This Beautiful Lie

This Beautiful Lie

"Seulgi, I have to tell you something...," Joohyun whispered. Seulgi was watching a sad Korean drama scene and hummed in response to Joohyun. Joohyun sighed and then unlocked her phone to play that one song. 

"I think we need to break off the engagement." Seulgi dropped the controller and she hesitantly turned to look at Joohyun. Joohyun's bittersweet smile and her warm eyes that start to turn cold. "What...?" Seulgi said, her breath being taken away. Joohyun frowns and doesn't spare a glance at Seulgi after the suggestion.

"We need to break off the engagement because..... because I love someone else." Seulgi's heart breaks. Even after all those years of fighting against those who were against their love... was she being played? Seulgi -- being the nice girl she is -- nods and smiles. "I understand..."

And somehow, Joohyun seems to agree. The sad song playing in the background filled the room with sadness as Seulgi weeped and Joohyun left the house.


Seulgi lays in bed lifelessly. Imagining Joohyun next to her was painful. Those nights where she longed for Joohyun beside her had all gone to waste. Maybe those times after work where Joohyun would tell her that she had to come home late were the times where she was cheating on her or whatever. Having the guts to tell that to Seulgi.

Seulgi chuckled bitterly and spotted a picture of Joohyun and her, in high school. Wrapping their arms around each other, laughing, faces bright and so blindly in love.

Seulgi guesses that wasn't the case because of the state she was in now. The luxurious room with golden decoration was all for waste, spending it on someone as poor as Joohyun. Joohyun, who was so loving and caring and not the type to cheat. Seulgi started to blame herself.

Was she not good enough? Was she too careless or too innocent for Joohyun? Was fighting for their love not enough for Joohyun to love her? That beautiful face that Seulgi kissed the tears off of when Joohyun was overflowing with tears. When her body had bruises and her brain was hurt, damaged. Seulgi fixed it all with a kiss on the head, on the neck, on the arm. Seulgi smiled as she looked at the picture and then she looked at another picture. 

Seulgi and Irene in their second year of high school. Irene was matured and she became quieter and more shy but that didn't stop Seulgi from loving Irene. Irene was famous for her beauty, oh, so famous. Seulgi posing while wrapping her arm around Irene and Joohyun smiling with her teeth. It was such a beautiful day. And suddenly, Seulgi spotted the most heartbrokening picture ever.

Their first kiss. Where Seulgi's heart was beating so fast and Joohyun had admitted that her heart was beating too. So why? Why did she leave? Why did Seulgi waste all her ing money and all that hard work? Why the did she waste all that money for Joohyun and why the was she so naive to Joohyun's tactics? Was this her plan all along? Seulgi doesn't want to know.

Seulgi takes a cold shower and wears her pajamas while she's wet and sleeps with water and tears dripping down her face.


Seulgi's footsteps are soft. The sand swallowing her feet and her legs but Seulgi keeps on walking. Joohyun far behind her while her other friends try to follow her.

This was during her vacation to Arizona. The warm air rushing through Seulgi, making her hair fly and her hat nearly flying away with her hair. Seulgi was happy. Her grin was probably the widest during this vacation. She had bumped into many Koreans along the way but the most beautiful was Joohyun.

But they were all far behind her. And as Seulgi's speed slowed, she suddenly slipped and fell into a deep hole. But she never stopped. A bottomless pit. The abyss.


"Sweetie?" a soft voice called for Seulgi. Seulgi was tired and didn't want to open her eyes. This voice was so awfully familiar. The voice that had broken her heart. Seulgi frowned and turned away from the voice. "Seulgom, wake up!" the voice exclaimed, slapping Seulgi's face with a slipper. Seulgi immediately woke with a red cheek.

Seulgi felt tears rolling down her cheeks and she glanced at the woman who hit her. Seulgi's eyes widened. It was Joohyun, as expected. The only person with the keys to her house. The luxurious room was identical to the one she saw last night with the same pictures. Joohyun seemed to be quite mad. Seulgi wasn't catching on though.

"Joohyun...?" Seulgi asked but "Joohyun" furrowed her eyebrows. 

