Even Dogs Like Animals Too

I Fall in Love With A.... Dog??
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Minjoo was slouching on her living room couch with Yujin laying on her thighs. Her television was on and her eyes were fixed on the screen but you could know for sure that her mind was somewhere else by how empty her eyes were.


It was Sunday morning and the two girls had nothing to do today. They were left alone since Yuri was on a date with Yena. They were lacking some alone time, just the two of them, ever since Yujin lived with them as per Yena said. And also with Minjoo already finished her deadline few days ago, she managed to have a relaxing weekend right now. But how ironic, instead, she didn’t know what to do and bored as hell.


Minjoo looked down at Yujin who was playing with her pink hair. How lucky she was, Minjoo thought, she could entertain herself even with just uninteresting strands of hair. She smiled a little seeing how cute Yujin’s face was when she tried to make her hair into a knot but kept failing. Suddenly an idea came into her mind.


Minjoo patted Yujin’s head to get ger attention. “Say Yujinie.. Do you want to go out with me?”


Yujin got up and faced Minjoo all smiling, not forget to tilt her head cutely.


Minjoo’s face heated up when she realized what she just said. “I-i mean go out to the mall. O-of course not li-like go-going out, going out. J-just like how friends usually h-hang out together.”


‘What the heck am i thinking?! She doesn’t even think that far. Damn it, i’m really going crazy.’


“Okay forget it. What i want to say is i’m bored and so i think we can go to the mall, eat something good, oh you can try ice cream, and maybe after that we can also go to the park. As far as i remember you haven’t gone out ever since you moved in her right? Oh my god i just realized it since i’ve got busy all the time. I’m sorry Yujin ah you must be bored all this time.”


Yujin smiled and shook her head, like want to tell Minjoo she didn’t mind being at home.


“You’re really the nicest girl i know.” Minjoo patted Yujin’s head which Yujin gladly received.


“So you wanna go to the mall with me?”


Yujin nodded. “Good. Come on, let’s get ready then.” She pulled Yujin along with her toward their bedroom. Yes, it had already labeled as Minjoo and Yujin’s bedroom since they had been sharing the room together for some times now.



“We really should go and buy you some clothes. I’m sorry Yujinie i think most of my clothes won’t fit you. You’re really tall. Actually it would be easier if you wear my one piece skirt but it would be too short for you and no, that’s not a good choice. Okay this might be okay. Try these on.”


Yujin was about to take off her shirt if Minjoo didn’t stop her.


“What are you doing? No. Not here. Oh god.. Go to the bathroom to change. Go.” Minjoo shooed Yujin away and Yujin obeyed.


Minjoo sighed. “I really should stop thinking of her that way.”



Yujin took some time to finally go out with the clothes on. Maybe she got a little confused on how to wear them.


“Let me take a look one more time.” Minjoo made Yujin stand up straight and she walked back a little to see how she looked.


Just like Minjoo said Yujin was too tall and so from all clothes Minjoo had, so all Minjoo could give were just an oversized hoddie and a training pants. Actually it wasn’t that bad on Yujin. Instead she pulled it off perfectly. She looked kinda boyish but still cute like a puppy as usual.


“Hmm you’re surprisingly good with this style.” Minjoo rubbed her chin, thinking. “Ah i know.”


She got back to her wardrobe and searching for something. “Found it.”


“Try this on.” Minjoo put a cap on Yujin. (You know which cap i’m talking about. Of course it’s tommy hilfiger cap Yujin often wears on vlive and when she go to airport. She just looks too good with that cap)


“Perfect.” Minjoo smiled in satisfaction. “Actually i had bought that cap for quite a long time but i can’t find a matching clothes to wear. So i haven’t had a chance to wear it. You like it?”


Yujin looked at the mirror and check herself out then she nodded vigorously and smiling, showing her dimples.


“Seeing how good you are with that cap, you can have it. Just think of it as a gift.”


Yujin hugged Minjoo and not forgot to also steal a kiss her on the lips. Minjoo touched her lips surprised by the gesture and then pushed Yujin softly.


“O-okay.. It’s my turn to change. You can wait outside.” Minjoo dragged Yujin out from the room and closed the door. She leaned on it for some seconds while holding her chest.


“She really should stop doing it before i get crazy even more. Oh god please help me.”




The hang out went quite well. Yujin was very well behaved and obeyed Minjoo well when she told her not to go too far away from her.


They bought some clothes and a pair of shoes for Yujin. Almost all the clothes she chose were the same style as what she was wearing now. She sure was good with boyish style but Minjoo was dying to see Yujin in a dress so Minjoo persuaded her to try it on but she kept rejecting them. After some more persuasion finally Yujin agreed and came out from the fitting room shyly.


