
Accidental -Chaelisa-

"There was an incident that happened on a V-live not too long ago, no?" Yang Hyun Suk asks, snake like eyes boring into the four girls who sat in office chairs in front of him.


Lisa dreaded the moment YG would address them about the accident, though she was surprised that it took four days for him to finally bring it up. Then again, he did tend to pay less attention to the girls anyways. 


This was the only time Lisa wishes he had continued to turn a blind eye.


"Well?" He drums his fingers on the surface of his wooden desk impatiently.


"Yes," Jisoo answers hesitantly as she glances at the makanae line, knowing they can't bring themselves to say anything. "There was."


Yang sighs as he takes off his beret to run a hand through thinning hair in distress. 


"You do realize how the media is blowing up about all this, do you not?" There's a deep frown on his face and Lisa hates the feeling of having disappointing someone. "This isn't a small matter, you four. What could have possibly compelled you girls to play such a game on a live broadcast? Did it ever occur to you that something like this could have happened? Use some common sense." 


They duck their heads and all mutter an apology. 


"Sorry is not good enough here," Yang shakes his head. "I really don't know what to do with you guys. At this point, the only logical thing I can think to do is to lay low for a while so everyone can forget all this. That, of course, means delaying your comeback." 


Jennie opens , her protest dying in . There was always a part of her that was scared of YG. They all were. 


But not Lisa. Not right now, anyways.


Lisa is just plain frustrated and infuriated.


Was it really so fair to punish them for something like this?


Or at the very least, she didn't want her members to have to suffer for something she did. But Lisa can't bring herself to say anything in fear she'll say something she would later regret. 


"You're dismissed." 


They all bow and exit his office, filing into the hallway. 


There's a thick tension that resonates through the air and Lisa almost feels as though she's drowning in water.


"I'm sorry," Lisa mutters, head hung low so her bangs cover her eyes.


Jennie sighs and shakes her head, "Don't be. None of this is your fault." 


"Does Sajangnim really have to delay our comeback, though?" Jisoo mumbles. "We've already been so slow with songs and finally started to pick up last year with Du ddu du ddu and Jendeuk's solo. This is a punishment for both Blackpink and the Blinks." 


"Besides," Jennie adds even once they're inside their van as they wait for their manager. "Don't people like what happened? Sure, there are some negative comments. But when are there not? The majority likes this whole Chaelisa thing." 


Lisa sneaks a small glance at Chaeyoung to see her reaction but the brunette has a set poker face engraved onto her face.


The driver seat door opens and their manager pops in and starts the vehicle. 


The rest of their car ride to their apartment is silent, no longer able to voice their thoughts and opinions under the watchful eye of their manager. 




"Have you talked to her?" Jennie asks as she flips through the channels on the t.v. mindlessly. 


"Talked to who?" Lisa tries to act clueless. She knows the older girl doesn't buy it when she feels cat eyes glance at her through her peripheral.


"You know who."


Lisa huffs softly, "What am I supposed to talk to her about, unnie?" 


"You know what," Jennie answers simply.


"Stop that," Lisa pouts as she brings her knees up to her chest. "I don't know what I'm supposed to say to her."


"You know what to say to-"


"I just said to stop with the 'you know what to do' thing," Lisa reminds.


"But you do know what to say, Lisa," Jennie insists stubbornly. "What, are you just going to keep avoiding her for the rest of your life? What's one small kiss? It lasted like half a second anyways."


That was the thing, though. Aside from the fact that the public had witnessed the quick and chaste kiss the two girls had done by mistake, if Lisa hadn't had feelings for Chaeyoung, she would have talked to her about it. 


But then she wonders why Chaeyoung reacted so strongly to it. 


Couldn't they have just played it off and act like it was no big deal? Or laugh about it a few years later, reminiscing in their silly past.


'Unless she actually felt something when it happened.' 


Lisa shakes her head. That wasn't possible. 


"You have to talk to her about it. Believe it or not, this is having an affect on all of us."


"I'll think about it," Lisa answers nonchalantly.


"No, go now," Jennie commands. "Talk to her about it right now, or you'll put this off until your dead."


"But unnie-"


"Now," Jennie repeats, more adamant this time and there's no room to argue when the raven haired girl gets like this. 


"This is harder than it looks, you know," Lisa grumbles as she stands up begrudgingly. 


"Only because you're making it this way," Jennie shrugs. "Now go."


Jennie stands and pushes Lisa towards the hallway.




Lisa sighs, finding herself in a de ja vu as she stands in front of Chaeyoung's door.


It's like her brain refuses to send signals to her hand to make it move and simply knock on the door. 


And so, she head-'s it.


The regret is immediate as she rubs her sore spot with a groan, but it's affective anyways as the door swings open quickly.


"Lisa," Chaeyoung gasps with wide eyes and Lisa momentarily forgets the pain in her forehead. "What are you doing? Are you okay?" 


"I..." Lisa trails. "Can we talk?" 


The brunette is silent for a moment but she lets the younger girl in, closing the door behind them. Both girls take a seat on the bed and it springs under their weight.  


'Where to start?' Lisa wonders. 


"Listen," Lisa starts as she takes interest in the gap between them and runs her hand along the surface of the bedsheet. "About the ki- about the V-live..."


Lisa sighs and shakes her head.