"Joohyun? JOOHYUN? HAVE YOU BEEN CHEATING ON ME?!" the woman screamed. Seulgi widened her eyes as the woman started hitting Seulgi even harder with the slipper. Seulgi yelped as she fell off the bed and the woman laughed.

"I know that you'd never do that," the woman said, smiling. The woman walked over to Seulgi and kissed her tears. Seulgi's eyes widened, memories rushing in. Suddenly, a voice called the two girls.

"Irene, Seulgi! Yeri and I are here, are you two ready? You better not be ing!" a familiar voice exclaimed. Seulgi turns to look at the woman. Irene? Was that her name? So she wasn't Joohyun? 

"We're not!" Irene replied back. Irene was already dressed with a nice, white, buttoned up shirt and jeans with a belt tightening it. Seulgi raised an eyebrow. Where was she? Was this a dream? Wasn't she just in Arizona? Seulgi pinched herself but it hurt a lot so Seulgi stopped. Now her arm is red. "Come on Seulgi. Get dressed!" Irene exclaimed, smiling. Seulgi raised an eyebrow and Irene exited the room. Seulgi was so confused. What was going on?

Seulgi walked over to her drawer, where her clothes usually were. Seulgi opened the top drawer and saw that all her clothes were there. Nothing had changed. They were all in the same position, exactly where Seulgi likes them. "Seulgi honey, are you done yet?" Irene yelled from downstairs. Seulgi gulped.

"N-no, not yet!" Seulgi yelled back. Seulgi decided to just go simple since she had no idea where she was going. Maybe reciprocating Irene? Seulgi wore a white, buttoned up shirt with light blue jeans. No belt though. Seulgi sighed.

She finished putting on her white socks and walked to the bathroom. Seulgi looked at the mirror. Seulgi's red and puffy eyes that she had expected were not there. The bathroom was so familiar to Seulgi. The toilet paper right beside the toilet, the bathtub silently waiting to have someone bathe inside and the giant mirror with a clean sink.

Seulgi heard Irene's voice and rushed with her morning routine.


"Oh god, have you seen Red Velvet's new song?" Joy asked. Yeri nodded and squealed as Irene chuckled. Irene turned to Seulgi and flashed her million dollar smile.

"Youngsters these days," Irene whispered to Seulgi. Seulgi chuckled. She was so tense. The four girls were walking at a park. Irene clinging onto Seulgi's arm while Yeri and Joy were chatting about those idol groups and actors and whatever rumors were going around their school.

"Oh my gosh, Seulgi, do you see that?" Irene asked when she saw someone that was so painfully familiar. A couple ring. Two rings that couples wear. Something that Seulgi had bought for Joohyun during their early dating years. "Let's buy those!" Irene exclaimed happily. Seulgi watched Irene as she entered the shop without hesitation. Seulgi furrowed her eyebrows and entered the shop. Everything was breathtaking. Jewelry was everywhere. Not real, of course, but everything was shiny. Couple rings, friendship rings. Even couple and friendship necklaces.

"Amazing...," Irene said, open wide. Seulgi turned around and saw Irene trying on some couple rings. Irene then put on a ring that perfectly fit her cute ring finger. Irene's excited and surprised face was cute and lifted Seulgi's mood. Suddenly, Irene looked straight into Seulgi's eyes and called for her. Her charming smile that made Seulgi's heart flutter.

Such a familiar feeling. Seulgi walked towards Irene and saw the ring on her finger. On her ring finger. The ring with a shiny, beautiful diamond. The ring that Seulgi had bought Joohyun. "Seulgi-ssi?" Irene's soft voice woke Seulgi from her daydreaming and Seulgi's eyes widen as she sees Irene putting the ring on Seulgi's finger. Irene's smile was beautiful. Seulgi's heart that was broken started fluttering under the morning sun.


