Part V.

A Second Melody
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Chanyeol won’t give up easily, it wasn’t in his vocabulary, most especially now that he knew that Choon hee really was his daughter. A sweet baby girl that he didn’t get to hold when she was born, but he was going to change this. He wanted to be known as Choon hee’s father, but of course, he needed Baekhyun’s permission for that.

The pull Choon hee had on him was undeniable even during the first time they met. It was unstoppable. Even his cries had Chanyeol hurrying to her side even if he hated kids, and he should’ve known they shared more than just simple acquaintanceship when his heart felt full after the first time her smile was directed towards him.

That moment, Chanyeol felt that he wanted to make that smile stay on her face forever; to always make her happy and have all the comforts that life could offer. He could give it to her, if Baekhyun would let him, if Baekhyun would take him back into their lives. He’s hopeful. Very, very hopeful.

“Sir, we have the bouquet you requested already.” Chanyeol’s attention was called back to the counter. The young man in charge of the flower shop has been smiling to him widely, but Chanyeol didn’t notice of such, eyes only on the white roses arranged beautifully.

“Thank you.” He paid for it, smiling to himself, hoping that Baekhyun would accept it and like it. Chanyeol was willing to court Baekhyun, be his slave, be whatever he wanted him to be if it would mean getting his attention again and maybe affections after.


He had called Sehun again to ask him about Baekhyun’s work address, the latter giving it to him just so he could stop disturbing him and his honeymoon. Chanyeol chuckled at his bad timing, if the sounds he was hearing from the other line was any indication. It was great that Sehun and Jongin’s relationship lasted, their love winning all the obstacles that Chanyeol knew were a lot. He put the flowers on the passenger seat and started the engine towards his own love. Maybe this time, they could get their own version of a happy ending too.


He was waiting outside the social center Baekhyun was working at. It was run by a non-government organization that houses women and men who were single parents, either because their partners died, or they were left. Chanyeol knew this was something that would be close to Baekhyun’s heart. He clenched his fists upon remembering his secretary’s findings about the center. How it also served as a daycare for the single parents’ kids while they go and find jobs or go to work.

He felt guilty knowing that Baekhyun may have sought refuge from this same institution when he left him all those years ago. When he left him to face his pregnancy with someone not worthy to be the father of his child. Chanyeol roughly wiped the lone tear that dropped from his eye and inhaled, he can do this. Baekhyun deserved to be courted, deserved to feel loved, and he deserved all the suffering he would get.

Chanyeol saw the other employees going out of the building and he also got out of his car, bringing with him the flowers. He smelled them and smiled, excited to see Baekhyun again. He was waiting by the car until the crowd of employees seemed to trickle down little by little.

He was about to approach when he saw Baekhyun, but he halted when Baekhyun looked back. Chanyeol stopped when he saw who it was that called his ex-boyfriend. Lee Joongi, the manager of the social center and Chanyeol’s acquaintance.

He held the flowers tightly, not liking how intimate the other man was looking at Baekhyun, with the latter being oblivious about it. Maybe, he was just being kind because he was talking to his boss? Maybe. Lee Joongi was the heir apparent for the Lees, another influential family in their country. As influential as the Parks, and one of the sponsors of the center.

Not being able to take it anymore, Chanyeol approached the two. “Hey Joongi, never thought I’d see you here.” The two was startled at his sudden greeting. “C-Chanyeol? Hey man! When did you get back home?” Joongi went to hug him, and he reciprocated.

“Just came home for my sister’s wedding.” Chanyeol shrugged.

“Oh, right. Yoora’s wedding. I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it, but my sister went and told me it was a lovely ceremony.”

“Yes, well, you know my mother.”

“That we do know.” They shared a laugh. “What are you doing here? And woah, for whom are those flowers for?”

“Actually, it’s for Baekhyun,” Chanyeol shyly said, and Baekhyun who was listening and hiding behind Joongi widened his eyes.

“Oh.” Joongi gasped. “I didn’t know you two knew each other.” The manager looked between the two of them, trying to read into their reactions but when Baekhyun didn’t object to Chanyeol, he excused himself. “I better get going then. Baekhyun, will you be alright?” The last part he whispered to Baekhyun, but Chanyeol still heard it.

Baekhyun nodded and smiled beautifully at Joongi. Chanyeol’s heart clenched at the sight. It can’t be, right?

They were silent until Joongi’s car has already gone far. That’s when Baekhyun turned to Chanyeol and asked coldly, “What are you doing here?”

Chanyeol rubbed his neck. He was feeling very shy at the moment, as if he’s back to being the college student who didn't know what to do for his and Baekhyun’s first date. “I-I brought you some flowers.” He offered the flowers to Baekhyun who only frowned.

“What for, Chanyeol?”

“I was serious when I said I wanted another chance, Baekhyun. Please. I’m willing to work hard for it.” Chanyeol was begging now, but Baekhyun wouldn’t even meet his eyes, wouldn’t even look at him. He didn’t accept the flowers as well.

“I know they’re your favorite, so I got them for you.”

“They’re not my favorite anymore.” He wasn’t meeting Chanyeol’s eyes, his fists were clenched on his sides and he just wanted to go home. Away from Chanyeol ‘cause he couldn’t take it.

Chanyeol smiled sadly, “O-oh, I didn’t know that. I guess I’ll just throw this away later then.”


Baekhyun gulped, “Wha

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Beau1996 1374 streak #1
Chapter 5: One of my favorite songs!!
vyumi7 #2
Chapter 9: RIP Casey, you was my fav author on AFF and I love your works so much.. it's really sad that you aren't here..
Beau1996 1374 streak #3
Chapter 9: Very sweet and satisfying 😍
12hlui #4
Chapter 9: what a beautiful ending
mitaki2 #5
Chapter 9: This story is wonderful then after reading the comments i saw that it was you Casey who wrote it. Thank you for leaving all these beautiful stories behind and i hope that may you Rest In Peace.
Hope you're in a happy place now (´Д⊂ヽ♡
Inaexhoe #7
Chapter 9: I came here after I heard the news ㅠㅠ

RIP Casey, EXO gained another angel
This is so so so beautiful especially the last chapter
Gracegesang #9
Chapter 9: Such a good story! Oh gosh!! I really hate the mother here. How can she do that to her own son?!