ing Dense

When Will You Notice?

"She hasn't noticed yet?" Mina sighs. She has been getting this question a lot lately from her friends, but her answer is still the same. 

"No. What do you expect from her, Nayeon?"

Nayeon nods her head.

"You are right."

Chaeyoung. Son Chaeyoung. The only girl that can make Mina feels in this way. The only girl that can make Mina feels butterflies in her stomach.

It's Mina. Myoui Mina. Myoui ing Mina. The most popular girl in Seoul University. Mina is that kind of girl that will get everyone's attention every time she passes by. She is that kind of girl that can make everyone do everything only to get her heart. Both boys and girls are going head over heels in love with her.

Yes, Myoui Mina is that powerful. It sounds a bit dramatic, but she doesn't get that without any reasons.

Mina was born with everything. She is almost perfect. Or maybe, she already is. 

Visual? No one can beat Mina's. She doesn't even need make ups on. She has small face, with beautiful eyes and perfect shaped nose. Her upper lips is filled a bit larger than her lower lips, but it's not a problem. Don't forget moles that splattered on her face like an artwork.

She has no flaws.

She is also smart. She always get perfect scores even without studying. She was born with a genius brain. Getting 1st rank? It doesn't feel foreign at all for Mina. She always does every year.

Not only in academic, she is also smart in non-academic aspect. She has been learning ballet since she was 5 years old. She joins ballet competition a lot, and she won almost every competition she joined. You can see a big shelf in her house, filled with trophies and medals she got. Ballet is also the reason why Mina got a perfect S-shaped body. Oh, don't forget about her abs too.

Also, her family background. We can say, Mina comes from a rich family. Her father is a famous orthopedic professor in a hospital in Japan. Her mom owns a beauty clinic. 

She is living everyone's dream.

She is a living princess.

Despite being a perfect human being, Mina is not arrogant. She doesn't feel superior at all. She is friends with everyone. She is down to earth, and really kind. She doesn't hesitate to help anyone that needs her help. She even gets shy when people is praising her.

See? I told you. She has no flaws.

And there is Son Chaeyoung. Nothing special from her. She is just an average teenager, an average college student. We can say, she is really the opposite from Mina.

Chaeyoung is not too smart, but she is also not a dumb one. She loves drawing, but she doesn't take it seriously. For her, it's only a hobby. 

Unlike Mina that will get everyone's attention every time she passes by, we can say Chaeyoung is almost unnoticeable. No one knows her, except her classmates, or their best friends, Dahyun and Tzuyu.

Chaeyoung is kinda pretty for normal college student. She has big eyes, full-thick heart shaped lips, and a cute mole below her lips. She is also so smol, that makes her looks so cute and squish-able.

If you are questioning why a Myoui Mina can fall in love with a Son Chaeyoung, let me tell you.

For Mina, Chaeyoung is different. Everyone out there always sees Mina as the popular girl. They always see Mina as the flawless perfect girl, and to be honest, it burdens Mina a lot. It makes Mina feels everyone wants to be friends with her only because of that. Sometimes she is tired of being that perfect girl everyone talks about. She really wants to live her life like another normal teenager.

Meanwhile, Chaeyoung doesn't see her in that way. Chaeyoung sees Mina as Myoui Mina. As herself. At their first encounter, Chaeyoung didn't even know who Mina was.

- flashback, starts. -

Chaeyoung really had no idea that she was talking to that perfect Myoui Mina that everyone falls head over heels for.

Mina was having her lunch alone that time in the cafetaria. Nayeon was in the middle of class, and Sana didn't come because she was sick.

The cafetaria was really crowded since it was lunch time. No more seats left, except the one that was in front of Mina's. Short story, Son Chaeyoung approached her, and asked Mina if she could sit together with Mina or not.

That was not the first time someone wanted to sit with Mina. Mina, as the kind hearted girl, always say yes to everyone. But when she is with Nayeon and Sana, especially Nayeon, no one dare to even approach her because Nayeon will give them her death glare and scare them away.