"I'm convinced that Wendy is evil," Yeri commented when she saw Wendy prank her students. Wendy was a professor and taught at a college. The young 26-year-old woman was beautiful and she was about the same age as her students.`

"Is the jell-o good?" Irene inquires. Seulgi smiles and nods. Joy scrunches her nose in disgust. Yeri eats her fries and groans after dying on a game in her phone. Irene looks at Seulgi with a worried expression. "Seulgi-ssi?" Irene said after finishing the jell-o and quickly throwing it away. Seulgi glanced at Irene and hummed in response.

"Can I ask you something?" Irene asks. Seulgi nods and looks at Irene, her gaze making Irene turn red. Seulgi's eyes widen as she sees her blushing face. "Ah, still the shy girl?" Seulgi said, smiling and cupping Irene's face so Irene can make direct eye contact with Seulgi. Irene smiles.

"W-well... um Seulgi... this question might be weird but even if you could leave me, would you do it?" Irene asks timidly. Seulgi's eyes widen and her head suddenly hurt.

"If you had to choose between that rich girl or me, who would you choose?"

Seulgi's head started hurting and Irene gasped. "Seulgi, are you okay?" she asked, concerned. Seulgi smiled and nodded while sweating endlessly. "I-Irene...," Seulgi said, surprised at how easily the name rolled off her tongue, "I... I will stay with you f-forever.." Irene slightly smile and helped Seulgi walk home together.


And guess what Irene suggested that the two should watch? A love Korean love drama, "Encounter." it included Park Bogum and Song Hye Kyo. Seulgi and Irene were cuddling together. This reminds Seulgi of when she would always hold Joohyun by her waist and kissing her scalp.

"Where is she now?! Did you force her to leave?"

"Oh, her? Your fiance? I didn't even talk to her yet. Who knows where she could've gone?"


Seulgi felt a pain throbbing in her head. The voice sounded so awfully familiar... and there was another voice. A manly voice. Handsome but manipulative. "Seulgi-ssi? Are you okay?" Irene inquires, looking concerned when she sees Seulgi's face turn red and sweat rolling down her forehead. Seulgi nodded unconvincingly and told Irene that she was going to take a shower first. Irene watched Seulgi walk into their bedroom.

"Seulgi... is it because of her?" Irene asks quietly.

Seulgi is stripping and grabs a towel. There are voices in her head, voices... Seulgi grunts as she bumps into a wall and eventually walks into the bathroom. Her vision was blinded by the tears and sweat and she quickly the water and stepped into the tub. She pulled the curtain and the shower. It was warm water.

"Where are you, Seulgi..? Please come back..." Trembling fingers and tears. They pressed call and sniffed. But the person they were calling never answered...................

Seulgi heard her phone ringing. The voices in Seulgi's head stopped talking but after that vision, her phone started ringing. But her phone wasn't in her bathroom... which means that Irene had it. Who was calling her?

Seulgi hurried and took a shower before wearing her clothes while wet and ran to the living room. Irene was sleeping quietly on the couch while "Encounter" proceeded to show Episode 4. Seulgi sighed and tried to find her phone. She scoured the house and eventually found her phone in her jacket's pocket. How did she hear her phone while she was in the shower? She checked her missed called but found out that no one called her. Seulgi furrowed her eyebrows. What was happening to her?


Seulgi woke up without Irene by her side. Seulgi sat up and found herself in her clothes last night. Seulgi raised an eyebrow and got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. Irene was quietly making breakfast. Without a word. Seulgi furrowed her eyebrows and walked awkwardly towards Irene.

Irene didn't smile at Seulgi. She didn't even look at Seulgi. "Um... I-Irene?" Seulgi asked, stuttering. It was awkward considering the fact that Joohyun and Irene were two different people. Irene looked at Seulgi and Seulgi was taken aback by Irene's cold gaze. "Yes?" Irene answered with a straight face. Seulgi raised an eyebrow. Suddenly, Irene sat down across from Seulgi and started crossing her arms.

"Am I your wife?" Irene asked Seulgi. Seulgi choked on her breakfast, which was black bean noodles (jajangmyeon). "Wh-what a-are you saying... o-of course you're my wife... m-my one and... only?" Seulgi replied but it ended up sounding like a question. Irene sighed. Seulgi assumed that it was a sigh of relief.... but why?

