
A Second Melody
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Where do broken hearts go
Can they find their way home
Back to the open arms
Of a love that's waiting there
And if somebody loves you
Won't they always love you
I look in your eyes
And I know that you still care, for me

“And then the prince ran after his king. No matter how many thorns his body gets, no matter how many times he fell down on the rocky road, and no matter how wounded and broken he got, it didn’t matter to the prince. All he wanted was to get to his king on time, to stop him from being with somebody else.”

“Everyone in the kingdom turned towards him the moment he opened the heavy set of double doors. They whispered about who the ragged looking guy was. They asked what he was doing there, because he didn’t belong and he never will.” Baekhyun Choon hee’s hair that was settled on his chest. Reading her favorite fairytale was an autonomous activity. He didn’t even have to focus anymore, but the words were hitting him in the heart.

“They were all angry and confused. The queen mother wanted the guards to take him far away, but the king stopped them. The king was only looking at one person, and it was not his bride. Everyone else looked scandalously at the prince, but not him. The king was happy and as he leaves his bride and his kingdom behind, the prince slowly smiles as well.”

“They ran to somewhere far, far away. Away from the clutches of the queen, and somewhere where he wasn’t a king and him a lowly prince, but in their own kingdom where their love is all that matters.”

Baekhyun sniffled as he finished the story. It was always one of Choon hee’s favorites, but why was he suddenly affected like this. If only he and Chanyeol could be like the prince and king and run away from the kingdom, then everything would be alright, wouldn’t it?

“Appa, why are you crying?” Choon hee wiped his father’s tears and kissed his cheeks. Baekhyun smiled at the cute gesture, proceeding to snuggle his baby in his arms. He hugged her so tight, his and Chanyeol’s little princess.

“Nothing, princess.” He planted a kiss on her head, holding her and never letting go. If there was one thing that he would always be thankful for, it was being blessed to be Choon hee’s lucky father.

“Is it because of Chanyeol ajussi?” Her voice was full of innocence and curiosity, like every kid her age does. But when Baekhyun looked down and met her eyes, he knew that Choon hee was more knowing that she let on.

“Why did you ask that?”

“Appa has been sad ever since Chanyeol ajussi hasn’t come back.”

Baekhyun smiled, a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. How can a three year old see how sad he was since Chanyeol hadn’t shown himself when he failed to do it himself. “It’s nothing, baby.” He pecked Choon hee’s forehead, seeking comfort from his daughter.

“It’s okay to be sad, appa. I know you miss him.” Choon hee smiled at her father, shrugging her tiny shoulders. “I miss him too.”

That shocked Baekhyun, “You do? Why didn’t you tell me, baby?”

“I don’t know. I was hoping he would be there the next day, but he wasn’t.” She looked sad for a moment and then beamed at her father. “I’m sure he would be there tomorrow, appa. So don’t be sad anymore.”

Baekhyun couldn’t help but beam back at his optimistic daughter even if he knew it was impossible. “Sure, princess.”

“Okay!” she chirped back, going back to snuggling with her father. Baekhyun wrapped his arms around her again, feeling lucky that he had her. Then thought about how Chanyeol and how he never got to know Choon hee as his daughter.

Making up his mind, Baekhyun whispered in their room, now only illuminated by her princess night light and the stars glued to the ceiling. “Princess, do you want to know who your other father is?”

His heart was beating so fast for he never thought he would reveal his secret to Choon hee willingly. “Hmmm. Is it Chanyeol ajussi?”

Baekhyun gasped and leaned away from his daughter, “How did you--?”

Choon hee giggled. “I look like Chanyeol ajussi, appa.”

Her father’s eyes softened at how observant his daughter was. She was really Chanyeol’s daughter. He laughed and they both sat up. “Yes, Choon hee. You and Chanyeol really do look like.”

“Hehe. I know, appa. Can I call him daddy?”

It was an innocent question, but Baekhyun teared up. “I-I don’t know, baby. He’s going to be married to someone else.”

Admitting and saying it out loud made it more realistic for Baekhyun. Chanyeol would be married to someone else. Someone who’s not him and his heart was clenching in pain and sorrow. When he thought he had moved on completely already from Chanyeol, he

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Beau1996 1375 streak #1
Chapter 5: One of my favorite songs!!
vyumi7 #2
Chapter 9: RIP Casey, you was my fav author on AFF and I love your works so much.. it's really sad that you aren't here..
Beau1996 1375 streak #3
Chapter 9: Very sweet and satisfying 😍
12hlui #4
Chapter 9: what a beautiful ending
mitaki2 #5
Chapter 9: This story is wonderful then after reading the comments i saw that it was you Casey who wrote it. Thank you for leaving all these beautiful stories behind and i hope that may you Rest In Peace.
Hope you're in a happy place now (´Д⊂ヽ♡
Inaexhoe #7
Chapter 9: I came here after I heard the news ㅠㅠ

RIP Casey, EXO gained another angel
This is so so so beautiful especially the last chapter
Gracegesang #9
Chapter 9: Such a good story! Oh gosh!! I really hate the mother here. How can she do that to her own son?!