Mina thought Chaeyoung would do the same thing just like everyone else did to her. Mina thought she would flirt with her, but the thing that surprised Mina is, Chaeyoung didn't. Both Chaeyoung and Mina didn't even say a single word. They were both having their lunches in peace.

Feeling weird, Mina finally dared to start the conversation. The first sentence Mina said was:

"You don't know me?"

Chaeyoung stopped eating, and looked at Mina with a confused look. 

"Did we... meet each other before?"

A short answer from Chaeyoung really made Mina left with wide open agape.

Someone that doesn't know her really exists, Mina thought.

"Oh, you are right."

Mina flashed a smile, and she continued eating.

"I planned to introduce myself after I'm done with eating because I'm not used to have conversation while I'm eating, but let's do just do it now."

Chaeyoung flashed a big grin, and Mina could feel something that she never felt before inside her.

Mina didn't know what it was.

"My name is Son Chaeyoung. I'm in the 2nd year, and I'm majoring music. How about you?"

"Mina. Myoui Mina."

Mina paused for a while, waiting for Chaeyoung's reaction. If Chaeyoung doesn't know how she looks like, then at least she must heard about Mina before, right?

 But Mina was wrong.

"Okay.. that's all?"

"Uhm.. I'm in my 3rd year now, and I'm majoring business."

Chaeyoung really had no idea about Mina.

"Oh, you are older than me! What should I call you with? Mina sunbae? or Mina unni?"

Mina could feel her heart beat faster when Chaeyoung called her with "Mina unni".

Really, what is going with you, Mina? Mina asked herself.

"U-uhm.. Mina unni is fine."

"Okay, cool. So, we are friends now, right?"

Mina nodded her head.

"Nice to meet you, Mina unni."

There's, Chaeyoung's "Mina unni" again. Mina once again could feel something weird inside of her. She still didn't know what it was.

Both of them continued eating their meals in silence. Chaeyoung was eating well, meanwhile Mina was drowned in her own thoughts.

What's going on with me?

What kind of feelings is this?

Son Chaeyoung, what have you done to me?

Mina was too busy in her own world. She didn't even notice that there was a figure standing beside the table where she and Chaeyoung were sitting. 

"Chaeyoung, I've been looking for you."

Mina has never seen this girl before. The girl has long wavy blonde hair, and damn, her skin looks soft and white, as white as a tofu. She has one pair of sharp eyes, and a pointy nose. 

"Oh, Dahyun. I waited for you in front of your class but you took so long so I decided to leave you. I was so hungry, sorry."

Oh, her name is Dahyun. Maybe she's Chaeyoung's friend, Mina thought.

Dahyun still hasn't noticed Mina's existence. She kept talking to Chaeyoung. The way Dahyun's lips and fluffy cheeks moved as she talked was really cute for Mina.

Mina was still looking at Dahyun and Chaeyoung having conversation. She examined them from aside in silent.

"You should have sent me message or something. I-"

Dahyun stopped talking, and Mina wondered why.


Dahyun finally noticed her. From what Mina could see, Dahyun knew who she was. Unlike Chaeyoung, Dahyun knew about the perfect flawless famous girl in this university.

Dahyun was left with opened widely. She was shookt as . She blinked a few times, and tried to process everything.

Her best friend, Son Chaeyoung, was having lunch together with the Goddess Myoui Mina. 

"Holy ."

Dahyun covered as she realized that she has spitted out the curse words.


Mina only flashed a smile.

"Oh, right. I haven't introduced her to you, Dahyun. She is my new friend. Her name is Myoui Mina. She is from-"

"Chaeyoung, we need to talk."

"Sure, go a-"

"But not here, Chaeyoung."

Dahyun looked at Mina again, and gave Mina a wide smile.

"I-it was nice meeting you, Mina sunbae. You look even prettier in this distance. If you don't mind, I have to talk to Chaeyoung about a few things. We will comeback in a while."

Mina nodded her head. Actually, Mina already knew about the "things" Dahyun wanted to tell Chaeyoung.