Suddenly, Seulgi's head started hurting and Seulgi gasped.

"Wh-what... Seulgi? I can hear your voice but... where are you? Answer me!" Seulgi was panting, gasping for air. Her body felt broken, as if it weren't one piece. She felt like she was being into a black hole. Irene gasped softly and quickly wet her hands with cold water and splashed it over Seulgi's face. Seulgi inhaled air and then exhaled. Her body wasn't in pain anymore.... but Irene didn't look happy.

Seulgi didn't know what was happening to her. What were these voices.....? "Seulgi." Seulgi snapped her head up to look at Irene. Irene didn't look happy but a grin emerged on the beautiful woman's face.

"Let's go to the arcade."


"!" Irene gasped, panting. The race ended with her being in 5th place. Seulgi's jaw was wide open. Joohyun was a great gamer, amazing actually, and Seulgi just assumed that Irene was also good at games. Irene pouted for Seulgi to buy her more money for games and Seulgi just couldn't resist. Seulgi was blushing as she input more money into the card. Seulgi walked over to Irene and Irene squealed.

"I bet you can't beat me in this race!" Irene exclaimed. Seulgi scoffed and the two immediately started racing, hogging the race games. Many high schoolers who skipped school were in the arcade and one of them suddenly started pushing Seulgi off of the bike. Seulgi fell and Irene gasped. Seulgi groaned and couldn't properly say a word.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Irene asked. The high schooler gasped and smirked. "What a pretty young lady. What's your name?" the high schooler asked. Irene scrunched her nose in disgust when the high schooler touched her chin and she slapped his hand. "Excuse me? I am older than you and this is my wife!" Irene exclaimed, angry. Seulgi was surprised when Irene called Seulgi her wife. They weren't even married yet.

She showed the man her license and her ring and her couple ring. The high schooler wasn't convinced until she kissed Seulgi passionately. The high schooler's eyes widened and he immediately apologized when he also found out that Seulgi was a rich businesswoman. After the group of high schooler's ran away, Seulgi and Irene started laughing out loud. Seulgi and Irene smiled as the two both ended up in last place in the race and went out to eat. Oh, did I mention that Wendy also owns a restaurant? She's wealthy so that's why she almost never runs it, basically. Seulgi and Irene arrive at her restaurant and smile when everybody starts taking pictures of them.

Of course everybody knows about them being fiances and all. Irene smiles proudly and suddenly pulls Seulgi in for a kiss and does a peace sign afterwards. Seulgi is shocked and couldn't even walk or say a word. "Oh, come on! It's for the people!" Irene explained and wrapped her arm around Seulgi's neck even though Seulgi was taller than her. Seulgi smiled and the two sat down in a reserved area for VIP.

Everything was nice. Seulgi and Irene were chatting and having a discussion until Irene brings up a serious topic. "Don't you ever think that you're living in a lie?" Irene asks, chewing on her salad. Seulgi gulps her food and drinks her coke before answering. She ponders on the question and shrugs.

"Maybe... maybe sometimes when something suddenly changes," Seulgi replies, stuffing with noodles. Irene doesn't smile and sighs. "I feel like this is all a lie. A dream. It doesn't feel right...," Irene said, drinking her water elegantly. Seulgi felt down now. She wanted to believe that this was all real. She had been living in this unknown world and had been trying so hard to believe that this is real but... she can't. Not when Joohyun said those words. Not when Joohyun broke her heart. Not when Joohyun left Seulgi. Seulgi's hand was trembling and she couldn't hold her utensils anymore. Seulgi tried to think of something and she suddenly remembered that time when Joohyun said the same thing.

When Joohyun was so happy that she thought this was all a lie. And Seulgi had thought of quite wise words, even if she was still a high schooler that time.

"It's not a lie if you make it true," Seulgi replied to Irene. Irene looked at Seulgi and waited for more. Seulgi sighed. "Lies are not lies if they really happened." Irene stared at Seulgi and smiled. Seulgi was so attracted to Irene's beauty and she started smiling too. Irene then leaned in for a kiss and Seulgi immediately closed her eyes. Seulgi could feel tears rolling down her cheeks, but it wasn't her tears. It was Irene's tears. Seulgi and Irene then parted and were panting.

