Part 4

Making a Deal With the Devil (RW)

Taehyung ed Jimin right there on the floor of the dungeon, in plain sight for all of the previously promised souls to see. It was torture for them, Jimin knew, to see the prince treat Jimin with such care. “None of these souls were wasted,” Taehyung said as he lifted Jimin up off the ground and held him against the bars of the cell that the souls were locked away in. “Every one of them prepared me for you.”

The bars were warm on Jimin’s back, and the heat of them helped him relax as Taehyung ed him. He wrapped his arms around the demon’s neck, listening to every word that he was saying, glad that there were hundreds of promised souls before him to turn Taehyung into who he is now.

“I’ve made mistakes with every one of them, and learned from them so that I could be perfect for you.” He whispered in Jimin’s ear.

“You made mistakes with me, too,” Jimin assured him. The demon prince was far from being perfect, but Jimin wasn’t naive. He knew perfect didn’t exist. Not even among the deities. If there was a such thing as a perfect deity, there would only need to be one of them. “Forgivable ones.”


At one point, Taehyung had mentioned that demons liked to watch other demons , but Jimin had no idea that he meant like this. It was apparently like a sport down in Underland.

The games were held in a large colosseum-like area, and the royal family was sitting up in some stands. Namjoon and Seokjin were seated in the highest sitting chairs with Taehyung and Jimin, to the right of Namjoon, in slightly lower seated chairs. 

Jimin was wearing an outfit that was slightly more revealing than the one that Seokjin was wearing, which only had an ellipse shaped hole in the abdomen area, revealing a small part of his stomach. Jimin’s tight leather outfit had slits in the shoulders and waists. It was a full body, but there were slits in the sides from the middle of Jimin’s waist down to his mid thighs, revealing his skin there. It was a challenge to even get the demons to let him wear an outfit with that much coverage, but he was glad that they caved for him. 


“What the hell is that?” Namjoon clearly wasn’t happy about Jimin’s outfit. He narrowed his eyes at the boy who could hardly be considered human anymore now that his horns were forming beautifully—they were thick at the base and curled off into thinner horns at the end. 

“This is what Jimin wants to wear,” Taehyung looked his father right in the eye when he stated that, almost like he was daring Namjoon to argue with him. 

And he did. 

“Jimin is aware that we hold strongly to our demon traditions and values, and we make compromises for no one,” Namjoon said, and he turned to look Jimin in the eye. “Aren’t you?”

“Sure, but you have to be aware that I have traditions and values of my own, and presenting myself respectfully in front of my people is one of them,” Jimin’s words came out a lot calmer and confident than he felt. Taehyung promised him that Namjoon wouldn’t be angry, and, if he was, he would never do anything to hurt Jimin. Jimin trusted Taehyung’s words, but Namjoon was his own person. Taehyung couldn’t make promises on his behalf. “And I don’t make compromises for anyone.”

Namjoon stared hard into Jimin’s eyes, and Jimin stared right back. When he and Taehyung got married, Taehyung would be taking the place of the devil. There was no way Jimin would be letting Namjoon bully him. 

“Well, he compromised a little,” Taehyung broke up the tenseness between them. “He wanted to wear the same kind of outfit as Seokjin, but he compromised to this one.”

“Shut up,” Jimin snapped, nudging Taehyung harshly with his elbow. He was trying to make himself appear unbendable to Namjoon, and Taehyung being truthful wasn’t helping. 

Namjoon’s expression softened. “That which doesn’t bend is bound to break,” He said, “We will meet you in the middle here.” A small smirk formed at the corner of his mouth. “After all, you called the demons your people, and that’s something a human sacrifice has never done before.”

Jimin let out a sigh of relief on a breath he didn’t know he had been holding, and he nodded for politeness sake. “Thank you,” He said, glad that he wouldn’t be forced to wear an outfit more revealing than the one he already had on.


“I hate these stupid games.”

Jimin didn’t even have to look up to know that the grumbly complaint was coming from Yoongi. Their friends had finally arrived.

“Really?” Jimin asked, turning his head toward Yoongi, a frown falling upon his face as soon as he saw what the omega was wearing. His outfit was even more revealing than Jimin’s original outfit had been. He was wearing a pair of shorts that stopped high up on his thighs and only went just over his hips. He had leather straps on his elbows and his top was equivalent to that of a training bra that girls on the surface might wear. “What’s not to love about them?” 

