It' Fresh Water

Longing Nightfall

A/N: Hey, sorry for the delay. The Monster Prom DLC came out and I was struggling how I should write certain scenes. I'm trying to make this humorus like MP, but also not as crack-ish as that game lol. Also, I really appreciate the comments! I would love to respond to them, but I'm akward in responding. I'll get over it eventually. Anyway, enjoy.

The day has finally arrived. It was a little nerve wrecking the past few days. Especially, since it felt as if Joohyun was paying a lot of attention to her. Their eyes seem to meet a lot when Seulgi would ‘sneak’ a peek at the vampire goddess. And when they would be in Drawing & Painting, she felt as if she could run miles being in Joohyun’s spotlight. Of course, Seulgi was aware that it was because she was helping her out, but still, it was nice.


Seulgi parked her red Toyota 86 in the front of the school and looked at herself in the mirror. Her brown hair flowed down past her shoulders. Her plain white Nike tee complimented her black skinny jeans and chucks. To top it off, a maroon bomber jacket that had a crescent moon and a flower stitched onto it. Pretty simple, but nice.


“Are you done checking yourself out or can we go to class?” Seungwan unlocked her door and started to push it open.

“Yeah, I’m not trying to get to class anytime soon, but I’m trying to go and there’s only two doors, sooooooooo let’s go!” Sooyoung joined.


Seulgi huffed and unbuckled herself. Her and Seungwan got out and pulled the seats forward for their two impish friends to scurry out.

Sooyoung grabbed Yerim’s hand and ran off. “Let’s go, Yeri! Love you guys!”


“I worry…” Seulgi stated.


“About them?”


“God no! About the poor bastards that they’re scheming against.”


“Welp, not our problem.” Seungwan patted her shoulder. “Let’s get going.”


Before Seulgi started following her friend, she checked the messages on her phone. More specifically, the few she has from her vampire goddess. They weren’t much and it was just about where to meet before going to Lunar Lake, but she still felt ecstatic for having them.


As the day progressed, Seulgi felt more anxious. Many ‘What if” scenarios played through her head. She couldn’t help it. She could ruin whatever this is between her and Joohyun and that… that worried Seulgi. Her friends could tell that she was anxious too, but it was probably because she was shaking the whole lunch table with leg bouncing.


“Hey, can you, like, not do that? Thanks.” Sooyoung told the wolf as she grabbed her drink that moved further away from herself.


“I’m sorry… I’m just so nervous.”


Seungwan took this moment to grab Seulgi’s shoulder in comfort. “Listen, stop overthinking this. Just be yourself and it will be fine. There’s nothing we can really do to help you.”


“Pft, speak for yourself. I have something to give you after school before you meet up with Joohyun. See ya later!” and with that, Yerim took off.


The older two at the table looked at Sooyoung, but all they received was a shrug. They went on with lunch until the bell rang and separated.


Drawing & Painting continued on like it has the past few days. Seulgi would grab the supplies and bring them over to Joohyun. She would quietly watch the other girl work and give tips where needed. For the most part, the vampire’s new painting was looking better than the original. The colors on the abstract piece flowed nicely. Her were smoother. It was definitely pleasing to look at.




“Huh? Y-yes?”


“Do you have everything we need?”


“Hm? Oh, yeah, it’s in my car.”


Joohyun smiled showing off her pearly fangs causing the wolf to almost choke. “Great! So we can leave right after, yes?”


“Y-yeah, w-we can. I, uh, I just need to talk to a friend real fast after, i-if that’s fine…”


“Of course! I’ll just wait by the front entrance and we can leave from there. Oh, Seulgi, can you change this water?” Joohyun grabbed the murky paint water and handed it to her partner.


“N-no problem.”


When Seulgi went to reach for the cup, their hands touched for a brief second. The vampire’s cold hand felt nice against her own warm one. A little too nice that Seulgi so happened to let go of the cup. The contents for the most part fell on the floor, but that still didn’t save Joohyun’s cream colored long sleeve.


Too embarrassed to say anything, Seulgi went and grabbed some paper towels and an old cloth. She handed the paper towels to Joohyun and then proceeded to clean the floor. When she finished, she peeked at her partner and saw a stain on the shoulder of her shirt.


“I’m-I’m so sorry.” Seulgi said with her head down.


