chapter two


i wish i had any excuse for not updating sooner but i don't lmao anyway, i have so much planned for this story, please bear with me guys!


Byulyi let out a straight squeaking noise, which - and she had to be pretty honest here - never had escaped before. There was brief moment of disbelieve because there was no way that Solar, the Solar, had just tweeted her. It was simply not possible. She stared at her phone, eyes wide and with every passing words, slightly opened.


“What the .” The rapper rarely used any curse words, specially not in her raps, but this was such an unique and weird (good weird) situation that she really couldn’t help herself.


“Language.” For a moment she had forgotten that she wasn’t alone and that her best friend - and manager - was with her and had watched the whole event silently, a smug smile on her face and Byulyi was this close to punching her. Byulyi put her phone on the table and turned around.


“Shut up, you I’m older than you.”


“I’m definitely the more mature one.” Wheein who was sitting on her way too expensive couch - and Byulyi sometimes can’t believe that this person was really the one she trusted her whole musical career with - stuck out her tongue and Byulyi groaned quietly. She quickly grabbed her phone, got up and basically threw herself onto her friend. The rapper just stared at her phone, then took a quick glance at Wheein and after a few seconds she buried her head into her hands.


“Wheein, what have I done.” Instead of comforting the rapper, Wheein let out a laugh and Byulyi glared at her. A second later she felt a hand on her hair, slightly it and Byulyi was seconds away from throwing her phone at her friend.


“There, there.” Byulyi felt another pat and let herself fall down onto the couch, her head between her hands. Another groan escaped and she slightly peaked through her hands and towards her friend, who was on her phone, typing like a mad men.


“Wheein.” Byulyi whined and the younger woman sighed and turned her attention towards the other woman.


“Byulyi.” Wheein simply replied, an eyebrow raised and a small smile at the corner on her lips. Byulyi knew that smile all too well.


“Look,” Wheein began and Byulyi braised herself for what was about to come, “Just play it cool as you always do.”


Byulyi was silent, thinking and debating on what to say. She felt like her mind was blank, erased from every single word she knows and the only thing that was floating around was the image of Solar.


“But Wheein,” Byulyi breathed in deep and got up closer to her best friend, a pleading look in her eyes. “It’s SolarI. The Solar.” A moment passed and Wheein stopped typing, put her phone down and turned towards her friend.


“If your fans could see you know.” The words left Wheein faster than she could have stopped herself and she immediately regretted it. She watched as her friends face darkened and Wheein wrapped her arms around the other woman, embracing her into a hug.

“I’m sorry, Byulyi.”


“It’s okay. It’s not your fault.” A small smile graced her lips.


“Hey, remember: Your fans know you, all of you. Not just this part you have to maintain every second.” Wheeins voice was serious - way to serious for Byulyi’s liking. Another comfortable silence fell over them until Byul spoke up once again.


“I know. Just three more months, right?” She tried to put on her famous grin, the one that women would swoon over but Wheein knew her better than anybody else. Byulyi hated this. Hated that she had to pretend that this one site of her - the one site that was, as Wheein would describe it - dorky and silly didn't exist This one site she couldn’t show in public because her management had decided that her girl crush image was way too precious and important for the company than anything else.


That’s why the press would describe her as cold and unreachable. The Ice Queen. The one who wasn’t able to form any meaningful relationships. The one who was never rude, but the only reason why was because she would never show any emotions..


This is why Byulyi loved rap and songwriting so much. There, she could escape those carefully structured image of hers, the one where she could truly show her fans and the world who she was. And it was the only form of freeform her company allowed her to have. Wheein and her had to survive three more months until her contract would - finally - run out and Byulyi would be free. Sure, there was this small, nagging feeling that everything would change and her whole career would go downside, but those were just her daily worries, the one’s every artist would carry around with themselves.


Besides, Byulyi knew that Wheein loved being her manager. But she also knew that the younger girl had always dreamed of having her own career as a singer. That’s why she started out as Byulyi’s music manager in the first place. Promises of having the opportunity of writing her own songs and recording a song had been made by her company, but after three years, Wheein had only seen the recording study because Byulyi was the one who brought her there. The younger girl had even been the background singer in many of the rappers songs, but unfortunately, her company decided that she had to go unnamed, not giving a reason why.


Byulyi had been looking for a new music company for a few months now, but she just hadn’t found the right one. If she would sign to a new company, Byulyi wanted to make sure that Wheein could come with her. Not as her manager, but as her singer.


(She hadn’t told Wheein any of that. It was supposed to be a surprise.)


“Three more months.” Wheein gave her one of her special dimples smiles and Byulyi immediately felt better. She could do this. They could do this.


“So, about that text,” Wheein began once more and Byulyi just groaned again, still unsure of what she would write Yongsun now. “How about you send her a selfie? I’m sure your fans would appreciate that as well, since you have been posting photos of your dogs non stop for the past few weeks.”


“Half of my followers are there for quality dog photos. I have a promise to keep.”


