wheesa ; it’s you / 01

drips and dribbles

“Why do you keep bringing it up?”


“Because I care about us, Wheein!” Hyejin shouted from across the room. Hyejin was disappointed, frustrated but mainly confused. Wheein have been avoiding her since that day. She would even go as far as completely ignoring Hyejin’s presence if she were to bring up the topic.


Wheein knew Hyejin would keep trying to burst her bubble if she didn’t give her the answers she wanted. Wheein knew what she said on that day fueled Hyejin’s mind with questions that would obviously be left unanswered. Yet, Hyejin who lives and dies by the quote, “curiousity kills the cat”, just had to find answers from her.


“What I said shouldn’t have been said. Can’t you just pretend i said nothing?” Wheein desperately asked of Hyejin. Wheein hated her guts. Wheein hated her mind for allowing to speak before she could even process what she felt. Wheein hated that Hyejin had to be so persistent over a minor- no major, slip up.


“What you said isn’t something I can just forget by sleeping on it, Wheein. Can’t you stop for a second and realize that you aren’t the only one who’s trying to understand what the hell is happening here?” With every word that left Hyejin’s mouth, she took a steady step forward towards Wheein who’s sitting on the couch. Wheein crossed her arms and stared at Hyejin who was increasingly closing the space in between them.


Wheein didn’t realize that whatever she had said then had impacted Hyejin. Hyejin surely might be someone who’s determined to always find closure over small issues, but she’s also one to always revisit these small issues before she sleeps. All those nights that Hyejin spent on an empty bed were spent replaying that incident. When had she started to feel that way? Who has she told this to? Why did she say it? Those nights that could have been having movie marathon nights with Wheein were spent trying to find solutions to the questions Wheein left her with. Hyejin was puzzled. Wheein surely had the right to be angry, hell even confused, but why to an extent where she was avoiding Hyejin at all costs? 


Wheein gave Hyejin a confused look. “I’ve spent days and nights trying to find a one good reason why you just had to avoid me after that day. And guess what? I couldn’t find any,” Hyejin spoke with such sarcasm, it was almost painfully. Almost. “Can’t you just please let me understand what is going on.”


It was after their scheduled dance training with Mamamoo that they decided to crash Wheein’s house. “God, I’m so tired.” Wheein nodded in agreement with Hyejin’s words and pushed her apartment door open. “Ggomo!” Wheein rushed towards her beloved cat and gave him one tight hug. She immediately carried him and took him into his room. Wheein had decided to make the guest room in her apartment as Ggomo’s playroom. She knew how often Hyejin would visit her and most of the times, it would be unplanned. Hence, she decided to keep Ggomo in his room most of the times to prevent her best friend’s allergy from reacting. 


Hyejin took off her slides and walked into Wheein’s room. the room that Hyejin found to be as similar as to heaven. This room has heard all of their concerns, complains and cries. This room has been the one room Hyejin would find comfort in, other than Wheein that is. Hyejin loved wheein’s room. the calming sensation that it gives out heals her exhausted mind. Hyejin threw herself onto Wheein’s bed and sighed in relief. “Yah! If you’re going to be throwing yourself onto my bed every time you’re here, you’re going to have to buy me a new bed with stronger springs.” Hyejin heard before a soft pillow covered her face. 


“I’m not that heavy!”

“I’m just saying that you need to buy me a new bed because the springs of this one are gonna be broken if you’re gonna keep forcing it down...” Wheein sighed before landing beside her best friend.


Wheein, who had now made her way to lie onto Hyejin’s spread out arm, decided to turn her body to face Hyejin. “Hyejin, let’s play a game.” Hyejin lifted her eyebrows in confusion at her sudden request. “I’m bored and I’m pretty sure we’re too tired to get up and shower. so?” Hyejin, agreeing with whatever Wheein just blantly stated, nodded her head. “Let’s each say a confession and say I know. easy?” Hyejin just nodded in response.


“Okay I’ll start. You’re a queen.” 

“I know,”Hyejin said as she rolled her eyes. “Your dimple is really cute.” 

“I know... Duh.” Wheein agreed confidently as she purposely poked her dimple.


It went on as a game to compliment the other until Wheein’s mouth moved on it’s own accord.


“I think I’m in love with my best friend.”

“I know- WHAT.” Hyejin pulled back her arm in shock causing Wheein’s head to drop onto the mattress beneath them. Wheein, also in shock, covered and faced the opposite direction of Hyejin.


Hyejin, Wheein’s best friend of a decade, had never thought Wheein to be interested in women? Hyejin was taken aback. Hyejin have realized her feelings for Wheein since they were young and had tried to keep it hidden in the pits of her heart since forever but this... Hyejin didn’t know what to say.


“Wheein, what did you just say?” Wheein, who was now sitting at the edge of the bed, said absolutely nothing. Hyejin was confused and she needed answers. “Wheein,” Hyejin tried to reach out for her best friend but only for her to stand up and walk towards the door. “I think it’s late and you should go home. We still have practice tomorrow.” Wheein averted her eyes towards the window, looking outside, just to avoid any contact with the best friend she was in love with. “But Wheein-“ 


“It’s late. I’m going to shower. You know your way out, goodnight.” Wheein’s rigid cold tone left Hyejin speechless even after she had left the room. Hyejin didn’t feel the same calm atmosphere as she did before. She was a mess. She needed to know who was this best friend? Was it her? When did she start to feel those feelings? Why did she say what she said? Hyejin was lost.


Hyejin is still lost. Hyejin needed answers. Hyejin was sick of Wheein avoiding her just because of a silly game causing them to distant themselves from one another. She was done with Wheein’s selfish way to protect herself instead of confronting the situation. Hyejin didn’t want the ten years spent together to be thrown in the drain over a something that lead to unanswered questions.


The two girls were an arm away from each other. But before hyejin could take another step forward, Wheein smoothly took one step out to the right and walked towards the same corner Hyejin was at before, leaving Hyejin at the sofa. Wheein knew that whether she liked it or not, the girl that she’s madly in love with, is mad persistent about something once she had her mind set to it. She knew had to continue what she started. Wheein looked at Hyejin right in the eye and started to speak earnestly. 


“It’s you. It had always been you.”



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Chapter 2: So sad, wanna cry ?
But so beautiful in same time ?
Chapter 1: I like this so far~ Wheein being nosy is kind of cute lol and she will definitely start spending way more time in that cafe LOL.

I also noticed you tend to switch to present tense in some spots and then you switch to past. I would suggest watching out for that and keeping the story past tense.