Seulgi's head started throbbing with pain and Irene looked at Seulgi, shocked but not panicking. Seulgi felt her heartbeat beat faster and faster.

"I miss you so much, Seulgi.. please come back..." A sob was heard and tears rolling down her cheeks. Her lipstick was smeared all over her face while she laid on a bed with a man. She sniffed. Her hair was disheveled and she looked miserable. So awfully familiar... the beauty she used to radiate was fading. "Please come back."

Seulgi gasped and she eventually couldn't handle the pain and before she fainted, she saw Irene's face. And Seulgi muttered out the words: "Joohyun.."


It was raining and I looked up. She didn't smile or laugh. I kept a straight face and thought of my wife, walking towards me with an umbrella in her hand. "Here," she would say. Then she would either run off or walk with me. Where was she now? Why did she leave me without telling me or anyone else for that matter?

She didn't even bring her clothes with her. I felt a rush of air and I looked to my side. I felt my wife standing beside me. I blinked. I could see her transparent figure and she looked my way. I could hear her voice. I blinked again and I couldn't see her anymore. Tears rolling down my cheeks. I was manipulated and I was broken. I failed at life.


Seulgi didn't wake up until 2 days later. Seulgi opened her eyes slowly and rubbed her eyes. It was early morning and Seulgi yawned. She remembered slightly of what happened before she fainted but she was too tired to think. Seulgi stood up shakily and walked out of her room and downstairs. She walked out through the hospital doors and squinted her eyes. The sun was rising, shining brightly. It was a beautiful sight.

"Miss Kang?" a soft voice asked behind Seulgi. Seulgi turned around and saw a woman smiling at her. "You are discharged for today. Doctors have taken tests on you and we think that it's nothing important." Seulgi smiled widely. She then asked for her phone and the hospital staff handed Seulgi her things. Seulgi bowed and thanked them and searched for her phone.

She found it in her jacket pocket and called Irene. Seulgi couldn't stop smiling for some reason. Irene picked up and Seulgi asked for Irene to pick her up. Irene arrive 6 minutes later, driving as fast as she could and when she spotted Seulgi, she shed happy tears. Tears of joy.

"Seulgi!" Irene exclaimed while running to Seulgi and hugging her tightly. Seulgi smiled and mirrored. The couple walked and entered Irene's car and Irene drove to their house. Seulgi sighed. She felt happy. When the two arrived at their house, it started raining. Seulgi grinned and looked at Irene. Even the rain didn't make them feel sad. They were just happy to be with each other. And as they were walking to their door and Irene was unlocking the door, Seulgi looked at Irene and spotted a transparent figure. The person was crying, looking awfully familiar like Irene.

Seulgi's eyes widen when she sees the person look at her way. Seulgi's lips trembled when she recognized the person as Joohyun. Joohyun... crying, miserable. Seulgi suddenly remembered when she saw that vision of a miserable-looking girl with smeared lipstick. The sobbing and pleading. Seulgi's name being called for desperately. Seulgi felt her body being torn apart.

Irene unlocked the door and turned around and saw Seulgi. "Seulgi?" Irene called softly, concerned. Seulgi looked at Irene. Irene then frowned. "It's because of her, isn't it?" Irene asked quietly. Seulgi's eyes widened.

"It's because of that woman, right? That woman who you met first? That woman who you loved first?" Irene asked. Seulgi frowned. Both lips trembling, the two walked inside their house and the two were silent. Seulgi had no idea what was going on. What was happening to her? What was happening to Irene? Seulgi sighed and took a shower first. She didn't know what was going to happen next and she didn't want to know.....

Seulgi took a long, warm shower and dried herself before putting on her pajamas. Seulgi waited for Irene to finish showering and waited for Irene to finish putting on clothes. Irene then laid down on her bed with Seulgi and the two were silent. "How did you know that it was about her?" Seulgi asked Irene. Irene didn't answer and Seulgi heard a sigh.

