XXIII. Angels 1: Dragons

All Versions of Her and You

A.N./ I forget how to put spotify link, kindly play angels by the xx.


Maybe it's the lights. The amount of candles you have lit for me as a replacement for the lanterns I dreamed of 6 years ago made the room glow in an enchanting gold. It's dancing in a beautiful melody, making our shadows merge as one.




I can still remember when I first shared to you my childish dream, hundreds of lanterns around me, like fireflies dancing with me and the one I'm destined to be with. It was during those days when I am still young and my dreams are made up of things from the fairytales I've watched.




Oh how I wish I stayed that way . . . that the innocence stayed.




It's almost magical, the light from the candles on the counter tops, the floor, the coffee table that we moved to the sides to for it to join all the other furniture in the middle. I know it must have been a painful cliché or something like that. The firefly like light that bathes us with gold, but I don't have it in me to complain anymore.





It's just you and me.


Like we are indeed the center of the universe. It doesn't matter that you are in a bloody white shirt and that I am wearing mine inside out. It's just supposed to be a joke to ease the tension because you’re bleeding to death, almost, but here we are now, in the middle of your living room, acting like fools.




I would like to stay foolish with you if I had the choice.


My idea of this night involves physical exhaustion and quick movements, with the wind on my hair and the view of the moon, but I'm not complaining, not even a single word of protest. This is one of my dream come true if I will be perfectly honest.




It's not the lights.




IT is you. You're nose brushing slowly with mine like a soft caress. It’s too intimate that I would have kicked and punch and fought but I won't not at this moment. It's definitely you. You're forehead pressed to mine as we become the center of the universe.




Your warmth starting from your soft feminine hands in my waist. The soft reassuring presence of your skin pressing to my clothe ones.




~they would be as inlove with you as I am~




It's almost scary. The feelings that are coming out like angry outburst. I'm sure I have already fallen in the floor like a puppet cut from her strings if not for you. You're swaying us slowly to the beat of Angels and I follow suit. We have our own rhythm, it merges with the dance of lights.




You're eyes, those damn big brown doe eyes, they never left my face, like I am the most beautiful thing in this room at the moment even though we both know I am not. The lights are, and our shadows.



How I wish it's as easy as the intertwined shadows. We fit perfectly even in the dark. You're chest pressed to mine as you whisper the words of the song like a prayer. With the soft tone, slowly, fluidly to make me understand that you mean each syllable.



It made my eyes burn with my throat.



I pulled you closer with my arms around your neck. It came naturally, having you this close. Feeling your restless heartbeats that is almost having a contest with mine. It's overwhelming. I don't believe in butterflies, they are too lame to compare to the dragons inside me.




You will surely laugh out loud if I'll tell you you're giving me dragons, I thought with a smile as you kissed my wrist. You're eyes not leaving for my face even for a second.




I didn't voice it out because it'll lift the magic and we will be back to the reality where we are both princesses and things don't come as beautiful as this. At the end of this dance we are not the center of the universe, we are owned by our dreams, those puny little things that brought us together and set us apart. I don't want this to end. Not yet.




I want to be foolish for a few more lifetimes, if only that is possible.



I feel like a child and a princess at the moment. The young girl with the crooked front teeth looking up to the one she whom thought only exists in the novels and the sappy movies. I am also princess Anne at this hour, reckless naive and bursting with happiness. It's the innocence that makes the child and the princess as one. No one not even my mother has this enchantment that brought back the innocent little princess Soojung in me.



I moved to kiss you but I didn't.



Your eyes were welling like the fountains in the dreams I made you draw on late Saturday nights. I didn't make any comment on it. The silence is part of the charm but the song is as we'll so I continued our prayer.



~being as in love with you as I am~


I whispered carefully, weighing each word with care. The dragons are humming in affirmation with the fireflies around us, and the fist sized muscle inside me. I smiled before I kissed you're tears away.



My beautiful Amber Josephine Liu.

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Hi! I'm back, no promises on updates frequency but I'm finishing this one, sorry it took long. Thank you for supporting the story no wonder can't let this go, hhhh. Stay safe Everyone! ^^


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