My Angel (Key : Triple Shot)


Key is a passionate photographer who likes to walk around his neighbourhood searching for inspiration.

Sarah is a well known model who likes to go out and enjoy nature wherever she goes.

What happens when their worlds collided? Would they be able to hide their relationship from the media? or would the media destroy their relationship?


So this is what love at first sight feels like


When i looked at his eyes, i saw pure kindness, intelligence, everything i have ever wanted in a guy.


We'll keep it a secret. From everybody.


Let's be in our own world when we're together.


The media found out, what do we do now?


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I really like it!
that was a good story keep up the good work
DonaldDuckhyung #3
Cute Story.. :)
pororo_girl #4
happy ending :))
esmii-pandaluver #5