He's back.

My love is like a star.

 Mei sat on the couch alone – Sana was still at work and Jin stayed to play with friends. She watched a random program about celebrities and Tzuyu’s name caught her attention. They talked about the presentation of the new women fragrance that the woman was the face of and videos from presentations were shown. But she was more interested in the videos from the other event where Tzuyu hugged another woman. She wasn’t sure who the person was but when she heard ‘rumored dating’ she felt her blood boil. How dare that Chou goes out with someone else? This only expanded her unsure feeling about the brunette.

 Before she could complain, someone knocked on the door. It was weird, Sana and Jin had keys and Mei wasn’t expecting any visitors. She didn’t want to open the door, mother taught her not too, but the knocking became aggressive.

 “Sana, open the door. I came to talk.” She heard man’s voice and it scared her even more. “It’s Woojin. Come on.”

 It was sensible that the person was angry and Mei was getting even more terrified of him. He slammed the door with force, making it almost fall and cursed several times. Using the phone, she had called mom and informed her about the stranger.

 Scared she went upstairs and in the darkness of the corridor peeked through the curtains. The big man stood by the road under the street light. He talked on the phone, messing his quiet long, flipped on the side hair. His sight was scary and Mei trembled when he turned and looked over the house. She remembered her brother was still out on the street, probably going home just now and she terrified on the fact that this person could do something to him. She took phone again, her hands shaking when she dialled her brother and waited for him to pick up. She pleaded him to do not come home yet, but her tone scared him more than the strange man right in front of their house.

 Mei peeked again, this time seeing the black familiar car pulling over. She ran down and near the door.


 Sana panicked in the car that Jeongyeon drove, speeding up and breaking speed limit several times. Tzuyu had phone squeezed in her arm, checking the time. She was just about to pick Sana up when the blonde called her and explained the whole situation.

 When the car just stopped, Sana stormed out, already seeing a man nearing the house door. She was afraid, but only of her children. Tzuyu and Jeongyeon jumped out after her, heading to the intruder.

 “Hey, what are you doing?”

 Sana screamed, her voice shaking from the adrenaline. The person turned around and Sana froze seeing her high school nightmare in front of her eyes. He hasn’t changed much – still handsome face, beautiful eyes and a disgusting smile that appeared on his lips when he saw the woman.

 “Sana, I was looking for you.”

 The temper of his voice made her sick and she wanted to leave as soon as possible. She stepped back, her instincts telling her to run, but her back pressed to the other body instead. She relaxed after catching Tzuyu’s perfume scent and feeling a hand on her waist.

 “Who are you?” Her voice spoke seriously.
 “I’d like to know too. Who the are you? And what are you doing with my girl?”

 The lunch stuck in Sana’s throat by the words. He always did that, pretended as everyone belonged to him. The blonde almost puked on the disguised feeling.

 “She’s not yours. She dates Tzuyu.”

 Sana recognized the voice as her son’s and tensed on the realization that Woojin could understand who it was. She saw Jeongyeon stopping the boy by her side, holding the angry and panting Jin in place.

 “I’m Chou Tzuyu and I’m sure she’s not what you said.”
 “Okay – okay, I see. But can I speak with you.” He looked at Sana.
 “I-I don’t want to.”
 “Hey, listen. I realized my mistakes, okay? Just want to be a good father for my children.”

 Sana felt ground under her shaking. Her heart squeezed on the feeling that he just wanted to take kids away from her. She grasped Tzuyu’s hand as hard as she could, hearing her groaning, but surpassing the pain.

 “She doesn’t want to talk, so leave now, before I call the police.”

 The man just chuckled but still left.

 Tzuyu felt Sana falling into her arms and she grasped her tighter to hold in place. The door to the house opened and Mei carefully looked out.

 “Jeong, please, take them in.”

 The woman did so, leaving the couple alone. Tzuyu ignored her clothes getting dirty and sat on the grass, pulling Sana for an embrace and on her lap. She her head, leaving another hand on the loin. The quiet sobs were breaking her heart and she nuzzled into the blonde’s neck kissing to relax her.

 “Sana, love, it’s okay. I promise you, I’ll do my best for him to be out of your sight.”

 Sana held tightly on her shoulders, squeezing and supporting herself that way. She was thankful Tzuyu for everything. Usually, she’d cry alone, hugging herself and wishing for someone to be near. This time someone indeed held her when she needed it the most.

 Jin looked out in the window, still seeing the two of his favorite people on the ground in an embrace. He saw his mother shaking, probably crying and he understood who the person that made her cry was. He was mad. How dare he came here after all of these years and ask something from Sana? They didn’t need him. Mei was still scared and sat on the couch with Jeongyeon, desperate to be in her mother arms, but understanding that her mother felt much worst now.

 When Sana finally entered the house, Mei ran to her, hugging the woman and feeling afraid to let go. They both experienced a lot and others in the house just let them rest on the couch for a while. Tzuyu never saw this before, but Mei seemed to be so fragile in front of her now. The strong girl that judged her with an icy glare was a long time gone and a small little kitten that was seeking for protection appeared. Tzuyu’s instinct of protection went green by the sight.

 Jeongyeon felt like a fifth wheel of the car. She understood that it wasn’t her role and time to be here. Tzuyu hesitated to leave and it was visible that Sana was terrified to be left alone. The gray-haired called a taxi and hurried to leave.

 Jin knew his role too good. Maybe he was still ten years old boy, but he knew his family needed him to be a man now. Tzuyu knew he was scared, the shock in his eyes gone by the time and now he stared at two others in concern. In order to ease him, Tzuyu nudged his side, smiling.