“Everything,” Yoongi grumbled. He started to take the seat directly next to Jimin, but Jungkook pushed him one seat over. Yoongi let out a soft squeak at the force and glared at Jungkook, but took the next seat so that he’d be seated between him and Hoseok. “I’ve been here almost as long as Namjoon, and I’ve watched these games ever since the tradition started. Even for me, this is a terrible tradition.”

It was nice to hear something from Yoongi’s point-of-view. He was the only other omega that Jimin talked to on a regular basis. Of course, he could always ask Seokjin about his opinion on things, but Seokjin honestly frightened Jimin more than Namjoon did.

“Why? What’s so bad about it?” Jimin was curious.

“Don’t get him started,” Jungkook warned.

“These games show absolutely no respect for the omegas that are forced to participate in them,” Yoongi clearly felt very strongly about this.

“No one is forced to participate in these games,” Taehyung argued back, his tone warning. “The omegas are given a choice.”

“Yeah, higher ranked omegas like me and Jimin and other noble demons are given a choice,” Yoongi corrected, “But the royal family still fails to recognize the lowest ranked omegas as their own person, so their choice is left up to their alphas who are willing to put them through anything just to reap the rewards.”

“And you care about these lower ranked omegas?” Taehyung tested, raising an eyebrow at him.

Jimin’s father on the surface was someone who didn’t care about the poorest people in his kingdom. He always fixed it up so that the wealthy people would stay wealthy, and the poor would stay poor. If Jimin wasn’t the last in a long line of succession, he would have planned to change that when he became king. So it was a little upsetting to get the feeling that Taehyung thought the same way as his father on the surface.

“If Jungkook wasn’t an alpha, he’d be one of them,” Yoongi pointed out.

Jimin turned slightly to look at Jungkook, who was seated next to him. Taehyung had once mentioned that Jungkook didn’t have any noble blood in him, but Jimin never would have guessed that he was one of the lowest ranked demons.

“Shh,” Jungkook hushed the omega, “The games are about to begin.”

He must not have liked the topic of his low-born status, as he seemed to quickly attempt to change it. Jimin decided not to press on the issue.

The gates to the colosseum came open, and a dainty little demon stepped out into the arena. This one must have been the omega demon that would be participating in the first round. The alpha that stepped out must have been nearly twice his size, and the omega demon’s eyes shrunk in fear.

Jimin turned away, feeling sorry for the omega as the alpha approached him and into him without any preparation. He couldn’t watch this. He didn’t care for the humans before him, and it was difficult to watch Taehyung treat them in the ways that he did. The demons, however, Jimin did care for. They were (or would be) his people, and he couldn’t sit here and watch this for his own entertainment.

He felt a large, warm hand on his, and he looked up to see Taehyung looking down at him. “This is on my list of things to change once we get married and I become the devil,” He said softly. “I think a change in ruler can mean a change in some of our old ways.”

A faint smile found its way onto Jimin’s lips, glad to hear that Taehyung thought that way. Maybe he was only saying it because he could tell that Jimin was made uncomfortable from this, but that didn’t matter. He was taking Jimin’s feelings and heart into consideration, and that’s what mattered to Jimin.

He turned his hand over to interlock his fingers with Taehyung’s. “Do you think we can go back to the castle and have a little game of our own?” Jimin suggested.

“Are you suggesting that we skip on out on a very important event just so you can get ed?” Taehyung questioned, squeezing Jimin’s hand and pulling him closer to place a chaste kiss on his lips.

“Unless you don’t want to.” Jimin said.

Taehyung glanced past Jimin and at their friends behind him. “Our sweet Jimin doesn’t seem very enthused about these games either,” He said, “So how about a little trip to the play chambers to have a little fun ourselves.”

Yoongi was the first to respond, desperate for an opportunity to get out of watching the games he so hated. He hopped out of his chair, and immediately started walking away from the area. “I’d much rather get ed consensually than watch these games any day,” Yoongi said as the rest got up to follow him. “I don’t understand what you alphas get out of watching other demons have . I just like to get ed.”

“Consensually,” Jimin added. 

“Indeed,” Yoongi agreed. 

The play chamber that Taehyung took them to was a scary place, and it pretty much resembled what Jimin imagined Hell being like in the first place. There were chains and whips and knives, among other scary looking tools that Jimin didn’t recognize, all hung up on the walls. There was a table with straps on it, clearly meant to restrain someone, and the bed looked like it was set up for someone to be chained to it. It looked like a torture chamber.

Great, this is where they kill me, Jimin thought. He swallowed thickly, not knowing exactly where the demons were taking this.

