
Accidental -Chaelisa-

**you can find this story of mines on wattpad and ao3 as well, same name, same username**


"Oh! More viewers are coming in," Chaeyoung says as she leans in closer to the screen. 


"We'll do the intro after a minute so more people can roll in," Jisoo takes her spot on the couch in between Lisa and Jennie who sat at the end of one side. 


They do occasional waves as they wait and smile to the camera. 


"1, 2, 3...!" Jennie counts their cue.


"Annyeonghaseyo, we are Blackpink!" They introduce themselves in sync and proceed to hype the viewers up with a few 'woohoo's' and pump their fists energetically. 


"Sorry it's been so long since our last V-live, we've been so busy and working on a new project for you Blinks," Jisoo explains as she attempts to give a wink, her other eye twitching with effort to stay open and they all laugh. 


"Jisoo unnie can't wink," Lisa teases the oldest of their group. 


"Ah, that's true. But Jennie is really good at it," Jisoo points to the cat eyed girl. "Show them! Wink." 


Jennie gives a gummy smile before mischievously giving a small shake of her head. "I don't think I will. Maybe next time." 


"Yah, unnie always does this," Lisa whines. "This is the third time she refused to wink for the camera." 


"You guys will have to come to our live concert this week!" Jennie says. "I'll do it there." 


They all make 'o' sounds to humor her.


"Ah, anyways," Jisoo shifts her attention to the camera. "Today we're going to play some games with each other for our Blinks. What do you guys suggest?" 


They filter through the comments, looking for an interesting game for them to play. 


"Oh! How about this one," Chaeyoung points to a comment after a minute. "Two truths and a lie. Do you guys know how to play?" 


"You tell two truths and a lie, right?" Jennie says with a laugh. "The rules are literally in the title, Chaeng." 


Chaeyoung blushes with an embarrassed smile on her face and Lisa feels the need to wrap a reassuring arm around her shoulder. And so she does.


"Yah, stop teasing the chipmunk!"


"I'm not a chipmunk," Chaeyoung protests with a pout that has Lisa grinning from ear to ear as she pecks light kisses on the brunette's cheeks repeatedly.


"So cute!" Lisa gushes out.


"Alright, alright," Jisoo settles them down. "Let's start. Who's gonna go first? Jenduekie or Chaeyoungie?" She asks since said girls were both seated at the edges of the couch. 


"We'll start with Chae," Jennie decides. 


Chaeyoung makes a small sound of protest, "I need some time to think, though."


"The game was your choice," Jennie laughs in response.


"Okay, okay, I got it!" Chaeyoung claps her hands. "My favorite equation in 5x3=15-"


"Wha- that's so random," Jisoo laughs. 


"-I used to be a cheerleader in Australia. Or, I had a secret crush on G-Dragon oppa when I first came into the YG industry."


Lisa doesn't know what it is, but a slight burn etches at the boundaries of her chest and she tilts her head. 


"Is that something you should be admitting out here?" The makanae meant for it to sound like she was teasing, but it comes out a bit harsher than she hopes it would. Luckily, Chaeyoung didn't notice. Or at least, if she did, she plays it off well with a shrug.


"What's your guys' guesses?" The brunette asks as her eyes trail down all them one by one. 


"I say the math equation," Jisoo quips up. "It was so random, you probably just came up with it from the top of your head." 


"Yeah," Jennie agrees and both girls do a small exchange of arranged hand signs that only the two of them can understand. 


"Yah, the unnie's are so weird. What even is that?" Chaeyoung laughs before turning to Lisa. "What's your guess?" 


The hesitation is almost unnoticeable, but it's definitely there as Lisa answers with a slight hint of hopefulness in her eyes. "The last one." 


"Ding, ding, ding!" Chaeyoung imitates the victory bell with a grin. "That's correct!" 


The relief Lisa feels is unexplainable. Why was she feeling like this? 


"Oh, she said 'had' a crush. This means Chaeyoungie still has one on him," Jisoo teases. 


"Aniyo!" Chaeyoung denies exasperatedly. "I don't!" 


"Yah, hands off! Chaeng is mine!" Lisa says jokingly as she pulls the slightly older girl closer to herself. She wasn't joking, though. 


