Fourth is poison, Fifth is a Remedy

Yerin hated being under the sweltering heat of the sun. But honestly, there was nothing she could do. She need to make her rounds and get back to the station, make her report and then deal with her annoying supervisors again for the day.

Really, why was she scolded when it was her colleagues’ fault?

She was coasting down the street calmly, taking as much time as she could because even though she’s under the sun, inside her car, she’d pick going through her rounds over dealing with stacks of reports and noisy workmates.

She wasn’t expecting anything to happen for that day, just the occassional rule breaking but nothing too serious. So imagine her surprise when a bunch of horns suddenly began blaring out and angry shouts followed soon after.

Stepping on the accelerator to get to the corner faster, she saw two cars had collided, but surprisingly, the drivers weren’t shouting at each other. Instead, they were yelling loudly at something on the street and when she followed their gazes, she saw a woman in a school uniform running away like her life depended on it.

Sighing, she stepped on the accelerator again and turned the sirens on. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that the student currently running away had something to do with it and so she needed to get to her or everyone would be unhappy.

Usually, turning her car’s sirens on would prompt anyone to look back, but this one ran away even faster before turning into an alleyway. Yerin grumbled under her breath. There was no way she could chase her with the car there, so there’s no other choice but to go on foot.

It was so hot, and her uniform wasn’t helping, not to mention she was tired from all the paperwork she had to finish last night. Under these circumstances, she would really hate legwork.

So like any other police drama on tv, she stepped on the brakes, managed to turn the siren off, got out the car and began chasing after the woman’s figure.

“Yah! You! Stop right there!” Yerin yelled when she saw her target.

“Wh-!?” the student turned her head but did not stop, “Aish, why today of all days-!”

And as if there was a turbo attached to the back of her feet, she ran even faster.





Yerin did lose her eventually. The woman managed to turn a corner and disappear completely from her sight.

Huffing, she began her walk back and grumbled at the amount of distance they had covered from all that running. Luckily, there was a shortcut which brought her back to her car in a matter of minutes.

“Did you catch her?” one of the drivers immediately asked as soon as they saw her arrive.

“I’m afraid not-”

“Aish, what the heck do you think you’re doing!? Go look for her!” he yelled, pointing towards someplace of no relevance, “She needs to pay for our cars’ damages!”

Yerin just quirked an eyebrow at the attitude the man was displaying. She took in a deep breath, not wanting to deal with this so early in the morning, “We can get to that soon enough, but I’m sorry, I need to know what happened here first.”

“And while we’re talking, that little-!”

“Stop it already.” the other driver reprimanded him before turning to Yerin, “She actually crossed the street so suddenly, so as you can see…”

Yerin wrote this down, “You crashed?”


“She even jumped on the hood before running away!” the other driver exclaimed.

Yerin stopped in the middle of her writing and looked up, “I’m sorry, she jumped on the hood?”

“Didn’t you hear what I said?” grumpy guy, as Yerin decided to call him, said, “She jumped on the hood with those dirty shoes of hers and scampered! I saw what she looked like! Do you need an artist sketch or whatever you people call it? I want to plaster her face all over this city and make sure she pays for what happened to my car!”

Yerin just ignored him as he continued rambling about how he had settled a deal and so he bought this car for himself as a reward and all other grumblings that she didn’t want to bother listening to.

She instead walked over to the two cars and inspected the hood, then turned to the other driver who was scratching his head, “By what he said, did she step all over the hood or-”

“No. She just jumped over it.”

“She jumped over it.” Yerin repeated, sighing and pocketing her notepad.


Yerin scoffed, a look of annoyance on her face, “Should I bring the both of you in for fooling me like this?”


“She looked like she was in a hurry earlier. If she jumped over the hood while being in a hurry, it means your cars were blocking her way.” she tapped the road with her foot, “This is a crosswalk and your cars were in the way meaning your cars already crashed before she arrived.”

“That’s not-”

“I can check the security footages of this area to make sure. I need your personal and contact information so we can notify you regarding this.”

She ran all the way for the wrong assumption, it was frustrating.

While this was going on, she called for help from towing services to clear the road of the two cars.

“The kid is the one at fault!” grumpy man exclaimed, refusing Yerin’s request.

She tried her best not to flip out on this man, the heat was not doing good things for her temper at the moment.

“Sir, listen up, if you continue to deny that this accident was your own fault and keep blaming it on others, it will be a very hefty fine for you. Now all I need is your statement and information and we’re done here.”

He seemed to have regained his senses when she mentioned a fine and in a few minutes, she was already on her way back to the station to write up her report.

She can’t help but wonder why the girl ran away if she wasn’t at fault though.

Anyway, she hopes she won’t be dealing with anything like this anytime soon.



Eunbi was rushing down the sidewalk, not even apologizing to the man she had bumped into as she didn’t really have the time for anything else besides getting to school as fast as possible.

She had overslept, for a good reason, and missed the bus by a second. BY A SECOND. This was already the second time this week. And if she didn’t get to school (which was a 10 minute walk from where she now was currently in) in 5 minutes, she’d get another good scolding from the teacher, not to mention detention.

Nearing the crosswalk, she looked up just in time to see the green walking sign already blinking, which meant it would switch to red at any second and she wouldn’t make it if she didn’t hurry.

So she did, huffing loudly as she rushed in her footsteps.

Eunbi had just reached the crosswalk when a hand had grabbed her wrist and pulled her back harshly, the same time a motorcycle zoomed past the place she was about to step on. Eyes wide, she felt her heart stop beating for a moment, before it began beating again and the surroundings began moving once more.

“Are you blind?”


The student looked up to the source of the voice and saw an officer just standing less than a foot behind her. She looked down and saw her holding her wrist. She must’ve been the one who pulled her back before she got run over.

The officer nodded to the sign on the other side of the street.

“The light’s already red. Don’t you see it? You almost got really hurt back there. What’s your hurry?”

Upon the mention of her being in a hurry, she accidentally cursed out loud and looked at her watch in despair.

“I’m late!”

“I can clearly see that. But I’d pick being late inste–”

Eunbi didn’t have time to listen to this!

Turning her heel, she was about to rush off to another street heading to her school. It wasn’t a pleasant road as she remembered but it was either that or another scolding and detention.

But her advances were halted when she felt her collar constricting around her neck painfully before being pulled back to where she stood.

“Wait a second.”

“Yah! What–!”

“You’re the one who ran away yesterday.”

Eunbi froze up, staring back at the officer and it finally sunk in when she saw her face.

Of course she wouldn’t forget something like that, they did run around for quite a while before she lost her. But now she was in this person’s grasp and that pretty much spelled trouble for her.

