Maybe I am an exception.. His exception


This is a romance story made during  my free time. Anyone who seems to somehow resemble someone you know, please be reminded that they may just be coincidental or maybe I just happen to know them.*winks* 



“Maybe I am an exception….”

“My exception”

Quoting from “He’s Just Not That Into You”, maybe she was right we are very much the exception in our own love stories. We may not get what we wanted from the very start but time will come in which what’s the best for us and what we truly deserve will be the one we will have.

We all experience break-ups, heartbreaks and other depressing situations in which at times we tend to think about giving up; yet surprisingly a random person comes along and starts to become a part of you,, who you are and be your life. It may seem a little awkward but it really does happen. From one second you felt like jumping off the roof and just die but on the next second you just want to spend the rest of your life with this person in whom you’ll pour your heart out just making this person stay and be happy; growing and learning together.

But what if things suddenly come making you doubt if he’s really the one…


Hey there! This is just a teaser.. :))

Please continue reading ..

Hope you'll enjoy! :)


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