Chapter 2 (A Lover's Quest)

A Lover's Quest

Taehyung stretched his arms out when morning came. He was still lying down on the mattress with pillows scattered all over him and his blanket barely covering his body. His first sleep in the campus was a really good one because of the cozy surrounding and it also felt like he's at home so it eventully turned him look like a mess since he must've rolled around so many times in his sleep at night to find a comfortable position and probably all the positions were quite satisfying letting him move much more that made him have frizzled hair, marks at the side of his face and a trail of saliva at the edge of his mouth. It was honestly disgusting to wake in such state but he completely felt alive from the good sleep. 


Jimin, who was sitting on the couch with his legs crossed on the cushion as he continued to read his book peacefully. He reached for his cup of tea on the table just at his side every now and then while enjoying the quiet atmosphere that's letting him focus on his book properly. Nothing ruined his morning, he thought but then he spoke to soon as a knock on the door resounded the whole area. A low grumble at his throat was made before closing his book shut with a tint of death deep in his eyes for ruining his moment alone in the dorm but rather than the knocks on the front door, Jimin then heard Taehyung's door open letting him know that his roommate had just woken up. A smile slowly creeped up on his lips before he called "Taehyung-ah, can you get the door for me? I'm quite busy" He said with a pout while raising his up book to show the other know how busy he was. 

Taehyung nodded with his fist still rubbing his right eye to wake him up completely. He agreed to what Jimin told him let aside not hearing the favor quite well but nonetheless without second thoughts, he walked to the door and swung it wide open. 

His eyes that were barely open suddenly grew wide when seeing the figure standing right in front of him. "Good morning" the soft tone went straight in his ears, making him completely out of his daze and the only thing that stirred in his mind was to cover his bad state by putting his hands up and completely cover his face. "Oh my lord. Why are here?" Taehyung said while closing his eyes in his hopes of getting away from the situation where he currently is at the moment. "I'm here for our first session" The other said with his head tilted to peek through Taehyung's hands and look at him properly. 

"Oh hey Jungkook" Jimin popped his head out from the open door as he held unto the wooden door, scanning the visitor from head to toe. "Here already huh?" He asked and Jungkook gave him a nod "I was supposed to be here in an hour ago though" He said that left Taehyung burst out a question of "What?!" That eventually made the other two heads turn at his way and look at him confused. "I'm sorry if I was a bit too early for your liking?" Jungkook said with furrowed eyebrows as he was already getting a little bit bothered of Taehyung's attitude but Taehyung quickly saw that through the tiny slits between his fingers and shook his head. "NO. Uhm, No... please Jimin let him come in while I get ready" He pleaded which Jimin instantly caught on of the situation and turn Taehyung around by himself and push him away to his room to get the other to safety which is his own bedroom. "Alright, take a seat" Jimin said and stepped on the spot where Taehyung was at earlier to block the view of his roommate hurrying up carelessly at his back. Jungkook gave him a smile and walked in to take a seat on one of the couches at the living room. 

"Don't go too hard on him" Jimin said as he sat back on his chair and put the unfinished book at the table with his empty cup. "What do you mean?" Jungkook said as he stared at Jimin that barely shrugged his shoulders at him. "He looked nervous" He said that made himself chuckle from the thought of looking back at what happened at the front door just earlier which also made Jungkook smile "He was.. but I don't look like someone to be nervous about" He mentioned that made Jimin snort "Right. Quit the cold facade and you'll be good" Jimin said with his index finger pointing at Jungkook's figure to emphasize his whole statement "I'm not cold" the latter glared with a smirk slowly rising up at the corner of his lips "I'm the opposite" Jungkook finished "Oh god. Make it stop" Jimin huffed and stood up as he went to the kitchen to offer Jungkook a cup of tea. 