“We won’t be using any equipment you see here unless you want us to,” Taehyung seemed to pick up on Jimin’s hesitation, which was better classified as fear. He squeezed Jimin’s hand reassuringly.

Us?” Jimin questioned.

“Well, yeah,” Taehyung said, and he motioned between himself and the other two alphas in the room. Jimin had completely forgot that they came as well. “Us. Unless you don’t want Hoseok and Jungkook to touch you?”

When Jimin suggested going off and playing a game, he suggested with the idea of Hoseok and Jungkook ing Yoongi while Taehyung had Jimin to himself. Never once did the possibility cross his mind that either of the other alphas could have their way with him. The thought was riveting, though. He had seen the sway of Hoseok’s hips and those fluid movements put into action before. He was definitely aroused by Jungkook’s ability to overpower the older demons and have his way with them.

“Are you okay with that?” Jimin asked, looking up at Taehyung.

The demon dipped down and pressed his lips to Jimin’s, his way into Jimin’s mouth. His tongue went right for the sensitive parts, forcing moans from Jimin’s mouth as Jimin leaned more into him. “Of course,” Taehyung said when he pulled away. “If Yoongi can have two alphas on a regular basis, my sweet Jimin can have however many alphas he wants.” He gripped Jimin’s waist and pulled him closer so that their bodies were pressed together.

“What if he wants another omega?” Yoongi’s voice was small when the question spilled from his lips.

“You’re a greedy little bastard, you know that?” Taehyung said, looking back at Yoongi, but a pleased smile was on his face when he turned back to Jimin. “Kiss Yoongi.” He said.

It wasn’t a question or even a request. That was very much a command, and Jimin was happy to comply. He walked past Taehyung and up to Yoongi, looking down at the slightly shorter demon. It never occurred to him that Yoongi was smaller. His horns must have made him look taller than he really is. “You’re a lot cuter when you’re up close like this,” Yoongi mumbled, ducking his face a little.

“Shut up,” Jimin mumbled in return. Without thinking too much about it, he gently gripped Yoongi by the chin, tilting his head back and planting his own lips against Yoongi’s. It felt ridiculous. Like they were a couple of teenagers kissing for the first time. The pressure of the three alphas watching them did nothing to ease the situation.

Both of their cheeks were dusted lightly with pink when Jimin pulled back.

“You call that a kiss?” Yoongi challenged.

It was him who went for Jimin, this time. He practically jumped into Jimin arms, which Jimin wasn’t prepared for. They both fell to the ground, Yoongi on top of him, and they made out like that until Jungkook placing a gentle hand on Yoongi’s back caused him to pull away.

“Now, now,” Jungkook whispered into Yoongi’s ear, Yoongi letting out a soft moan as Jungkook’s hand slid further down his back, and presumably into his leather shorts. Jimin couldn’t see from his angle, but he wasn’t blind. “Patience, Yoongi. You’re already this wet just from kissing him?”

A dark, y chuckle, obviously coming from Taehyung, sounding from behind Jimin. The demon prince kneeled down, and Jimin positioned his head, tilting back a little, so that he could get a better look at his fiance. “Look at how hard he is, too,” The prince said, his demon fangs on beautiful display from Jimin’s position beneath him.

It was hard to peel his eyes away from Taehyung’s beautiful face, but Jimin did look. Yoongi’s was straining against the tight fabric of his leather shorts, stretching them to the fullest. It looked rather uncomfortable, and it was probably cruel of Jimin, but he wasn’t interested in helping the demon out any. The demons may have been all about going in and ing and getting it over with, but a sadistic side of Jimin wanted to enjoy torturing the omega a little. 

He was quick to stop Yoongi when the other tried to relieve himself of his tight shorts. “Not yet,” Jimin ordered. He pushed himself up onto his elbows, bringing himself face to face with Yoongi, the other omega now seated in his lap. He pressed a gentle, wet kiss to Yoongi’s abdomen before carefully sliding his fingers under the fabric of Yoongi’s top. He didn’t remove the material. Instead, he just ran his thumbs along Yoongi’s skin underneath the fabric. The next kiss he placed on Yoongi’s body was right where the end of the top met the top of his stomach. 

“Jimin,” Yoongi breathed out his name. His fingers laced and carded through Jimin’s hair.

That reaction, no matter how small, was enough get Jimin excited. He had never been able to take the lead like this, and there was something exciting about making another demon feel good. Was Jimin considering himself a demon now? Maybe. 

