Chapter 5

Roses are you

"Black, black, black-" she stops rummaging and scrunches her nose in disgust as she picks the dirty looking sweater, eyeing it warily before tossing it away "black, for unhygienic reasons." she sighs, giving up on trying to find any other color. "This wardrobe is more depressing than my grades, how is that possible?"

Jungkook doesn't even try to defend himself, he just looks at her and shrugs, which only fuels her frustration more.

Upon hearing that Jungkook was going on a date, Lisa threw away all her assignments for the weekend and rushed to his apartment, vehemently insisting that she picks his outfit because his fashion style is just as bad as his social skills—as in, they're both non-existent. Or so she says, but he politely disagrees. He likes to think that his simple black hoodie look is what makes him, well, him. As corny as it sounds, Jungkook is a simple man and his style is just a testament to that.

"You're seriously not helping." she kicks his shin in irritation and flops next to him on the bed. "Guess we're gonna have to go shopping."

"What's wrong with my black hoodies?" he asks so innocently one might think he's joking, but Lisa knows he's not and that's the worst part.

"Are you serious? you go wearing that and I'll burn your goddamn apartment Jeon Jungkook. Don't test me." she spits, leveling him a harsh look but he remains unfazed by the threat. He still doesn't see what's wrong with it and Lisa just sighs, feeling like she's talking to a baby instead of a full grown man. "Look, the rules of a first date are simple. It's your only chance at setting a good first impression. You gotta dress right, act right, talk right, all while maintaining your authentic self. "

He blinks. "So you want me to not be myself but also be myself?"

She smiles cheekily "See? you get it already. Progress!"

"That doesn't make any sense! and besides, there's no need to do all that crap for a first impression, we already know each other!" he retorts, brows furrowed in confusion.

She puts a hand on his shoulder and shakes her head disapprovingly "Silly child, you're so naive to the eventful world of dating." she suddenly stands up, stretches her limbs with a loud curse and sits back again. He blinks, still waiting for the full answer. And she delivers.

"Alright, now listen carefully dingus," she starts. "You guys got to know each other on a camaraderie level, but not on a romantic level and the rules for romance are different."

"How are they different?"

"Because feelings are involved, duh. And you gotta do your best to appeal as boyfriend material. Unfortunately your wardrobe is not doing you any favors and your aloof personality is gonna be the end of it all but you're hot so that's a good start I'd say. Don't worry, I think I can convert you into Mr. Nice guy by tomorrow, I have faith in my skills."

A pause, then, "How are we friends again?" he asks

"I should be the one asking that." she lies back on the bed and rests her arm on her forehead. He lies next to her, staring at his bland worn-out ceiling. It definitely needs repainting.

"Have you thought about that offer I told you about?" he asks and she stiffens.

"Yeah, I'm not taking it"

He turns his head to look at her. "Why?"

She shrugs "Not interested."

He scoffs. "Right. Now tell me the real reason."

"That is my real reason." she retorts weakly.

"You're not fooling me Lis. You love dancing more than anything else, and this is a great opportunity to showcase your talent so what's stopping you?"

She remains silent for a while, her eyes closing for a bit. He can see her struggling to open-up. Lisa isn't an open book, but Jungkook can easily tell when she's lying or when something's bothering her. They've known each other for so long that it's hard not to notice the little things about each other.

"I'm not confident I guess." it comes out faintly, different from her usual steady tone.

"That's unlike you."

"I know." she sighs tiredly, "Honestly, when you first told me I got all excited but then I thought to myself, am I even good enough to ba choreographer?" she lets out a dark chuckle. "I didn't think I could ever doubt my abilities in anything, let alone dancing."

The defeated look on her face doesn't suit her, he thinks, but he gets it. No, he lives it. Doubt is his cursed companion, following him around wherever he goes, always waiting on the sidelines to mess his train of thoughts. It's not easy, especially when it comes to something you love dearly, but it gets easier. As long as you hold on to that love, it'll get better. And he tells her just that.

