


Dear Krystal,


We learned tensed double consonants today and I think I lost all my brain cells already, but I am still writing to thank you for your patience. Also, please don't hit me again tomorrow, my arms are really sore now, I swear I didn't drink your soda. You should ask Kai, I left before he does.


Henry oppa is cool jungie, you should hang out with us too. See you again tomorrow, I'll buy you bigmac, if that'll make up for it.


P.S. Don't sweat it, it’s okay not to be perfect, you are beautiful, I am telling you straight faced you are, and if anyone else has  a different opinion on that, they obviously don't know where to look.


Your friend,




Dear Krystal,


Your sister killed it, congratulations ddungie. I'm a little sad that you didn't talk to me today, but just a little. You will be on our scheduled lessons right? It’s okay if you don't come though, I'll understand.


I uh, I miss you ddung, not just a little, uh I miss you like a quarter pounder. keke, that's stupid. 


Anyway, I really do miss you. I hope you don't ignore me again.




Amber J. Liu



Dear Krystal,


We're getting good at this. Don't over think some of the mistakes in the choreo. Please rest well Krystal. Do you like our members? Vic unnie was so pretty, omg, and she's nice and warm and a good dancer. She even helped me with my stuff.


I hope you like them too jungie. Try talking to them more okay? I'll call to help waking you up tomorrow. And yeah, we have to review some math stuff, according to your mom, too. Don't worry I'll just answer the practice sets for you if you’re too tired to do it, and you could tell your mom we did review I won’t tell.







Dear Krystal,


I saw that. I won't tell anyone, and I won't ask anything, but you will tell me right? I mean you would tell me if anything bad happens because I will definitely give him a piece of my mind if he makes you cry. Be careful okay, unnie's always here for you.


Anyway, don't get frustrated over the change of debut date. We'll get there. Cheer up ddoongie!

They allowed us an hour free and I found this ddeoukboki stall near the campus. You'll come right?


Seulgi said you side eyed her by the way. What's up with that?





Dear Krystal,


We did it! It really was all worth it, did you hear their screams. I don't expect to hear that from them. They loved us, I'm so relieved thank you jungie. I'd give you another hug again tomorrow, and yes more mint chocolates, but let's keep it well okay?


I've beaten your high score by the way. HA HA HA HA, I'll call you after your family dinner.


P.S. I am so proud of you, baby girl. :P :P :P


We can do this.


Your second favorite unnie,





Dear Krystal,


I know it’s a long day, rest well little princess. Yes, I'll call you that because you said baby girl is "eww" right, I mean, okay it's actually not that bad. I heard Kai calling you that the other day so, yeah, never mind. He can have that, as long as you're my princess.


FYI, we weren’t kising, I was trying to get an eyelash from her cheek, and it was really dark. No, I wasn't imitating your excuse when I saw you and him. Don't raise your voice again like that please, it was kinda weird. You aren't jealous right?














I'm kidding. We're just friends. Don't worry little princess, you'd be the first to know my boyfriend/girlfriend, which ever, I don't really know.



Yours truly your majesty,





Dear Krystal,


You should rest more jungie, it's okay, they'd understand. Just tell them or me when you aren’t feeling that well. It’s okay to be scared princess. I’m scared too, we can do this, we are f(x), jiejie will be there, and luna and sulli and me. You got us, you got me.


Cheer up princess, everybody commits mistakes sometimes. Don’t believe what they're saying. I’m sorry you miss Jessi unnie princess. She’ll probably call you tomorrow. I understand that you’re tired so you have to cut the call by the way. Sweet dreams krys, I don’t get to say that.


P.S. It’ll get better, and you’re killing it still. We are all proud of you.







Dear Krystal,


Don’t cry little kid, I won’t be away for too long and I’m okay. This will not kill me, just a slight bone issue, nothing that can’t be fixed. I’m still ier than you anyway. Don’t over work your skinny when I’m away okay? I promise I’ll eat rice but you have to promise that you will drink your meds and not push it too much too. Deal?


It’ll be like I’m away for a long camping trip.



