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"Hello Love... Happy Birthday!" said Baekhyun.  He smiled nervously, playing with the strings of his coat. "I wanted to tell you in person. I hope that's ok."

Chanyeol stared for a second but then shook his head, snapping himself out of his temporary stupor and grabbed Baekhyun, hugging him. "Yes! Oh my god yes it's ok! Thank you! I'm - yes! Thank you!" Baekhyun giggled a little into Chanyeol's coat where his face was smushed. "I'm just... amazed you came here to see me..." Chanyeol's voice drifted off slightly as Baekhyun pulled back abruptly from his arms. 

"Of course I came to see you!" Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol incredulously. "You weren't answering my calls and texts, and your buddies tell me you still have your head up your ! Why wouldn't I want to come and try to knock some sense into your stubborn head, you big oaf!" Baekhyun shook Chanyeol's hands off from around his waist and shoulders. "I have half a mind to leave now that I've seen you're still alive, since you can't bring yourself to let me know this all this last week! Do you know it's been seven days since I last saw you? Seven! Do you even understand how much that bothers me? Seven dammit!" By this point Chanyeol had shrunk back a little, flinching as Baekhyun punctuated his words with smacks to Chanyeol's chest.

"I didn't think it..." Chanyeol tentatively said.

"No you didn't think!" Baekhyun interrupted, putting his hand up to his own forehead and closing his eyes briefly, sighing. "Baby... nevermind that. Just- look at me."  Baekhyun took Chanyeol's face in both his hands. "I'm sorry. I really am. I heard everything you said before you left and I've thought about it and also talked to the others." 

Chanyeol bristled. "I'm still mad at them. They know how important that song is to us but they didn't seem to be bothered about it when we were in the meeting." he grumbled. "They all had the nerve to look really happy about using your song. YOUR song, Baek!"

Baekhyun blushed lightly, smiling and patting Chanyeol's arm patronizingly. "I know, and there's actually a reason for that, but before you try to say anything I think you should know that they were doing it for me. I asked them to say it was OK."

Chanyeol startled, looking straight at Baekhyun. "What?!"

"I have to tell you something, please listen to me. Please. Don't get mad again, just let me explain." Baekhyun quickly moved his hands down to Chanyeol's shoulders, grabbing the material of his fluffy coat. "First can we sit down somewhere? I'm tired and didn't sleep much on the flight and the bus ride over from the airport was horrible and no I didn't get a taxi but you don't need to know about that right now so just- yeah. Can we sit?" 

Chanyeol noticed how stressed Baekhyun looked and immediately ushered the two of them into a side room, closing the door behind them. He pulled a chair out from a small desk in the room and helped Baekhyun sit, then took off his own fluffy coat and put it on the floor to kneel on in front of Baekhyun's feet.

Chanyeol placed his hands in his lap and looked straight up at the love of his life, "Ok I'm listening. I promise." 

Baekhyun took a deep breath, and looked at Chanyeol with a small smile. "So I have to confess something." He paused, waiting for Chanyeol to react but when the man kneeling on the floor didn't say anything, he continued. "As soon as I heard about the initial offer I contacted the producers." 

Chanyeol cocked his head a little to the side to show his interest but still didn't say anything. 

"I asked them for a favor and they said yes."

"So what does this have to do with our song" Chanyeol finally asked.

"I'm getting to that."

Chanyeol just nodded.

"So I knew they wanted to tape the show the day before New Year's Eve, and since that's also been a special day for us I wanted to do something more." 

Chanyeol reached up and took Baekhyun's slender fingers in his own large hands. "That's the day I asked you to be mine ten years ago." he said, looking up at Baekhyun, who nodded at him, smiling thru what looked suspiciously like tears. "So what was the favor you asked for from the producers?"

"I wanted to have them play our song." Baekhyun said. "But I wanted to make it extra special."

"Oh Baby..." Chanyeol was caught off guard and leaned his head down toward their joined hands.

"I asked for the arrangement with two guitars so it would sound more like the way you played it for me. I thought maybe you wouldn't get as angry as long as there were more than just one guitar." Chanyeol turned his head to the side but kept it on Baekhyun's lap, listening to Baekhyun's explanation.