"Remember when I was working on my first book and wanted to give up halfway because I didn't think I was fit to be a published author. Remember what you told me then?" she looks at him. "You said to not let fear rule over love." he pauses. "And then you dragged me out of my apartment and yelled at me to get my together or you'll kick my to Jupiter" they both laugh at the memory. "I think you should listen to your words from back then. Doubt is inevitable, but don't let it take over your passion for dancing. You're extremely talented, and you look the happiest when you dance, and I'll be damned if I see you give up on any opportunity that'll let you shine."

A soft smile adorns her face before it turns into a smug one. "You damn right I'm talented" she sits, all doubt cleared from her head. Jungkook rolls his eyes with a smile and sits up as well. "So you're going for it?"

She hums "I still have on concern though. How trustworthy is that studio owner?"

"You mean Taeyhung?" she nods in reply. He tries his best not to let a cheeky grin creep into his face but fails miserably and Lisa eyes him suspiciously.

"What?" she asks

"Nothing." he shakes his head. "Taeyhung is a good guy, I'm pretty sure you two will get along well."

She narrows her eyes at him. "You're grinning too much. Are you hiding something from me?"

He just shrugs, smile never leaving his face. She sighs in defeat and gets up.

"Whatever." she mutters. "We got bigger problems to deal with now. Get up, we going shopping"


Jungkook checks himself one last time in the mirror before he puts his coat on and leaves the apartment.

His shopping session yesterday with Lisa was, to say the least, a hassle. The girl forced him to try on so many ensembles, majority of them so colorful and flamboyant that his head began to hurt. He didn't want to go against her no more than he did, he knows from experience how difficult Lisa can be when she sets her head on something, but there was no way in hell he'd wear the things she picked for him. She made him try on a yellow sweater. A yellow sweater! that was the moment he lost it and just stormed out of the shop.

In the end, they compromised. She promised him not to pick something too flashy and he promised he'd try on something that's not black. So here he is now, walking to his meeting spot with Chaeyoung, wearing a navy blue flannel left open with a white tank top underneath, dark blue jeans and of course, his favorite pair of black hi-top sneakers. It was an attire different from his usual style but it wasn't an assault on his eyes either, so he's satisfied. He felt comfortable enough not to go seek the comfort of his black hoodies.

It was late in the afternoon, the autumn air gently scattering the dried leaves on the ground, something that Jungkook weirdly liked. He likes the crunchy sound they make when he steps on them. It was pleasing in an inexplicable way, as several things in his life.

He stops as he reaches an intersection and waits for the light to turn green, his mind wandering to thoughts about Chaeyoung. Truth be told, he's a little nervous. Jungkook didn't really do dates; he had his reasons. He liked people from afar, that was his thing. He was always cautious about who to let in his life, so putting his defenses down for a girl he met days ago is so unlike him. More than nervous, he was apprehensive, hesitant, unsure of whether he should do this or not, but his heart ruled over his mind and he found himself acting upon his feelings without a second thought. It felt right to ask her out, that's the thing with Chaeyoung; she feels right.

He resumes walking after the light turns green, bumping lightly into other strangers on the cross road. They agreed to meet at the café Jungkook frequented. It remained relatively empty even on the weekends, which was a breath of fresh in this city that never sleeps.

Once he's near the coffee shop he spots a familiar figure at the entrance. He smiles at the sight of the brunette and is about to wave at her when he sees her doing some weird hand movements as if she's playing imaginary drums, her eyes closed in concentration as her head's bobbing up and down and only then does he notice she's wearing earphones. He bites back a laugh as he walks closer, her movements getting more aggressive as she lip syncs lyrics he doesn't recognize. He doesn't announce his presence yet, too amused and endeared by the mini concert she's apparently living in. She throws her head back as a finale pose and opens her eyes with a bright smile but it quickly falls, her eyes growing wide when she notices Jungkook staring at her.