Dear Krystal,


Someone obviously has a crush on someone. Ihhhh, my little princess, all grown up now. I wanna  cry.  I’m happy for you kiddo, don’t be too obvious tho, and I agree that he’s cute. Don’t drink wine that much, you’ll turn alcoholic. Ha ha ha, Ima go ride a rollercoaster dudungie, do you wanna come? I’m messaging you by the way, why aren’t you answering. I wonder if you would mind if I call.


Very truly yours,


y llama



Dear Krystal,


I’m disappointed, I



Dear Krystal,


That was mean and unfair, I mean was that really necessary? *sigh* I’m sorry princess, it won’t happen again, hopefully. Won’t do anything like that again. I don't know what more to say.


Sincerely yours,




Dear Krystal,


I understand now, this will be the last letter I will not send you. Thank you for loving our fans and agreeing to the fan service thing. I’m sorry we weren’t on the same page before. Now I know. 


Don’t worry princess, nothing changes.


Your friend till the end,





Dear Krystal,


I loved you, I love you, I have been loving you, I will always be loving you.  I was in love with you. I am in love you and I never thought I’d quote a nicholas sparks novel when I thought of you, but I do now. I love you as I write this, I love you as you read this, although you probably will never ever read this.


It was crazy, we were really good friends, then we weren’t talking that much, and we’re talking more again, and I. I don’t know anymore. I honestly never imagined it like this. I was crushing on Seulgi and Nana up until recently and it .

God bless my soul, because I won’t act on it, I swear. You looked good with Minhyuk by the way. 


Go actress jung! I’ll be your number one fan.


P.S. Goodbye summer, sometimes it’s for you. Sometimes it’s for me.




Amber Liu



Dear Krystal




Dear Princess,


I’m sorry I can’t be there. I’m sorry I missed the signs, I’m sorry I couldn’t take care of you like I was supposed to. Get well soon princess, and don’t get us worried like that again. Okay? I missed you too, more than we’ll ever know.


P.S. Talk to me please, I’m going bonkers here.


Pretty please,


Your Loyal Servant



Dear Krystal,


Happy birthday! I wish you all the happiness in the world. I wanted to be with you, but I don’t know if you wanted to be with me so I’ll just greet you here. You’re probably busy too so I’ll just call you tomorrow or leave a message in the group chat.


You probably have heard this a lot of times, but I’m saying it, whole heartedly all smiles. I’m so proud of you. I don’t know if that still mattered to you. I just, I miss you, so, much, that I’m already used to it, and it’s already part of me.


Please call me some time when you aren’t busy, we have a lot to catch up on.


I wish you all the happiness in the world ddungie. Someday we’ll eat ddeukboki again and laugh this off.


Forever yours,


Amber Josephine Liu



Dear Krystal,


I’m so happy if you only knew. Thank you princess, it was a good talk and it felt lighter now. I’m sorry for misunderstanding stuff, and I do accept your apologies too. I just wish we could be that honest with each other most of the time.

Yes, I missed how we were too. I’m glad it didn’t seem off that were still acting the same. I knew something has changed though. I know you do too.


Kindly stop looking at me, like you wanted to kiss me please, we both know it will never end well. 


LA was memorable enough right and I don’t want us to get back to ignoring each other.


P.S.  It’s you.







Dear Krystal,


What were we again? I know that’s stupid a question, and I know it’ll be like opening a can of worms, but sometimes it felt like you were in love with me too. I know that even saying that out loud will just equate to a very painful heartbreak, but you are seriously making this harder than it should be.


Please don’t do what I think you are doing, or else I’d have to send these dumb letters to you. And don’t ever for a second think that you’re not worth it, or those other bull I’ve been hearing from you the other day. I really think you’re watching too many depressing films.


You’re more than enough, you should listen to your fans more princess. There are more of us than you think. I love you.  We love you.


Your Number 1.5 fan( because you said your family were the number ones)





Dear Krystal,


Thank you for driving me mad, I wanted to jump off of the cliff right now. You said we can’t be, I agree we can’t. But sometimes you love me and sometimes you don’t but the days that you tell me you do, you weren’t lying. We both know you weren’t lying. I know it’s scary and I know our parents will probably kill us, but please tell me that you kiss me not because you feel like it, but because you feel something.