He slipped his hands further underneath the fabric of the top, his thumbs barely grazing over Yoongi’s s.

“Jimin, please,” Yoongi gasped.

That reaction pushed Jimin even further.

He pushed the fabric up over Yoongi’s head and discarded the article somewhere behind him. He stuck out his tongue, at Yoongi’s experimentally. The soft pants from Yoongi assured Jimin that he was doing something right, and he placed his mouth over the whole thing and lightly.

Yoongi let out a soft little moan and pressed his into Jimin’s stomach when Jungkook slipped his fingers into Yoongi’s entrance, reminding the omegas that they weren’t alone. “Aw, is Jimin teasing you?” Jungkook asked, nibbling on Yoongi’s ear. 

“Mnh, Jungkook,” Yoongi whined, turning his head away in what appeared to be an attempt to get the younger demon to stop, but only exposed him more. 

Jungkook took advantage of the opening, and he a stripe up Yoongi’s ear. “What do you want, Yoongi?” Jungkook asked, breathing the words right into his ear. 

“Tae- Taehyung.”

Jimin’s mouth popped off of Yoongi’s as soon as he heard his fiancé’s name spill from Yoongi’s lips. He looked up at the other omega demon, and pouted as a large hand patted him on the head. Taehyung ruffled Jimin’s hair and knelt down next to him. “Well, did you hear that?” Taehyung asked, draping an arm over Jimin’s shoulder. “Yoongi wants to get ed by your alpha. How do you feel about that?”

Jimin must have been completely selfish because, when Taehyung has suggested that Jungkook and Hoseok should get to him, he hadn’t considered Yoongi in the equation. With this new suggestion brought to light, Jimin was intrigued. He should have felt jealous or possessive over Taehyung, but he didn’t. He was thrilled at the idea of watching the prince overpower another omega. 

“I don’t mind,” Jimin said and he pushed Yoongi off of him, sliding out from under the other demon, “But only because I’m here to watch.”

Jimin didn’t mind the idea of Taehyung ducking Yoongi for Jimin’s enjoyment. If he was doing it on his own, that would be a different story. 

He felt a pair of hands on his waist, but it wasn’t Taehyung’s this time. Jungkook picked Jimin up off the ground while Taehyung walked up to Yoongi. He wrapped his arms around Jimin’s waist and pulled him close. “You’re about to see a different side to Taehyung,” Jungkook whispered into Jimin’s ear.

“Is this okay with you?” Jimin sighed, leaning back into Jungkook’s chest. “Taehyung ing Yoongi, I mean?”

“Oh, yeah,” Hoseok said as he walked over to Jungkook and Jimin. “We do this kind of thing all the time.”

“Really?” Jimin asked, wondering if they had been doing behind his back at all.

“Of course,” Jungkook said, his hands slowly sliding up Jimin’s waist. “Who do you think keeps Taehyung busy in between humans? It’s not like he can go a century without ing anyone.”

Jimin’s breath hitched as Jungkook’s hands slid further up his waist. He was still in his body suit from earlier, and one of Jungkook’s hands went to the back to get the zipper down. He slowly slid it off Jimin’s shoulders, his fingers gently brushing his skin as he slid it down. 

“Just between humans?” Jimin needed to know that they weren’t sneaking around behind his back. Taehyung’s schedule was packed full of preparing to take his father’s place, especially now that everyone was certain that Jimin was sticking around, so it was hard to imagine that he had time to be sneaking around. But, was all of the extra time he was spending ‘working’ actually be spent with other demons behind Jimin’s back? Surely not, right? Demons weren’t liars, after all.

“That’s why Yoongi usually hates the promised humans,” Hoseok informed him. “He might not like to admit it, but he loves Taehyung, too.”

Jimin watched as Taehyung pushed Yoongi onto the large bed and flipped him onto his stomach. The omega let out a whimper and groaned as Taehyung climbed on top of him.

“Like, loves him?” Jimin questioned, getting caught up on that word. Yoongi already had two alphas to love. He didn’t need Taehyung as well.

Okay, so maybe he was a little jealous.

“Not like he loves us,” Jungkook stated, and the tips of his fingers brushed over Jimin’s s. He buried his face in the crook of Jimin’s neck. “And not like you love Taehyung.”

“I hear too much talking, and not enough coming from that direction,” Taehyung growled. He was on his was on his hands and knees, straddling Yoongi when he looked back at them with dark eyes. “Did Jimin call us back to have a conversation? Or because he wanted to get ed?”

When he asked the question, he was looking right at Jimin, clearly expecting Jimin to answer for himself.