"How long have you been standing here?" she whispers, her eyes closing in shame.

"A while." he replies and she immediately goes red.

"Oh my god." she groans loudly, hiding her face between her palms. "Why do I always embarrass myself in front of you!" she whines cutely, and he chuckles.

"I thought it was cute. You're great at playing imaginary drums, by the way" he comments teasingly, making her whine even more. He pries open the door to the coffee shop and she shyly walks in, hands on her heated cheeks. He follows her inside and they take a seat near the window, overlooking the empty neighborhood.

"What were you listening to anyway?" he asks as they both take their coats off and put them on top of their chairs and just then does he notice her outfit: A cute baby pink sweater paired with cuffed jeans and white old skool vans. It was very casual, very simple and yet it got Jungkook checking her out. He decides then and there that baby pink is definitely Chaeyoung's colour.

"Fall out boy." she smiles coyly as they both take their seats. "Their songs always make me wanna jam hard."

"Great taste." he remarks. "What would you like to order?"

She hums as she eyes the board menu hanging on top of the serving counter. "Hot choco sounds nice, but I also really like caramel frappe. Ah, they have cherry ice tea too! I haven't had that in a long time, but it's probably not best to have a cold drink at this weather- oh! they got chocolate mocha too! ah it's so hard to choose!" she whines in a pout and gasps. "Oh, I'm so sorry I'm so indecisive. I much be annoying you right now.." she smiles sheepishly but Jungkook quickly shakes his head.

"No, take your time. I enjoy watching you." and he is, he's having the time of his life just looking at her being her adorable self.

"O-okay" she brings her hands to her cheeks to hide her blush, which doesn't go unnoticed by him and he grins. Making Chaeyoung blush has become his new favourite hobby.

After they both decide what they want, Jungkook goes to the counter to order and goes back when their drinks are served.

"Here you go." he puts the hoto choco in front of her.

She smiles "thank you!" suddenly her eyes widen. "Oh my god, I let you pay for my drink! I'm so sorry, here I'll pay you back." Jungkook quickly stops here with a wave of his hand.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. It's my treat today." he smiles reassuringly but she still seems hesitant.

"I promise to pay next time!"

"Oh," he smirks. "So there will be a next time, huh?" he teases and yet again, she blushes. He chuckles at her reaction and rests his chin on his palm. "Next time it is then." He adds sugar to his matcha tea and stirrs. Chaeyoung holds her drink with two hands and takes a cautious sip.

"Ah, Hot choco is a bless." she says happily. "This is a lovely place by the way, I like how quiet it is, it reminds me of our bookstore. It gives off this warm homey vibe." she comments as her eyes wander around the shop, but Jungkook's gaze remains fixed on her, the smile never leaving his face.

"It's my comfort place. I come here a lot whenever I'm hit with a creative rut." his eyes immediately close when he realizes his slip-up.

"Creative rut? oh, are you an artist? or maybe a writer?" she asks with an excited beam, curiosity seeping through her eyes. Crap. Jungkook smiles nervously. He doesn't really want to bring up his writing career, he's not ready to reveal his identity, but he doesn't want to lie either. He's not one to lie, but today will have to be an exception.

"Ah, no, not really. I just meant creative rut as in thinking about life's problems and trying to find creative approaches to solve them." the lie tastes bitter in his mouth, he wants to throw up, but he holds it in. He's so bad at lying he can't even make up a believable lie. He won't be shocked if Chaeyoung doesn't buy it, but to his surprise, she just makes an 'O' face and nods in understanding.

"That makes total sense actually, I'm gonna start calling my breakdowns from now on creative ruts!" she chuckles and despite the turmoil going on in his head, he still finds himself smiling back, unable to resist her charm. He feels terrible, he hates lying, it's unlike him, but it's the only thing he could think of to protect his identity. It's not like Chaeyoung is not trustworthy, quite the opposite actually, he feels incredibly comfortable with her, enough to let himself loose. He's just not ready to tell her yet.

