Last Retry || Yulyen

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Jo Yuri is just your average college student living independently in neighbor town. Everything in her life was normal until she has to go home for her grandma's funeral. There fate led her to encounter Choi Yena, a living lycanthrope in hiding, whose making her feeling mystified things she never experience before. Since that day, her life has changed to be more colorful. But color doesn't only have bright ones, does it?


Hello WIZ*ONEs! I'd like to share Yulyen contents here so I decided to publish my current book from Wattpad! My username there is @ncliem, I wanted to change this AFF username but it needs karma so I'll just let it be...

Please take note that this is my first time ever to write a fan fiction story. I was just a reader who lurks here and there enjoying my spare time reading fics and I have never thought to write this but IZ*ONE changed my mind. Their impact on me is that huge that I can barely believe myself in writing this as well.

Yena is my bias in the group and Yuri is my bias-wrecker thus I decided to write a Yulyen story as you all can read by the title or tags. As I said before, I have published chapters on my Wattpad account but I'm not so sure if I could update regularly for the continuation. I assure you I'm working on it and will finish the story, though. So dear readers, please bear with me.

Besides Yuri and Yena, other members are also included in this story be it cameo, relative, or someting else. But I feel the need to apologize beforehand if your favorite girl doesn't have a major role in the story. I was just trying to present a Yulyen fiction with fantasy-themed here since it's quite rare to find one. Once again I say dear readers, please bear with me.

Lastly, do not be shy to comment, upvote, or subscribe as the story goes by. I won't bite! If anything, it's highly appreciated to any author. And to tell you the truth, "Blue Briar" by moonlighttae08 on Wattpad does really inspired me to write this story. So as a Yulyen shipper, if any of you haven't read that book, you can kindly check that out. It's my fave Yulyen fiction out there!

That should be all I think.

So, without further ado, enjoy the first chapter!


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Chapter 26: This is really good! Gonna read the sequel now!
Chapter 26: woohooo~~~~

excited for this? very XD

I look forward to it~

and the cover looks great!!!
Chapter 26: Can't wait for the sequel!
salfiranty #4
Chapter 26: Excited for the sequel!
Chapter 26: woo hoo i'm excited!!!
blanketlove #7
i love this story, its really great! thank you for writing this, i read everything in one sitting because it got me so hooked! i feel like the best option would be for yena to turn into a human, so they can have a happily ever after. otherwise, when yuri passes (since she will age), yena will be the only one left behind in this world & altho her memories with yuri are beautiful, the pain of not having your soulmate by your side is heart-wrenching. asdfghjkl thinking abt them parting ways just makes me so sad :-(
Mizone #8
Chapter 25: Congratulations! I enjoyed it.
Chapter 25: author-nim~~~ otsukare sama desu~~~

you did so well writing and finishing this book. I loved it XD

Thank you for all the effort and care you gave making this~

as for the ending... hnnnn i think I can imagine yuri turning into a lycan... then both of them travelling the world together... maybe with Chaewon and Hii chan. living a peacful life. Yuri would outlive her friends and family ... which would be sad but they'd have each other the whole time.

then eventually finding a safe cure of going back to being human then living out the rest of their mortal lives ... dying happy together maybe a century later.

yknow with all the fluff, angst, and yulyen/yenyul uwuness in between XD
Chapter 25: finally it reach the end...
i imagine that they both researching how to turn back yena into human, and they finally found it after all these years and both die happily