"Everytime that you had that weird attack where you sweat and pant for air is when I saw it." Seulgi stayed silent.

"I saw her. The woman who looked like me and the one who you loved. The one who unintentionally broke your heart," Irene replied. Seulgi and Irene stayed silent, tension increasing.

"But please don't leave me," Irene whispered. Seulgi looked at Irene and slightly smile. Seulgi kissed Irene's scalp and the two fell asleep comfortably........


Seulgi gasped. She opened her eyes and felt cold air rushing through her face. She was wearing a hat but it flew away and Seulgi furrowed her eyebrows when she saw 2 familiar figures. Joy and Yeri. Seulgi looked down to see sand. She was back in Arizona but everything was cold.

But where was Joohyun? Seulgi looked around her but she didn't see Joohyun anywhere. Joy and Yeri were fading as Seulgi stood up and looked behind her. Someone was walking towards her... Joohyun...

Seulgi felt tears rolling down her cheeks as she ran towards Joohyun. "Joohyun!" Seulgi exclaimed. Joohyun looked up and Seulgi suddenly tripped. Seulgi hit the sand face on and looked up to see Joohyun........ Joohyun was crying.... but she didn't feel like Joohyun. "I-Irene?" Seulgi asked, stuttering and surprised.

Irene sniffed and looked at Seulgi. Seulgi stood up with her jaw opened slightly. "Are you leaving me?" Irene asked. Seulgi walked backwards as Irene was walking towards her. Seulgi nearly tripped and she looked back. The abyss. Seulgi started crying.

"I'm sorry Irene.... I have to go," Seulgi told Irene. Irene's lips trembled and she started crying too. Seulgi smiled though. Even though she didn't want to leave, she needed to. She needed to go back. But she was happy to be leaving. Everything she had experienced was not what she wanted. Seulgi loved Irene but... she needed Joohyun. Irene was not Joohyun.

"I-I have to go," Seulgi repeated as she saw Irene crying. Irene shook her head. Seulgi smiled and she hugged Irene. Seulgi hugged Irene firmly and Irene hit Seulgi's chest.

"You can't go! You told me that you'll stay forever!" Irene shouted.

Seulgi smiled one last time. "Thank you for making me believe in this lie, Irene." Seulgi tries to walk into the abyss which leads to the real world but Irene won't let her. She clings onto Seulgi's arm.

"You yourself said that lies can become true if you make it happen... and this all happened so how can you say that?" Irene asked, tears flowing down her cheeks. Seulgi doesn't smile. The abyss's bottomless pit makes Irene shiver, afraid to lose Seulgi. Seulgi doesn't know whether Irene is a fantasy or not but her words are so convincing...

"I..." Seulgi breathes.

Seulgi shook her head. "I have to go, Irene." Irene's eyes widen as she suddenly lets go of Seulgi and Seulgi falls into the abyss. But instead of being afraid, Seulgi closes her eyes and smiles.

"I'm coming back, Joohyun."


Seulgi wakes up, her heart beating fast. Seulgi is on her bed and she looks around the room. Seulgi looks at her pajamas. It's the ones she wore after Joohyun confessed that she fell out of love with Seulgi. Seulgi sighed and hurried and did her morning routine. She ran to her jacket and found her phone in that same pocket.

She quickly dialed Joohyun's number, in hopes of seeing her again. As she calls Joohyun, she gets more and more anxious when Joohyun doesn't answer by the second. "Please pick up....," Seulgi whispers anxiously. And Seulgi thought about ending and calling her again, but she waited more. Joohyun finally picked up and Seulgi smiled widely, happy. "Joohyun!" Seulgi exclaimed. She could hear Joohyun sniffing then gasping. "S-Seulgi...?" Joohyun asked, her voice shaky. She started sobbing on the phone and Seulgi told Joohyun to meet her at the park.

The same park where she and Irene went.


Joohyun waits by the shop where Seulgi tells her to wait by. The jewelry shop. There was jewelry but it wasn't valuable. The shop was just for fun. Joohyun waits impatiently. She wants to see her fiance's face quickly. She wants to hear her fiance's voice and she wants to indulge in Seulgi's warmth. 