They bathe in silence for a few seconds before Chaeyoung breaks it.

"I haven't gone on a date in so long I don't know what to talk about or how to act, so I'm sorry if I seem so awkward or nervous." she says, hiding her face behind her cup of hot chocolate.

"You have nothing to apologize for." he looks at her. "You're fine just as you are." he says softly, rendering her speechless for some time before she breaks into a hearty smile. "In fact," he continues, "I'm the one who should be sorry. I've actually never been on a date before." the statement seems to shock her as her eyes narrow in question.

"How? you're, you're.." she motions at his face shyly "'re all can anyone say no to you.." that seems to make him laugh hard, bringing the back of his hand to cover his mouth. Chaeyoung turns completely red. "Did I say too much?" she murmurs.

"No, I was just surprised by how straightforward you were." he adjusts himself on the chair. "It was by choice. I don't really do dates, I guess I never met anyone that interested me enough to go one dates with.." he leans in, both arms resting on the table and smiles. "Until I met you."

The confessions seems to hit Chaeyoung straight to the heart. She folds her arms on the table and rests her head on her arms, hiding her face, a sound akin to a squeal coming out of . She raises her head after a while, face flushed, eyes a little misty. "You're unfair." she pouts.

"How so?" he tilts his head, a teasing smirk in his face.

"How is it you've never been on a date but you know exactly what to say? you're so smooth, it's unfair.." she complains weakly, then she adds "It's like god said screw everyone, I'm gonna make the most perfect human ever and then you happened, it's like he made you just to flex on us!..god is also unfair.." her voice trails at the end into a whisper, her cheeks puffing cutely. Jungkook's too endeared to even find it in himself to say something back so he just laughs out loud.

When was the last time he laughed like this? he can't remember. His life's always been around deadlines and ticking bombs, always in a race with time, always looking for a finish line that never seems to exist. He likes order, but sometimes he wishes it didn't define him so strictly. He wishes to let go freely and for the first time ever, it feels possible. And now, as he's looking at her mumbling to herself, a soft look on his face, he wishes this moment could last an eternity.

God's really unfair, he thinks, he created you, the most beautiful rose of all, and hid you away from me for too long. That's really unfair.



I will save you the endless apologies and the self-loathing speech, I just hope you enjoy this update. Have a great day everyone, and please stay safe <3 


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RParkSJ #1
Chapter 11: Welcome back! We’re still here!
Victoria_Sim #2
Chapter 11: Was not expecting an update 3 years later lol, thank you for this!! I hope you’re doing well <3
yeonniestan94 #3
Chapter 11: Welcome back!!
This is all I can say right now!!
Im gonna need to reread the whole thing kekeke
youdidwhat_ #4
Chapter 10: hello author nim! its almost been a year since you updated. are you doing well? is everything okay? im a little worried, i hope you're safe! anyways im in love with the story but im sad that you haven't updated for so long. i dont know when you're going to update but I'll be back once you do. lots of love. stay safe
Chapter 10: Authornim please update soon thank u! Hope you are doing well too
RParkSJ #6
Chapter 10: @BeautifulDemons, my heart aches. Jungkook cannot blame and punish himself for his parents’ bad marriage T_T
He has it within himself, to have the courage to give his relationship with Chaeyoung everything that he has! Just as he was brave enough to put his pain on paper, and publish it for the world to see. I hope he shares his hurts with her. I hope he reveals that he is the poet JJ Kokie. I hope he gives love and happiness a chance.
Chapter 10: Welcome back!! Cant wait for the next chapter! (T.T) Keep up the good work! Ganbatte!!!!
lattesflwer #8
Chapter 10: This story is so beautiful, so so beautiful
me_time #9
Chapter 10: Wawww... I'm in awe with your story... Thumbs up!
Chapter 8: I really like how you put your words, one of the good stories I read. Thumbs up!