 “Come on, let’s make dinner.”

 He became more enthusiastic, probably wondering how to help before, and finally getting the answer. He went into the kitchen, opening the fridge and waiting for Tzuyu to scan it. There wasn’t a lot. Tzuyu took her time thinking.

 “Do you like veggies?” She asked.

 She chuckled when the boy glanced behind the door and shook his head with pleading eyes. The answer and call for help were clear.

 “Never mind, I don’t think I would use it.”

 They were making a stew with rice. Tzuyu was actually very impressed with the way Jin was helping her. He knew where every single ingredient could be and cut meat perfectly. Tzuyu watched with a smile at a little boy and could only imagine how hard it was for Sana to manage taking care of twins for ten years.

 Sana had her daughter in her arms, her head, brushing through hair and grinning at the talks she could barely hear from the kitchen.

 “Why he came here?” Mei asked, tightening the hug.
 “I don’t know, honey. But it sure is nothing good.”
 “Will he take us away?”
 “Never. I would never let him.”

 For Sana that person was long ago gone, she didn’t want to know any of his news or anything. For her, he would never change – he threw her away, almost like a kitten on the road without any support, making her cry and almost lose children. Over the ten years, he never showed up or provided any kind of support, leaving Sana to work three jobs for three years to just be able to find some place away from parents. She hated him.

 “The dinner is ready.”


 They had indeed delicious meals, filling the stomach and now sipping on the tea. Mei watched Tzuyu carefully, following every move. She knew that the brunette helped them just now, but the program in her head was still spinning fresh and all the words that her bullies at school spoke reopened her wounds. The weird theory appeared in her head – she knew it was a stupid one, but couldn’t help but think of it. She thought that their life before Sana met the CEO was so much better and this all was happening only because of the woman. She couldn’t help but wonder if the concern Tzuyu showed was real or not. Mei was definitely puzzled.

 She volunteered to wash dishes and was accompanied by Jin, who sat on the chair. The time was getting late and Tzuyu understood that the family would go to beds soon. She didn’t want to be a distraction, especially after being ripped by Mei’s glares.

 Sana leaned at her side when they sat on the couch and her hand searched for Tzuyu, locking fingers together. No one in the world made her this comfortable before. She knew that while Tzuyu was here, they all could be safe because Tzuyu would stand for them and never leave.

 “Love, I need to go.” The woman whispered.
 “It’s getting late and I think it’s better…”
 “Can you stay the night?”

 The worry in Sana’s eyes spoke a lot. Tzuyu even felt bad for even thinking of leaving. She smiled at the blonde, squeezing their interweaved hands and receiving a kiss on the cheek.

 “If you want me to.”

 One more hour in front of the TV and Sana ushered kids to bed. They still had school tomorrow morning, but now Sana could care less about homework. She was gone with Mei, while Jin pulled Tzuyu in his room. He felt on the ease with Tzuyu – she understood well and made sure he was safe and sound any time. It was surprising though – he wasn’t her child, not even had any blood connections with this woman, but she referred to him with love, not like any others, that just adored his face or good manners or anything. She saw him failing, lacking sometimes, but Tzuyu just always had the same warm smile Sana always had on her face.

 Sana was relieved to discover that Mei fell asleep without any troubles and Jin was snoring in his room too. She went down and found Tzuyu in the armchair with closed eyes – the day was hectic not only for the three of them. Sana carefully made her way to the girl and landing on her laps, throwing legs on the arm-rester. Tzuyu made a small smile while locking her hands on the blonde’s side and pulling her closer. Sana was so thankful for her presence these days. Usually, she was going crazy with all the troubles on work, from school, bills and so on, but as Tzuyu always was supporting her, Sana somehow felt calmer.

 “I’m so scared to live here now. How did he even find me?” She nuzzled into Tzuyu’s neck for comfort.
 “Do you want me to check on him?”
 “I don’t know.”
 “At least we would know if he has bad intentions or not.”

 The woman sighed. She was tired of thinking and speaking about him for today. She kissed the pulse spot on Tzuyu’s neck, grinning at how stiff the other one became. Sana’s hand found its way to the dark hair and she gently massaged the younger one’s scalp, hearing a groan leaving . She shifted a little, pulling Tzuyu and capturing her lips. It was addicting – the taste of the stew that they just had and the warmth of the woman’s mouth were driving Sana crazy. She shivered as tongue brushed over hers and Tzuyu gasped into as Sana pulled her buttons open.

 “Wait-wait, I don’t think right now it’s a good idea. Kids just a few walls away.” Tzuyu mumbled in Sana’s lips.
 “Sorry, just got carried away. I love you.”
 “I love you more.”

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Chapter 26: This is so beautiful.
Chapter 26: I finished this in one go and all I can say that this story is really good. Thank you for this author-nim :))))))
Here I am again, re read this story 3x hahaha, I never get tired to say thankyou to you author for this beautiful story<3
Chapter 26: I can't move on to this beautiful story this is the 2nd times that I read this ,
Chapter 26: i really love this story. it's my first time loving both satzu as a character in their story. i can say that this satzu here is my favorite since they just act like a "real person", more matured, and know how to "normally" deal with their problem through the story. i think this is the most healthy satzu character that i ever read. thank you very much for the beautiful work author-nim
Chapter 26: Thank you
Chapter 26: I read it all in a go, nice story you have!
saovanmai #9
Chapter 26: Thanks so much for writing this work! It was a nice break from all the angst I've been reading. Keep up the great work! I can't wait to see what you'll write in the future if you're still writing!
ItsMeSapphire1225 #10
Chapter 26: I like the ending, it ends with one of the most heart warming messages I've heard