Taehyung just finished his shower as he was now standing in front of his closet with a towel wrapped around his hips. Staring at his wardrobe in thought of what to wear for today. I mean, he's gonna train then he should be wearing an appropriate outfit for that, right? He was totally out of his head. He should get himself together to not embarrass himself one more time. He quickly took a pair of joggers and a loose shirt and putting them on quickly. He doesn't want to waste Jungkook's time after all. 

When Taehyung is ready, he went out of his room and heard faint voices at the living room. The two must've been talking while he was fixing himself up. Taehyung walked down the hallway to the living room and the two stood up from their seats when Taehyung finally came into view. "Hey" He said that may have been a mumble since it was very quiet but the other two still heard. "Let's go" Jungkook stated before walking to the front door and pulled it open; where Taehyung followed. "Have fun!" Jimin said with a wide smile as he waves goodbye. Taehyung gave him a smile before exiting the dorm then Jungkook followed and shut the door close. 


Jungkook led the way all down to the basement of the University. Not a word was said from the both of them and it made Taehyung quite uneasy. He was also hesitant if he should talk but Jungkook might ignore him if so.

They were now walking down at a hallway, students walking back and fort from them every now and then. There were metal doors at each sides filling the walls; some where leaving the rooms, sweaty and panting. The nervousness deep inside him just risen from the expression of the dying students; that's what Taehyung calls them which they actually are fulfilling it with their looks. Jungkook, who slightly turned his head back as he walks straight to look at Taehyung who had gulped while spectating his surroundings. He then suddenly stopped his tracks and unfortunately had Taehyung bump at his back and hit his nose hard against Jungkook's "Ah-" He muttered and held his nose with the tip if his fingers. "We're here" Is what Jungkook just said as he opened the metal door to reveal a fully metallic room inside. Taehyung discarded his pain as he walked in and the whole room was literally metal; the ceiling, walls, and floor. 

Then the door was shut close with a loud thud from how thick and large the door was. It was very quiet but the steps of Jungkook walking towards him on the metal ground. "Taehyung, tell me what you can do" He said then stopped to keep a safe distance of about five feet away between them. "Uhm.." Taehyung was still unsure of his abilities and it was getting in his nerves of how clueless he is right now that he doesn't even know on how to show it. Without getting an answer, Jungkook nodded and sounds of mechanical movement came at the top around them as multiple red targets flipped out from the walls. "Hit them for me, Taehyung" Jungkook said as the other turned around to eye every target. Taehyung took in a deep breath before standing with a foot back to keep a firm position as he let his arm push slowly back while frost came circling around his forearm.

With an exhale, he instantly moved his arm right in front at a target as a sharp like icicle went straight to the wall, letting it stick right through the wall but the force came too strong as his forearm became more frozen and without his own control, his arm flew all around as sharp pointed ice shot all over the place. Most all of the targets were missed and panic took over him and felt his breath going short, breathing heavily to catch his breath but nothing worked as the power that came out of him took all of his energy. 

The tips of his fingers started to turn into crystals and it felt numb, stiff even. The ice took over him as it covered his feet and went to grow up on his legs. Taehyung's body was turning purple and his lips were now quivering from the cold. "H-help" He mumbled when he saw the standing figure, still on his spot as Taehyung's vision turned blurry. 

He fell on his knees and his head down with the sight of the metal floor turning frozen by his hands placed flat on the ground but it never consumed the whole area as flames circled him and the ice all over his body melted. Jungkook stepped inside the flames and saw the frost circling around Taehyung's forearm with his hand still crystal clear remained. 

"Taehyung, hold my hand" He spoke but the words wasn't audible enough for Taehyung to understand but he then saw Jungkook reached his hand out that was flaming with fire. Without hesitation, he grabbed the other's hand and both of their hands went back to normal when the mist evaporated from their hold. 

Jungkook pulled him up with the help of his other hand that's gripping on his waist to support his body up on it's feet. Taehyung limped as he stood up but he quickly lost his balance as he crashed on Jungkook's chest with his head at the other's cheek. Jungkook who firmly grabbed him stood in place as they kept silent on the position while Taehyung catches his breath.

