Chapter 4

Roses are you



Autumn whispers//


Winter ocean washed away the remnants of the past

Spring flowers bloomed for the hope of tomorrow

Summer nights left me sleepless under the stars

Seasons passed me by

Daunting my numbed heart

Casting my feelings away

Then came the autumn breeze

Delicate and tender

b with life

It gently held my hand

And led me to the beautiful you


It’s past 5 in the afternoon, the sun is slowly beginning to set, its rays hiding behind the handful of clouds painting the sky, casting a beautiful scenery for the eyes to behold. Jungkook takes his time admiring the sky and the intricate details behind it, ignoring the cup he’s been holding for a while, its content cold by the time he darts his eyes towards it.

He’s currently enjoying his sunday in one of his favorite places: a small café located in the midst of his quiet neighborhood, far from the crowded streets and bustle of the city. It’s small in size, only two people running the place, and the number of customers could be counted on one hand, the walls are cream colored with several panel paintings decorating it, adding a subtle artsy touch to the modern-looking interior design. The coffee shop isn’t really known due to its secluded location, but that’s what Jungkook likes about it. He feels isolated, far away from the complexities of life and the unnecessary human interactions. It’s just him and the delicious cup of coffee and that’s how he likes it. In a sense, it reminds him of himself: familiar looking, yet disconnected from the outside world.

He sets the cup aside and grabs his pen again, tracing it gently over the golden sandy paper of his notebook, his lips tugging into a soft smile as he stares at the poem he just wrote.

He wasn’t planning on doing any writing this weekend. He likes to take his time feeling things and letting them fester deep inside before he puts pen to paper, but inspiration strikes whenever, and before he knew it, he was writing constantly, something he struggled to do just a few days ago. He wonders if fate has anything to do with this, if the universe intended to have him cross paths with a certain Park Chaeyoung. They say good things come to those who wait, so maybe this was a sign afterall, but Jungkook thinks Chaeyoung is more than just a good thing. She’s goodness itself. Call him cheesy but no one has ever made him feel close to what Chaeyoung did, and Jungkook tried not to think too much of it. He’s not a romantic per se, he’s not one to go after people or even spare a glance their way, so his sudden interest in her caught him off guard. It didn’t turn his world upside down like in romcom movies, but it did change something in him, and to his surprise, he doesn’t hate it one bit. 

If anything, he likes this unexpected shift from his everyday routine, and he has no one but her to thank.

His phone buzzes loudly, interrupting his train of thought and he unlocks it to see a text from Lisa.

>Guess who just got fired


 >How dare you congratulate me

            Didn't you hate your job?

>yeah but I don’t hate money. now I’m back to being a broke oof

           Why did you get fired?

>A customer came in asking for the biggest size

>Took a look at his junk and told him a small size would do


Jungkook snorts loudly, trying hard to muster his laughter.


>dude got embarrassed and called the manager on me and he fired me immediately

           That mouth of yours is gonna land you in jail one day

>I mean, if they have wifi in prison I’m ready to be arrested


“You look refreshed.” Jungkook glances up at the sound of the familiar voice, eyes falling on Hoseok’s smiley face. He takes a seat opposite him and rests his arms on the table, sighing contently. Jungkook types a quick reply and puts his phone down. “This place is nice.” he comments, his eyes checking out the shop swiftly before his attention is back on Jungkook. “So,” he starts “a muse, huh?”

He was expecting this. The moment he called Hoseok to meet up he knew the elder would .

He looks at him in amusement “is it that surprising?”

Hoseok rests his chin on his palm, looking out the window “You said your past is your only source of inspiration, so it is surprising.”

Jungkook simply shrugs, not wanting to give Hoseok the satisfaction of being right.

“Who is it?”

“A girl.”

Hoseok whistles lowly, eyebrows raised in astonishment. “A girl.” he repeats, his mind still processing it. “I underestimated you.” he admits, staring in awe at him.

Jungkook feels both pleased and offended, a combination he never thought he’s ever know “What’s so shocking about it?”