Forget about detention, jail is way worse than that.

“Look, officer, I’m sorry I ran away yesterday but I was really in a hurry and I really didn’t want to get detention. But I swear I didn’t do anything wrong.”

The officer didn’t say anything, staring at her for what felt like hours before beckoning Eunbi to follow her. The student had no choice but to do as she was asked. It didn’t make her any less nervous though.

And when she saw they were walking over to the officer’s car, she feared the worst. Was she going to jail? Was she going to be interrogated? What did she even do wrong? No one got killed, right?

“Get in.”

She watched as the officer opened the passenger door and nodded for her to get in. She could really only follow orders at this point. God, what will she tell her parents?

The tension inside the car was through the roof as they headed off to most likely the police station, Eunbi assumed. Where else will she be taking her? Or maybe… maybe she’ll bring her to somewhere secluded and maybe beat the truth out of her and make her confess…!

Eunbi froze up when the officer spoke, “You ran away from a car accident yesterday. They said you suddenly crossed the road and in an attempt to avoid you, they collided.”


“What?” Eunbi stared with brows furrowed, “They already crashed when I got there!”


The officer didn’t say anything else, leaving Eunbi in suspense. So maybe that’s why she’s taking her in? Because they said she caused the accident? She should be calling for a lawyer now right? It’s part of her rights, right?

She doesn’t remember this being the way to the police station though…

“We’re here.” the officer suddenly announced, unbuckling her seatbelt. Eunbi blinked, looking around and noticed they were…

They were in front of her school?

“Unfortunately you’re already a minute late.” the officer said, looking over at the entrance and hearing the bell for the start of the classes ringing.

Eunbi hastily unbuckled her seatbelt and looked up at the officer curiously, “What are we doing here?”

She looked back at her with a brow raised, “This is your school right?”

“Uh yeah, but weren’t you going to interrogate me about the accident? I’m not going to jail?”

She felt her cheeks burn up in slight embarrassment when she began laughing.

“Oh, I’m sorry for that. No.” she cleared , "I already knew you didn’t do anything wrong and because they kept blaming you they got in big trouble for it. I just wanted to confirm what really happened. "

“Then why did you take me here…?”

“You were running late. And so to apologize for chasing you all over, I want to give you a ride.” she shrugged, “This is just a one time thing though. Don’t expect me to do this again.”

“Right…” Eunbi wasn’t actually absorbing all of it just yet, “I’m still late though.”

“I think we can fix that. Come on.” she beckoned Eunbi over again and they walked to the front gates where her terror of a teacher stood, already keeping a watchful eye out for latecomers.

Eunbi swears his eyes beamed the moment he saw her.

“Ah, Miss Hwang. Late again for the 2nd time. You’re making this a habit, aren’t you?”

“Sir-” she began to say.

“With a police officer even. Got into trouble?”

“That’s not-”

“Say no more, Miss Hwang, I always knew you were a troublemaker.” he clicked his tongue, “Detention again after school.”

She hates this guy so much.

“I don’t think it’s necessary.” the officer spoke up, causing both of them to look up at her, “She almost got into an accident on the way while helping someone out crossing the road. I asked her if she wanted to head over to the hospital to get checked on but she insisted in coming here instead.”

Eunbi raised a brow at the sudden acting this officer was pulling off. Is she really seeing this? An officer lying to a citizen?

Well it was for her sake, so she just needs to keep quiet.

“Teacher, I don’t think a punishment is suitable for someone so devoted to going to school despite what happened. I’m sure there’s no way an understanding person like you would have it in your heart to punish her for doing a good deed.”

Eunbi could almost scoff at how she was laying it on thickly and how unbelievable that sounded. How can this guy possibly believe–

“Oh, but of course..” he said while fixing his attire, seemingly flattered at the praise, "If Miss Hwang really went out of her way to come to school despite almost getting hurt, then she is more than welcome to enter. As her teacher, I am definitely forgiving of this small…uh, mistake. Go on Miss Hwang, give this slip to your teacher and you should be alright and you won’t get detention. "

Forget it, this man is a narcissist. If only he listened first before making his own assumptions…

Anyway, at least she’s off the hook now.

Eunbi turned to the officer who just smiled at her and nodded so she took the slip. She was overall relieved that it went well, and promised to herself that it won’t happen again.

“Try not to get all heroic next time Miss Hwang.” the officer waved at her as she walked through the gates.

“Uh, yeah. Thank you Officer…” Eunbi squinted her eyes slightly to get a good look at the nametag on her chest, “Jung.”

Said officer Jung put her feet together, stood straight as a pole and gave a salute, “Officer Jung Yerin at your service. It was a pleasure to meet you Miss Hwang.”



“My name’s Hwang Eunbi. Nice to meet you too.”

The smile directed towards her in response was one Eunbi wouldn’t forget. It was pretty.

Okay maybe more than pretty.

And maybe she’s also really more than pretty.

When Eunbi walked to her classroom, she couldn’t get that subtle wink the officer gave her out of her mind when the teacher’s back was turned before she returned to her car.

Maybe this happening again didn’t sound so bad.

Without being late.



Yerin just stepped out of the police station and was looking forward to heading home for a nice home-cooked meal made by herself. She didn’t really have the convenience to do so because of the numerous reports she needed to do for the past days, but it seems that good luck has finally shone down on her.

Her home wasn’t all that far from where she worked, it was efficient if ever she was needed quickly and so she decided to take a leisure stroll. A breath of fresh air would do wonders for her tired brain and body.

She expected everything to be quiet as it was already night time. There were only a few people around since this area was not a very busy street and Yerin liked that.

However, the quiet didn’t really last that long.

She had just reached the alleyway that she remembered chasing Hwang Eunbi in and noticed figures, four of them huddled up on the side.

Normally, she would leave it alone if they weren’t doing anything illegal, but she recognized a familiar voice amongst that group and that voice sounded pissed.

“You listen here,” she heard her say, “I already warned you if you do this again, I won’t let it slip. Now get out of the way!”

“Or what?” one of the figures taunted, “You’re gonna kick our asses? What can you possibly do?”

“Right.” the other man slurred, Yerin assumed he was drunk, “So if you want this to end peacefully, you just come along with us. Simple.”

“As if I would go along with jerks like you.” she snarled, “And really? You couldn’t handle me by yourself so you brought others with you. Are you that scared of me?”

Yerin saw how the man reached forward and grabbed her collar and Eunbi slapping it away. In that moment she knew she had to intervene.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she spoke up, her tone colder than how she normally spoke.