It was intimate, Taehyung thought but he can't deny that he was at a weak state and he couldn't care less; Jungkook doesn't even looked bothered so Taehyung definitely took his time to gain back his energy but he was still overwhelmed from what just happened. He could never do anything like that and he himself was scared by the things he can do that he still doesn't know. 

"What happened to me" Taehyung spoke with a short breath but Jungkook instantly replied "This room is made to let your powers stronger. To let you know more of yourself and show the abilities you can do. Your powers here isn't concealed inside of you" Jungkook said "and from what I saw. Your powers were desperate to get out of you. You've hid it far too long, Taehyung" 

Taehyung had to take another breath before pushing away from the other. He needs to get out of here is the only thing that roamed around his mind. The room felt suffocating as his eyes ran to his own ice stuck on the walls while it drip droplets of water as it melts and it took time to process that he did such a disaster. He was far too dangerous for himself. He can't take this. He isn't ready. "I need fresh air" Taehyung said as he walked passed Jungkook and without a single glance, he left the room. 

He held up his hands to hug himself, rubbing his skin with his palms to feel safe at least but he was stuck in his own horror. The cold remained on his hands; there it came back that he can't escape. His emotions got the worse of him as his lips started to quiver, he tried to rub his arms more but once he glanced down, frost started to crawl back on his arms. His breath turned heavy and eyes filling with tears, he noticed as he panted, smoke was released from his mouth. He can't escape, he can't do anything.

Taehyung ran. He didn't know where to go but lets his legs take him elsewhere. People at the hallway looked at him frightened as he leaves footprints of ice and the cold breeze he lets out as he sprints away. The tears worsens, he felt useless; why can't he control his own powers.


The main entrance of the University was now right before his eyes and there a figure stood at front. When Taehyung was close enough, he saw Bom standing before him as if she was waiting for him. He tried to slow down his tracks before crashing right at her but when Taehyung was now at her reach, she instantly grabbed his neck. 

He fell on his knees as he was getting choked. His vision turned blurry as red veins ran all over his body and the ice all over him dispersed in the air. He couldn't move a single muscle as he was at Bom's control. He nearly felt like dying but as soon Bom lets him go; he immediately gasps for air as he crashed down on the green grass but right now, he couldn't feel an inch of his power inside of him. 

He looked up and saw Bom having the same appearance of himself at her figure. The frost and ice consumed her body as she breathed heavily before helping Taehyung up on his feet. "Are you alright?" She asked while the frost all over her slowly disappears. He was at a loss for words but nodded at her question. "Bom-ssi, glad you came" Jungkook who just came held onto Taehyung first to see if he injured himself before looking back at the woman. "Jungkook, look after him better, will you?" She said with a pinch of humor before shaking her head. 

Taehyung turned to look at Jungkook and held onto his shoulders as he breathed out "What did she do to me" he said, looking weary as he stared at Jungkook, who sighed in pity to see Taehyung in such a state so held him close, trying to comfort the latter, he had too much for today. 

The sudden pull of Jungkook's arms around Taehyung's waist painted a light red across his cheeks so he had to look down in embarrassment, hoping he didn't catch his sudden blush. "She can absorb anyone's power. Like what she just did to you.. but it is only temporary. She just took it away from you awhile ago but your powers is back now, for sure. It's just not that stronger anymore like earlier" He explained and Bom nod her head in agreement "Taehyung, calm down.. your power is under your control. Don't let it overpower you" She stated and without a reply, Bom looked back at Jungkook "Give him a moment" She said and after receiving a nod from Jungkook, she then walked away. 

"Hey" Jungkook said as softly as he can to at least make him calm down. He backed a step away from Taehyung, untangling his own arms on him before holding Taehyung's chin between his thumb and index finger. Jungkook gently lifted it up to connect their gaze but Taehyung still urged to look away and let his eyes trail to the ground. 

