Chapter 5

Perhaps Love


I threw out the rubbish that almost full at the back of class before heading home. Lucky for me, I know the location of the garbage house at start when Donghae gave me a tour of the school last few days. I was so thankful to have a friend so caring like him. So gentleman.

 When I arrived there, I noticed that there is a small hill located near it which quite hidden from the school and because I’m so curious to see the view from up there, I decided to go there after finishing my task. When I reached to the top, I was mesmerized by the beautiful view that I see before my eyes and it was extremely beautiful and peaceful. You can see the whole neighborhood and nearby town from up there. I guess this will be my new hangout spot when I want to be alone or get a fresh air since no one go here. I held up both my hand to the sky and breathe in the fresh air. I feel so happy and peaceful up there.

Before I head back to the classroom to get my bag, I took a picture of the view and make it as my home screen. It was already dark when I get back to the classroom and I hurriedly grab my bag and went out. As I reached the school gate, I saw Donghae standing near the gate with leaning his body on the wall while playing with his phone.

“Oppa! Are you waiting for me?” I called out to him as I walk towards him.

“Ah, Lyne! You’re here. Yup! I just finish my practice and decided to wait for you since I heard from the girls that you have cleaning duty after class”. He answered while putting his phone away.

“Oh~~ that so sweet Oppa.” We then walked to the sidewalk side by side. “You got practice today?” I asked him, turning my head to him.

“Yeah..we got big competition soon. That’s why we need more practice. That’s also the reason I can’t accompany you to school in the morning after this.” He looks sad and sorry.

“It’s okay Oppa. As long as I got my iPod, I will not be lonely. Don’t worry”.
 I give him an assuring smile. “When is the competition anyway?”

“I think it will be in the middle of the month, I’m not sure. No exact date yet given to us”. He sound serious.

“Oh I see. If you got the date, please do tell me, ok? I want to go see you play.” I say cheerfully.

“Arasso little bunny!” He pinched my cheeks as he said that.



Next Day


Today is the first day I went to school without Donghae. Since I was lonely walking alone to the school, I plugged in my earphones and listen to my playlist on my IPod while enjoying my morning walk. On the hallway, my path was blocked by three girls which I never seen before. It’s like in most Korean drama where there is a group of girls consists of the leader and two followers. And I feel like I was in one of the drama as the middle girl which I assumed is the leader of the group spokes some words to me. And I am not quite get what she is trying to say though because I haven’t plugged out my earphone yet. As she saw that I didn’t give her any response, she forcefully plugged out my earphone.

“Hey!!! That was rude!!” I almost shouted at her as I was startled by her action. It makes the student standing near there to turn into our direction. “What do you want from me? And who are you all by the way?” I try to turn my voice down and asked her while putting my earphones away into my bag.

“You don’t have to know who we are but we know who you are !” She said that with crossing her arms on her chest. She is soooooooooooo annoying! Her followers just give me evil smirks. I just snort and rolled my eyes on them.

“What did you call me?” I asked as I make a few steps toward her so that we face each other, eye to eye. “Are you mistaken? I think you are talking about yourselves.” I give them a fake smile.  

“I am not mistaken. You are just an annoying who is trying to flirt with our boyfriends. I just want to warn you to stop flirting with them and get the hell out of our way!” She pushed me aside rudely and I was taken aback. They just walk away after that and I was left speechless there. People around me talk with each other, looking like as they are just starting to gossip about us and give me an evil stare. I quickly tidy up my wrinkle clothes and walk away from there, ignoring their stares and went to the classroom.

As I enter the classroom, all of my classmates turned to me and they all went silent as I walked to my desk while continue to stare at me. It started to be noisy again after I settled on my seat. I turned to my friends, Zien and Rien to ask them what the hell is happening?

“There are rumors about you spreading around the school and it becomes more crazier day by day” Zien said.

“What do you mean rumors about me? When does it started? I was just here last Monday, you all know that right? How can I become a center of attention all of the sudden?” My forehead crease while asking them those questions.

“We also don’t know when it started. We started hearing it this morning. But we don’t believe anything that they say though. We trust you and we know that you have known Donghae for a long time already since you grew up together. ”

“That’s what I am saying. It’s true” I try to convince them. But their faces give me not a good vibe.  “But wait? Did you say Donghae? Is this why they do this to me?” I confused.

“You didn’t know? Donghae and Jinyoung is popular around here and anyone who dare to speak or get near them will definitely will not live peacefully here since there is a fanclub of them here.

“What? Really?” I let out a small laugh and basically not really surprise hearing them to have fangirls around them.

“But Jinyoung…” Rien look hesitant to ask further but I understand what she is trying to say.

“He is our classmates and for sure, I do talk to him sometimes. And how can I be flirting with him, we’re not even close even as a friend, and you know that right?”

“Someone said that they saw you together on the library the other day, is it true?” Zien asked.

“Wwhattt?” I was shocked. The thing about that.. It should be only Jinyoung and I know about it. How do they know? There is no one there but us. I am sure of it. But I couldn’t tell them the truth because I’m afraid they will know my darkest secret about the darkness. “Nooo.. we didn’t. Why should I be with him on the library? It’s true that I went to the library to get the book, the day before I asked your help, remember?” I lied and try to be truthful at the same time. I try to keep a straight face.

