lets do it babey i know the law


stop ghosting me wtf


this is me recycling my ad from some weeks ago but with a few tweaks

  • est (gmt -4/5 i think). my sleeping sched is not exactly ed but i'm quick to reply as long as i'm in a good mood and not distracted
  • i'm good for talking, rabbiting, plato-ing, giving advice and moral support, joining rps with you if you need a buddy on tl, cpdp-ing!
  • don't really mind who your fc is, but i personally fc the boyz, fromis_9, and loona. sometimes seventeen, other ggs, etc.
  • notable personality things: chaotic neutral, entp, gemini sun/scorpio moon/leo rising if you're into that. i love personality stuff
  • link me one (1) song you've been looping lately once you finish reading this whole ad. i'm in dire need of some music recz
  • other interests: film, psychology, horror, writing & worldbuilding, design, music (i listen to literally everything. try me)
  • contrary to what the description says, idm being ghosted. it happens. unless i actually like you? then you but also whatever
  • non-dating, not really looking either. i'm really good at breaking hearts!!!! this is me warning you before any of my exes do :*

i have discord, kkt, and freelance! pm me your handle for any and i'll add you when i can. ^__~


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