Jungkook knew this was his doing. Right in their first session, he scared Taehyung away. He underestimated the latter's power and he was at fault. He sighed in shame and took off his hand away from Taehyung. "Let's go to the lake, shall we?" Jungkook said as he took a few steps to the said destination. 

Taehyung, still hesitant, followed the other. Jungkook led the way and when they arrived, Jungkook sat down on the grass close to the waters. Taehyung was still a little dumbfounded as he looks at the other who was just sitting and staring out at the lake. 

Without feeling the other's presence at his side, Jungkook looked up and pat the spot beside him "Come on, sit" He said. Taehyung was taken aback from Jungkook's offer but sat down next to him anyway. 

They took their moment of silence. Not one dared to talk which led Taehyung to confusion as he secretly glances at the other man, who was just literally staring out at the waters. 

Not so long, Taehyung decided to cut off the quiet atmosphere by clearing his throat loudly with a fist in front of his lips and starting by a "So.." He said and trailed his eyes on the ground and up to Jungkook's face that turned his head to look at him with a raised eyebrow. Taehyung instantly gazed down and took a thick gulp of saliva down his throat "I'm sorry about earlier.. I should've controlled my powers-" but before Taehyung can finish, Jungkook shook his head and took a hold of Taehyung's chin to gently lift his face up and connect their eyes "No, it isn't your fault" He said and took off his hand to just look at Taehyung with a distance "I shouldn't have led you there. I didn't think your powers would be this powerful but.. now I know. I deeply regret whatever happened earlier and I promise you that it won't happen again" Jungkook stated with his eyes narrowed straight into Taehyung's and even with that stern tone; Taehyung knew that his words were sincere. 

With his lips shaped in a thin line, Taehyung nodded, understanding where the other was coming from but out of the serious aura; Taehyung giggled and shook his head, causing Jungkook to form his eyebrows knitted together and his head tilting on the side by how confused he was from the other's unexpected reaction. He stared at Taehyung for awhile until he contained himself by finishing with a heavy sigh with eyes staring at the lake but he soon met Jumgkook's own and gave him a smile that's kind of shaped like a box. In amusement, Jungkook felt the corner of his lips unconsciously lit up "Is something wrong?" He asked with eyebrows lifting up to get the other's attention but only got a shake of the head for a reply. "I just think that this is unbelievable" Taehyung said in between laughs and Jungkook can't tell if the person he is with is going crazy all of a sudden.

Jungkook is completely clueless on what to do but he placed his hand on Taehyung's back to calm him down at some point, he thought. "Me, having powers and don't know what to do with them is nuts!" Taehyung said with a loud laugh and his head getting thrown at the back as he continued to blabber more words that Jungkook can't comprehend but just lets his hand rub up and down on Taehyung's back.

Once Taehyung finally finished his rant, he sighed aloud and wiped a tear on his eye with his finger and stood up instantly "Alright. Stop with the overthinking and help me get use to this" Taehyung said and reached his hand out for Jungkook to hold. With an amused smile, Jungkook held onto his hand and stood up to get in an eye level with the other. "Its a pleasure for me to do so. I'll take care of you" Jungkook said and both exchanged bright smiles to one another.

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Apologies on the wrong grammar. Using a device that messes it up but will fix it soon!


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Divyakr_ #1
Chapter 1: Update please
Divyakr_ #2
Chapter 1: Update please
Chapter 1: I'm looking forward to this story. The plot seems interesting and different from the usual. I upvoted it basing it on my curiosity. Keep going you are doing great!
Bubbaboo #4
Chapter 1: I am LOVING IT! and i think if i'm in tae's situation, i'd be pretty scared of because i wouldn't really think it's his powers that could make him do that but that he is a ghost.

oh and idk why but i'm imagining hogwarts as i read this... anyways, really got me hooked up for just the first part! i am already excited for the following chaps! hope to hear from you soon , authornim! Have a great day and thanks for the update! (´ε` )♡