“Yes, we do. That’s why we said we believe you Lyne. Don’t worry, we will not betray you” Rien gives me a small smile even though I know that they might have a little doubt on me.


 “Today, you will see what I mean by fan clubs. You’ve finish your orientation right?” Zien asked.

“Yup! Yesterday was my last day. It was boring. I’m so happy I got to wear sport attire now! Yeay! But…”

“But?” Rien asked.

“I’m not good in sport though even though I’ve done it in my previous school.. which I was always scolded”

“I’m sure you will be alright here. Our sport routine is not so hard, you can catch up.” Zien said. Thanks to them, my spirit is able to be lifted up.

During the class, I stole glance at Jinyoung occasionally when he looks at other direction to avoid being seen by him. I can’t deny that he is indeed popular in the school by looking at his looks and intelligence. I myself also bit by bit start to like him and adore him. Did I say like just now? But the like is only as a friend, so I guess it is okay, as long it is not love.

After changing to sport attire, my friends and I went to the gymnasium to join my other classmates for our sport exercise. Soon after we reached there, the gymnasium is already full of people from our class and other classes and already noisy from the cheering of the students. I thought there is a competition going on but when I step inside, they were actually cheering for group of male students playing a basketball on the left side and indoor football on the right side. I just realized that the gymnasium is huge. I almost can’t believe my own eyes.  My eyes roamed around the area and I am once again fascinated by the architecture of the building. Me and architecture. Again. I can’t help myself every time I see a beautiful place with nice architecture. When I was in US, I studied at a humble school outside the town, even though it was small than here, but it was fun and a memorable journey of my life. I miss my friends!

“Did you see Lyne?” Rien suddenly asked, bringing me back to the reality.

“See what?” I looked at her, feeling lost.

“What I mean is THAT!” She turned my body to make me look at her direction.

I finally spotted the person that she meant. I spot Donghae playing basketball with his friends and most of the audience are girls cheering like crazy.

“They sure are crazy” I said while watching the play.

“You understand now how popular your childhood friend are” Zien said to me.

“Yup!” I can’t believe he has grown so much and become more handsome and cooler. I am so proud of you oppa! As soon as he spotted me among my friends, he excitedly wave at me  which automatically make me earned a dangerous glare by the girls. I just waved back at him totally ignoring the glares.

“Not just that. See this way also” She turn my body again to her direction and let me see another group of boys playing indoor football on the other side. After scanning the male student one by one, I finally spotted Jinyoung among them. Just like Donghae, the audience also went wild cheering for Jinyoung. He is busy playing that time when we looked over at him so I’m sure he didn’t notice me looking over at him.

We finally got called up by the teacher to line up which means our playtime is over. My spirit quickly drained and feels like my soul just fly out of my body as I joined the lined up. My nervousness keeps building up as my turn is getting nearer and nearer and I have sweats all over my body.

“Chill out Lyne! You can do this.” Zien whispered to my ears from the back, trying to calm me down.’s working a little bit but not so much because I still feel very and very nervous. I just give her a weak smile to make her not to worry about me anymore.

Finally, it was my turn and it happened so fast as the thing that I only know is that I really screwed it up.  It was totally a mess with people laughing at me and starts gossiping with each other. Well.. technically I was doing it like other people but it didn’t work like other people, and that’s the difference. I was scolded by the teacher and end up being asked to clean the gymnasium before going back to class. This is unfair. It’s just a sport activity, why should I be punished like this?? This is my first sport activity and the first this ever happened to me. How can this be more even better than this? Back in the US, I was only receive scolding but not punishment and we all clean the gymnasium after using it. I mean TOGETHER! NOT ALONE LIKE THIS!

And there I was, alone in the gymnasium, cleaning all the mess after the sport activity and everyone is already went back to the class. I was arranging the sport equipment when there was a sound of bouncing ball from behind which makes me turn my head to the back.

“Oppa! What are you doing here?” I asked as he walked towards me while bouncing the ball.

“Well.. I’m helping you” He answered casually.

“No, you don’t have to oppa. I can do it myself.”

“Let’s not talk. Let’s do work instead”

“Argghhh oppa~~~~~! Fine!” I get away from him and continue my work. I can’t win him and the more I resist, the latter this work will be finish.  

“Are you mad young lady?” He throw a basketball at me and it hit my legs.

“Oppa! How dare you! Come here! I’ll hit you back!” I threw the ball back at him and he easily catch it with his hands. We played around instead of cleaning.


Author POV

The lovely scene of Donghae and Lyne was watched by a figure on the door, looking at them secretly and the person walked away soon after that feeling furious.   







p/s: Sorry for the long update. Been on hiatus for a while. Been writing this chapter for a long time already, just got time to post it. Enjoy reading~~ Peace out!




Lyne xoxo 

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hazeey #1
Chapter 1: hi chae! i've finished reading your post on this chapter. it's quite hillarious my dear! xD but i love it! keep it up! :D