
Lost And Then Found

The trees rustled in the wind. “So cold.” You giggled nervously. Jimin handed you his coat and nervously bit his lip. You put each arm into each sleeve. The sun was close to disappearing under the horizon. “I’m tired...” You mumbled. “Aish... you sure do ask for a lot!” Jimin joked smiling at you. You playfully punched his shoulder. You both laughed for a bit. You rested your head on his shoulder. You could see from the top of your vision, his cheeks tinted with red. You felt an arm reach around you waist and pull you closer to him. He glanced at you to see if you were uncomfortable. You were fluttering your eyes trying to keep them open. “Jimin?” You muttered. “Yea?” He softly spoke looking at you resting peacefully in his arms. “You love me and only me right?” You mumbled. He felt your body start to stop shivering and start warming up. “Only you.” He whispered into your ear. He stayed at the position next to your ear for a bit before speaking again, “You love me and only me right Y/N?” He whispered into your ear. “Depends... will you buy me food everyday?” He softly chuckled and so did you. “If that’s what it takes-“ You cut him off quickly,” Jimin I love you and only you!” You nestled your head into the spot at the base of his neck and shoulder. “So fast to awnser.” He rested his head on top of yours. “I wanted to say it before my mind decided that you actually should buy me food everyday.” You joked. You heard a small chuckled and felt his neck move slightly with each laugh. “Y/N your so cute.” He muttered. “Jimin your so handsome.” You responded letting out a big bright smile. The moment was beautiful and you stayed there for a bit. Jimin’s phone rang. He checked the caller ID. “Who’s Tzuyu?” You mumbled as he got up to take the call. “Friend.” He responded. He sounded mad... at me. You were gonna ask why... that Tzuyu girl can wait. You rushed to the wall at the bathrooms. You were going to continue but, paused. “Tzuyu I can’t right now!” He yelled into the phone. “Tzuyu of course I do!” He shouted again loudly. “I would never!” He shouted again. “The other girl? A friend!” He sounded angry. “Y/N is not half as beautiful and smart as you are.” He mumbled quietly, but loud enough for you to hear. “I love you and only you... I would never cheat.” He sounded sincere with his apology. He was hiding behind a mask of lies though. You felt the tears well up and spill silently. I thought... you felt another warm tear travel down your cold skin. “Babe I’ll be home in 10 minutes maximum.” He said in his pathetic loving tone. “I can’t wait to see you.” He chuckled. You were fed up and the tears were coming down more rapidly. “I love you babe... bye.” He sounded happy on the way that went until he turned the corner and saw you. Your eyes big and puffy and your face red. Tears rolled down your cheeks. “And who was t-that?” You stuttered on your words. “Did you hear the whole thing!?” He yelled at you. “Well someone’s revealing their true colors.” You snapped back at him. “Eavesdropper!” He yelled. “Back-Stabber!” You yelled back. “YOU ARE WORSE THAN HER!” He screamed into your face. “YOUR WORSE THAN ANYONE” You screamed back. “Oh really!?” He yelled annoyed at this point. “I would rather date ANYONE else than a cheating useless piece of garbage like you!” You words got to Jimin. A single tear rolled down his cheek... he didn’t respond. “Don’t play the victim here.” You spat back at him. “I-I...” He stopped not knowing what to say. “I-I ch-cheated b-but I l-lo-love you Y-Y/N.” He voice shaky and small. “And I don’t.” You muttered and took of his jacket struggling to not cry. You tossed it at him and he caught it in his empty arms. You turned around and ran off. You ran down the sidewalk in anger and sadness. You stumbled across Jimin’s group of friends. “Oh! Hey Y/N!” Taehyung opened his arms to hug you but you crossed yours. “Is everything alright?” Taehyung looked confused. “Wouldn’t bother to tell me huh? Such a friend..” You ran off angry. “What do you mean?!” You heard him yell back at you. You got in your car and let it all out. Every teardrop that wanted to fall was now falling on your car’s steering wheel. You looked at the group. Only one person kept staring at you... Jungkook. You locked eyes. He looked away and ran to catch up with his group. Then a idea popped into your head. “Prey on the weakest...” You murmured thinking of Jungkook. “I can make him jealous...” the words of revenge weren’t new to form on your tongue since it was always your way to deal with people you hate. Tears stopped dropping and you thought about just what damage could be made. And a smirk crossed your face. “Jungkook.” You muttered before driving to your apartment. 