Baekhyun couldn't control his tears as one slid down his face silently. "And instead of someone else singing, I was going to step on stage and sing it for you." He pulled his right hand away from Chanyeol's grasp to brush his fingers through the familiar soft locks on Chanyeol's head, and then reached into the pocket of his coat.

"And after I sang it... I was going to give you this..." he said, sniffling a little as Chanyeol raised his head. 

Chanyeol gasped. 

Between Baekhyun's slender fingers was a sturdy band of titanium with abalone chips and wood accents all around through the center of it. A masculine-looking ring with soft edges and a perfect compliment to Chanyeol's personality. 

"Chanyeol..." Baekhyun sniffed a little as Chanyeol reached up and wiped a stray tear from his cheek. 

"My Love." said Chanyeol, smiling softly.

"You asked me to be yours ten years ago." Baekhyun said. "Will you be mine too?"

Chanyeol leaned on the hand Baekhyun wasn't holding and started to get up off the floor, not realizing his tired legs had gone to sleep from the circulation being cut off for the time he was sitting on them. "Ack!" He tumbled as his arm gave out a bit, not handling the deadweight of his legs. 

"Dammit!" Chanyeol said and looked surprised up at Baekhyun who had burst out laughing. 

"You know it's always your left that lags, Chanyeollie!" Baekhyun said, smiling brightly thru his tears at Chanyeol who now had a matching smile on his face and was laughing as well. 

The door behind them opened and Kasper poked his head in cautiously. "Uh, you guys Ok in here?"

Chanyeol looked up from his half-sprawled position on the floor.  "We're great buddy, don't worry!"

Baekhyun nodded. "Yep. You OK out there?"

Kasper looked sheepish. "We kinda thought there would be yelling and stuff going on, so it was strange to hear laughing." 

Baekhyun's eyebrow went up.  "Stuff...?"

"Well, you know... When you-guys fight you tend to make up in very, um, vocal ways, and it usually happens behind the nearest closed door,  so.. . Yeah.  Stuff."  Kasper said, rubbing the back of his neck. 

Chanyeol grinned, turning to Baekhyun and getting back up on his feet while bending slightly over the giggling man. "What do you think, Babe? It's been a whole week without...stuff. I think we- OW!"  Baekhyun whacked Chanyeol on the arm and stood up. 

"Even if it is your birthday we're not doing anything until I get to a proper bed. You owe me that much after running away for a whole week!" Baekhyun said, trying to hide his grin.  

Kasper shook his head. "These damn idiots..." he said, chuckling as he left the room. 

"So... a proper bed, huh?" Chanyeol said, pulling Baekhyun into a hug.  

"I think you owe me a proper answer first, mister."

Chanyeol tightened his arms around Baekhyun's shoulders.  "A proper answer... Let me see..." Chanyeol said as he leaned the two of them back and forth from side to side. 

"Chanyeollie don't be mean..." Baekhyun pouted, his lower lip stuck out cutely. 

"I'm not mean, Love." said Chanyeol, chucking.  "So... you said you want me to be yours..."

Baekhyun's pout softened a little as he looked up at Chanyeol. "Yes, please.. ." he said with a soft voice. 

Chanyeol stopped their movements. "I have always been yours my Love."

"Yes, but Chanyeollie~ !" Baekhyun said, shaking his legs a little.  "I wanna marry you!" 

Chanyeol smiled and moved his hand to brush Baekhyun's bangs out of his eyes. "And I wanna marry you too. But for real this time. I know we had our own little ceremony where we committed ourselves to each other when we went to Hawaii together the first time, but this time I want to say all the important official words and make it legal while we're in front of all our family and friends."

Baekhyun's eyes glazed over with tears again. "Oh Yeollie..." he breathed out. 

Chanyeol held up Baekhyun's hand that was still holding tightly to the ring. "And I want to wear this ring and also get you a matching one that everyone will know is from me.  I know this one is unique just like you so I want yours to be unique like me..." 

