The debut

The Love between us

               Hyung is a Korean word which means "older brother" From a younger male to an elder male.


Image result for taehyung first v livev: "we debuted on June 13 the day my dreams to become a singer came true I debuted with 6 others amazing most important peoples in my life especially one of them whose name is jin he is boyfriend nobody knows about it expect my members of BTS. They know it since they caught us kissing the other day in the restaurant it was embarrassing but we got used to it since jimin and Jung kook are dating each other before us"

then he heard jin voice calling him from the living room

Jin: " v!! are you filming your videos again"

v: " umm...yes I am" he answered nervously 

jin got mad and "say why don't you post you keep filming the same video the whole day, I need you too but you keep caring about the camera and the script you wrote" V stand up and hugged--- -jin 0JeO49pH_vZdnWvpfuUp5Zv7V1BvkkO886hxrX0dT_DRjdwp5rNELkF_0WUDb3MU0XPOLzxlO-8SVnCM8tn_82jlHnsRuHN1a901NZ3H0XfsHWUd3mEl7uQllUIIjrGU6IGlDXVc HE started to cry and say "I am sorry I didn't care about you today." Jin hugged v tightly and kissed his forehead and say am the one who is sorry, you should have time for yourself.

eww, disgusting, hobi said you guys should get a room you are disturbing me.

v: "but hyung you are in my room"  hobi got embarrassed and run out in the living room.

v: "Hyung can we go and eat a romantic dinner together and walking with our hands together"

jin shake his heads and say no we can't I wish we could do that like others couple.


v realize that they can't do all he imagined and he just sat on the floor and say "we can have our romantic dinner here right nobody gonna see us right and we go to the swimming pool!! "

jin says "yes we have it here so let me go to the grocery store and buy what we need he kissed v's head" and head out for the grocery store.

to be continued

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