“It’s...okay...ish. I can borrow clothes from my friend next class.”


They finished cleaning up what they could before continuing with the project. For the rest of class, Seulgi kept to herself. The wolf silently cursed herself for being so clumsy around her crush. When the bell finally rings, she quickly gathered the art supplies and went to the sink to clean the brushed off. Not too long after she started, Seulgi felt a tap on her shoulder. It was Joohyun.


“Are you okay?” It was a simple question, but Seulgi knew her cheeks were turning red.


“I s-should be asking you that…” she replied. “Are you sure you sure you still want to be my partner?”


The vampire grabbed her arm for reassurance and smiled. “Seulgi, you maybe really clumsy, but I think it’s a cute troubling as it is… Oh, your ears again!” Joohyun reached out to touch the changing ears, but was beat by Seulgi quickly covering them.


“Ah! It’s-uh, umm… Y-you should g-get to class soon. Don’t worry about anything else. See after school!” and with that, she ran with her tail between her legs to the supply room.


The school day finally ended, but Seulgi was still a bit of a wreck. She took deep breaths as she waited for Yerim.


“Hey, pup, what’s up?” Yerim spoke cheerfully.


“Waiting for you?”


“Right… Anyway, here, I got these drinks for you guys. Look, I even put your names on each one!”


Seulgi grabbed the two bottles that had their names tapped on them. “This feel oddly suspicious…”


“Alright, listen here, I know I’ve done some...questionable things, BUT I’m trying to help you. The one for Joohyun is actually a drink specifically for vamps. It’s nutritious for them or something. Yours is suppose to keep your nerves calm. Keep you from doing stupid stuff.”


“That would’ve helped earlier.” she muttered. “Anyway, I gotta get going. Bye!”


“Okay, see ya!” Yerim watched as Seulgi made her way over to the vampire holding a white umbrella.


“Hey, Yeri!”


“Sooyoung! Ready to get our weekly revenge on Leonard for all the stuff he says?”


“You bet! Oh, by the way, you left the drink for Seulgi in my locker.” Sooyoung pulled out a purple drink from her backpack.


“What do you mean? The blue one was for Seulgi?”


“Nooooooo, remember, before we made these you told me to write down which one was for who. The purple one is for Seulgi and the blue one is the Devil’s Tongue spicy drink meant for Leonard.”


“...Oh sweet Hades, Seulgi might kill me.” Yerim pinched the bridge of her nose.


“Hold on, send her a text and pray she looks at it in time.”


“Ah, that’s smart! See this is why we can never separate. Where would I be without you?”


“Probably dead.”


The the majority of the drive to Lunar Lake, Seulgi felt tense. Joohyun might have noticed because she kept trying to make light conversations about music and the weather. However, it hardly helped her. Immediately upon arriving, the wolf jumped out and grabbed the stuff from the trunk while Joohyun put on her SPF Vamps Won’t Burn sunblock. Seulgi tossed on her backpack and cap just as she stepped out of the car. Locking the car, she made her way over to Joohyun.


“Y-your floral blouse looks n-nice.”


“Thank you.” she smiled warmly. “Fortunately, my friend had something decent for me to wear.”


Seulgi cleared . “Alright then, let’s get going. There’s a spot I have in mind.”


The werewolf and vampire set off towards the trail that went around the lake. The area Seulgi had in mind was a bit of a walk from where she parked. It was the only pier that the lake had. The pier was a worn, but it was well built and had an excellent view of the sunset. A perfect spot for a perfect picture.


The calming effect of birds chirping, leaves rustling, and the sun setting put the wolf at ease. It made the small talk with Joohyun go a lot smoother. Nothing could ruin this moment...right?


“Jeez~” the vampire whined. “I forgot to get something to drink. My throat feels dry.”


“Oh! My friends actually handed me these drinks before we left.” Seulgi took out the two bottles and gave the one titled ‘Joohyun’ to her companion. “That one is supposed to be like a vampire nutrient drink. At least that’s what my friend told me.”


“This looks sketchy… Which friend gave you this?” She unscrewed the cap and smelled the contents. It didn’t smell bad, but still looked oddly suspicious.


“Well, I don’t know if you know her, but it was my friend, Yerim.”


“Yerim?” Joohyun eyebrow quirked up.


“Yeah? Why? You know her?”