"But Dahyun, I haven't finished my-"

Dahyun didn't even let Chaeyoung finished her words, as she grabbed Chaeyoung's right left arm and walked away from Mina.

Mina sighed.


"Hey, what's wrong with you, Dahyun? I know you are pissed about me leaving you without telling you, but isn't this too much? I was having lunch with Mina unni and you just dragged me away. It's a bit rude."

"What did you say? Mina unni?"

Dahyun couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Why? Is there something wrong?"

Dahyun sighed, and she understood the situation. Her friend, Son Chaeyoung, was being dense as always.

She literally had no idea about who Mina was.

"Chaeyoung. Do you know who she is?"

"Of course? We introduced ourselves. Her name is Myoui Mina, she is in 3rd year. She is majoring business, and oh, we are friends now. She even told me to call her Mina unni."

Chaeyoung answered innocently. Dahyun has never felt this frustrated in her 20 years of life.

"Once i told you about a girl that is really famous in our university. You remember?"

Chaeyoung nodded her head.

"I told you her name too. Do you remember her name?"

"Uh.. no?"

"Okay, let me tell you now. Listen carefully."

Dahyun took a deep breath, and continued.

"That Myoui Mina girl, that girl that you call Mina unni, that girl that was sitting in front of you earlier, is that famous girl, Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung's mouthed an "O".

"Then, what's about that? Can't I sit with her?"

Dahyun was speechless. She could feel her head throbbing.

"Whatever, Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung looked at Dahyun confusedly.

- flashback ends. -

"Hello, Miss Myoui? Are you still there?"

Nayeon waves her hand in front of Mina's face. Mina is brought back to the reality.

"What did you say earlier, Nayeon? Sorry, I was thinking about something."

"I asked, why does it has to be Son Chaeyoung? I mean, you can easily get every boys and girls you want. You are a ing Myoui Mina. There's-"

"Stop your nonsense, Im Nayeon. I told you the reasons already."

Nayeon sighs.

"Alright, don't be mad Minari. It's just.. I pity you. I know she is just dense, but aren't you obvious enough? I mean, you always stick to her everywhere. Everyone can see that you treat her differently from the others. Even I can see the way you look at her is so different, Mina. But why can't she notice?"

"Nayeon, just be patient. Everything takes times. Someday she will notice-"

"You have said the same thing for a lot of times, Mina. It's been months."

Nayeon got point. It's been months- 6 months to be exact since her first encounter with Chaeyoung. They've been hanging out a lot, and as times passed by, Mina found out about her feelings towards Chaeyoung. She finally understands that weird feelings she felt when she first met Chaeyoung. She finally understands why her heart beat faster when Chaeyoung called her 'Mina unni'.

It was love in the first sigh.

And yes, Mina is madly in love with Chaeyoung.

The problem here, Chaeyoung hasn't noticed about Mina's feelings towards the younger. Sana has been telling her to confess, but Mina is too shy. Mina did try, but every time she wants to spit out those three magic words, Mina can't help but saying another things instead.

Chaeyoung is not helping either. The way she treats Mina always makes Mina fluttered. Once, she called Mina. They met, and what happened next really made Mina's feet felt like jelly.

Chaeyoung hugged Mina for sudden in the crowd. The reasons? Because Chaeyoung got an A in the subject that the younger hated the most. For Chaeyoung, it was only a small gesture, but for Mina, it was everything. Mina could feel pairs of eyes were staring at them (as you know, Mina got a lot of fans). Chaeyoung just hugged their 'idol' in front of them. They couldn't help it but felt mad. Didn't want something happen to the younger, Mina grabbed her hand and left.

Once, they were having lunches together too with Dahyun, Tzuyu, Sana and Nayeon. Mina is that kind of tidy person, but she messed a bit that time. There was ketchup stain on her face. Chaeyoung noticed, and she really wiped it with her bare hand. Mina got really red that time, and she excused herself to restroom.

Sana and Nayeon couldn't stop teasing her for the whole day for that accident.