Baekhyun swatted Chanyeol's shoulder again.  "Dammit I was trying to be stronger but you just have to go and say things like that and make it impossible for me to stop crying." 

Chanyeol leaned down and put his forehead against Baekhyun's forehead. "I'm sorry." he said. "And I'm sorry too for being such a stubborn  this whole week. I should have let you explain more before totally going off at that meeting. I ruined your surprise, and I'm sure the producers are mad at me as well for getting so worked up about it." Chanyeol sighed. "I'm an idiot."

"You were frustrated. Yes, you are an idiot, but you're MY idiot, and I should have known we couldn't pull something like this off without you either figuring it out or getting mad about it one-way or the other." Baekhyun sighed. "Technically that makes me an idiot too."

"You're both idiots." Kasper said, poking his head back into the room. "We can hear everything out here, so come on out here before you start making up the way you like to and get a room already."

Baekhyun blushed and tried to hide his embarrassment. He bent down and picked up Chanyeol's coat while Chanyeol grabbed Kasper and acted like he was going to knock him in the head.

"Thanks for ruining a moment BUDDY!" Chanyeol said, acting aggressively but grinning none-the-less. Chanyeol let Kasper loose and then grabbed Baekhyun's hand "Come on Baekhyunnie, I want to celebrate my birthday with my fiancé!" 

"Wait dude!" Kasper said as they walked out of the room laughing. "We have a cake and dinner ordered and everything!"

"Awww... you two care about me after all!" Chanyeol said sarcastically. He looked at Baekhyun with his eyes twinkling. "I still want to celebrate tho, so have it all sent up to our room and we'll make sure you get some leftovers..." 

"Ew no... I don't want leftovers if you have it in your room first! I know there are no limits to how you two can get and NOBODY needs any of those leftovers thank you very much! " Hyuno said, laughing but trying to look offended.

Chanyeol guffawed and slapped Kasper's arm as Baekhyun spluttered a bit, looking even more embarrassed. "Well I guess our secrets aren't as secret as we thought, huh Baek?" Chanyeol said, grinning wildly at his now red-faced fiancé. 

"Oh hush Giant!" Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol's hand and started pulling him away from Chanyeol's two laughing friends. "That cake better be really good for me to come this far around the world...!" he muttered as he began walking towards the staircase that lead up to the rooms. 

"Aww Babe don't be mad..." Chanyeol giggled, letting Baekhyun continue to drag him up the stairs. 

Kasper nudged Hyuno who was chuckling as he watched the two disappearing to the next floor. 

"We should've known...when it comes to Chanyeol's frustration, Baekhyun may be the cause of it, but he's also the only one that can help him get rid of it!"


Later that evening, a solo guitar and two softly harmonizing voices could be heard echoing in the corridors of the hotel...

Hello angel, you’re like a picture
When I look at the sky, I see only you
City street lights, though the lights go off
And moon disappears, it’s still dazzling.
It’s because of you,
You who’s a star that the sky let fall.

You who’s a star that the sky let fall.....


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I hope to have this finished by the end of this week... Fingers crossed! 💚


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Beau1996 1376 streak #1
Chapter 2: Ahh - so sweet - although Chan didn't understand the situation - it was righteous of him to defend "their" song 😍

OHHHH Baekhyun was going to surprise Chanyeol and sing the song on stage!!! AND HE WAS GOING TO ASK CHANYEOL TO MARRY HIM?!?!!???! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

This was the best! Thanks for writing and sharing! <3
Chapter 1: I really enjoyed it! It started of with an unhappy Chanyeol and I was very curious to see why...of course it had something to do with Baekhyun. HAHA! Chanyeol you are not old at 33!!!

So cute! How Baekhyun and Chanyeol confirmed their relationship!

So cute >♡<
Thankyou for writing and sharing it with us
chrysthelle #5
Chapter 2: Very nice story! :)
polly7 #6
Chapter 2: Wow, that was beautiful. thank you!!!
Chapter 2: Beautiful! It was so sweet and cute. Thank you authornim!
naimiestrella #8
Chapter 2: Awwwww how sweet