Wanted: OOMFS.


just another ad passing by. you've already clicked on so many, what's an extra one going to cost you? click me, it's a command (plea), do it.


hey? you probably clicked on this looking for a friend and i need friends...think we might be a good fit? 
before you decide, here's some irrelevant information:

  • i'm gmt minus with abnormal sleeping hours.
    pros: you can expect a reply any time of the day.
    cons: you can't expect a reply during regular awake hours of gmt minus.
  • i don't have any set faceclaims but i'm open to suggestions. 
    pros: again, open to suggestions.
  • plato games and rabbit sessions? only my favorite pasttimes.
    pros: will always be up to play and hang with you. want
  • personality: casual style but surprises on the way. semi-lit.
    pros: easygoing.
    cons: not literate.
  • i ran out of things to say but i won't run out of things to say to you. (this is a semi-promise.)

now that you have all that information, if you're interested in being friends, send me a message with your fl. 


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