“You can say that.” She took a sip of the drink and was pleasantly surprised. “Wow, this is actually very refreshing.”


Watching her crush happily sip her bottle made Seulgi curious to her’s. It was suppose to help calm her down, yet she was already at peace with herself. Yeah, her heart was racing, but her ears weren’t changing. Was there really a point for her to drink it?... No, but she was still going to try it because her friend did go through the effort.


Her canine abilities picked up a faint scent of something she couldn’t put her finger on. Well, whatever it was, it didn’t stop her from taking a drink. The first sip didn’t have much of a flavor, so she took another sip. Seulgi took a moment to try to figure out what it tasted like when she felt something creeping. Something creeping from her tongue down . A very hot sensation slowly rose. Before anything else, Seulgi dropped the bottle and sprinted.


“Huh? Seulgi? Where are you going?” Joohyun called after her as she disappeared in the distance.


The second Seulgi felt she was far enough, she dropped to her knees near the the lake and dunked her head into the cool lake water. She pulled back up and started to lap up the water with her tongue. It was a rotation of her drinking the water and submerging her to clean off the tears and snot running down her face.


After awhile, Seulgi’s stomach couldn’t hold anymore water. She stayed there, hands in the water, letting drool out the spiciness, looking at her messy reflection. Her ears picked up quick rustling and snapped her attention behind her. There was Joohyun looking at the unfortunate Seulgi. It was a brief period before she started giggling at her. Feeling embarrassed yet again, she looked back at her reflection. Wishing she’d rather be with the Interdimensional Space Prince than here.


“My goodness, Seulgi.” Joohyun came to squat down near the panting mess and started to clean her face with a handkerchief. “You sure know how to keep me entertained. Look at you… How do you manage to look adorable while being in such a state?”


Seulgi could honestly not comprehend what was going on. She’s made herself look like an idiot more than enough times in front of her crush. Something that should of warded her away, yet she is still here...calling her adorable. After such a terrible event, too.


“Come on, let me get you cleaned up, so we can get those pictures for tomorrow.” Joohyun urged her to get up by tugging at her arm. “Come on, here’s your backpack.”


Seulgi thanked her and slipped it on. Once the backpack was seated on her back, Joohyun made a bold move and linked their arms.


“Let’s get this bread.” Joohyun said.


Seulgi took a moment to stare a the smiling vampire before she laughed. The fact that THE Bae Joohyun said something so ridiculous made her temporarily forget about what just happened to her. About her nervousness around her. She smiled warmly back at her and agreed.


They walked over to the pier and started taking snaps. Seulgi handed her camera to Joohyun at one point to let her try it out. In the wolf’s opinion, Joohyun had some good shots. However, when they reviewed the photos, they decided to go with one of the ones Seulgi had took.


“Well, it’s been a long day. I think we should start heading back home.” Seulgi said as she went through the photos once more.


“Yes, it’s been an eventful day, but it was very enjoyable. I’m glad that were partners, Seulgi.”


And once again, her crush knew how to get her heart racing. Before Seulgi could let this warm feeling swallow her whole, she remembered something.


“Ah! I need to text Yerim.”


“Are you gonna chew her out?”


“Not exactly, but I’m gonna⏤” The werewolf stared blankly at her phone screen. Presently there was the message Yerim had sent a few hours ago.


Seulgi! Hey, big mistake, but DON’T drink your bottle. Love you~


“What is it?”


“Nothing… Let’s go home. I’ll just talk to her tomorrow.”


Instead of pressing further, Joohyun hopped into the car. Seulgi started her car and slowly pulled out before setting of towards home.

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Made a quick edit with the format because it was, honest to god, trash.


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jmjslrn #1
Chapter 3: this is a good story, didnt understand why there is only few reading thou
Chapter 3: Kang Seulgay you're so clumsy hahahah
Chapter 3: Seulgi what a gay disaster
Taitai84 1237 streak #4
Chapter 3: Its like seulgi gets into mishaps every time she is with joohyun
Chapter 3: Clumsy Seulgi :(
Chapter 2: i love!
Chapter 2: Lmao if you’re a disappointment, (which u probably aren’t) then I’m a tragedy lol
Sayuhi #8
Chapter 2: this is cute and fluffy. gadkbsvdma cutie seulgi