Thanks for encouraging me to keep composing and dreaming. You’ll help choosing the songs right? I’d never dream of a future with you but I will if you let me.


P.S. Don’t kiss me goodnight, it makes me nervous that it’ll be the last one, a greeting kiss would be awesome though.


Your pseudo best friend and lover sometimes,





Dear Krystal,


I knew it was too good to be true, but don’t you think a goodbye would at least be nice, respectful even. I know we agreed that it wasn’t anything more than it's supposed to be, but we didn’t agree that you’ll bolt the first time palpitations and butterfly eruption became uncontrollable.


Of course I know that look, I watched that a million times, got painted in your pretty face, every single time you saw that oppa, years ago. I wish we could have some honest talk for once, because, have you heard the script’s “nothing” that’s how it was here.


Please see me when you come back. I miss you. I hope you know why love run suddenly became part of the final setlist now.


Truly yours,





Dear Krystal,


It was really bad here. It felt like a huge struggle again, they are being too harsh and I wish you could be here too. I understand why you can’t though. I hope you’re having a good break and please take care of yourself. I could hear fatigue from your voice when you called.



What’s going on, princess? I’m looking forward for your next call.


Love lots,





Dear Krystal,


You know not to believe on everything that the media feeds the people right? How I wish I could tell you outrightly at this same moment that I’m just doing a friend a favor, but it’ll be like being defensive, it wasn’t as if you’ll care anymore.


I hope talking to Kai, will clear some of the confusion in your head. I’m not jealous, I’m hurt, dammit Krystal, that was very mature of you, but okay, we’re both adults and we can do whatever we want now.


I’m, I dunno.


Mad but still too dam in love with you to stay mad,




Dear Krystal,


It’s been so long, and it felt so odd, but the fluttering feeling was still there. I am sure I’m still in love with you, but I don’t know if I’m still too in love with you to get too affected by this. To be honest I’m just numb now. We’ll do fan service, I love doing that, but nothing more now.


Don’t get it wrong, as long as we’re f(x) we’ll probably do that, and I’m not complaining, it’s just that sometimes, I’m just purposefully hurting myself and I’m done doing that to me.


Our baby gongu is sick, I mean my baby gongu, I know you won’t claim her as yours even if I name her after you but she is really sick and I’m really sad.


How I wish we could get back to being just normal friends. We are normal friends still, but they think we are dating, and sometimes I wish we were dating but most of the time I don’t want us to be dating because, well because you are you and I am me, and I love f(x) and we are a very good team.


P.S.  Congratulations Princess!




Your favorite Llama



Dear Krystal,


It felt like you are the wizard of oz. It wasn’t magic, it was all just gun powder and it was breaking my heart. You are breaking my heart, and I still love you, how fair was that? Talk to me. You could’ve told me, we’re together more often now. And you were back to the usual, I am yours and you’re only for yourself but now I know.



Dear Krystal






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I'm having a hard time drafting Amber's redemption arc in Pendelum because i dont know if redemption is still possible hahaha .. No promises when the update will be like always but will finish pendulum for sure.

Have a great rest of the day to anyone reading this. Keep safe ^^


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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 36: And you too authornim, keep safe there too 😃
naruyu93 #2
Still patiently waiting even on Christmas,
Appledots5 #3
Still here and waiting for you authornim 💚💜
Appledots5 #4
Chapter 36: will you ever come back?
2078 streak #5
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update!
jinmher #6
Chapter 36: Thank you for the update! 🥰
ImRiHyun #7
Chapter 36: Secretly hoping for kryber to get together again but who am I to hope for the best? orz
Appledots5 #8
Chapter 36: Aaaah T.T
Appledots5 #9
Still waitingg ...

You know i also have some topics/ ideas about ff and really like this genre
But i am not a writer hehe, hopefully i found someone and we could make some short chapters and could bring out those feelings like these stories make me :)

Goodluck author
We are still here
2078 streak #10
Chapter 35: These days I’m liking this kind of story more, heartbreaking but bittersweet