Mina sighs again, for the nth time. She really doesn't know what to do. All she can do is hoping that someday Chaeyoung will stop being -too much- dense and notice Mina's feelings.


 It's Saturday. Mina doesn't has class. She doesn't has any home works to do, and she doesn't need to study either. She just lying on her bed for the whole day.

She is getting bored.

Sana, her roommate slash best friend is nowhere to be known. Sana already left since Mina was still sleeping. She left a note on the fridge.

I'll be out for the whole day. Feed yourself baby. Ily.

Mina chuckled. It's not like Sana is the one who always cook. It's always Mina.

Mina took a shower, and cooked lunch for herself. She watches her favorite movie while having her lunch. When she is done, she washed the dishes. She sits on her bed.

She is bored as . She doesn't know what to do.

It's 3pm now, and Mina thinks it's a great time for her to take a beauty sleep. She has been lacking of sleep lately because of home works and s. 

She is about to close her eyes when her phone rings. Mina rolled her eyes, and grabs her phone

From: Baby cub

Mina unni, are you in your room now?

One simple message from Chaeyoung and Mina is already smiling like an idiot.

To: Baby cub

I am. Why?

From: Baby cub

Can I come over? 

To: Baby cub

Sure. I'll be waiting here!

Mina can't help but smiling wider. It will be only two of them here since Sana is not here. Mina blushes by only thinking about it.

Mina waited for like 5 minutes, and her room bell rings. It must be Chaeyoung. It didn't take long for the younger one since Chaeyoung is also living in the same building as Mina. Chaeyoung is on the 2nd floor, meanwhile Mina is on the 3rd floor.

"Wait for a minute!"

Mina flashes to the door and open it. There is Chaeyoung standing in front of her with a big grin on her face.

Cute, Mina thought.

Mina let Chaeyoung in. They both sit on Mina's bed. Chaeyoung comes to Mina's room often, but only two of them is this room is really a rare occasion. 

"Where is Sana unni?"

"I don't know. She already left when I woke  up. She left me a note, said she'll be out for the whole day but she didn't mention where."

"What did you do earlier when you were alone then?"

"Uhm.. nothing much. I was about to take a nap, but then you sent me a message."

"Oh my god, sorry. I didn't know. Should I leave now?"

"No, Chaeng. Chill. I'm not that sleepy." Mina smiles. "Besides, it's better to be with you than being alone."

Mina blushes. Did she just flirt with Chaeyoung?

"Alright then. Sorry for bothering once again."

Silent. No one talks. Mina can hear Chaeyoung's breath and even her heart beat. She just realized that they are so close right now.

"Do you need something, Chaeng? Why did you come over?"

"Actually I need to make sure about something. But I don't know if I should do it or no."

Chaeyoung is looking down while playing with her fingers. Mina knows she is nervous.

Chaeyoung is nervous, and Mina is wondering why.

"Just do it? I mean you are here already."

"Do I need to?"

"I think yes."

"You sure, Mina unni?"


Chaeyoung looked at Mina's eyes. She close her eyes, and takes a long deep breathe.

"Alright, if you say so."

Before Mina can answer, she is already wrapped between Chaeyoung's arms.


What's happening? Mina asked herself.

Chaeyoung is hugging Mina so tightly. She is hugging Mina on Mina's bed and there are only two of them in that room.

Chaeyoung put her head on Mina's nape, and take a long breath. She can smells Mina's jasmine scent, and Mina also can smell Chaeyoung's strawberry scent.

"You smell so good, Mina unni."


Mina is still trying to process everything. She can hear heart beats, but she is not sure if it's hers or Chaeyoung's.

Mina doesn't even move a bit. She is too shocked to react. They stay with the same position, for damn 5 minutes.

Finally, Chaeyoung breaks the hugs.

Mina blinks a few times, and looks at Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung is messing her hair right now.

"No, that's not enough."

"W-what?" Mina looks at Chaeyoung with a confused look on her face. "Not enough?"

"Yes, not enough. I have to try the last option."

"What are you talking about-"

Chaeyoung doesn't even let Mina finish her words when she suddenly cupped Mina's face and pull her for a kiss.