Joohyun waits for a few more minutes but she doesn't see Seulgi anywhere. Was this false hope? Joohyun starts to walk away until she hears her name being called in the distance. Joohyun freezes when she sees Seulgi running towards her with a grin on her face. Joohyun's eyes widen and she could feel tears forming in her eyes. Kang Seulgi... she really was here. After all that time.... after all those days and weeks and months. Joohyun blinked and she could feel tears rolling down her soft cheeks. Seulgi ran to Joohyun and smiled as she wiped away Joohyun's tears. Joohyun sniffed and hugged Seulgi tightly. Seulgi mirrored and just kept smiling. Joohyun sobbed softly and she looked at Seulgi with red eyes.

"You're really here...," Joohyun whispers, touching Seulgi's arms and neck. Seulgi laughs. 

"Of course I would be here. I would never leave you like that," Seulgi replies, kissing Joohyun's forehead. Joohyun frowns and sniffs. "I-I'm so sorry that I left you... I'm sorry... I'm such a horrible person... I'm sorr--"

Seulgi kisses Joohyun on the lips and shakes her head when Joohyun looks at Seulgi. "Don't apologize. You're the best person that I've ever met," Seulgi told Joohyun. The two hug each other tightly as the sun starts setting and everybody starts leaving. Seulgi holds Joohyun's delicate body.

"Promise that you'll never leave me?" Joohyun asks Seulgi. Seulgi suddenly remembers something. Seulgi just smiles and kisses Joohyun's cheek.

"I will stay with you forever."








I'll give you guys some background info: Joohyun didn't fall out of love with Seulgi, there was just another man that made her heart flutter, but she still loves Seulgi. She chose the man over Seulgi because you know how those cliche love stories go, she wasn't thinking.

You see, at the beginning, Joohyun left Seulgi for the man but found out that he had manipulated her for Seulgi's money (to sleep with other women). And during the story, Seulgi leaves Joohyun and goes with Irene. They both left each other so when Joohyun became heartbroken, she started longing for Seulgi but Seulgi was gone.

I guess that can kind of make you infer aboutt the rest. The words make the story and the story shapes the theory.

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Chapter 1: wait ok so this is what i was thinking (and i dont know if i misread anything so dont hate me if im way off). so seulgi passed out after crying and woke up in another version of herself (?) and in that place/dream she was married to irene which is just joohyun but in another world (?). what i was thinking is that irene also lost her seulgi but different way as seulgi lost joohyun. idk thats just what i came up with. This is so good, the emotions, the characters, the plot, it's all just incredible. Thank you for writing this masterpiece that I will definitely be rereading! I loved the idea and the execution way just so amazing. Stay happy and healthy <3 (p.s. Irene also gets a happy ending in my book so she has her own Seulgi now!!!)
Chapter 1: so... irene is real? it's not happened in seulgi's dream? and... how long is it? i mean, the moment joohyun asked for break up(?) to seulgi woke up (from her dream?) ? and... the voice that seulgi heard... not from/in her dream????
Kaz012_ei #3
Chapter 1: Without the last notes, it's confusing as to what happened. Although, some parts are still not clear. Why would something that happened be a lie?
Chapter 1: seulgi was dreaming a whole relationship with irene with a span of two days or so while she was sleeping the night joohyun broke up with her, it’s a lot simpler than i thought. nicely written tho~
Chapter 1: It got a bit confusing but I admire your effort to share it with us. Thank you for this, an incredible story.
Chapter 1: Its abstract, a little bit confusing but I like it. I guess Seulgi suddenly entered into a parallel universe or something maybe?
Chapter 1: I don't understand the whole situation. True, Seulgi's moving to another universe where she dated Irene after breaking up with Joohyun. The thing is, why would Seulgi call Joohyun after her confession and Joohyun all of sudden saying "don't ever leave me" when she is the one who fell out of love and left Seulgi at the first place. So confusing.
11 streak #8
Chapter 1: So the other one is a make up world??