Second Mission: Twin Necklace Part 4

How To Steal A First Kiss

Danson walked to where the crime scene is, and saw the body of an dead girl on the sidewalk. "Who is she?" he asked one of his men. "Sylvia Wang. She's from Ming Dao University." he said. "What happened?" he further inquired. "There was a report of an abduction in Ming Dao today, a few hours later, they saw a van dumping her dead body on this street." the cop said. 


Danson knelt down, and took a closer look at the dead girl. "They're no longer just kidnapping the girls. They're killing them. But... why?" he thought. "Could this be related to the Trouvaille abduction case?" he asked. "It could be. We saw this beside the girl." the cop said. 


Danson took the necklace from his hand. "It looks like a fake necklace, Chief Tang." the cop says. He looked at it for a long time, still wondering why the gang targets the girls with the Trouvaille necklace. "Take away the body and look for more evidences." he told them. 


Once he is left alone, he took out a phone. "I know I shouldn't be doing this, but you are my last resort, Red Dragons..." he thought as he dialed a number. 




The Red Dragons/Imperial Guards gathered at the conference room again that evening. This time, T-Rex joined them. 


"I received a report regarding the Trouvaille Necklace abduction case." T-Rex told the five. "Today, a dead girl was found need the Macaroon street. A student from Ming Dao University." he added. "They're not just abducting the girls, they're killing them?" Panda asked worriedly. 


"It just so happen that the girl had a fake Trouvaille necklace. This must have irked the perpetrators, so they killed the girl." T-Rex said. Now, Panda is getting more scared, as she is the bait for their operation. Seeing her agitated, Eagle held her hand. "I won't let anything happen to you. I promise." Eagle assured her. 


"I know you're all looking into this as Imperial Guards, but seeing a crime like this, you should also act as Red Dragons." T-Rex told them. Then, T-Rex looked at Lion's direction. "And it also means you need to guard Qiu Yue. They might target her." T-Rex told him. "I'll look at her more closely this time. I won't let anything happen to her." Lion told him. 


Then, T-Rex took out something from his coat pocket - an original Trouvaille necklace. "This is the last Trouvaille necklace Calla Lily had. I know you will need this on your next sting." he said. Panda took the necklace, and looked at it. "Calla Lily... do you know her?" Penguin asked. "She is a former colleague, also a vigilante during her time." he said. Then, he looked at Lion. "And she's also Qiu Yue's mother." he said. 


All of them were surprised at what he said. "So... after Qiu Yue took the medicine, she got separated from her mother? Her father also died, right?" Panda asked. "A price she had to pay for her husband's death, in order to ensure her daughter is safe. And in order to make sure that his husband's work will not fall into the wrong hands." T-Rex explained. 


"I never thought Qiu Yue had a hard life..." Panda said. Then, T-Rex looked worriedly at Panda. "I know you had a plan to find out who's behind the abduction. But let me say this as a father. Panda, you need to take care of your self. I almost lost you once. I don't know what I'll do if I lose you this time." he told her. 


Panda looked at T-Rex and smiled at him. "Dad, don't worry about me. You trained me, right?" Panda said. "But you still need to be careful. We don't know who the enemy is." he said. Then, he looked at the four boys. "All of you must be careful." T-Rex said. "Don't worry, T-Rex. We'll be very careful with this mission." Eagle assured him. 




Cammie was walking towards the library when she saw Wes walking towards her. She let out a smile upon seeing him. "Wes!" she called as she waved at him. 


Wes approached her, and smiled at her. "How are you? How are you feeling right now?" he asked worriedly. "I'm OK now. Sorry about yesterday. You did get the book, right?" she asked. Wes let out a laugh. "I stole it from you after I brought you to the clinic." he said. 


Cammie bowed before him. "I'm sorry for the trouble yesterday..." she said. Then, she stood up straight to face him. "Actually, I've been having those flashbacks for months now... I don't know why." she explained. Wes furrowed his brows as he looked at her. "Flashbacks?" he asked. Cammie nodded her head. "You see, I had an accident when I was in high school. My grandma said I lost most of my memories. Maybe I'm slowly regaining them..." she said. 


"This is bad..." Wes thought. "The memory-erasing pill is slowly fading... soon, she will remember everything." he thought. "You know, that accident also killed my mom and my dad. It would be nice to regain my memories and remember them, right?" she said. "But you will remember how I hurt you when I didn't tell you the truth..." he said. 


Cammie was a little curious as to why Wes was quiet. "Is there something wrong?" she asked. "But if she remembers me..."  he thought. He looked at Cammie again, and then pulled her into a hug. This startled her, nevertheless, she felt happy to be in his arms. However, she felt like  his warmth was so familiar. 


"Give me five minutes..." he said to her. Cammie just nodded her head. "I'll do my best to protect you. If you regain your memories, I'll do everything to have you back again. If I have to give my life for you to continue living, I will..." he said to himself. 


He closed his eyes as he hugged her tighter. "Uh... Wes..." he heard Cammie say in confusion. That was the time he let her go. "I'm sorry. You just remind me of someone really special to me..." he said with a sad smile. "A friend?" she asked. Wes nodded his head. "A dear friend close to my heart. She's.... she's very similar to you." he said. 


