2 Concurrence


Soo-young was on her way to her office. It was a cloudy morning in the town of Berryblock. She doesn't like the idea of being late for work, that's why she's more likely to arrive at the office 30 minutes before 9 o'clock in the morning. Every weekday, she doesn't eat breakfast at her house because she knows that there are free donuts and coffee every morning at work.

Soo-young's house is just a 15-minute walk from her office. Whenever she walks, she likes to think and observe. Calculating the exact time she'll arrive at work, how many steps she'd take, observing the weather, deducting random people on the street. It's like her mind is always busy but it was normal for her. 

When she finally arrived at work, she was surprised because she was not expecting a co-worker to be early too. 

"Early, as usual, detective Soo-young." the guy said.

"You know that I love eating breakfast here, plus it's free." Soo-young said while putting her bag into her desk.

"How's your case?" the guy asked.

"Done." Soo-young said while holding her mug.

"For real?! You only took that case three days ag-... I'll get back to my desk. Have a good morning!" the guy walked away embarrassed realizing that who he was talking to was the best detective in town. Soo-young was the kind of woman that is hard to approach because of her cold look.


Soo-young doesn't have anything to do but to wait for another case from the police chief. She decided to read the newspaper and it was filled with the usual headlines. She quickly scanned the pages but nothing interests her. 

An hour passed and the police station is already filled with officers.

"Good morning, Soo-young." the Chief greeted.

"Morning, chief." Soo-young replied.

"Any progress on your case?"

"I'll pass in the papers today. I was just waiting for you." Soo-young arranges and grabs her portfolio.

"Here you go again finishing a case in just three days while the other's lasts for months." the chief sighed. 

"I guess it's not a bad thing that we got someone like you. Even though you're just working here for almost a year now."

"Thanks, Chief." Soo-young said with a little smile on her face.

"By the way, I have a favor." the Chief said.

"Uh, we have this new recruit. Kinda new in this field. Fresh graduate. I want her to be your assistant until she learns everything she's supposed to know. I know that you can teach her easily because you know, you're the best one out here, and you're both women."

"When does she start?" Soo-young asked.

"Tomorrow." the Chief replied.

"So sudden?" 

"You got this." the Chief said through a mouthful of donuts while getting back to his office.

Soo-young thought to herself that she can't properly teach a new recruit. She's like a lone wolf. She shooked off the thought and told herself that she'll figure out what to do about it.

5 minutes later, the Chief came rushing to Soo-young.

"Come to my office. I need to talk to you about something." the Chief said while catching his breath.


"Have you heard about what happened last night to KKM museum in the town of Esrevanool?" the Chief asked.

"No, I slept early. Why?" Soo-young gave a curious look.

"Well, apparently there's this group of thieves that stole the treasures of this famous adventurer, Min Young-bin or Mr. M. This is the 3rd treasure that they stole. They call themselves 'Wolfpack' or something." the Chief said.

"So, the Chief in Esrevanool wants my help?" Soo-young crossed her arms.

"How did you-" the Chief was surprised but slowly realized what Soo-young said and just smiled.

"Yes, they do need your help. There isn't a single detective in that town that could solve the riddles." the Chief added.

"Riddles?" Soo-young was curious.

"Wolfpack always leaves a note every time they steal one of Mr. M's treasure. I don't know why they only steal his treasures even though they could easily steal much more expensive treasures than those of Mr. M's. I really think only you can help them." the Chief said and took a sip of his coffee.

"What's the price?" Soo-young said while raising her left eyebrow.

"Money. A lot." the Chief replied.

"When will you send me there?" Soo-young asked.

"After you've done my favor." the Chief replied.

"You know that I like working alone, right?" Soo-young said while approaching the door.

"Oh, I know. You'll just teach her the basics." the Chief smiled.

"Basics, huh." Soo-young murmured.

"And, you don't have anything to do, right?" the Chief added. "You can go home early. We'll handle things for today." 

"Thanks." Soo-young replied.

Soo-young went back to her desk and arranged her things. She walked towards the exit. She decided that she would go home after she buys herself a soda in the mini-mart located just a few blocks away from the station. 

Before entering the mini-mart, Soo-young heard a loud squeal. She then noticed a man standing in front of the counter holding a knife while the cashier was getting all the money in the cash register. Beside the counter was 3 men circling a girl threatening her to give all of her money. 

Soo-young immediately scanned the waist and pockets of the 4 men if there was any gun and luckily, there wasn't. She rushed towards the guy in front of the counter and kicked him hard on his hip. The guy fell down and Soo-young grabbed the knife and immediately threw it to one of the other guys' knee. She then grabbed a bottle of insecticide on one of the shelves near her and sprayed it to the 2 remaining guys and kicking them both away from her causing them to fall on the floor. She approached the men that were struggling to get up and punched all of them one by one to make sure they lose consciousness. Soo-young noticed that the girl she saved was ducking and crying near a corner while the cashier dialed 911. 

"Are you okay, Miss?" Soo-young asked worriedly while checking out the girl if she was harmed.

"Y-yes. Thank you for saving my life." the girl replied with tears on her face. 

Soo-young noticed that the girl was trembling. 

"Stand up. Let's get you home." Soo-young grabbed the girl's hand and helped her stand.

The girl looked at the 4 guys that are laying down on the floor, worried that they might gain consciousness. 

Soo-young noticed and told the girl, "they won't be awake for some time. I punched them real hard. Let's wait for my friends to deal with this." 

"A-are you a cop?" the girl asked.

"Detective." Soo-young replied with a sly smile.

"Do you mind if I get a drink?" Soo-young asked the cashier.

The cashier gave an approving nod.

5 minutes have passed, 2 police cars stopped in front of the mini-mart.

"Check the perimeter." the Chief commanded.

The cops stormed the mini-mart and immediately handcuffed the 4 guys. 

"Soo-young. Not expecting to see you here." the Chief said.

"Mhm." Soo-young replied while was full of soda.

"Also you, Miss... what's your name again? Ah... Jiwoo!" the Chief laughed. "What is this coincidence? What a way to meet each other for the first time!"

Soo-young looking confused and finally realizes what the Chief meant. 

"No way." Soo-young said with a shocked look at her face.

"Soo-young, this is Jiwoo. The one that I was talking about." the Chief said smiling. "Jiwoo, she's the one that's going to guide you!" 

Jiwoo looked at Soo-young and bowed while wiping her tears. "K-Kim Jiwoo! Nice to meet you, Miss Soo-young!" Jiwoo said in a shy manner.




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Hello! Hope you're still reading uwu. I plan to update this weekly but if I'm not busy, chapters will be up every 3 days! Enjoy reading!


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hello! Sorry for the delay, chapter 3 is still on the works but i can't finish it yet. I'm kinda busy bc of school.