

3 months ago...

At the Kim's Residence - 

Aunt Yun - "YOU LITTLE BRAT, GET ME MY TEA IMMEDIATLY!!! Uh, why do I have to take care of you, you are so ugly, you do absolutely nothing! I only take care of you because everyone in the neighborhood thinks of me as an angel because I took my dead sister's kid into my household. Aish! AFTER YOU GET MY TEA, LEAVE MY HOUSE AND GET YOU LITTLE BUT TO SCHOOL!"

May(the daughter) - "Yes ma'am, your tea is ready (she said in an emotionless tone), I will be departing for school, thank you and have a good day...."

Aunt Yun - "Finally, let me have some time with my boyfriend, oh and guess what, I have a boyfriend and you don't, haha in your little face you piece of poop!"

May gets ready and is about to leave for school, but her Aunt doesn't like that she looks good in the uniform, so she pours hot water on her uniform, and screams at May to leave the house.

May - "Mom, why did you leave me... (starts to cry), no, I wouldn't cry! I am in my second year of college, and it's pretty nice. I am going to live with this totrture for 1 more month, and move out of her house to buy my own place. She doesn't even know I have 5 part-time jobs to make money. Once mom, she found out I had a Part-time job, and took all the money I earned to buy her clothes, etc. I will stop complaining and just work harder mom, I love you.."

May suddenly bumbs into a strange guy with a mask...

May - "I am so sorry sir, please forgive me, I wasn't paying attention."

The stranger says in the sweetest voice she has heard..

Stranger - "It;s ok, I wasn't paying attention either, Are you ok?"

May - Yes and Thank you, I am running late to school, so I hope you have a great day!"

Stranger - You too!

May realizes she only has 10 minutes before she is late an sprints to her school. As she is leaving, the stranger says something to himself...

Stranger (AKA. Jimin from BTS) - Finally, a normal person and surprisingly a girl, I hope I meet fans like this *sighs to himself*"

At School.....


May -  (suddenly getting nervous) Yes?


May - BTS? The viral Kpop Band?

Lora - There is no way you dont know who BTS is? Th-There's no way...

Lora then tells everything about BTS to May and she finally understand who they are. She accepts the tickets, and they plan to meet up at a cafe on of the next 2 months Saturday before going to the concert. As they were talking and walking down the hallway, May sees a boy trying to punch a student. She runs over to the situation and punches the boy's face. Blood starts rushing out of his lip, and he leaves the school in anger.

Student - Th-Thank you... He was my brother... He got angry at me for taking his cigarettes away from him, but thank you so much!

May - No problem, but be careful in situation like that, See you later....

They leave eachother and Lora starts talking to May again...

Lora - I really can't believe you have been talking online fighting classes for 10 years. It is so awesome!!! So anyways, this saturday right, at the cat caffe on BANGTAN STREET, right?

May - Yeah... See you there

May comes at home, and her Aunt continues to torture her by curssing, hitting, and screaming at her for 2 months. Finally, Saturday came and she knew her Aunt wouldn't let her go to the concert, so she snuck out of her house at 4:00 a.m even though Lora and her were supposed to meet up at the cafe at 12:00 p.m.. She didnt know what would go with her white hair, so she just wore a black turtle neck, white convers, and jean shorts.

She meets up with Lora, and they walk to the concert together...

May did not know that the day she entered thoses concert doors, her whole life would change....

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I hope you enjoy this so far, if you want anything to be changes or any feed back go ahead and tell me. I am sorry I am not a good writer but I really hope you enjoyed this so far, Have a wonderful Day!


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