That seemed to have taken their attention and all faced turned towards her.

“Who are you? Yah, you, go along your way and you don’t get hurt!” one of them spoke and the way they belittled her… she felt a string in her snap.

She’s had enough of guys looking down on her. First her workmates, now kids. She scoffed.

“And what will you do if I don’t?” Yerin approached, face devoid of emotion, getting under the street light so they could see her better.

Eunbi’s eyes widened upon the sight of the officer and abruptly turned to the guys to warn them, but their attention was on Yerin alone.

They didn’t know she was an officer since she was wearing casual clothing.

“Oh~ aren’t you pretty.”

“I know.” Yerin just smiled, unamused, “But I don’t want to hear that from you jerks. Step away from her.”

“You know Sinb?”

“You’re not allowed to call me that.” Eunbi growled. That was a nickname given to her by a friend with the same name. She certainly didn’t want to hear them call her that.

“I do. Now step away or you’ll find yourselves in jail.” Yerin approached further, finally reaching the student.

They gazed at each other and laughed out loud, making various movements with their arms as if mocking her for her remark, “Ooh~ they’ll call the police~ whatever should we do~”

Yerin raised a brow and turned to Sinb, “You hang out with people like this?”

“I’d rather hang out with a frog.” she grumbled, “Let’s just go.”

The men immediately blocked their way. It took all of Yerin’s self-control not to lash out at them.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“We said, you’re coming with us.”

One of them stepped forward and grabbed Yerin’s wrist but later on learned how it was the worst move to make as he felt his arm twisting painfully in a direction it wasn’t supposed to go to. With his arm twisted behind his back, all he could do was yelp out in pain and beg her to release him.

“Hey!” the other one pitched in to help his friend by attacking her but ended up in the same situation.

Yerin then realized both her hands were occupied and there was still one person to deal with, but when she turned, she found the guy already on the ground with Eunbi standing over him with a hand on the strap of her bag. She flicked some hair off her face and stared back at her.

“Not bad.” Yerin remarked, gesturing to the guy.

Eunbi just grinned, nodding to the two men still begging her to let them go, “You too.”

Yerin chuckled, before forcefully pushing both males away from her, “You better be thankful I’m not in the mood to go back to the station. Now off you go, and if I hear or see you harrassing Miss Hwang again, I’ll be sure to arrest you.”

She flashed her badge at them, and maybe giving them a small glimpse of her gun in its holster to intimidate them a little and it worked wonders as they scampered off, apologizing to her rapidly and was gone the next minute.

“I could have handled them myself, but thanks.” Eunbi spoke up.

“Sure you did.” Yerin smiled, before walking ahead. Eunbi noticed that she didn’t believe her words one bit and she didn’t want that.

“I really had it under control!”

Eunbi jogged to catch up, then matching her pace with hers.

“Are you saying I should have left you alone instead?”

“Not really and what kind of officer would do that?”

“Point taken.” Yerin shrugged, “Why are you out so late anyway? You should know better than to roam around at this time.”

“It’s not on purpose.” Eunbi grumbled, “I just got out of school.”

Yerin furrowed her brows, stopping in her tracks and giving Eunbi a once over. She was wearing a loose black shirt, track pants and had her hair tied up in a ponytail. The sports bag she was carrying being a dead giveaway that the girl was engaged in extra-curricular activities after school. A club perhaps.

Not to mention she looked tired.

“What? Is there something on my face?” Eunbi asked, tapping her face for anything that felt out of place.

“Has anyone told you you’re really pretty?” Yerin asked out of the blue all the while still staring at her. She was supposed to ask her if she was in some sort of club, but it slipped out of before she realized it and there was nothing she could do about that. She was just telling her the truth, that’s all.

She did notice it back then when she fetched her to school, but with her hair tied up the way it is now, she had a clearer view of her features. No wonder those men wouldn’t leave her alone.

Eunbi looked flustered at the sudden compliment and struggled to find the proper words to answer it with but just ended up with a bunch of gibberish.

Yerin resumed walking and Eunbi caught up, “I don’t know if I should thank you for joking or not…”

“Joking? I wasn’t.”

“You– oh, uh well thanks.” she blinked repeatedly, falling into a step beside her, “Y-you’re pretty too.”

Yerin felt her face warming up at that. This is weird. She usually doesn’t react this way.

“Thanks.” she tried to play it off cooly, deciding to switch the subject before she combusts, “Where are you headed? I’ll walk you home just in case those guys get back at you.”

“I was about to head to this diner nearby for dinner. Wait, have you had dinner yet?”

“I was about to head home and make one but it’s too late for that now.” Yerin looked down at her watch with a sad sigh. Yes, she misses her own cooking.

“Then let me treat you dinner.” Eunbi offered before quickly adding, “As thanks for earlier.”

“I don’t want to.” Yerin pouted.


“I’ll pay for my own food. But I won’t refuse dinner with you.” Yerin raised a brow, a teasing smile on her lips, “Is this your way of asking me out?”

“Don’t make me regret this, Officer Jung.” Eunbi replied flatly, “And you’re probably way older than I am.”

“Excuse you, I’m probably just two years older than you.” Yerin retorted, “You’re probably a graduating student, so 19?”

“No way.” Eunbi stared in disbelief, “But you’re so… How long does it take to graduate the Police Academy?”

“Four. But I finished high school faster.” Yerin just shrugged, having gone through this questioning numerous times while she was in the academy, “Anyway, let’s head to that diner and eat. Don’t make me regret coming with you, I have quite a palate.”

Eunbi huffed before boasting, “Once you get a taste of ahjumma’s cooking, you’re going to want to go back there even if you’re not hungry.”

Yerin chuckled, “If I end up disliking it, you’re paying for my meal.”

“Then you’re paying if you end up liking it.”


Yerin ended up paying for both their meals, but she didn’t regret it. If it meant hanging out with Hwang Eunbi all the time then it was all worth it.



Unfortunately they never really hung out again after that. She did remember Yerin explaining that she was out early for that one time by chance and so Eunbi came out late on purpose just to see her again, but they didn’t cross paths all those times she tried.

She even hung out outside the station once in a while but an officer noticed her visiting too frequently and got suspicious and so she decided not to push it.

A week has already passed with no sign of Yerin and Eunbi was already questioning her reason for going through all this effort.

Was it just to see her? Maybe she enjoyed her presence a bit too much? Perhaps having an officer as a friend was an experince she’s always wanted.

Either way, whatever her reason was, it all meant she wanted to see Yerin again.

It was already nearing 9 in the evening and she was wandering around the park. What she was doing there, she didn’t really know but perhaps she needed the fresh air and a silent place to think.