Before Jimin could answer that question, Hoseok took his hand and led him over to the bed. He helped Jimin the rest of the way out of his body suit as he made the omega sit on the bed, next to where Yoongi and Taehyung were.

Taehyung smiled at him and leaned over, right into Jimin’s mouth without warning. “Don’t worry,” He said, placing a gentle kiss on Jimin’s nose. “I wouldn’t let them touch you if I didn’t trust them with your life.”

Jimin didn’t need to be assured of that. He trusted Taehyung’s friends, their friends, with his life. He wasn’t scared because he was afraid they might hurt him. He was scared because it was indimitating. The idea of two demons doing the work to him that Taehyung always did by himself. He was terrified. How would he be able to please two demons at once?

Hoseok gently nudged at Jimin’s shoulder, signaling him to lay back, so he did. The demon climbed on top of him, and settled himself down on Jimin’s waist. “I’m aware that this is your first time with two demons,” Hoseok whispered, and he dipped down to kiss Jimin’s lips. “But Jungkook and I have enough experience for you to relax. We’ll take care of everything.”

Those words were reassuring. It helped to know that the pressure of making this a good time wasn’t completely rested on his shoulders.

Jimin felt a wet pair of lips on his inner thigh. He couldn’t see, but he knew it was Jungkook, the only one in the room he couldn’t see from his angle. The young demon pressed another kiss a little higher on Jimin’s thigh, and he carefully spread Jimin’s legs apart with his palms resting flatly on Jimin’s knees. 

“Be gentle with him,” Taehyung warned. “He needs to be able to take me at the end.”

“Taehyung—” Jimin breathed, but he was cut of by Hoseok’s lips pressing to his. He glared at Hoseok through half lidded eyes, sighing into the kiss as Hoseok into his mouth.

“You’re not with Taehyung right now,” Hoseok whispered into Jimin’s ear, and he pressed his thumb to Jimin’s lip. “You have very soft lips.” He noted.

Jimin stuck his tongue out, swiping at Hoseok’s thumb. “Mmhm,” He hummed, and he pushed himself up onto his elbows, looking directly at Hoseok’s crotch. His eyes slowly slid up to Hoseok’s face. “I can put them to use, too.”

“I like the sound of that,” Hoseok said with a smirk, and he promptly worked to get his pants undone and down. He his a few times before rubbing the tip against Jimin’s lips before pushing his way in. “, how is your mouth so cold?” He gripped Jimin by the hair, pushing him down further on his , so Jimin could only guess that his mouth being cold was a good thing. And maybe it was to the demons whose body temperature had to be in the thousands. 

Hoseok’s in Jimin’s mouth distracted Jimin from what Jungkook was doing between his legs. He was still placing sweet, wet kisses on Jimin’s thighs, and he was working his way up to Jimin’s . 

The thought of Jungkook him off made him nervous. Taehyung hasn’t even had Jimin in his mouth, and he wasn’t sure if he was ready to have another demon’s mouth around his . If his own mouth wasn’t occupied at the moment, he would have protested. 

A whimper escaped Jimin as Jungkook’s tongue a stripe up his . Hoseok gripped tighter on Jimin’s hair, forcing him down more to keep him quiet, but he ended up trigger Jimin’s gag reflexes instead. He immediately let go of him, and Jimin’s mouth popped off of his . An apologetic hand cupped Jimin’s cheek as he gagged a little.

“Didn’t I say gentle?” Taehyung snapped. His dark eyes burned with warning rage as he pulled back from Yoongi to look in Hoseok’s direction. No matter what he was doing, or about to be doing to the other omega, he was still paying attention to what was happening to Jimin, and Jimin took comfort in knowing that. “He’s still only human. You could hurt him.”

His voice was laced with concern more than anger.

Jimin could see Jungkook’s horns poke over Hoseok’s shoulder when the demon climbed onto the bed, between Jimin’s legs. He wrapped his fingers around Hoseok’s waist, giving them a little squeeze as he nuzzled his face into Hoseok’s shoulder. It was the first real sign of intimacy Jimin had seen between the two alphas, but he found it somehow adorable. Especially when a light blush took over Hoseok’s saddened expression, and he turned his head slightly away from Jungkook. “Hoseok gets too excited sometimes,” Jungkook’s endearing tone made Jimin wonder if he was talking to Hoseok in the third person, or if those words were directed at someone else. His hands slid down from Hoseok’s waist to behind him, and he pinched at Hoseok’s , making the other alpha jump. “Come on. Let me get him ready.”

