fluffy 😊 hoping you'll continue this story authornim. Stay safe.
Chapter 4: Aww I wanna know the rest
aglaonema #3
Chapter 4: Cute
Chapter 4: Agahauaoala jisoo really got game.and God already favour her guessing jennie gonna pretend to lost her halo soon
its_just_me_boi #5
452312 #6
Chapter 4: lmaooooooo the samsung thing had me dying
Fireheart217 #7
Chapter 4: Heaven is sponsored by Samsung... I believe it
Chapter 4: Jisoo is the only human ever, asking out an angel? Top that! HAHAHA <3
Chapter 3: Chaeyoung first love has always been argument allow.
RoccoBeagle #10
Chapter 3: i love the fact that the first thing chaeyoung likes on earth is food lol