2- surprise

Come Back Again (begin again sequel)

"congratulations for L sshi ! He got chosen to be an actor for a kdrama! ">

Sungyeol couldn't believe what his ears are hearing , myung.. myungsoo got chosen for a kdrama!? And it's not just a kdrama! It's the same drama he auditioned for ! And it's not just any role , it's the same role he wanted to have! He worked really hard for it and they give the role to someone else ?! and it's not just anyone ... it's myungsoo! His myungsoo!! Why? Why did they choose him ? He didn't seems  interested in acting before.. he's not good at acting to be honest.. so did they chose him for his visual? 
Sungyeol took a deep breath, he needs to calm down! He's in love with Myungsoo so he shouldn't get angry at him , it's not his fault..He won't allow this to affect on his relationship with myungsoo... So he should be happy for him and wait for his chance.  

Myungsoo was surprised.. no to be more accurate he was shocked ! He didn't expect to be chosen to act in a kdrama too fast! his dream was to be recognised as actor besides being an idol singer. However he didn't know if he should be happy about or not, cuz he's pretty sure that his potentials in acting are not that good.. he will definitely work harder to be worthy for his role but he also can't help not thinking about sungyeol? He deserve to get this chance before him.. and he's definitely upset about it!
When the CEO and mangers left after delivering the news, myungsoo looked at sungyeol concerned:" yeol.. I'm.. "
Sungyeol just cut him off immediately cuz he knows that myungsoo probably feeling guilty because of this! 
"No it's ok myungsoo i understand.." 
Sungyeol thought he really needs to be out of here quickly.. he can't see myungsoo upset like this because of him..  "I'm ok i just need to go somewhere and i will be back ok .. please don't worry ok .. " after he headed outside before myungsoo get the chance to stop him.

Sungyeol kept wandering around  for hours not knowing where he's going , he was thinking too hard on how he won't let this role ruin his relationship with myungsoo ... yeah he will totally forget about it .. but he realized that myungsoo is probably concerned thinking that sungyeol may leave him because of this messy situation! He run into the first flowers shop he found and bought a big bouquet of red roses .
It's was late in the evening when sungyeol got back to the dorm, he saw myungsoo sleeping on the couch of the living room  and there's byeol sleeping next to him, both were curled up in the same position, sungyeol just smiled because of this cute scene.

He didn't have a heart to wake the younger boy up so he just carried him bridal style , took him into their shared room and laid him in his bed carefully.  byeol seemed to be waking up and noticed that his owner is not next to him ... he came running to the room and curled up next to soo .

So sungyeol took the other side hugging myung and slept peacefully until the next morning when the managers came to drive them to their schedules . 
Myungsoo opened his eyes his eyes slowly, with blurry eyes managed to see a fluffy ball of fur sleeping next to him.. he tried to get up but there's someone holding his waist... he turned around and saw that it's sungyeol.. so he came back and slept next to him! Myungsoo felt so happy, he gently removed the older's arm and got up.. he noticed that there's a flowers on his nightstand with a small card.. he carefully took it and read what's on it "congratulations actor myungie ❤ from yeollie " myungsoo's felt overwhelmed ! This means alot to him, especially if it's from his yeollie.  






The first shooting went well.. myungsoo's performance was ok but he felt that there's alot of room to improve himself.. he's going to work harder to accomplish that for sure.. suddenly his phone beep cut his thoughts announcing that he received a message.. it's probably from sungyeol ! That's what he thought but when he opened it ,it was a strange number! The message says " congratulations for your first role baby.. i like the black shirt you're wearing .. it makes you look more y.. also your new kitty byeol is cute just like you..." 

Myungsoo checked his surroundings frowning .. he didn't notice anyone that could be suspicious.. who could be the person who send him that message.. and does he knows  about him and he even knows about his cat ! He still didn't even put pictures about him in his social media account! Could it be sungyeol trolling with him ? Yeah that must be it.. it's either sungyeol or one of the others members for sure . Myungsoo kept trying to convince himself not certain about what just happened.. 





*Author Note *



Im too late sorry but I'm having troubles in organizing my thoughts especially this chapter! 
And sorry if it's not well written this time ! Hopefully next chapter i will do better job ^^ 

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Chapter 3 is here hopefully you can enjoy it ^^


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nataliawong #1
Chapter 4: Take your time, we will be patient.
Kim_MYL #2
Chapter 2: Oh!!! A new mystery....hmm maybe I need to use my detective skills hahahaha . I liked the chap and I am happy that Sungyeol is trying for his relationship.

I hope that the next update comes early.(pouting with puppy eyes ^○^

Until then,

Bye bye and take care. (^_^)
Chapter 2: Omooo Myungie got teror (ToT) poor baby
Kim_MYL #4
I am waiting for the next Updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Sorry I am alittle impatient human being.(flustered laugh)
Bye and take care.(^_^)
Infinitekmsl7 #5
Chapter 1: Omggg So so cute <3 thanks
nataliawong #6
Chapter 1: It's good n romantic. Thanks for your effort.
Chapter 1: Myungie and Yeol is sooo cute... so happy seeing Sungyeol got Myungsoo trust... but Yeol dream is so scarier what will happen next...
Kim_MYL #8
Chapter 1: Aww!! Myungsoo is so cute and Sungyeol is so caring pls in this fic don't bring Sungyeol to the bad side I don't want him to break Myungsoo's trust instead make something other bad thing happened.
Finally i figure out how to start chapter 1 from the myungyeol fic sequel ? hopefully won't take to much writing it also i wanted to wait after myungsoo's drama episodes xD
nana0415 #10
Woah the sequel..yesss..hope you'll update soon^^