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Momo had always fallen for the idea of soulmates, there was firm belief inside of her that everybody had multiple soulmates; whether they be platonic or romantic. From the moment that Minatozaki Sana entered her life, she knew. Knew they were connected in some way. All throughout their four years at university they just got closer and closer. Momo knew they were soulmates, meant to meet. Nobody knew Momo the way Sana did.

There isn't one moment that she can pinpoint as the moment she knew Sana was her soulmate, it was a natural realisation. Their second year was when they became roommates and got even closer, if that was possible. Since then, the late nights spent talking about nothing and everything, the long days of cramming before a big exam, the days spent just being together doing nothing special but it being special because they were together, was what made it true. It wasn't some big grand gesture or realisation for Momo, it was just Sana. Everything about Sana.

Both girls knew what they wanted after they graduated. This meant that when Momo decided to move Korea to follow her passion, Sana was her biggest support system and decided to join her on the new venture. It was tough, they had practically no money and no real language skills, but they made it work. They managed to find a small one bed apartment, it wasn't the nicest or most luxurious place in the world but it was something, a start, something to build on. It was comfortable, they had a couch and a TV and each other, that was all they really needed. Being close to one another and sharing wasn't really an issue after their three years of sharing together at university. They learned to share everything and get comfortable with it, personal space had never been an issue for the two.

They had been in Korea for around four months when things became different between the two, for Momo anyway. She saw the younger girl in a different light, Sana had always been the more outgoing and confident of the two and that increased after moving to a different country. She learned the language a lot faster than Momo did and easily made friends, Momo became friends with her friends through their association with Sana. Now there was a group of nine. Momo did bring two friends to the group though, Mina, a fellow Japanese woman who decided to move across to Korea to follow a career in dance. Mina brought her girlfriend, Chaeyoung, who she had met in college in Japan, and Momo considered those two, aside from Sana, her closest friends.

People had always gravitated towards Sana, that was something Momo had noticed throughout their time together, people were drawn to her humour and her talent, and her beauty. Sana always came back though and at the end of the day it was always just Momo and Sana. They were a shining light in each others lives and nothing would change that.

Mina hadn't known Momo and Sana for long when she told Momo that for best friends, they didn't really act like best friends. Mina was observant and she didn't fail to pick up on the way they looked at each, or the way they treated each other. She also tried to give them the push they needed by musing just how comfortable they must be with each other to share, well everything, and how awkward it would get if one of them wanted to bring someone home to find they shared a bed with their roommate; to which Momo easily assured her that the pair made rules for that sort of thing. Meaning nobody came back to their apartment if the other one was home. 

Then Momo got thinking about potentially meeting someone, she looked around her friend group and none of them were a great choice: Nayeon had been in a serious relationship for three years, Jihyo was focused on her singing career, Dahyun was seeing someone from her apartment building and Tzuyu from their dance studio was seeing an older woman. Obviously Mina and Chaeyoung were out the equation. Nobody who Momo had even met in passing had managed to make their way into her mind again. Mina told her she just needed to wait and the right person would come along when she least expected it.

It wasn't until Sana introduced Jeongyeon from across the hall that Momo realised Sana wasn't just her platonic soulmate and that maybe she wanted more between her and Sana, maybe she needed more.

"Your jealous." She remembers Mina telling her one night when all the friends were gathered in her and Chaeyoung's apartment for some drinks on a Friday night and once again she was the most observant and saw how Momo was practically burning holes in Jeongyeon's back as she conversed with Sana and was sitting too close to her, for Momo's liking anyway.

"It's okay if you like her, just don't let it eat you up inside." Was something the younger girl also said to her that night, Momo's been trying not to let it get at her but then Sana looks at her for a moment too long and she forgets everything. The she sees Jeongyeon walking Sana to the dance studio which is ridiculous because it's a two minute walk and Momo curses herself because if she wasn't always late she'd be the one walking with her.

"She always comes home to you though and you two tell each other everything. If something was going on with Jeongyeon. You'd be the first to know." Momo remembers how Chaeyoung tried to reassure her and that logic worked well for a while until Sana and Jeongyeon started going to drinks together, alone, without the rest of the group and Momo found herself jealous once more.