She just didn’t expect the company.

More so, who it was.



The both of them sat on the bench after getting over the shock of them being in the same place at the same time. It was too much of a coincidence to say the least.

“You’re out late.” Yerin remarked, looking over at her seatmate as she draped her coat over Eunbi’s shoulders.

The younger looked over, slightly surprised at the gesture, “You’ll get cold…”

“I’m wearing enough. You look like you just got out of bed and walked around on an impulse.” Yerin scolded, “What are you doing out here so late?”

“I don’t really know.” Eunbi mumbled, “I just thought I’d get some fresh air or something.”

“Well you’re lucky I stumbled upon you on the way home.” Yerin leaned back, arms folded across her chest not noticing the stare Eunbi had on her.

There was just a streetlight to illuminate the area but she could see how tired Yerin looked. She could attribute it to just her work but she felt there was something else there, something she didn’t like.

She looked troubled.

“Is something wrong? You look more tired than normal.” Eunbi forced herself to ask. There was a nagging feeling in her mind that she shouldn’t have, but she’d rather get some answers.

“I look that bad?”

“You’re still pretty, don’t worry.” Eunbi teased, trying to ease up the heavy atmosphere and was glad it worked as Yerin’s lips quirked into a smile, "But yeah, you sort of look like you haven’t slept for days.

“It’s just something at work.” she assured her, but it felt like she was convincing herself more.

“Were they more than annoying this time?”

That night when they had their dinner (date), Yerin had told her about how hard she had it at the police station with everyone looking down on her just because she was a woman and younger than them. It seems their pride wouldn’t want to admit that she’s just as skilled as they are.

They treat her like a rookie everytime even though she has enough experience.

“More than annoying, they’re unbearable.” Yerin groaned, “But as long as they get the job done and not bother me while I do my work, then there’s no problem. I’m worried about something else actually.”

Eunbi blinked. Something else that’ll disregard her other problem?

“Must be really bad.”

“It is.” she sighed, “You know it’s such a coincidence I stumble upon you almost all the time.”

Eunbi wasn’t about to admit that she was waiting for her. This wasn’t counted anyway since they met by chance this time. Again.

And though she did notice the sudden change in topic, Eunbi let it slip. There was no good in forcing Yerin to tell her about how her day went if it wasn’t all that pleasant.

“Yeah, I’d say all our meetings are mere coincidences. Unless you’re stalking me?”

“If I wanted to keep an eye on you, Eunbi, I’d rather lock you up and keep surveillance 24/7.”

Eunbi raised a brow, “.”

“N-not that way you idiot.” Yerin bumped her shoulder, trying to hide her embarrassment, but the flushed cheeks were more than enough for her, “I’m not stalking you.”

Of course she’s not because Eunbi’s been the one doing the stalking.

“But it sort of reminds me of something.” Yerin mumbled, rubbing her arms which Eunbi noticed, “It reminds me of that saying that the first meeting is by chance, the second is a coincidence, the third is destiny.”

Eunbi draped the coat over her shoulders as she asked, “And the fourth?”

“The fourth…” Yerin hummed, “Fourth is poison.”

“Poison? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’m not sure. Too much of everything is bad? Apparently four is too much.” Yerin shrugged, “Forget it, I’m rambling again. It’s late and we should get home.”

Yerin stood up for a while and held out hand for Eunbi which she took. The streetlight gave her a clearer view of Yerin’s features and it didn’t need a genius to see that she was overworking herself.

Eunbi didn’t want her going home looking that way. The least she can do is make sure she gets home with a smile on her face.

“Come with me first.” Eunbi spoke up, not waiting for her answer and dragged her to a place where she usually went when she was feeling down.

And when they reached their destination, Eunbi asked her to wait as she approached the shop.

“Ice cream? Really? In this cold?” Yerin asked as she took the cone Eunbi handed her.

“There is never too cold when it comes to ice cream.” Eunbi grinned as she savored hers.

Yerin just chuckled and began the chocolate flavored ice cream in her hand, knowing fully well why Eunbi brought her there, “Thanks.”

“No problem.”

“I prefer strawberry though.”

Eunbi glared at her playfully, “Just eat your ice cream Officer Jung.”

Eunbi then noticed how Yerin was removing her coat again and frowned. She thought she was going to place it on her again, but instead she just removed her arms from the sleeves and let it hang from her shoulders. Shrugging, she focused her attention back to her food when Yerin called.

“Eunbi, come over here first.”

“Huh?” Eunbi looked up and saw the woman looking at her face, “Wait, is there cream smeared on my face or something?”

“Just come here you.”

Although confused, she willingly followed before yelping in surprise when Yerin suddenly pulled her closer and draped the coat on both of their shoulders, the coat being big enough for both of them. She then felt the older’s arm wrap around her waist securely to make sure she didn’t go away.

“It’s useless eating ice cream when you can’t appreciate how cold it is.” Yerin remarked, smiling, “Are you warm?”

“Huh? Yeah, yeah, it’s warm.” Definitely warm, too warm. Her face was practically burning.

But she liked it.


And when they parted ways that evening, Eunbi wished she could feel that warmth again.

It reminded her why she went through the effort in the first place.



Yerin needed to tell her.

Of course she knew. She was avoiding her on purpose after all. How she overheard her fellow officers talking about a student loitering around near the station and once she found out who they were talking about, she made it a habit to stay late even if her work was already done.

She stayed at the station late, waiting for Eunbi to leave and discreetly followed her until she got home safely.

If Eunbi wasn’t at the station, she’d search for the woman and when she did, she’d do the same thing.

It went on for a week and the previous night she was supposed to be doing the same, but Eunbi found her first.

She almost regretted avoiding the woman in the first place after hanging out with her again, but then she was reminded why she had to do it.

She was leaving.

And she needed to tell Hwang Eunbi that, but Yerin didn’t how to break it to her. She thought avoiding her would be more painless but with the numerous times Eunbi actually waited for her to show up, it would feel worse if she left without saying anything.

She lost her opportunity the previous night so Yerin had to make sure to tell the younger this time.

She was waiting at the nearby park again, knowing Eunbi will be walking by sooner or later and true enough, she felt a familiar presence sitting down on the bench beside her.



Yerin couldn’t help but smile at the grin the younger gave her.

“I found you quickly this time.” Eunbi remarked, leaning back on the bench and heaving out a sigh, “Not so busy today?”

“You can say that.” Yerin shrugged, “What do you want to do tonight?”