“I’m serious. Besides, it would be a pretty good publicity stunt. Your new album just came out, Solar is bringing out an album soon. And who knows? Maybe you will fall in love, get married and adopt more dogs? Isn’t that your ultimate dream?” Wheein said in such a serious tone that Byulyi could only blink. She unlocked her phone once more and opened the camera.


“I don’t really have a good selfie material look right now.” Byulyi mumbled but she positioned her phone in angle she knew she would look good in and continued to take on several photos. After she was finished, she delete a few photos and after what felt like an eternity, she finally settled on one.


“Scratch that. I look good.” She couldn’t stop the smirk forming on Wheein let out a gagging noise. Byulyi just laughed at that. She quickly clicked on the twitter app and look at Yongsuns reply once again. Her heart fluttered at the words again and Byulyi slowly let out air she didn’t knew she had been holding in.


This woman would be the death of her, she was sure of that.


Byulyi let her finger wander over her phone, deleting and rewriting her tweet over and over again until she had finally settled on something she felt good about. Without a word, she held up her phone to Wheein, a proud grin on her face Wheein couldn’t help herself but giggle at that.


“God, you are horrible. But if Solar has just 1% of interest in you, she is definitely gonna swoon over this. I would, if I didn’t knew you better.”


“Rude.” Byulyi gently hit the younger woman on her shoulder and Wheein just shrugged her shoulders, already typing on her phone again. Stopping for a few seconds, Byulyi narrowed her eyes together, a suspicious look on her face.


“Who are you writing this whole time?”


“No one.” Wheein sputtered out, her face reddened and she quickly turned off her phone. Byulyi decided to let it drop for a few more moments. Surely, Wheein would tell her sooner or later. Or in other words: Byulyi would definitely investigate what caused this behaviour.


“Okay, whatever you say.”


“Shut up and write your stupid tweet to your future girlfriend.”


Byulyi rolled her eyes. She checked one last time over what she had written down, the confidence she had minutes ago was slowly fading. it, what did she had to lose? Holding her breathe, she tipped on the tweet symbol and gulped.


“Wait! Wheein, how do we know again she is interested in woman?”


“We don’t.”





Yongsun had been staring at the picture and the rapper’s for at least two minutes now. She felt like her brain had a shortcut and was unable to form any coherent sentences or even words. While she was still processing whatever had just happened to her, Solar made a decision to message Byulyi no matter what would happen next.


(Spoilers: A lot.)


She was hesitating on whether she should call Hyejin or not. Whatever, I’m doing this. Yongsun still didn’t know what overcame and gave her this boost of confidence but within minutes, she had opened up a new DM on twitter, the infamous @moonstar already typed in and her fingers were wandering over her smartphone keyboard.


Seconds later, her finger was hovering over the send button, but Yongsun just couldn’t bring herself to actually send it. Maybe it was the fact that she was already thinking about the possibility of meeting her fellow artist (and crush) after that and she just couldn’t stop her brain from overthinking every single little thing that could go wrong.


Taking a deep breath, slowing letting out the air and closing her eyes, Yongsun calmed herself down. Without thinking about it too much this time, she quickly brushed her index finger over the send button.


Oh god, what have I done?


Yongsun put her hands over her face, basically burying it, she let out a loud groan and sat down on her couch. She peeked through her hands towards her phone, counting the seconds that were passing and praying that Byulyi would not think she was the most embarrassing person on this planet.


Minutes passed, to Yongsun it felt like hours, but then the familiar noise filled her room once again and she swore that her heart stopped beating when she saw that Byulyi had already replied back to her. Hesitating for a moment, Yongsun opened her twitter app again, eager to reply back to the younger artist.



(Yongsun swore that she did not have a crush on the rapper. She really didn’t)


(Spoilers: That’s a lie)


A huge music awards was just around the corner and Yongsun was debating with herself whether she should ask Byulyi out - of course just for a simple meet up, she definitely didn’t had a date in her mind - and after shaking her head at herself, Yongsun once again felt a wave of confidence overcoming her and without much thinking, the message was typed and sent.


Now, Yongsun had to wait.


(Spoilers: not for long.)


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listen i know this is pretty short but it's more like an introduction. also im still trying to figure out how i can make the added pictures better for viewing but I'm just really bad at technology.


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melodynox #1
Chapter 2: Finally ?? hell yeah.. but also, can't wait for more
Chapter 2: Love thissssssss.!!!
tawangwagas #3
Chapter 2: LOLLLLLL that last picture is sooooo byulyi's 뚠 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ update soon authornim!!
Chapter 2: Yaaaaaaaaaas
Maymomoo #5
Chapter 2: I loved it. Update soon please
melodynox #6
Chapter 1: Mooore please ??????
Chapter 1: U w U now I want more ?
tawangwagas #8
Chapter 1: This kind of fic!!!!! Update soon please~
melodynox #9
Chapter 1: NEeD mOre NOw ?❤️ that cliffhanger was mean.. But i love it
Saluhmander #10
Chapter 1: This is masterful. Cannot wait to see how this story develops.