“Wait,” Taehyung said, and he pulled himself completely away from Yoongi, making the omega whine in frustration.

Hoseok and Jungkook both pulled away from Jimin, waiting for whatever it was that Taehyung was about to do.

Yoongi, on the other hand, couldn’t be patient. He rolled over to Jimin on the bed, cupped Jimin’s face in his hand, and moved forward to kiss him. By now, Yoongi’s lips were swollen from their kissing earlier and whatever Taehyung had just been doing to him, but it didn’t affect his abilities.

Jimin rolled onto his side for a more comfortable position, and he placed a hand on Yoongi’s hip. The new position gave him a more advantageous to take over in the kiss, and he rolled on top of Yoongi. Their hard rubbed together and pressed against each other’s stomach, and Yoongi broke away from the kiss to catch his breath. Being an omega, or becoming an omega, Jimin didn’t get the chance to dominate another demon like this. But, despite how aloof Yoongi acted outside of intimate situations, he appeared to really like being dominated. He was greedy little , who liked to be pleased. And Jimin loved it.

A pair of fingers carded through Jimin’s hair, and he was gently tugged back to see Taehyung click his tongue at them. “Aren’t you guys impatient?” Taehyung sounded more pleased than disappointed. He pressed a kiss to the corner of Jimin’s mouth before glancing at Yoongi. “Do you want to him?”

“Can I?” Jimin almost squealed with excitement, and he looked back at the omega underneath him.

“How about we both him together, and—” He looked at the other two alphas in the room. “We’ll let them fight over who gets to you.” He looked back at the omegas again. “Sound good?”

Both Jimin and Yoongi nodded together.

Within just a few moments, Taehyung was lying on the bed, and Yoongi was climbing over him. Jimin bit his lip, watching as Yoongi aligned himself over Taehyung’s and sunk down. An obscene moan escaped his mouth, and Jimin understood. Taehyung was a lot to take in all at once. 

“Jimin, come here,” Taehyung ordered as Yoongi started bouncing up and down on his .

Jimin crawled over to them, but, before he could get behind Yoongi, Taehyung grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him close. “You won’t be able to last as long as any of us, and that’s okay,” He assured the half-demon. “Don’t hold back, but don’t push yourself too hard. You’re with demons you can trust, so communicate with us, okay?”

The images of the promised humans getting treated like Jimin expected to be treated when he arrived in Hell were still there in the back of his mind, but it warmed his heart, more than the Heat of Hell ever could, to see that Taehyung was a completely different demon now. The years, or Jimin himself, made him kinder.

Jimin nodded, and he slid behind Yoongi. He wasn’t ually experienced at all before his first time with Taehyung, and, by now, he was only ually experienced as a bottom. Everything he knew about topping was from paying attention to what Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jungkook did. So, Jimin decided to start off with what he knew, and he slipped two fingers into Yoongi , right with Taehyung’s . He swirled them around in Yoongi’s wetness, and he only wished that his own body would hurry up and start self-lubricating like this. It had to be easier than making sure there was always lube around.

“Ngh-Jimin,” Yoongi whined in frustration. He tried to stop bouncing on Taehyung, but the alpha picked him up and dropped him down again, continuing the rhythm Yoongi had set for himself. “I don’t need it. I take those two all the time.” He head lazily motioned in one direction of the room with head, but off from where Hoseok and Jungkook were watching. “Just—ah—do it.”

“Just making sure,” Jimin quickly added a third finger, ignoring Yoongi’s plea. He had seen Hoseok and Jungkook, and Taehyung was the biggest among the three. And, while Jimin was smaller than either of Yoongi’s alphas, it was possible that his and Taehyung’s together could be larger than Hoseok’s and Jungkook’s.

He might have gotten a little carried away with his prep, adding a fourth finger and trying out different angles just to see the different reactions he could get out of Yoongi.

Taehyung swatted at his hand. “I think he’s ready now,” He growled.

“Oh,” Was all Jimin said in response, and he sat back. Unsure of what to do next. Of course he knew the basic mechanics of , but he never, ever, imagined that he’d be ing the same demon as Taehyung the first time he topped. He didn’t know what was more intimidating: ing Yoongi, or possibly getting judged by Taehyung.

“Scared?” Taehyung asked, and he held Yoongi’s hips still, causing another whine of frustration to leave the omega’s mouth.

Jimin nodded.

“Do you not want to do this?” Taehyung pushed himself up into a sitting position, and now his and Yoongi’s chests were practically rubbing against each other.