They ended up having dinner at the various food stands, buying accesories that they deemed useless and even took a few pictures at a photobooth they stumbled upon while roaming around. The faces they made at the camera caused them to double over in laughter and agreed no one else should see those pictures besides them.

As they trudged through the crowd, heading towards a store that offered free samples of food, Eunbi stumbled forward harshly in surprise after someone bumped into her with Yerin catching her just in time before she face planted on the ground.

“Hey watch it!” Yerin yelled after the man who was already hightailing out of there. Her eyes narrowed at how he was moving very suspiciously, a modus she had already experienced seeing once in a while especially in crowded streets like this. The man didn’t even bother looking back.

Briskwalking forward to keep her sights on the man, she grabbed Eunbi’s wrist and practically dragged her to follow.

“Yerin-unnie, wh–”

“Check your pocket.”


“Your wallet.”

Eunbi blinked once and felt around her pockets for it while watching Yerin who kept her eyes focused straight in front of her for the past minute. When she felt nothing but empty pockets, she understood why she was acting that way.

“I-It’s gone.”

“Aish, I knew it!” Yerin bolted forward, weaving through the crowd with her eyes focused on one thing alone. She didn’t bother yelling after the man since that would just warn him that she was onto him.

And in three quick bursts, she grabbed the man’s shoulder harshly and pulled him back.

Surprised, the man knew from instinct that he was caught and slapped the arm away, about to make a run for it once more but Yerin was experienced with actions like that.

Kicking the man’s foot out from under him, he was sent sprawling to the ground with Yerin moving forward and digging her knee on the man’s back as she grabbed his wrist, taking out her cuffs and locking both of his arms securely behind him.

He tried to struggle still, but Yerin’s hold on him was firm as he was pulled up on his feet. Patting his jacket for the stolen wallet, she breathed out a laugh when she found it in his right pocket.

Her face hardened as she harshly slapped his head with it.

“You made a big mistake going after my girl like that.” she growled, tightening the cuffs around his wrists.


The officer turned just in time to see Eunbi rushing over to her side, resting her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath.

Eunbi huffed one more time, “Are you a cheetah in your past life or what? How can you run so fast?”

Yerin blinked, “You could’ve just waited for me back there so you didn’t need to run all the way here.”

“Well I wanted to see you in action for myself.” she chuckled.

“You already witnessed all of it the other day, it wasn’t enough?” the officer pointed out, grinning when Eunbi shook her head cutely, “But I guess this is enough roaming around for tonight. Come on, there’s a station nearby and I want this guy behind bars asap.”

The trip to the station wasn’t all that eventful. Eunbi was impressed how Yerin could easily handle a man almost two times heavier than her with ease, she didn’t even have to threaten him with anything to stop him from squirming around. In fact, he looked like luggage just being dragged around by an annoyed tourist. Yerin even looked like she would carry the man over her shoulder if he so much as tried to get away.

After dropping off the pickpocket at the nearest police station and making sure he was locked behind bars, Eunbi got her wallet back, beckoning Yerin to join her for one more trip.

And now they were enjoying a cone of ice cream at the same place where they had it the previous night, Eunbi resting against her arm with the excuse of being able to enjoy her ice cream better that way.

“So.” Eunbi spoke up, “Your girl?”

Yerin felt her face brighten up, “Y-you heard that?”

“I wasn’t sure but you just confirmed it.” Eunbi laughs slightly.

Yerin groaned to herself. The last thing she wanted was Eunbi finding out of her small attraction towards her. It didn’t sit well with her how harsh the guy bumped into the student, how she almost fell face first to the ground and almost got injured.

So maybe she handled the man a little rougher than she usually does, but he deserved it and have no regrets doing it. As for what she said, it just came out of her lips so naturally like it was meant to be said in the first place, but that was all her.

What would Eunbi think?

Eunbi wasn’t supposed to know in the first place.

“You were really confident saying it back there, are you taking it back?” Eunbi poked her cheek, finding amusement seeing how red she was.

“Well, I…” she stammered, not knowing how to deal with the situation, “I mean I can take it back if y-”

“I don’t want you to…” Eunbi interrupted, then added in a small voice, “I liked it.”


Yerin couldn’t help but stare. Was she hearing right? Was Eunbi implying what she thinks she is implying?

“Wait, you mean-”

“Hey.” Eunbi bumped her shoulder gently, “You’re the officer, you can figure it out. I’m not saying it a second time.”

Yerin’s mouth was agape, staring after her in disbelief as Eunbi walked away towards the direction of her home. It didn’t make sense to her. They literally hung out for merely a few times so how– well she was attracted to Eunbi just from those few times so maybe it was the same for her.

“Wait for me!” Yerin called after her, dumping the ice cream cup in the trash before jogging to where she stood, “You really meant that?”

Eunbi just glared playfully at her, “Get the hint.”

“You’re just embarrassed to say it out loud.”

“You’re embarrassed too!”

Yerin shrugged, both hands raised in surrender, “Guilty.”

Eunbi just chuckled before inching closer to the woman, draping an arm over her shoulder, “Can we hang out like this again tomorrow?”

Yerin paused in her tracks, feeling like her breath was just knocked out of her.

Damn it, she almost forgot.

“That’s…” How was she supposed to say that them meeting again tomorrow wasn’t possible? That she wasn’t even going to be here?

“You’re leaving aren’t you?”

Yerin faced her, Eunbi resting her hands on her shoulders, and saw how the student stared back, the expression on her face indecipherable.

“I headed over to the station to look for you but I heard some of them talking about it.” Eunbi continued to say, her grip tightening, “Why?”

“Why?” Yerin repeated, not understanding the question.

“Why you have to leave and why you didn’t tell me yesterday.”

Yerin let out a sigh, closing her eyes slightly. This was not how she wanted to do this, she wanted Eunbi to hear it from her but what can she do when the truth was already out.

This was her fault for stalling.

“The higher ups found out of the treatment I was getting at the station.” Yerin explained, reaching forward and brushing Eunbi’s hair off her face gently, affectionately with a sad smile, “They said my skills were just being wasted there, something about me being a valuable asset or something and had me transferred to the city.”

“By tomorrow…?”

Yerin almost lost her composure at how broken Eunbi sounded. There was a crack in her voice that indicated she was holding back her tears.

“They want me out of there by tomorrow.”

“Why wouldn’t you tell me?”

“I was supposed to yesterday but I didn’t know how to break it to you.” Yerin mumbled, “And we were having so much fun, I just couldn’t find the right timing for it. I’m sorry…”

“It’s okay.”

“It is?” Yerin was surprised.

“I’m a graduating student unnie.” Eunbi chuckled, “Just a few months more and I can go anywhere. Be with you.”

