I See Only You


It was at that village when Father Ravi first met Death, with his silver hair, piercing eyes, and all-black clothes that were too gaudy for a funeral.


Inspired by Scentist ~Possession~ wardrobe and Taekwoon's role as Der Tod in Elizabeth.

ALSO. I tried out that "write in Comic Sans" advice and??? It actually works??? I'm shooketh.


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Chapter 1: So if Death had no face, then who was Ravi seeing??
VIXXate_98 #2
Chapter 1: *reads the last line*

So are you telling me that Ravi was gay and never realized it since he basically keeps seeing his dream guy in the form of Death, who by the way had no face? 0.o

Good job on this by the way, it was beautiful and comforting.
FoxyVixx #3
Chapter 1: Wow... I am still gaping at the last line trying to comprehend it... so was his face someone he knew or his sister's cat humanized? But well that was beautiful, even though it was sad :'(
Chapter 1: Thank you for this <3 I really love Someone who fell in love with Death and now I love this one too :)