“No, I do,” Jimin assured the demon, “I just don’t know how.”

The word how was practically a whisper when Jimin said it, his voice getting softer as he spoke.

“Turn around,” Taehyung said to Yoongi.

Jimin gave them a puzzled look, but he watched as Yoongi obeyed, turning around so that his back was against Taehyung’s chest, and he dropped down again.

Taehyung looked at Jimin. “Do you think it’ll help if you can see him?” He asked, snaking a hand around to slowly Yoongi’s as the omega picked up his rhythm again. “Just climb on top of us.”

When Taehyung lay back down, he pulled Yoongi with him. In their new position, it was harder for Yoongi to continue the rhythm on his own, so Taehyung picked up where he was slacking.

Yeah. Jimin was sure that he could do this.

He climbed on top of Yoongi, and, with Taehyung’s help, he was able to slide himself inside. His rubbed against Taehyung’s, sending a thrill down Jimin’s spine. It was like they were connecting in a whole new way.

Yoongi let out a moan as their stretched him in a way that Jimin’s fingers hadn’t. Jimin pressed a kiss to his mouth to keep him quiet, but it didn’t last long. Taehyung reach up, grabbing Jimin by their, and he pulled him away so that they could kiss. Taehyung ran his tongue along the inside of Jimin’s mouth before pulling back. “You’re doing so well,” He said, and Jimin smiled down at him. He couldn’t get enough of Taehyung praising him.

“Now this is something,” Hoseok chuckled, walking up to the bed. 

“We’ve never seen an omega get ed by another omega before,” Jungkook said, placing a hand on the small of Jimin’s back as he sat next to the pile of demons. “If it’s okay with you, I’ll prep you, and Hoseok can you.”

Jimin’s eyes went wide at the idea of being ed while he was ing someone else. Of course, Taehyung did say that Jimin was going to get ed, but Jimin had no idea that he meant that it would happen like this. 

Sometimes, the demons really were too much for him. 

“Is that okay with you?” Hoseok’s voice brought Jimin back to reality. 

“Oh, um, yeah,” Jimin said, trying to focus on keeping up with Taehyung. “That’s just—“ He stuttered a little when he felt a slick finger prodding at his entrance. They didn’t waste any time. Jimin didn’t even know when Jungkook had gotten the lube. “Perfect.” Jimin sighed. 

Jungkook pressed a reassuring kiss to Jimin’s shoulder, and he carefully slid his finger in. Jimin was still pretty open from the last time he and Taehyung had , just the night before, but Jungkook must have wanted to a little since he wouldn’t be ing him. When he added a second finger, Jimin’s hips into Yoongi at a particularly sharp angle, causing the omega to cry out in pleasure.

“Aw, are they making you feel good, Yoons?” Jungkook asked, and he leaned down to press a kiss to Yoongi’s shoulder this time.

By the time Jungkook was ing Jimin with three fingers, Hoseok pushed him out of the way. He climbed onto the bed, and, next thing Jimin knew, he his into Jimin’s entrance in one solid movement. Jimin let out a cry and fell forward, his chest resting against Yoongi’s, as Hoseok started out with a relentless pace. The force of his s prevented Jimin from being able to control his own hips, but they were also strong enough to keep him moving inside Yoongi.

As if having stimulation on both ends wasn’t enough, Jungkook decided he wanted in on the fun, too. He climbed over Taehyung and Yoongi, standing on his knees in front of Jimin. Without any warning, he forced Jimin’s mouth down onto his , shivering from Jimin’s, apparently, cold mouth. “Ah, that’s good,” Jungkook sighed, and he slowly slid his in and out, ing Jimin’s mouth in a slow rhythm. “, Jimin. Your mouth feels so good.”

Jimin was excited about this at first because he thought that he’d have some kind of control, but the alphas were very good at taking that from him. They were all too busy making sure he felt good enough to forget about his desire for dominance, and Jimin wasn’t about to let them win. Between Taehyung’s rubbing against his and Hoseok’s powerful s, he couldn’t have any power over Yoongi. So, he decided to focus on Jungkook.

He pulled back just enough to take control of the situation in his mouth, and he ran his tongue up the largest vein on Jungkook’s . Jungkook sighed, and his grip in Jimin’s hair loosened, so Jimin knew that he was getting the upper hand. He opened his mouth, allowing the hot air of Hell enter between his cavern and Jungkook , and he watched as steam rose up into the air, causing Jungkook to hiss.

