his my classmate

A beggars for love

"aish stupid jerk!" yhuna muttered while walking along side with taemin in the hallway of  their school.

"nah just don't mind him okey? you're going to get wrinkles if you still worried about him" taemin said as he put his hands on yhuna's shoulder and yhuna blushed and also taemin.

"so taeminnie,what's your class or section?" yhuna ask taemin while she holds at taemins hands in her shoulder.

"ow yah about that im in class D how about you?" taemin ask her.

"ow class B so were not classmates after all" yhuna said with a sad and dissapointed look on her face and taemin saw it.

"chinguya,...don't be sad okey? cheer up i will always visit you in your class okey?" taemin said ans yhuna smile

"promise?"yhuna said and pull out her pinky and taemin chuckles and lay pinky with her.

"you're such a kid" taemin said and mess up her hair.

"aish my hair and you're the kid not me" yhuna said and punch taemins stomach and put her tongue out.

"aish it hurts,you're so mean" taemin said stand at yhuna's side and tickle her.

"meannie,meannie!!!" taemin said while yhuna laugh so hard and they heard the bell and run along thier classrooms

"see you later!!!" they both said at the same time and run to their classroom.

when yhuna arrives at her classroom she sit at the back of the classroom near the window. And she saw a guy sleeping infront of her. The teacher arrived and the guys still sleeping so yhuna tried to wake him up by tappin his shoulder.

"hey..hey wake up our adviser is already here" yhuna said while tapping the guys shoulder and the guy hold her hands and glare at her. and when the saw the lface of each other they stand and shout.

"YOU!!!!!!" they said at the same time and gaining the attenttion from the whole class and the teacher glared at them

"do you have some problem guys?" mr.yong said and look at the two.

"no sir. im so sorry" they said at the same time and sit down while glaring at each other.

"there are a lot of people in this world why does it has to be him to be my classmate,i hate him already" yhuna said to her self.

"aish why does she had to be classmate,im full of badluck today" key said as he look at his teacher.

their break comes and taemin is waiting for yhuna outside their room. when yhuna saw taemin leaning against the door of their room she was shocked."

what are you doing here?how did you know my room?" yhuna ask him

"you told me your class right? and your classroom is easy to find" taemin said and approach her.

"so want to have some lunch with me?" taemin asked her and she sling her arms at taemins arms.

"okey,you're treat" yhuna said as he dragged taemin along with her.

"it's my what?i didn't say anything about that" taemin protested but yhuna pull him already to the cafeteria.

"were already her so treat me or i'll punch you" yhuna said as he ball her fist infront of taemins face and taemins got scared

"okey i'll treat you calm down" taemin said and grab a food and pay for it

"good" yhuna said and pull him to sit and while they were eating taemin saw a that yuna was a little bit irrtable so he ask her

"what happend to you?any problem?" taemin ask her

"aish that stupid guy is my classmate" yhuna said irritated

"who'se guy?'taemin ask him and yhuna saw key walking with a girl at his side.

"that guy" yhuna pointed to key who is flirting with a girl.

"you mean that guy? the one you bumped into earlier?" taemin asked him

"yup,im so unlucky to have him as my classmate" yhuna said.

"weh!calm down okey?if that guy did something to you tell em i'll confront him" taemin said and they eat again while key was busy flirting with a girl and all that day yhuna and taemin wont talk to each other.

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pinayELF13 #1
Chapter 2: love it! i am back haha
pinayELF13 #2
pinayELF13 #3
pinayELF13 #4
foreword pa lng ?