“It’s still a few months though.”

“We can make it work.” she assured her, “Right?”

She was also looking for assurance from the officer that they can make it work. And that was an assurance that Yerin was more than willing to fulfill.

“Of course we can, I-I’ll also visit whenever I get the opportunity.” Yerin smiled, then worry set in, “You’re not angry at me for not saying anything and us ending up like this?”

“I’m not about to be angry at someone who makes my nights and days a thousand times better. As for leaving, I’m angry but like I said it’s not as if we won’t be seeing each other again. Just less than usual.” Eunbi chuckled slightly when Yerin pursed her lips, looking apologetic, “It’s okay.”

“I know, I’m still sorry.” Yerin finally wrapped her arms around the younger’s waist in a hug, chin resting on her shoulder, “Is there any way I can make it up to you?”

“There is one thing.”

Yerin pulled away but with her arms still wrapped around her waist, getting a good look at Eunbi’s face just to see the woman as red as a rose.

Yerin hummed teasingly, “You’re embarrassed to say it.”

“You are t-!”

Eunbi didn’t get a chance to finish what she was about to say as Yerin leaned forward and gave her a quick peck, silencing the student for a moment. A minute later, Yerin laughed when Eunbi slapped her arm accompanied by a whine.

“Was that enough?” Yerin asked, brows raised.

Eunbi stared back blankly, then glared, “You call that a kiss?”

And with that, Eunbi reached forward, grabbing her collar and pulled, crashing her lips onto hers. Yerin swears she could see Eunbi smiling into the kiss as she relaxed into it. Eunbi’s hands rested on her shoulders while Yerin pulled her closer, savoring every moment they shared, being as close to her as humanely possible.

She wanted to feel everything, relishing the moment, the way her lips felt so soft on hers, how her scent and warmth drove her to the point of insanity, how perfectly she fit within her arms like a glove. She wanted to remember it, engraving it into her brain because it will be a long time before she would get to feel like this again.

When they pulled away, it was as if forever had already passed.

“Now that’s how you do it.” Eunbi mumbles, burying her face in the officer’s neck.


She hummed in reply.

“I’ll miss you.” Yerin told her, “Everyday.”

She hummed again, “And I’ll miss you every hour of every day so you have to give me your phone number so I can call and text you or else by the time you see me again, I’ll be clinging onto you until you can’t breathe anymore.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad.”

“Just give me your number, officer.” Eunbi pat around the woman’s pockets, looking for the phone while still in her embrace.

“You’ll still be clinging onto me when I come visit?”

Eunbi looked up and kissed her cheek, holding up her phone, “One long big bear hug when you come back, that’s a promise.”

“Good, if you give me any less, I’m arresting you.”


“Like I said, it’s not like that!”

“Sure, sure Officer Jung.” she laughed, intertwining their fingers, “Now let’s go for a walk. With you leaving tomorrow, I’m not about to let this night end like this.”



“Eunbi!! Congratulations!”

Eunbi looked up to see Yewon approaching with a large bouquet of flowers in her arms. Excusing herself briefly from her friends, she received the hug coming at her with open arms.

“Silly, it’s your graduation too.” Eunbi laughed, “Congratulations. Where are your parents?”

“They’re right over there with Sojung-unnie and her girlfriend and your parents.” she nodded towards the direction of their families currently engaged in a conversation, “They told me we’ll be having dinner together to celebrate.”

“And is Yuna-unnie coming too?”

“She said she’d rather skip a recording than miss this.” Yewon answered, “Oh, there she is now! I’m surprised she didn’t get lost in this crowd. Catch you later Eunbi.”

Eunbi shooed her away so she could and meet her girlfriend while watching them with a smile on her face.

After a few months of enduring all the grueling work their teachers had them do, it was finally their graduation which also meant their freedom. She was more than happy to finally not see her teachers especially the one who gave her detention. Him, specifically.

Time passed by so quickly, she didn’t even realize it was already the day she’s been waiting for. Her graduation. Right, she did promise Yerin that she’d go to where she is for college and she was glad enough that her parents were so supportive of her decision.

They met when Yerin visited during her day off and by then her parents had convinced Eunbi to invite her for dinner. They liked her so much she almost thought they were already willing to trade her in for Yerin.

Eunbi laughs to herself as she remembered that conversation.

“Mom, I’m starting to doubt who your daughter really is between the both of us.” Eunbi remarked as they sat around the dinner table, her mother asking Yerin every minute if she needed anything.

“It’s called being hospitable Eunbi.”

“If I did’t know better, I’d say you’re spoiling Yerin a lot.” her father agreed.

“Why not? She’s going to be our daughter-in-law one of these days right?”


Nevertheless, it was worth it seeing Yerin being such a stuttering mess after what her mother said.

Speaking of Yerin, the officer has stayed true to her promise and would use her days off and vacations just to visit her which was a big deal considering how hard they make her work at her new workplace. Eunbi had asked her one time if she didn’t want to use her vacations to see her parents instead but found out that she lived with her parents in the city so she sees them plenty enough.

She’s been consistent with her messages everyday, from sun up until sundown, sharing calls at night and sending gifts once in a while if she traveled far. Yerin’s been the sweetest to her despite the distance that Eunbi was almost worried she wasn’t doing enough.

But that doubt was quenched when Yerin assured her that her being just as consistent as she is with her messages and calls and never being late to any one of them, as well as always meeting her at the subway when she would visit was more than enough for her. Yerin told her she was still a student so she didn’t have to buy her gifts and the kisses and hugs she got when she came over was better than any gift she’d give her.

They were free sure. But the best things in life are free.


Said person snapped out of her thoughts as she looked up, seeing Yewon and Yuna approaching along with her parents.

“Oh Yuna-unnie, hey.”

“Congratulations Eunbi.” Yuna grinned, an arm draped on Yewon’s shoulders as she said this. She then looked around, “Yerin-ssi’s not coming?”

“Last I heard she was dealing with a case so I’m not sure if she’ll make it.” she answered, her mood slightly dampened by it but she understood it was necessary. And she already greeted her this morning with a call and that was more than she could ask for.

“Well why don’t you ask her for yourself?” her mom approached, placing her phone in her hand. Curious, she looked up at them then at her phone and beamed at the number currently displayed onscreen.

“Yennie!” she quickly held the phone to her ear.

“Hey there princess.”

“How’s the case?”

“Aish, Eunbi you know how I don’t like talking about work when I’m with you but since you’re asking, it went well. You should see me on TV today.” she joked.

Eunbi laughed, “I always live for your adventures Yennie.”

“Why do you think I always go on a case before coming over?”