“Ow look at you. You also really good in this dress. Should i buy you one?” Yujin pouted and shook her head.


“Okay let’s buy it.” Yujin grumbled lowly but still complied with what Minjoo wanted.


After satisfied with shopping, they went to the ice cream parlor to eat ice cream together. It suited Yujin tastebud perfectly until Minjoo could imagine she was wagging her imaginary tail while eating it.


“Oh my.. Look at how messy you eat.” Minjoo wiped Yujin’s mouth with a napkin. She stopped when their eyes met and they stayed like that for some seconds until Minjoo looked away with flushed cheeks. They finished their ice cream in silence after that.



After they finished their ice cream Minjoo was still so flustered and she thought that she needed some fresh air. And so they ended their shopping time and went to the park like how Minjoo had planned before.


They stopped at a vacant bench near the lake. The park was not packed but you could still see some people enjoying their time. It was just perfect.


“I’m tired so i’ll just sit here. You can look around but don’t go too far okay?” Yujin nodded, showing her dimples.


“Okay. Have fun.” Minjoo patted Yujin’s cheek lightly.


Yujin walked away while looking around her in amazed with every single things she encountered. She stopped once in while whenever she saw something interesting for her. This was all new things for her. That was why she found everything so fascinating.


Minjoo observed her puppy from her seat. She giggled and started to take out her phone, videoing Yujin when she saw how the girl jumped in surprise when she tried to touch a butterfly on flowers but it flew away. The girl pouted while looking at the flying butterfly.


Yujin’s attention was taken right away when she heard quack sounds behind her. She saw a duck mother walking with 5 duckling lining up behind it. Yujin ran closer toward the duck family and join the parade as the last member. The parade stopped after some time but Yujin played with the ducklings some more. They surprisingly connected pretty well. They surrounded Yujin who sat on the grass and Yujin them one by one.


Minjoo laughed lightly seeing how cute Yujin with her duckling friends. After she felt satisfied with her video, she took out her book and read it.



Minjoo stretched up a bit after she finished reading her book. She looked up and the sky had started to darken. She must have lost in her own world for quite some time. Minjoo then looked around her. She frowned when she couldn’t find what she searched for. She stood up abruptly and gathered her things inside her bag then walked around right away.


“Yujin ah!” Minjoo started to panic now. She walked around the area where she last saw Yujin before. It was quite a hassle to walk around searching for someone in panic with a lot of shopping bags. But it didn’t matter. All that mattered now was to find Yujin.


“Yah Yujin where are you?!” Minjoo shouted again but still couldn’t find her puppy.


“Oh god.. I shouldn’t have let my eyes off of her.” She dialed Yuri’s number right away and told the couple about her situation. Luckily they were not too far from the park and would come right away to help.



Twenty minutes passed and still no sign of Yujin. Minjoo had started to get tired. Her hands were sore for holding the bags and her feet were hurting because of her heels. She sat down at the nearest bench to see her feet. It bleed a little at the back side.


“What a right time to use new heels.” Minjoo said in sarcasm.


“Minjoo!” Yuri called from a far with Yena following her from behind.


“What happened?” Yuri asked.


“She was playing near the lake and i decided to read my book when i finished she was gone. I’ve looked around almost every part of the park but i still see no sign of her. Wh-what if i.. lost her?” Minjoo trailed off.


“No don’t worry. We will find her.” Yena reassured.


“I’m sorry for ruining your date.”


“Nah it’s not important. We’re about to go home anyway. Let’s continue searching her. Here let me help you carry some.” Yuri and Yena took the shopping bags and fortunately Yuri bought some plasters for Minjoo’s wound.



The three girls continued on their separate ways finding Yujin. Minjoo just hoped that since Yujin was a smart kid, when she found out she was lost, she would stay at the place where she realized that she was lost. It would be much harder to look for her if she was wandering around looking for Minjoo.


Minjoo started a conference call with Yuri and Yena.


“Have you find her?”


“No. But apparently there was a couple who thinks they see someone looks like Yujin near the tulip garden. I go there but i still can’t find her.” Yuri said.


“Me neither. No one saw her here.” Yena told them both.


“We will call you right away when we find her.”


“Yeah Minjoo of course we will.”


“Thank you guys. I’ll hang up th-”




“I-i think i found her!”


Minjoo ran closer.


“It’s really Yujin! She’s near the big gazebo in the middle. I’ll hang up now!”




“Yujin ah!” Minjoo called while running after Yujin.


Yujin looked up as she heard the familiar voice coming to her. She ran closer toward Minjoo with teary eyes and runny nose. She must have crying for some times now.