“Didn’t peg you as a romantic, that’s all.” he replies innocently. “Don’t get me wrong, you’re a sentimental guy despite your cold exterior, that much I know. But, you never seemed interested in anything romantic, you don’t even give people the chance to get to know you.” he explains. “Honestly when you told me you found a muse I thought it’d be an old wise grandpa you met at a fruit market or something.” they both laugh, the words too accurate for Jungkook to admit. “But I’m glad you found someone to get you back on track.” he nods at Jungkook’s notebook with a soft gaze, a heartfelt smile on his face “You’re at your best when you write.” Jungkook feels warmth course through him hearing Hoseok’s kind words. The elder gets up then with a huff, looking at the counter “I’m gonna go order. Want anything?” Jungkook shakes his head in reply before Hoseok walks away.

He stares for a long time at his hyung’s back, and for the nth time, he feels thankful to have him as his editor. He leans back on his chair, thinking back to what he told him. Truthfully, he never thought he’d ever be captivated by someone, let alone incite his creative drive, so he’s a little overwhelmed by it himself. But, somewhere deep down, he’d glad, because it’s Chaeyoung. He’ll never say it aloud, but he’s glad she’s the one that caught his eyes.

He’s really really glad.


“Thank you, have a nice day!” Chaeyoung bows to the old lady with a practiced smile as she leaves the store. She checks her watch for the hundredth time that day and heaves a long sigh. Jimin doesn’t even spare her a look, he just stretches his neck in one swift movement and resumes sorting the books in categories. The shop goes quiet, save for Chaeyoung’s rapid foot taps, and Jimin thinks he can take it, he’s used to his sister’s nervous habits, it’s nothing. But it goes on for a long time and yeah, he can’t handle it anymore. He drops the book he was holding loudly, startling her.

“Can you stop tapping your foot? It’s driving me crazy.” he scolds harshly, but he immediately softens once he sees her regretful expression.

“Sorry.” she says curtly with a solemn look on her face, one that tells Jimin there’s something on her mind.

“What’s wrong?” he says gently as he approaches her, voice laced with concern.

“Jungkook is late.” she mumbles faintly, fiddling with her fingers.

He blinks. “Huh?”

“I have to leave for classes in half an hour but he’s still not here. I want to see him.”

Jimin’s worried expression instantly morphs into an unimpressed one and he flicks her forehead in annoyance, earning a squeaky yelp. “What was that for?” she rubs her forehead frantically but that does nothing to ease the faint pain.

“You looked dejected I thought it was something serious.” he sighs and runs a hand through his hair, staring blankly at his sister. “Do you like him that much?”

“I just want to see him.” she whines defensively “Is that bad?”

Jimin doesn’t respond right away, he just smiles and looks down as a sudden wave of nostalgia hits him. He still vividly remembers the embarrassing crush he had on his husband when he was still in highschool, and much like his sister, it was infatuation at first sight. so he knows how she’s feelings and if he’s being honest, he’s glad he heart chose Jungkook. He had his initial apprehensions of course, he was protective of his sister and knowing her past experiences with guys instinctively made him wary of any guy that came close to her, Jungkook included, but all his worries were washed away when he saw the way he looks at her. It was enough for Jimin to set his heart at ease and welcome him into their world.

“No. That’s a good thing.” he replies softly, making her smile.

“You know, I actually-”

“COLD! It’s cold cold cold!” a booming gruff voice interrupts them as its owner barges into the shop briskly and shuts the door behind him loudly. “It’s only october but why is it so cold already?” the man complains aloud as he takes off his coat.

Chaeyoung beams upon seeing the man and Jimin groans loudly.

“Tae, I told you many times to be careful with the door! you’re gonna break it!” he scolds, hands on his hips, but Taehyung couldn’t care less as he grins widely at the siblings. “ChaeChae! MinMin! my favorite humans, come here!” he spreads his arms and squishes the two in a group hug, hands ruffling their hair affectionately. Jimin and Chaeyoung are too used to Tae’s antics so they just let him do whatever. “I missed you two!”

“We literally saw each other yesterday.” Jimin retorts as he breaks from the hug, fixing his messy bangs.

“So just because I saw you yesterday I can’t miss you?” Taehyung gasps dramatically, faking a hurt look.”MinMin, you’re so mean! TaeTae is hurt!” he wails in a cutesy voice that makes Jimin cringe, a shudder running through his body. “Besides, I haven’t seen ChaeChae in a long time! how is it going with you?” he asks as he smiles warmly at her, his arm still draped over her shoulder.

“Good! but I have to leave soon because of uni.” 

He sighs heavily “Why is everyone leaving me today?” he jokes but Jimin, ever the expert on anything Taehyung, easily picks on the serious tone in his voice.

“Did something happen?”