"Jennie unnie said I know what I want to say to you, but I'm scared," Lisa says truthfully with her eyes fixated on her lap. She keeps them anywhere but on the girl in front of her. 




"But I want to say it anyways," Lisa interrupts with a gulp. It's then that she finally musters up the courage to look up. 


And God, she wonders if Chaeyoung has always been this stunningly breathtaking to look at. 


The room was dimly lit with nothing more than her table lamp set to the lowest setting. But it was like Chaeyoung's face just seemed to snatch it's light and transfer it's energy to radiate the brunette's beauty that left Lisa's mouth slightly agape without realizing.


"Okay, I'm listening," Chaeyoung says, urging Lisa to continue.


Lisa nods and takes a deep breath. 


"The kiss that we had- if you can even call it that with how short it was- was an accident. It was. But I'm not sorry about it. Not really, anyways," Lisa shakes her head and she can feel her heart beating nervously. "I don't know if it was something meaningful. But... I liked it. Because Chaeng... I like you more than I should. I have for the longest time, and I still don't know what to do about it."


Chaeyoung stays silent, eyes wide from the revelation. It seems like she's taking a moment to actually process everything just said and Lisa more than anything just wants to disappear. 


Because even though it feels good to finally say all those things out loud, her fears weighed on her heavier than they ever had before.


The constant fear of rejection circles around in her mind like a broken record. 


"Chaeyoung?" Lisa says after the brunette takes far too long to say anything. 


The dramatic pauses were putting too much strain on her already erratically beating heart.


"Lisa... even if I felt the same, we can't," Chaeyoung shakes her head.


"But do you? Do you feel the same way?" Lisa asks anxiously.


"Lisa, we can't," Chaeyoung repeats, more firm this time. But Lisa can see the slightly older girl's eyes water. The glossiness is even more visible in the darkness. 


"Chaeng, please," Lisa says, and she knows she sounds desperate. But the only time she was going to let anyone see her look so vulnerable or so pathetic, even- the only person she would let see her in this state... was Chaeyoung. "Please, just tell me. Don't lie to me. Don't lie to yourself."


"I..." Chaeyoung swallows. "I do."


Lisa breathes out at the revelation. But what was this sigh? For relief? Happiness? She didn't truly think so.


"Then why can't we?" Lisa asks quietly. 


"Is that even a question, Lisa?" Chaeyoung asks, and it sounds harsher than it should. "After everything that happened when YG found out about the V-live, there's no way we can. He delayed our comeback because of it. If we do something like this, Blackpink will probably get disbanded." 


"He doesn't have to know," Lisa answers simply. "We can be together secretly." 


Chaeyoung only shakes her head, not bothering to speak. 


And so, Lisa takes the initiative to reach out physically and cups a hand around Chaeyoung's chubby cheek fondly. She reaches out her other hand to Chaeyoung's and guides it to Lisa's drumming heart. 


"Tell me, Chaeyoung. Does it feel wrong when I touch you? Does it feel wrong when you touch me?" At this point, Lisa has no idea what she's saying. She thinks she's literally recreating a K-drama scene- and doing it wrong at that. She really doesn't remember how it's supposed to go. 


To her surprise, Chaeyoung lips twitch up into a smile. 


"You've watched more than enough romance shows to know how to say it right, but you're goofing it up," Chaeyoung says, and Lisa swears the older girl is about to break out into a fit of laughter. "If you want to get your point across..."


Chaeyoung starts leaning in, Lisa's response is immediate and she's drawn in like a magnet. 


Their lips connect and nothing has ever felt so right. 


Before, Lisa didn't get to actually feel how soft Chaeyoung's lips were against her own. But now that their lips have met intentionally, they hold it longer, and Lisa finally gets the taste she has been craving for so long.


Chaeyoung pulls back, and Lisa knows it was all too short. 


"Then you have to do that," Chaeyoung says with a rare smirk on her face. "But I finally get what you're trying to say to me... it does feel right." 


Lisa grins widely and she thinks she could explode with happiness.


"To be honest, I was doing this on a whim," Lisa confesses. "I don't know what would have happened to our friendship if you weren't lesbian."


"I'm not," Chaeyoung replies fast. 


"Oh!" Lisa exclaims, unable to mask her shock. And then it sinks in and her shoulders slump quite visibly. "Oh..." 


"I'm bi, silly," Chaeyoung laughs as she pinches one of Lisa's cheeks, causing the latter to shy away. 


"Oh!" This time Lisa laughs out airily. 


"Is that all you know how to say?" Chaeyoung teases as she leans in, and Lisa's breath hitches in .


This time when they kiss, it's gentle and longer. 


"I love you."




I'm sorry if this ending ... I was just kinda going with the flow for this story and I really wanted to finish it. 


It was never meant to be longer than three parts to begin with, so again, sorry if it disappoints :( 


I might come back to this sometime in the distant future to rewrite the ending, because I already did three times, but it doesn't seem to turn out satisfactory to me. 


Anyways, regardless, if you ever come across this, please do let me know what you think 💜

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Chapter 3: that was cute
Chapter 1: oh that hurts..
Jdubb13 #3
Chapter 3: I want more of this story ??
xZeiki #4
Chapter 1: Ohhh I'm liking this
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Chapter 3: So sweet