You didn’t have any classes with your friends. Jimin came home crying last night which you had never seen before... well expect for the time you won him on Overwatch. He didn’t talk. Everyone else was talking and walking off to their classes. You stood there lonely. You closed your eyes and thought for a moment about Y/N... her beautiful face... you could never steal her from Jimin... it would be heartless!


 You found Jungkook. It looks like he was lost in his thoughts since his eyes were closed and he had a bright smile on his face. “Hey.” You were standing in front of him. He opened his eyes and looked startled. “Hehe... sorry!” You apologized. “For what?” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Scaring you?” You asked wondering if it was your fault. “Oh... hehe.” He responded sharing the laugh you had given him a while ago. “I’m-“ you were about to introduce yourself. “Y/N.” He said before you could finish. “Uh, Yea.” You muttered. “I’m such a shy mess.” You giggled. Acting time! “I think it’s kinda cute... if Jimin doesn’t mind me saying.” He quickly added the last part. “Jimin? We split up.” Now was not the time to burst into tears Y/N! “Really?” He looked happy but then put on a sad face. “Yea... I was wondering... you seem... interesting...” you were bad at talking to people. Jimin had asked you last time. “So... wanna... uh... date?” He looked surprised at your sudden remark. “S-sure!” He responded quickly. “Can I sit with you and Jimi- Uh! BTS! At lunch?” You hope you weren’t to suspicious. “Yea of course!” He sounded so happy like a kid on Christmas. “Great!” You tried to sound excited for going out with this dork. You started walking to class. “Wanna come with me or... do you wanna be late?” You chuckled. “Huh? Oh yea... I’ll come!” He laughed. You hated how slow he was to get a joke! He hardly had the smallest sense of humor. You set your stuff down and sat at your seat. Jimin walked into the classroom. He looked so... sad and broken. Jungkook set his stuff next to your seat and sat down. “This is my favorite class!” He whisper shouted. He had a huge bunny smile. What a dork... I hate every class. Jimin looked at you and his eyes teared up. He set his stuff next to up shakily and sat next to you. It crushed you to see him so sad. “H-hey babe...” he muttered. “Ex.” I corrected. “I’m sorry... please-“ You shut him up with the best way possible. You turned to Jungkook and cupped his face. You kissed him. Your lips felt disgusting against his. He eyes were so big and scared. He slightly fluttered his eyes closed and kissed you back. EEW IM GONNA GAG! You heard someone start to move. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Jimin in tears moving to a different table. You released the kiss... finally, and put on your best fake smile and turned to the board. Jungkook awkwardly stared at you for a few minutes then turned away smiling brightly again. “She’s so hot...” you heard someone mutter. “Excuse me?” You whispered to Jungkook. “S-sorry I thought you couldn’t, I mean wouldn’t! Hear me...” This dork thinks I am the most forgiving girl? I would crush him if I wasn’t already focused on crushing Jimin. “Your hotter.” I muttered back the words being forced out of your mouth. “I’M HOT?!?!” He screamed in the middle of the class. Jimin looked shocked and looked your way. “Excuse me Jungkook?” The teacher stared at him. “Uh...” He looked tongue tied. “It is pretty hot under the air vent-“ I started making an excuse for Jungkook. “THATS WHAT I MEANT!” AISH THIS STUPID- ugh Y/N calm down. “You should turn on the AC.” He mumbled quickly. “Oh... okay?” You saw the teacher walk over and adjust the buttons and the AC control panel. “Thanks.” You say quickly to the teacher. I was blind to think this was a good idea... blind

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