Momo really enjoyed life in Korea. She always tried to make sure that she stayed positive, one of the things that made that easier was living with Sana, who was always in a good mood. Sure their apartment wasn't great but the rent was low and it was just across the street from their dance studio where they trained and Momo got a lot of work, dancing in music videos and on music shows, she had no complaints about her career. Although the apartment although affordable did have it's downsides. The heating was constantly breaking and the sleazy landlord who always tried to hit on the girls were the main ones. Jeongyeon said about how she had just given up trying to get her heating fixed and was looking for a new apartment, which made Momo very happy. Sleep was also sometimes hard to come by, two young men, originally from Busan, lived next door to them and insisted on blasting their rap music until the early hours of the morning, every single day.   

"You know how we thought it was just the heating that was broken? Well now we have no hot water. I managed to wash some dishes and I think they'll be enough for one shower in the tank." Sana spoke and Momo sighed as she took a seat on one the counters in the kitchen. She opened a cupboard and pulled out a box of cereal before Sana handed her a bowl, a spoon and some milk.

"You take the shower, I've got rehearsals all day so I'll shower at the studio later. I'll call and see if someone can come out tomorrow to try and fix it, if it can even be fixed." Momo replied as she prepared her breakfast, Sana shook her head slightly before sitting opposite Momo on the counter.

"Already tried. Nobody can come for at least a week. Once I told them the address they said it could be even longer, apparently this building and everything inside of it is so old it would all need replacing which the landlord would never agree it. This is also the worst winter for five years, as every company kept telling me. I don't think there's anything we can do except shower at the studio and wait it out." Sana spoke sadly, unlike Momo she sometimes found it hard to stay positive in their new life. Her work was coming in and she was performing but nowhere as near as much as Momo and although she never showed it outwardly, sometimes she wanted nothing more than to go back to Japan and try to build a career there instead.

"Do you think Mina knows how to fix a broken boiler?" Momo questioned trying to lighten the mood, Sana rolled her eyes and got off from the counter before putting some dishes away.

"She doesn't, I already called her but she's busy with Chaeyoung today anyway...I swear those two are so in love. I can't imagine being in a relationship that serious at our age." Sana spoke and Momo immediately shook her head and pointed her spoon at the younger girl, showing her disagreement.

"I mean they've been together for two years and Mina says everyday feels like the beginning. They're crazy about each other. I would want that. Wouldn't you?" Momo spoke and Sana just looked at her. She didn't know the older girl felt like that.

"It would be nice but right now I'd just like to not have to wear three layers in my apartment to be a little less than freezing." Sana spoke somewhat sadly before making her way to the bathroom and closing the door behind her. She left her phone in the kitchen and it sounded just as the shower , Momo debated taking it to her but thought against that with everything she was currently feeling. She didn't take the phone to Sana but that didn't mean she didn't take a quick look at who had messaged her.

Yoo Jeongyeon:

The offer still stands, if you're interested?

Momo wishes she had never looked at the phone.




"You okay? You're half a step behind everyone else." Mina pointed out to Momo, who knew she wasn't performing at her best. She didn't have any excuse not to be, the rules of the studio were that any problems get left at the door. That was so that nothing would interfere with practice but no matter how hard she tried her focus was elsewhere.

It was 7 PM now and Momo had finished her practice for the day, Sana was still at the studio as well which Momo couldn't understand because she had finished her practice at 3 PM. She didn't have chance to ask as Jeongyeon entered the studio and quickly left with Sana.

"I was wondering why she was still here," Lisa, another of the dancers, approached Momo, "that her girlfriend?" The Thai girl asked and Momo shook her head.

"I don't know." She responded simply, which seemed to be enough for her as she headed off to the changing rooms, leaving Mina and Momo alone in their practice room.

"So that's what today was all about." Mina started and Momo knew exactly what she meant, she collected her things and took a seat with her back against one of the mirrors, Mina followed suit.

"Jeongyeon messaged her this morning, something about an offer still standing. I guess that's why she came to get her tonight." Momo spoke, rubbing her hands across her face to try and wake herself up after the exhausting day.

"It might not be what you think. It could be something completely friendly and you're just letting your feelings get in the way." Mina reasoned and Momo knew she was right.

"You know I hate that you're always right." Momo muttered as Mina pulled out her phone and passed across to Momo with an email open. "What's this?" She asked the younger Japanese girl.

"Lia Kim wants us at her new studio. She wants us to be her apprentices." Mina spoke simply and Momo read the email again, carefully.

"Why us?" She asked, handing the phone back to Mina who placed it in her pocket.

"She saw our performance, with Lisa, and

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Chapter 2: OWWWWWWWW
Buddygooo #2
Chapter 2: This was so sad but turns into a good ending. Thx author nim
1241 streak #3
Chapter 2: Thank you for making such a great story for SaMo shippers,authorssi :)