Taehyung purses his lips “One of our choreographers quit today.”

“Isn’t the dance competition next month though?”

“Exactly.” he huffs, and only then does Jimin notice the tired look in his eyes. “It’s gonna be impossible to find a replacement in such a short time. Maybe we’ll have to cancel our entry after all.”

“Don’t say that.” Chaeyoung says, garnering the boys attention “Don’t lose hope just yet, I’m sure you’ll find another choreographer who might even be better than the previous one! We’ll help you find one. I can ask dance majors in my uni if they’re willing to help, Jimin can get in touch with his old friends from the dance club. It’s not too late to find a solution so don’t give up, okay?”

Both Jimin and Taehyung stare at her, stunned to silence. She looks between them, confused. “What?” 

“I seriously got chills.” Taehyung exclaims airily, Jimin nodding in agreement. He hugs Chaeyoung closer to him and rubs his cheek on the top of her head enthusiastically. “Our baby is so mature, when did you become so wise? Ah, they grow up so fast.”

Jimin chuckles and is about to tell Taehyung to let go of his sister before he suffocates her when a familiar voice cuts in.

“What’s going on here?” Jungkook stands in the doorway, staring in interest at the three friends, his eyes stuck in particular on Chaeyoung and the anonymous guy who’s hugging her. He doesn’t know why it slightly bothers him, but it does. As if on cue, she pushes Tae away and stands upright, eyes wide as if she was caught doing something she shouldn’t do.

“Don’t misunderstand! He’s just a friend!” she points at Taehyung who’s completely lost to what’s happening.

Jungkook bites back a smile, amused by her reaction. “I didn’t say anything.” he teases and Chaeyoung goes completely red.

“uh, right.” she mutters weakly, going behind the counter and pretends to be busy on her phone. Jungkook follows her with his eyes, oblivious to the other two.

Taehyung looks between them back and forth, realization finally hitting him. He looks over at his best friend who simply nods to confirm his suspicions.

“Jungkook, right?” Tae walks up to him with a mischievous grin and loops an arm around him. “You’re a lot hotter than I thought.” he comments casually

Jungkook just stares at him, inspecting his features. He’s one hell of a good looking guy, with intense eyes that can make anyone weak at the knees and a cute mole on his nose that he can’t seem to look away from. 

Jennie, Jisoo and now this guy; Is anyone associated with the park siblings a goddamn visual god? because he’s starting to think so, including the parks themselves. Seriously, he feels like he stepped into a harem filled with beautiful people the moment he let himself be part of their life, but even amidst numerous beauties, to him, Chaeyoung stands out the most.

“Thanks.” he replies, gently prying Taehyung’s arm off him.

“Jiminie told me about you. Said you’re interested in our Chaeyoung.” Tae crosses his arms, inspecting the younger from head to toe.

Jungkook lays his backpack on the counter and turns around to pay attention to the guy whose name he still doesn’t know. “Who are you anyway?”

“Me? I’m Taehyung and I’m also after Chaeyoung” he replies cooly, pushing his long bangs back.

“He’s not.” Jimin quickly interjects, smacking his best friend at the back of head “Stop creating drama that’s not there Tae, geez.” 

Taehyung sticks his tongue at him. “I’m just teasing. It’s harmless play, right Jungkookie?” he puts his arm back on Jungkook’s shoulders, something he doesn’t understand. He literally just met the guy yet why is he being so touchy with him? and did he just call him Jungkookie? Before he could voice his thoughts, he hears a loud gasp.

“Oh my god.” Chaeyoung murmurs quietly, staring at her phone. “Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god!” she’s screaming now, jumping happily with a huge grin on her face.

“What happened?” Jimin asks

Chaeyoung stops jumping and runs up to Jungkook, their proximity suddenly knocks the air out of him. “J.J. Koki is going to publish another book! ahh I’m so happy, this is the best news ever!” she squeals and Jungkook just stares, her excitement bringing him inexplicable joy. He’s not one to fish for compliments or seek fans attention to feel good about himself, but seeing her so jovial about his upcoming new book and knowing she’s the inspiration behind it makes him feel warm. She makes him feel warm. “The article said it’ll be a lot different than his debut work, I wonder what it’ll be like.” she twists , deep in thought. “Hmm, maybe it’ll be about self love? oh or maybe romantic love?” her face brightens suddenly. “Does that mean Koki has finally found love? then, his new book will be a confession to a love he’ll never admit to? ah, that would be so cute and interesting!” she lets out a satisfied sigh, bringing her hands up to cover her cheeks. When she hears nothing in return, she turns around to find three pair of eyes fixated on her. Her eyes lock with Jungkook and she tilts her head. “What?”