“Aww you love me that much?”

She heard a laugh on the other end which prompted a smile to break out on her face as well.

“But anyway, I’m sorry I couldn’t make it in time for the ceremony.” Yerin told her, apologetic.

“That’s okay. You can tell me all about it instead when you come over again. You should go and get some rest.” Eunbi assured her. Yerin was always working and though she couldn’t be any prouder, she worried about her well-being sometimes. There were moments when Yerin would visit and end up just resting the entire day.

“Uh… I sort of can’t do that.”

Her brows furrowed, “Why? Are you on a case again?”

“Not exactly.” Yerin replied, “But- Huh?”

Eunbi tilted her head slightly at Yerin’s questioning tone and was about to ask her about it but was interrupted by a classmate calling her name.

“Hwang Eunbi!”

She looked up to see a sight she didn’t really want to see at that moment.

“Eunbi? Is everything okay?”

She held back a sigh, “Yeah, everything’s okay. It’s just a classmate looking for me.”

“I can already tell from your tone that it’s the annoying classmate you’re talking about.”

Eunbi could only laugh at that. She called them admirers, but Yerin continued calling them her annoying classmates which was an evidence of her jealousy. And she didn’t mind that.

Yerin gets extremely clingy when she’s jealous and she loves it, though she would never tell Yerin that.

“Let me deal with this for a second and I’ll get back to you.”

“Don’t hang up, I can wait.”

Eunbi gave her an okay and looked up just in time to see that classmate, Choi Kang Soo, approaching her with a bouquet in his hands.

Being the captain of the school’s dance club usually came with a bunch of admirers, but Kangsoo was the most vocal of them. It didn’t help he was a classmate and would pester her whenever he got the chance. If not for Yewon, she would have to entertain his advances all the time.

He didn’t stop even when she told him she was already in a relationship. He sincerely believes she only said it to get all her admirers to stop bothering her but not him. He won’t stop pursuing her until she accepts him.

Eunbi was about to brush him off again but suddenly got a bad feeling at how the crowd parted around them, surrounding them and giving them space. It did not look good.

And it only got worse when Kangsoo suddenly got on one knee right in front of her and the crowd began cheering.

“So Hwang Eunbi, it’s finally our graduation…”

“Choi Kangsoo–”

He raised a hand to keep her from talking, “Let me finish. So, we’ve been through a lot the entire school year and we’ve shared great memories with each other…”

What the heck was he talking about? The only memory Eunbi has of him is him being the annoying egoistic bastard that he was, boasting to everyone how he was the best just because he was the captain of the school’s basketball team. And she avoided him 97% of the time, is he hung up on the 3% when she actually entertained him?

“So I thought that it’s finally time for us to make the next step. Hwang Eunbi, will you be my girlfriend?”

“No.” Eunbi answered without hesitation, shooting him down quicker than how Yerin’s gun could and silencing the entire crowd who was cheering around them.

Kangsoo’s smile was frozen on his face, but she could tell how nervous he looked. Being rejected in front of a crowd wasn’t exactly pleasant after all.

“I already have a lover. A girlfriend if you want me to be specific.” Eunbi continued to say, “Get that inside that thick head of yours.”

“Y-you’re just saying that to keep your admirers away, Eunbi.” Kangsoo insisted, getting on his feet and about to approach her but seemed to stop in his tracks by something behind her, and the murmurs from the crowd told her something was going on and she didn’t know what it was.

But she soon understood what it was a second later.

“Unfortunately for you, she really is in a relationship.” an arm wrapped around her waist, and the familiarity of it caused a smile to break out of her face as she looked over at the source.

Yerin was wearing her formal police uniform, a black coat over a white long sleeved button up shirt and black slacks and leather shoes. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail, showcasing her defining features Eunbi loved so much. And finally the police badge on her left chest radiating authority.

She also held a bouquet of flowers with her free hand as her other hand was busy pulling her closer.

“Uh, excuse me, you are…?” Kangsoo asked.

Yerin didn’t answer first, handing Eunbi the flowers and congratulating her before facing the man again. She let go of Eunbi’s waist and stood straight, feet together and gave a salute.

“Police Inspector Jung Yerin.” she greeted, then relaxed her stance, her arm making its way back to Eunbi’s waist, “Or you can call me officer if you want. I’m Eunbi’s girlfriend.”

Kangsoo chuckled, the discomfort in his face visible, “This must be some kind of joke right…?”

“No.” Yerin answered, “We got together months ago but it seems you just won’t accept that. Are you Choi Kangsoo-ssi?”

Yerin didn’t wait for his answer as she continued, “I’ve heard you’ve been following Eunbi around and how you’ve been bothering her for the past months. Going so far as following her around before, during and after classes, staying outside her house in the middle of the night, I also had someone follow you around and monitor your activities and you sir,” Yerin’s let out a breath to calm herself down and resume her stoic expression, “Have been taking pictures of Eunbi everywhere she went.”

The murmurs surrounding them grew louder.

“This is classical stalker behavior and I am inclined to warn you for this time.” the officer approached closer, making sure her message was heard clearly, “Approach her one more time, bother her for just even a second or if you so much as look or breathe in her general direction, I will make sure to file a restraining order on you that’ll force you to move away to the next city in under 24 hours. If you want me to put it in simpler terms. I want you to Get. Lost. Do I make myself clear?”

Kangsoo was taller than Yerin by a small margin but in that moment, he looked like a small toddler being scolded by a military general and said toddler could only nod his head in compliance as Yerin stepped away.

“Good.” she then walked back to Eunbi’s side, “And just in case for future references, when a girl says no, you walk away and leave her alone. Get the hint. Understood?”

He didn’t answer.

“Do you understand?” she asked louder making him jump.

“Y-Yes ma’m.”

“Good. Now remember this treatment when you enlist because it’ll be a lot worse than that.”

Eunbi pulled gently at her sleeve, “I think he gets it, let’s just go.”

Yerin complied, ignoring the looks the two of them were receiving as they walked back to where Eunbi’s parents were.

Once they were at reasonable distance, Yerin leaned closer whispering, “How did I do?”

Eunbi almost burst out laughing, and gave her a thumbs up, “You were cool, good job Yennie.”

The officer nodded her head in approval, leaning back and puffing out her chest proudly, “As it should. He needs to know his place.”

“You also dressed up.” Eunbi looked at her girlfriend from head to foot, “You look great today.”

Yerin did a small spin, smiling widely at her.

“I really like this uniform. And besides, there’s no way am I looking like I just got out of bed on your special day. Congratulations on your graduation Eunbi.” Yerin grinned, then eyeing the bouquet she had been holding onto, “I hope you like them.”