Cammie let out a smile. "Then, you must miss this good friend of yours, right?" she asked. Wes nodded his head. "Then, if you miss her, you can always come to me for a hug. I could use a hug too!" she said. Wes let out a laugh. Seeing him laugh like that, she felt happy. 


Then, he patted her head. "I'll see you around then, and maybe ask for another hug?" he asked. Cammie smiled, and nodded her head. Wes went on his way, and as he was a few meters away from her, He looked back at her. 


"I never thought a day would come I can hold you in my arms again, Qiu Yue..." he thought as he smiled. 




It was after school, and the Red Dragons are inside the van, readying themselves for the operation. Stallion was helping Panda put on her wig ( the long, brown wig she wore on their last mission). Once it was settled, he took a look at her. "Cute!" he exclaimed. Then, he squishes her cheeks. "You're a cutie, sweety, fluffy pancakey!" he told her in a cheerful tone.


Eagle slapped his hand, making Stallion let go of Panda. "Stop it. She's not Elsa." he told her. Stallion pouted. Then, he looked at Panda. "Am I really cute?" she asked with puppy eyes. Stallion nodded his head. 


"Do you have the necklace with you?" Lion asked. Panda nodded her head, and showed the necklace on her neck. "Good. Don't lose your earpiece this time." Lion said. "It's expensive to replace one, and Eagle will panic if we can't contact you." Penguin said. 


Eagle sweat dropped upon hearing that. "Aren't you guys a little worried about Panda?" he asked. "Panda can take care of herself. But we're still here as her back up." Penguin said. Lion nodded in agreement. "I have confidence in Panda. And I know you'll be there to save her in time, right?" he asked. Eagle nodded his head. 


Lion looked at his watch, and let out a smile. "It's show time." he told them. Everyone got out of the van, and assembled to their places. Panda poses as a student from another school who is walking along the street market. Same with Eagle and Lion, who poses as students as well strolling in the street market. 


Penguin and Stallion was left in the van to be their eyes. Penguin will shoot the tracker on the van used by the Mickey Mouse gang once they saw them. "Be observant. They might be here any minute now." they all heard Lion said through their ear piece.




"Hey, what do you think would be a nice gift to Eunice for her birthday?"


Ian asked as he and Dylan were strolling along the street market. "You can get her anything. You she appreciates even the simplest gift." Dylan said. Ian looked at Dylan smiled. "Then, should I get her a new head band or hair clip?" he asked. Dylan nodded his head. 


As they were walking, Dylan saw a familiar figure standing at the corner. "It's my brown haired girl..." Dylan said. Then, he let out a smile, which Ian instantly noticed. "It's rare for you to smile like that." Ian said. Then, Dylan patted his shoulder. "I'll leave you here, Ian." he said. Before Dylan could protest, he had left him to approach the brown haired girl. 


Panda looked to her left, and saw Dylan walking towards her direction. Her eyes widened upon seeing him, so she looked opposite his direction. "Ice monster is here!" she whispered through her earpiece. Everyone was silent, then another second has passes, and she heard Penguin was laughing hard. "Don't worry about demerits." Lion told him. "I'm worried about him recognizing me!" Panda hissed at him. 


"Miss?" he heard Dylan call. Panda looked at him, and let out a smile. "Hi..." Dylan said nervously. "Hi..." Panda greeted him. "I know this sounds weird, but we've seen each other before." he said. "Uh-oh..." she thought. She's busted. 


"We met at the club the other night. Club Lethe." Dylan said. Panda just nodded his head. "What's happening?" she heard Eagle ask. Then, she saw Dylan's cheek turned pink as he smiled. "Why is this idiot smiling at me?" she thought. 


"I... I think you're cute. So, I was hoping if we can be friends and if I could get your name? I'm Dylan by the way. Dylan Xiong. I study at Dong San Academy." he said. She could hear the boys laughing at the other line. "I'm... S-Sarah. I'm from Ping Guo College." she lied. 


Dylan smiled at her again, and took her hand. "I never thought I'd see you again. I've been thinking about you since that night..." Dylan said. "Panda bear, you need my help? Is that guy harassing you?" Eagle asked her. 


Panda let out a laugh. "I... I need to go. It's nice meeting you, I- Dylan." she said. Dylan smiled and nodded his head. Panda walked away from him, but she can feel that Dylan is still watching him. "What was that about?!" she asked. "Polar Bear did not recognize our Panda." Lion said. "The disguise works well." Stallion commented.


As Panda was walking, a van stopped in front of her. "I think this is the van..." Stallion said. The van opened, and men in Mickey Mouse masks and trailed her. "This is the van!" Penguin said. Penguin opened their van, and immediately fired the tracker device on it. "I got the target!" Penguin said. 


Then, one of the men held Panda by her armed, and pulled her. She know she was about to fight, but then her trauma kicked in, and she couldn't move at all. "Panda!" Eagle exclaimed. From where he is standing, he could see how she is being forced inside the van. He immediately left his post to save her, but before he could, another guy came to her rescue. 


It was Dylan. 

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