Yujin hugged Minjoo tightly while sniffling few times.


“Minjoo...” Yujin called softly.


Minjoo pulled back in surprise and looked at Yujin. “Y-you talk! You call my name!” She laughed a little and hugged Yujin again. “Say my name again.”




“Finally..” Minjoo patted Yujin’s head.


“Thought lost Minjoo.” Yujin pouted sadly.


“Me too. I was so scared i can’t find you. Smart Yujin for waiting here instead of wandering around.” Minjoo ruffled Yujin’s bangs which got a giggle from the latter.


“You have a nice laugh. And a nice voice. You should talk and laugh more often Yujinie.”


Yujin nodded. “Okay if Minjoo want.”


“Come on Yena and Yuri are waiting.” Minjoo held out her hand which Yujin gladly took.


Minjoo texted the couple and told them to meet at the exit gate.



When the couple saw Minjoo and Yujin came hand in hand both of them ran closer right away.


“Oh my god Yujin. You shouldn’t wander around alone. What if we couldn’t find you.” Yuri nagged.




“Oh.” Yuri and Yena gasped and looked at Minjoo asking for confirmation while Minjoo just nodded and smiled.


“Let’s go home.” Minjoo said.


“Yujin is hungry.” Yujin said, holding her stomach, made all of them chuckled. Talking Yujin was still very amusing for them.


“Aw she is so cute!” Yuri squealed.


“Yeah she’s kinda cute.” Yena looked away, acted cool but actually she was screaming inside.


“She is.” Minjoo pinched Yujin’s cheeks.


“Oh right. Rather than go home and wait for me to cook, let’s go dine out. We can celebrate on Yujin talking.”


“Yey free food!” Yena cheered.


“Huh?” Minjoo asked confused.


“She is your puppy so it’s on you.” Yena shrugged. “Right Yujin?”


‘Just say yes.’ Yena whispered at Yujin.


“Uh? Yes?” Yujin said, didn’t understand.


“Nice! Let’s go!” Yena pushed the three girls from behind to make them move.




“By the way Yujin how did you get lost?” Yena asked in the middle of their dinner.


“Follow a bird. Yujin want to show it to Minjoo. But lost it.” Yujin said sadly. “Sorry Minjoo.”


“Typical you.” Minjoo chuckled. “It’s okay. What important is we found you.”


Yujin nodded, smiling, showing her dimples.


“So overall how is your first outing Yujin? Other than you got lost.” Yena asked.


“Fun!” Yujin said excitedly.


“Yujin got lots of clothes and ate ice cream. Then played with butterflies, met cute puppies, and lots of birds. Oh Yujin met cute squirrels too. But Yujin hates cats. They are mean.”


“Hmm.. You hate cats. It’s okay Yujin, it’s normal since you’re a dog.” Yena joked which got a slap on her arm from Yuri.


“Your first outing seems fun Yujin ah.” Yuri commented.


“Yes! Fun! Yujin with Minjoo always fun!” Yuri and Yena smirked and gave Minjoo a look.


‘Shut up!’ Minjoo mouthed at the two.


“Oh! Yujin also met Yena’s family.”


“My family?” Yena looked at Minjoo who just bursted out laughing because she understood what Yujin meant.


“So cute! And fluffy!”


“Who is Yena’s family she met?” Yuri asked Minjoo.


“She played with a duck family.”


“Ahh..” Yuri snorted and nodded knowingly.


“What?! How dare you comparing me with the actual duck? You damn dog! And you Minjoo, stop putting that duck things into her mind!”


Yujin growled at Yena when she cursing at Minjoo, made the duck taken aback and hid behind her girlfriend.


“Don’t be mean to Minjoo.”


“Oh my god. The dog is angry at me for cursing at her girlfriend.”


“Wha-? Shut your mouth, duck. Swallow your food before you speak.” Minjoo attacked back.


“It’s okay Yujin ah. Just le

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Chapter 6: *cries

i really wanna know yujin’s past 🥹
Chapter 5: yujin is just so cute here like i cannot put it into words but she just so adorable and fluffy 😭
Chapter 4: these two… they’re like tom and jerry but puppy and duck version XD
Chapter 3: i want a yujin in my life pleasseee 🧎🏽‍♀️
Chapter 6: can somebody just tell me the plot of this pleaseeeee ;—;
greeenfrogg #6
Chapter 6: im here waiting for the update.. ☹️❤❤❤❤
Still hoping for this to update :(((
Chapter 6: darn i’m still here waiting for an update ;;
I'm still waiting for this to update :((((
And I'm back here again cuz I miss this :(((
Going to wait for author nim's update!