
Heart b-b-beat

"Joohyun-unnie!! Yerim-ah stole my turn for the shower!"


"You can just shower with Seulgi-unnie later! Saves more time!"


Sooyoung reddens immediately and huffs furiously at Yeri's teasing. She hears Yeri's evil cackle in the shower, obviously enjoying her torture. Seulgi comes up to her, sleepiness evident in her sluggish movements. Sooyoung eyes her straight-out-of-bed look and thinks that Seulgi looks so cute like this. A childish pout graces her lips from getting woken up from her precious sleep.


"What's with all this noise Soo?"

"N-Nothing unnie. Yerim's just being hard."

"If I'm hard then you must be wet for Seul--"


Sooyoung shouts at the top of her voice with a face as red as a ripe tomato. She tries desperately to drown the end of Yeri's sentence with her own voice.




Sooyoung scurries off and almost bumps into her Joohyun-unnie. She stops to flash Joohyun a sheepish smile before running off to her room. Seulgi is left alone near the bathroom, with her eyebrows scrunched as her sleeping brain tries to process what just happened. 


Joohyun smiles to herself watching the antics of these three. How cute.


"Seulgi-ah, why dont you eat breakfast?"


Seulgi turns and finds a plate of food waiting for her. This ultimately wakes her up and she rushes to eat the food prepared for her. Joohyun lightly chuckles at Seulgi's love for food. She turns around and heads to Seungwan's room.


She twists the knob open and looks over to Seungwan's sleeping figure. 


"Wan-ah, it's time to wake up."


She sees Seungwan stir in her sleep. Seungwan's sleepy smile is something she'd treasure forever (although she won't ever admit it).


"Unnie I need help waking up." Seungwan pouts as she sits up on her bed while Joohyun smiles at Seungwan cute pout. She tilts her head and asks, "What do you need Seungwan?"


"You." Seungwan turns and smiles brightly at her. Before Joohyun can even react, Seungwan pulls her into her bed. She embraces her from behind and nuzzles her neck. She closes her eyes as she savors this moment with Joohyun, oblivous to Joohyun's blushing face.


"Yah Seungwan, aren't you gonna get u--"


Seulgi's eyes widen comically as she stumbles through her words. "Oh! S-Sorry! I-uh-didn't mean to interrupt!" Seulgi hastily throws another Sorry! as she runs out of the room.


Joohyun's face reddens incredibly and she tries to get out of to bed to try and explain to Seulgi that No! You didn't interrupt anything! But the arms wrapped around her waist tightens its hold and prevents her from leaving. 


"Ah, just leave her be Hyunnie." Joohyun hates how soft she is against nicknames.


She feels Seungwan smile against her shoulder and ohmygod is that a kiss??


"Let's stay like this for a little more."







How can Joohyun say no to that?


- - -


On the ride back to their dorm, Joohyun watches the scenery flit by with her hand on her cheek. Despite the fact that the kiss happened hours ago, Joohyun's right cheek still feels warm; Seungwan's warmth lingering throughout the day. She was distracted the whole shoot but she hopes it wasn't too obvious. Let's stay like this for a little more. Seungwan's words ring in Joohyun's mind repeatedly.  


Aish. Why must that girl be so greasy. Joohyun's having a hard time to differentiate normal greasy Seungwan from actually flirty Seungwan. Are back-hugs flirty or just being friendly? Are cheek kisses platonic or romantic? Are stolen glances meant to be interpreted as something more or--


"Hey Hyun," Joohyun's thoughts are interrupted by a voice. A voice she loves hearing. Joohyun knows she will never get tired of the way her name sounds when it rolls off of Seungwan's lips. Although, she's quite confused because last time she checked, she was seated between Seulgi and the window.


Seungwan, seemingly sensing Joohyun's confusion says, "Seulgi and I exchanged seats awhile ago, so she can sit with Sooyoung. You know how the kids are." Seungwan chuckles as they find the two member in question sleeping soundly; Sooyoung's head on Seulgi's shoulder, and Seulgi resting her head atop Sooyoung's. Yeri, their evil-maknae, takes this wonderful opportunity and takes picture of... the couple? Of the soon to be couple. (Or at least Joohyun hopes so; she just wants her friends to be happy).


"This is blackmail material," She hears Yeri whisper with an evil grin on her face. Yeri seems to enjoy her unnies sleeping with their mouth agape, drool evident on their chins.


A tap on her shoulder and she's reminded that Oh yeah I was talking with Seungwan.


"Wanna sleep? You can sleep on my shoulder."


Her thoughts go wild again because what does sleeping on Seungwan's shoulder mean? Is she reading into this situation too much? Is she being paranoid? Her own brain isn't helping her form a coherent reply to Seungwan's question.