"Just kidding, just kidding," Jisoo assures them. "Okay, Lisa you're next."


"Hm..." Lisa hums to herself as she taps her chin thoughtfully. "Seungri oppa and I once switched out honey for Sajangnim's shampoo. I like potato fries dipped in ice cream. Or I have someone I like as of right now." 


"What's with all these love options all of a sudden?" Jennie asks. 


"You clearly don't know how to play this game, Jolisa," Jisoo shakes her head. "You can't tell three truths, idiot." 


"I didn't!" Lisa insists.


"Okay, one," Jisoo starts listing off on her fingers. "That time you switched out the shampoo with Seungri oppa, you bragged non stop about it. Two, you always eat fries dipped in ice cream in front of us, weirdo. And three, anybody with eyes can see you're in love." 


"With myself," Lisa covers up smoothly as she places her hands under her chin. 


"If you say so," Jisoo rolls her eyes. "Which is the lie here, then?" 


"The last one," Lisa shrugs easily.


"Your mouth is twitching."




"Aish, Lisa is the lie in the equation here!" Jisoo points an accusing finger to the blonde. "You put three truths! You can't do that!" 


"I didn't! The last one was a lie," Lisa says persistently and Jisoo scoffs.


"Alright, whatever. Next."


They continue playing the game for a little while longer before they get bored of it and decide to choose something else to do. 


"The Blinks are suggesting we play that paper kissing game," Jennie says.


"Which one is that?" Lisa asks cluelessly.


"It's the one where you take pieces of paper and transfer it to the person next to you with your mouth," Jisoo explains. "You can't use your hands. We can see how many we can do in 30 seconds and keep trying to beat the high score." 


"Ooh," Lisa nods her head. "Yeah, I saw some people doing it on Weekly Idol."


Jennie collects some paper from the shelf of their living room and makes her way back to her seat. 


"Okay, so we'll start from my side this time," the cat eyed girl says as she readies herself. "Do you have the timer?" 


Chaeyoung nods in response and Jennie inhales the paper onto to which Jisoo hesitantly grabs onto with her own with a slight pinkness creeping onto her cheeks. She quickly turns to Lisa and the younger girl takes it from her and turns to Chaeyoung. The girl was much closer than she expected her to be and Lisa feels her heart drum inside her rapidly. An uncontrolled cough escapes her, and that's all it takes for the paper to go fluttering away to the side in just a quick moment. 


It feels like everything slows down. Their lips meet for a fraction of a second in an accidental kiss and both girls recoil back in shock. Lisa feels the back of her head smack into Jisoo's face and the older girl groans before looking up.


"Oh!" Jisoo gasps before she breaks out into a laugh as she tries to shoo the camera away from them. ", this is live."


"Turn it off, turn it off!" Chaeyoung cries desperately and Jennie hastily complies. "Oh my gosh... OH. MY. GOSH." 


"Chae, calm down," Jennie tries as she smooths down the girl's hair in an attempt to simmer the girl's apparent panic.


"Everybody saw- we j-just... Lisa and I-" Chaeyoung stutters uncontrollably, and it seems like the chestnut haired girl is short circuiting. "Oh my God! Lisa and I just kissed on a live broadcast. A lip to lip kiss!" 


"Chaeyoungie, I'm sorry," Lisa apologizes guiltily, but Chaeyoung pulls away from her grasp. 


"No, stop! Don't touch. Not right now," Chaeyoung shakes her head as she rakes a hands through chocolate locks, and Lisa feels something inside her chip. Or rather, something inside her shatter completely. Just from something as simple as Chaeyoung rejecting her touch like she was a plague.


The brunette storms off without another word and Lisa feels too weak in the knees to even stand up and follow her desperately like a lost puppy. 


Because Lisa was the dog with the collar around her neck. 


And Chaeyoung holds the leash that steers her heart that constantly gravitated towards her.

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Chapter 3: that was cute
Chapter 1: oh that hurts..
Jdubb13 #3
Chapter 3: I want more of this story ??
xZeiki #4
Chapter 1: Ohhh I'm liking this
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Chapter 3: So sweet