Yes, a kiss. Mina's crush is kissing her right now.

That's a simple kiss. Only their lips pressed on each others, nothing more. Mina can feel Chaeyoung's lips. It's so smooth, and it tastes sweet like strawberry.

Mina doesn't move.

Son Chaeyoung is ing kissing her right now. Right. On. Lips.

Mina can feel her face is really hot right now.

Chaeyoung finally breaks the kiss. Both of them trying to catch their breathes as much as they can, especially Mina.

She feels like her soul already left her body.

"Wow." Chaeyoung says.

Mina is still starring at her bed sheet with. Her brain is really blank right now.

She can't even look at Chaeyoung.

"Mina unni, are you alright?"

How can you ask me like that? You ing kissed me on lips, Son Chaeyoung, Mina said to herself.

A sound from the door finally bring Mina back to the reality.

"Minari, why didn't you lock the door?"

It's Nayeon. What's Nayeon doing here?

Mina finally realizes everything. Chaeyoung just kissed her. She can't help but feels shy. Damn, she can't face Chaeyoung. At least not now.

"Oh, Chaeyoung, you are also here. What are you doing here? And Mina, you okay? Your face is so red."

"Hey hey Mina where are you going? I just arrived-"

Mina stands up and left her own room, leaving Nayeon and Chaeyoung alone.

Nayeon looks at Chaeyoung confusedly.

"What happened? Is everything alright? Did you two fight?"

"Uh, no."


"Well, I hugged and kissed Mina unni."


Chaeyoung covered her ears with her hands.

"Nayeon unni, chill."


"I hugged and kissed Mina unni."


Chaeyoung nods her head.


Nayeon is freaking out, for real. Chaeyoung only looks at her, waiting for her to calm down.

"Alright, calm down Im Nayeon, calm down."

Nayeon take a seat beside Chaeyoung.

"Why did you do that, Chaeyoung?"

"Uh.. Sana unni told me so."


"Yeah.. she asked me about my feelings for Mina unni, but I was confused, so she told me to find it out."


"She told me to hug Mina unni. And if it's not enough, she told me to kiss Mina unni on.. lips."

"What the Sana... Mina is going to kill her for real."

"But, Nayeon unni. Did I do anything wrong? Is Mina unni mad? That's why she left without saying anything?"

"It's not like that, Chaeyoung. She is not mad, believe me. But.. oh my God why do you need to be this dense."

Nayeon is so frustrated.

"That's what Sana told you? That's all?"

"Uhm.. She also told me to check my heart beat after I did that."

Nayeon looks at Chaeyoung seriously. This is getting interesting.

"So, Chaeyoung.. how do you feel right now?"

Chaeyoung put her hand on her chest.

"I feel happy.. and my heart beats eally fast, even until now."

Nayeon smiles.

"Chaeyoung, do you know what it is?"


"It's love."


Should I write that part where Sana tells Chaeyoung to do that? Or maybe a sequel? Let me know!


Also, if you have request or suggestion, kindly hit me up on my:


or maybe if you want to stay anon:

Curious cat:


Have a nice day everyone!

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Oncemidzy #1
Chapter 2: Kekeke it is funny. I wonder about mina's reaction now
Chapter 2: This needs to have a sequel.
Jaelam #3
Asianfanficreader1 #4
Chapter 2: The final chapter of Mina and Chaeyoung please uu
mysticbear007 #5
Chapter 2: Wow i wanna know about mina and chaeyoung but that ending makes me really curious about sana's feelings
aglaonema #6
Chapter 2: Misana
Chapter 2: is sana hurt because of mina or because of chaeyoung am confuse sdsdasd need more hahaha
Chapter 2: Damn I knew there's sachaeng thing in here :(
php502 #9
Chapter 2: well, mina is the reason i think. i'm waiting for the next chap
Watermelon29_AG #10
Chapter 2: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1392129/2'>[Bonus] Sana</a></span>
Noooo! Its a cliffhanger!!! T.T