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1. be friendly in all possible ways and respect everyone. this includes the members and the admins doing their jobs to keep everything in order.

2. This is a straight roleplay!

3. do not ever add anyone outside diamond roleplay or any non-home roleplay groups.

4. this is a non-au/au roleplay. any will do. this is non-au but you can mix your idol's personality with yours. thus, making it semi-au.

5. One Account per head. You can change character five times.

6. is only allowed in PM and group.


7. IC drama allowed to a minimum, NO OOC Drama. roleplay is never real life. Never attack the person behind the character. be friendly. do not bash, backstab, or cause drama.

9. Hiatus to be updated in Hiatus Form & post on your wall tagging all admins.

10. Leave us a message on our wall if sec-checked

11. Password: what do you feel whenever you hear "home"?

12. no ruining of relationships.

13. Have to be pregnant for at least 3 months. You can't just pop out a baby!

14. Be active. inactivity within the first week of joining will result in your removal from the roleplay. you must be active at least 4 times a week. the green dot beside your name, changing dp/cover photo or pm roleplaying will not consider you active. being active is being active in all the groups, and keeping your posts up in all of them, you are not required to reply everyday, but please be active outside pm.

15. introduce yourself in the introduction room AND ADD ALL THE ADMINS once you are welcomed in the roleplay. this is mandatory.

16. cooperate. Join and participate in the events.

Admins reserve the rights to remind you of the rules from time to time. So please just take it as we are taking precautions and not be offended by our guidance. Thank you^^


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