"I, uh, I'm not really sleepy. I-I'm fine b-but thanks Seungwan."


She's grateful that Seungwan just shrugs off her sudden awkwardness and they both proceed to stare out the window once more. 


Half an hour passes by and the quiet hum of the van's engine eventually lulls Joohyun to sleep. She slips in and out consciousness as she rocks with the car's movement. She's about to give up on sleep when she feels a hand on her cheek, gently guiding her towards a shoulder. She hears a soft voice saying 'cute' before she completely falls asleep.


- - -


They're back at the dorm and the kids are back to arguing over the bathroom. It's usually her role to mediate the arguments but right now, her mind is distracted.


"Unnie we're here" A soft voice wakes Joohyun up from her wonderful nap. She's not quite sure when was the last time she slept so comfortably in their van. She looks around and shoots up when she realizes she slept on Seungwan's shoulder.


Through her shocked and sleepy haze, she feels a hand hold hers. "Let's go Hyun" She feels Seungwan tug on their intertwined hands and guides her out of the van.


She finally decides to step up on the maknaes arguing over the bathroom. She lets Sooyoung get first turn while she gives Yeri some chocolate to appease her. She sits back down on their sofa, next to a sleeping Seungwan.


With a sudden boost of confidence, Joohyun offers her lap for Seungwan to lay on. She runs her fingers to Seungwan's soft locks, fixing whatever tangles there may be. Time passes quickly, to Joohyun's dismay, and it's already Seungwan's turn for the shower. Seungwan sits up and yawns, stretching her arms above her head.


Joohyun silently wonders how Seungwan can be so pretty. 


"Wow, being pretty must be tiring." Joohyun says, her voice barely above a whisper. Seungwan turns to her and tilts her head. She brings a hand to cup Joohyun's face and says, "Then you must be exhausted." Joohyun blushes because Seungwan was not supposed to hear that comment and she hates how it's now being used against her. She sees Seungwan get up and press a light kiss on her forehead before heading to the bathroom.


"I'll just shower Hyunnie."


God, that girl is trying kill her.


- - -


Joohyun, who's last to shower, steps out in her pajamas. She took her time in her shower to hopefully clear her head of thoughts about a certain member.


With practiced steps, she let's her feet guide her back to her room, keeping her eyes on the ground. When she looks up to open her room's door, she finds Seungwan standing there with a sheepish grin and a hand rubbing her nape.


"I-I've been kicked out of my room with Seulgi. C-Can I sleep here tonight?"


Joohyun wonders if this day (night?) could get any worse.


"S-Sure why not"


Seungwan smile gets so wide that Joohyun thinks she'd let Seungwan sleep in her room every night if it means seeing her smile like that. She opens the door to her room and lets Seungwan enter.


For someone who'd been so flirty (well, more of Joohyun secretly hoping Seungwan was actually being flirty) all day, Seungwan looks so meek and shy, standing awkwardly by her bed. Joohyun finds this quite entertaining. 


Joohyun pulls Seungwan into her bed which surprises Seungwan (actually, Joohyun was also surprised with herself), and they start getting settled into bed. They face each other and Joohyun feels a smile spread on her face.


"Goodnight Wannie."


She moves closer to Seungwan and wraps her arms around Seungwan's waist. Ah, I can get used to this.


"G-Goodnight Hyunnie."


- - -


Three heads peek out of the door to Joohyun's room. 


"Mission accomplished!" Yeri whisper-shouts.

"Yah keep it down! You might wake them up!"

"Ah psh whatever. Bye Sooyoung! Bye Seulgi-unnie! Goodnight~" Yeri sing-songs as she skips towards her shared room with Sooyoung.


Before Sooyoung can ask why she's saying goodbye when they're roommates, she feels Seulgi hold her hand and intertwine their fingers. Seulgi looks at her with a small, hopeful smile and says, "Let's sleep?" Sooyoung blushes as Seulgi leads the both of them towards Seulgi's bedroom.


Yeri watches the two get inside and whispers to herself,


Ah, love is in the air.

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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 2: Wenrene sweet and fluffy, joygi being cute and maknaes being Tom and Jerry??? Perfect 😂
Chapter 2: This is a nice fluffy story.
revelnc #4
Chapter 2: ugh. seeing them so in love with each other makes my heart too happy 😩💙💗
Chapter 2: lovely story! ☺️
Chapter 1: Give me.. give me morreeeeee
Chapter 2: oh that is so loveling <3 i want more :D :3 :'v
Favebolous 11 streak #8
Chapter 2: Iwantmore
Favebolous 11 streak #9
Chapter 1: Cuteeeee
mayjailer #10
Chapter 2: This is too fluffy for my own good <3