“You can bring me a flower picked from the side and I’ll still love it.” Eunbi mumbled, wrapping her arms around her torso and snuggling against her, Yerin more than eager to reciprocate the act, “I really thought you couldn’t make it, but I’m glad you did.”

“I’m glad I did too. The case was taxing, but we connected all the dots, got the culprit and closed it and so I didn’t waste time heading here.”

Eunbi smiled gently, liking how Yerin prioritized her in more ways than one. But of course she wanted her to think about herself too. She seems to be doing fine at the moment though, and Yerin’s with her, it’s what mattered.

“It’s great because you can join us for dinner later.” she explained, “My bestfriend Yewon is coming along with their parents and her sister along with Yuna-unnie too.”

“Mom and Dad?”

With the number of visits Yerin did, the Hwangs got to making sure that she called them that way everytime they met. They insisted that their home is also Yerin’s home.

“Them too. And I’m really glad because if you didn’t come, I’ll be the only single person in that table.” Eunbi scrunched up her nose in disapproval, before her eyes widened as she saw a familiar figure in the crowd, “Oh no, let’s get out of here.”

“What? Why?”

“Remember the teacher who was about to give me detention?”

“Of course I do.”

“Well he’s right there and if he sees me being all cuddly with you, he’s gonna figure out we played him that one time and who knows what he’ll do.”

Eunbi grabbed her hand, fingers intertwined and walked over to where her parents stood along with the Kims and also away from her teacher’s line of sight.

“We already made quite a spectacle earlier and you’re already a graduate, he can’t take that back now.”

“I guess, but I can’t take any chances and mom and dad want to see you anyway.”

They soon reached the adults who were talking about where they should have dinner when Yerin and Eunbi’s presence took their attention.

“Huh?” Yerin blinked upon seeing a familiar face.

“What th-” said familiar face also stared back.

“What are you doing here little Jung?”

Eunbi looked to where Yerin was gazing at and saw Jung Eunbi, Kim Sojung’s girlfriend who is Yewon’s older sister.

Though Yerin’s name for the woman made her hold back a laugh but the older Eunbi sensed it and glared in her direction.

“Don’t start with me Sinb.”

“Little Jung.”

It was funny how much that nickname fit her so perfectly. Well, for them anyway. She calls her Eunha since they had the same name.

Eunha hissed before turning back to Yerin, “I should be asking you that unnie. I’m here to accompany Sojung, it’s her sister’s graduation today.”

“Oh, you mean Yewon?”

“Right. You know her too unnie?”

“I do. She’s my girlfriend’s bestfriend.”

“Wait, you mean to say Sojung’s little sister’s bestfriend is your girlfriend?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Yerin nodded.

Eunbi was already getting a headache at how confusing that all sounded. But one thing she understood was Yerin and Eunha somehow knew each other and that was something she wanted to know about.

So she confronted them.

“Eunbi-yah.” Yerin placed an arm around her shoulders, “This is my little sister, Jung Eunbi. I call her little Jung most of the time but more so now since you both have the same name.”

“No way.” Eunbi stared, “You mean my childhood friend Eunha is your little sister?”

“That’s exactly what I sa- wait, what do you mean childhood friend?” it was Yerin’s turn to be confused.

“Unnie.” Eunha pulled at her sleeve, “The Hwangs were our neighbors before we moved to the city, remember?”

Eunbi then vaguely remembers something from before.

“Yerin-unnie always brought us snacks when you came over to play.” Eunha continued to explain, “But she didn’t stay long since she was always studying. Maybe that’s why you don’t remember her unnie.”

“Cookies.” Eunbi spoke up, “You baked the cookies back then.”

Yerin snapped her fingers, “Ah, yep, I definitely remember now. You snuck into the kitchen one time looking for more.” Yerin laughed, “I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you immediately.”

“Well to be fair, I didn’t recognize you too.”

They then got engaged in talking about their childhood, how Eunbi would visit the Jungs once in a while and how Yerin would always bake them some snacks because of how much she liked to spoil Eunha back then. The conversation would have continued if their parents didn’t interrupt.

“You girls can talk about your trip down memory lane later at dinner. We already reserved a place, let’s go.”

The group followed into the respective cars while Yerin insisted to drive Eunbi to the destination, wanting to have a small moment to themselves.

“This means one thing though Yennie.” Eunbi mumbled as she buckled her seatbelt and Yerin started the car, “It means our last meeting months ago was the fifth.”

“I guess so.” Yerin nodded, remembering that incident with the cookies as the only time they really interacted when they were children.

“So… if fourth is poison, then what’s the fifth?”

“That was months ago, you still remember that?”

“I remember everything when it comes to you Yennie. Well, except when we were kids but you get my point.”

“Aish, Eunbi you’re making my heart flutter again. Just accept my love already.” Yerin took her hand off the transmission lever for a moment to throw the younger a finger heart, earning a giggle from the latter.

Eunbi threw her two finger hearts in retaliation, “Accept this too.”

Yerin grabbed one of her hands gently and intertwined her fingers with hers, kissing the back of her hand affectionately.

It was moments like this when she loved being with her. And all other moments they shared.

“But you’re right, we have to call our fifth meeting something.”

The officer hummed in thought, not really knowing what to answer.

“Well, we didn’t really get poisoned that much, so let’s just call it an antidote.”

“An antidote…”

“A remedy.”

“I like remedy more.”

“Good. Now. My reward.” Eunbi said, tapping her lips with a finger.

Yerin laughed, “You’re still embarrassed to say it?”

“Just shut up and kiss me already Officer Jung.”


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Chapter 1: One of the amazing stories I had read. I'll definetely read your other fanfics. ☺️☺️
Chapter 1: Im reread this again. I miss Gfriend TT
Yerintopic #3
Chapter 1: Why do i just read this, it's so good & sweet
Chapter 1: Continue author nim
Chapter 1: My heart flutters just readin this! Another wonderful AU!
Chapter 1: (Nodding my head) They look so good together ^__^

at first im wondering if their is quite big. But you already prepared and explained in the story :)

Thanks for the hard work author nim :)
Chapter 1: WHOA THIS WAS SO GOOD! please make a sequel of them at dinner and hangout after dinner and maybe getting into something else..... ???
jazzyddin #9
Chapter 1: waaaaaaaaaa... Thank you for this wonderful story ? this is so beautiful. everything is so perfect ??
masutai #10
Chapter 1: AAAAHHH THANKS FOR THIS WONDERFUL FIC!! loved it to bits and pieces <3 so cute XD