Jimin sunk down again, bobbing his head faster than Jungkook had just been ing earlier, and he swallowed around the head a couple of times. “, Jimin,” Jungkook sighed, and he cupped Jimin’s cheeks with both hands. It was becoming his situation again. He couldn’t hold back anymore. He carefully gripped Jimin’s cheeks and ing his mouth ruthlessly.

A particular of Taehyung’s rubbed Jimin’s in just the right way, and he moaned the best he could around Jungkook’s . The reaction must have excited Taehyung because he suddenly started focusing more on Jimin’s than Yoongi’s . He pulled out to where the tip was against Jimin’s skin, and he so that his tip was rubbing right against Jimin.

To add to Jimin’s sensations, Hoseok had managed to find Jimin’s prostate, and he was now pounding into it relentlessly. It was all too much and too fast, and Jimin couldn’t even voice a warning before he came into Yoongi’s , his scream muffled around Jungkook’s until the demon pulled away so they could hear him. Taehyung and Hoseok continued their s until Jimin came down from his high. Hoseok was the first to pull away, allowing Jimin to pull himself from Yoongi.

He was tired, and he could barely hold himself up. Jungkook helped him to the other side of the bed, and Taehyung pushed Yoongi away so that he could come to comfort Jimin. He wrapped his arms around the ice demon, and pulled him close. “Hey,” He whispered, peppering Jimin’s sweaty hair with kisses. “How was that?”

“Mmn,” Jimin just hummed in response, burying his face in Taehyung’s chest.

“That good, huh?”

Jimin could feel Taehyung’s laugh vibrating through his chest, and there was nothing more comforting in this world than that feeling. As a human, Jimin never would have wished for eternal life. But, if he could live an eternity like this, cuddling with Taehyung after and listening to the comforting sounds of his laugh, an eternity didn’t seem to bad at all. In fact, it seemed perfect.

The sound of Yoongi’s moans dragged Jimin out of the moment with Taehyung and reminded him that the other demons were all still in the room. When he looked over, Jungkook and Hoseok were already getting to work, ing Yoongi.

“Do you want to join them?” Jimin asked lazily. Despite the offer, he hugged onto Taehyung’s arm and snuggled more into the demon’s chest, getting comfortable.

“Do you want me to?” Taehyung laughed.

“Not really,” Jimin practically melted against Taehyung. “I just want you to myself now.”

After giving Jimin time to get his energy back, it was their turn, and they went until Taehyung came into his to move the transformation along. It was somewhere close to being complete now, and Jimin just wanted to get it over with.


For the first time in a long time, Jimin was given access to a mirror. He was brought into a hall that’s walls were entirely made up of reflective glass, and he was able to see himself in his demon form. He didn’t look like a human at all any more. His fangs had grown in nicely, and his skin was a nice, icy blue color. It was a fair contrast from Taehyung’s red skin, but they looked good together. His eyes were dark, just like Taehyung’s. That was the only thing that ice demons seemed to have in common with their fire counterparts. 

“Do you like it?” Taehyung asked, placing his hand on one of Jimin’s curly horns.

“I love it,” Jimin said. If anything, he was happier with the way he looked now. He didn’t exactly look like he belonged down here, but it was almost like this was meant to be his true form all along.

“So do I,” Taehyung whispered, and turned Jimin around so that he could place a kiss on his lips. “And I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Jimin said, hooking his arms around Taehyung’s shoulders.

Just a few more internal changes, and they would be getting married very soon. At first, the transformation seemed to take an eternity to Jimin, but he was getting used to demon time. The final steps were just around the corner.

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Chapter 6: This story is sooo adictive! I love everything about this <3 but is it actually completed? That last chapter doesn’t feel like the ending to me, I think this story deserves at least one more chapter :(( but anyway it is really great! Thank you for writing this^^
AlienOkama #2
Chapter 5: There is one thing that I'm wondering about.. Where did their tails go? I remember the original where there was quite a bit about the sensitivity of their tails (And wrapping them around eachother while doin' the big ol' )
Chapter 5: Made my day with this update! The story is so gooooood!
Chapter 4: Hi! Looking forward to the next update! Hope everything is still going well! :)
Chapter 4: Made my day with a new update! YAY!
Chapter 3: I love the scenes you’ve added to this rewrite! Jimin’s character is so good in this version!!!
Chapter 2: ... plz update soon ...

I really wanna know what happens next
but take your time ^-^
Chapter 2: oml I love this story already
there is so much that I think could happen
can't wait for an update ^-^