He shakes his head lightly, a soft smile tugging at his lips. “Nothing. I just love looking at you.”

Chaeyoung immediately blushes, hiding her face behind her hands.

Taehyung’s jaw drops, his eyes widening comically. “DIRECT ATTACK!” he shouts in glee, staring at Jungkook

in admiration. “Oh my god dude, my heart literally fluttered.” he puts a hand on his chest for emphasize. “When’s the wedding?” he grins happily.

“They haven’t even gone on a date yet.” Jimin comments, making his presence known.

“What?!” Taehyung screams in disbelief. “Why?”

Jungkook takes a moment to think about. “You’re right, I wonder why.” he confesses, earning a dirty look from Tae. “But now that you mention it..” he looks her way “Chaeyoung.” he calls out her name softly, making her blush even more. “Want to go on a date with me?”

Her brain short-circuits right at that moment, unable to form a coherent thought and before she knows it, she’s full on panicking. She lifts her arm up suddenly and points at the door. “Uni. go. must..” she mutters robotically before she grabs her bag and rushes out. Jimin shakes his head as if he knew what was going to happen, and in a way he did. Taehyung snickers next to him, too entertained by her reaction. 

Jungkook remains still, eyeing the door blankly. “Was that a no?” he tries to mask his disappointment, but Jimin catches on quickly and chuckles.

“That’s a definite yes.” he reassures him, bringing hope back into the younger.

“Young love” Taehyung says before he slaps his cheeks faintly “Ah, I shouldn’t be fanboying about ChaeChae’s love life right now, I got to find a choreographer soon.”

“I’ll contact my old friends and see if I can get anything.” Jimin assures him and only then does Jungkook hear what was said.

“Did you say you were looking for a choreographer?” he asks, intrigued.


“Is it a temporary position?”


“Is the job offer open for uni students?”

“Yup. Why are you asking though? do you want to apply for the job or something?”

He thinks of Lisa, of how she’s constantly whining about wanting a boyfriend and how she recently got fired from her part-time. He looks over at Taehyung and smirks. The guy is loud and a little over the top with his mannerism (two characteristics Lisa hates in a person) but he’s interested to see how well they’ll mix

Screw it. He’s in a good mood and a little game of match-making wouldn’t hurt anybody.

“No, but I know someone.”


A.N: your least fav author is back at it again with her inconsistent updates! I'll spare you the excuses and just say thank you for waiting <3 Im not really satisfied with this chapter, but I have faith in myself that I'll do better in the next ones.

the next chapter will be their date hehe I'm excited to write it >< see you soon (Hopefully xD)

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RParkSJ #1
Chapter 11: Welcome back! We’re still here!
Victoria_Sim #2
Chapter 11: Was not expecting an update 3 years later lol, thank you for this!! I hope you’re doing well <3
yeonniestan94 #3
Chapter 11: Welcome back!!
This is all I can say right now!!
Im gonna need to reread the whole thing kekeke
youdidwhat_ #4
Chapter 10: hello author nim! its almost been a year since you updated. are you doing well? is everything okay? im a little worried, i hope you're safe! anyways im in love with the story but im sad that you haven't updated for so long. i dont know when you're going to update but I'll be back once you do. lots of love. stay safe
Chapter 10: Authornim please update soon thank u! Hope you are doing well too
RParkSJ #6
Chapter 10: @BeautifulDemons, my heart aches. Jungkook cannot blame and punish himself for his parents’ bad marriage T_T
He has it within himself, to have the courage to give his relationship with Chaeyoung everything that he has! Just as he was brave enough to put his pain on paper, and publish it for the world to see. I hope he shares his hurts with her. I hope he reveals that he is the poet JJ Kokie. I hope he gives love and happiness a chance.
Chapter 10: Welcome back!! Cant wait for the next chapter! (T.T) Keep up the good work! Ganbatte!!!!
lattesflwer #8
Chapter 10: This story is so beautiful, so so beautiful
me_time #9
Chapter 10: Wawww... I'm in awe with your story... Thumbs up!
Chapter 8: I really like how you put your words, one of the good stories I read. Thumbs up!