1,000 Years (Yujin x Minju)

The Moments of Our Lives
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1,000 YEARS


“Let’s meet again in 1,000 years.”


Loud booms disrupted the peaceful night. Sounds of screams could be heard everywhere. Fires raged as dark smoke filled the night sky.


The normally quiet village had been thrown into disarray. The village was being attacked by its rival clan.


The enemies attacked in the middle of the night, leaving the villagers no time to escape.


Marked warriors killed anyone that crossed their paths, even the women, children and the elderly were not spared. They were determined to wipe out the entire village.


Two figures hid in a grass field not far from the village. A boy, who looked no older than 16, huddled next to a girl.


“Jinnie, I’m scared.” The girl whispered.


The boy wrapped his arms around the girl protectively. “Don’t worry. I will protect you.”


"They are going to kill us, aren't they?"


The boy didn't answer. Instead he wrapped his arms tighter around the girl.


"I don't want to be separated from Jinnie." She said with tears shining in her eyes.


"Me neither." He kissed her softly on the forehead. "I love you."


"I love you too." She looked into the eyes of the only boy she had ever loved. “Promise me that you will always be with me.”


He nodded. “No matter what happens, our hearts will always be together. And even if we do get separated, we will find a way back to each other.” He pointed to the sky. “The stars will be our guide.”


"Even if it takes 1,000 years?"


“We will meet again no matter what, even if it does take 1,000 years.”


Suddenly they could hear footsteps. They looked up and saw a trail of light torches approaching. They pulled each other closer.


“Promise me, we will meet again in 1,000 years?” She asked softly.


"I promise."


They held their breaths as they watched the warriors get closer. Neither of them moved as they prayed that the group would not discover them.


Suddenly, a loud cry rang out.


"They are over here!"


The boy pulled the girl up immediately and tried to escape. However, their path was quickly blocked by a group of men.


"Kill them!"


He stood in front of her and used his body to shield her. The warrior waved his arm and plunged his sword deep into his body.




She cried out as she watched his body fell onto the ground.


She looked on helplessly as the men surrounded her. They waved their weapons at her and she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She cried out his name just before everything went black.


* * * * *




Kim Minju woke up with a start. She looked around her. She was resting on the couch of the common room of her university dormitory. She was taking a break from her studies and she decided to watch some television in the common room. She must have fallen asleep watching the show.


Minju lay back down on the couch. She had the same dream again. She had been having the same dream recently.




Minju looked up to find Ahn Yujin standing in front of her.


"Are you okay, unnie?" Yujin asked in concern.


Minju did not want to worry Yujin, so she just smiled weakly. "Don't worry, it's nothing. Do you need something, Yujinnie?"


"Umm, actually, I was going to ask you the same thing." Yujin asked in slight confusion. "You had called me, remember?"


Minju shook her head. "I didn't call you. You must have heard wrong."


"No, Minju, you did call Yujin." Kim Chaewon, who was reading a magazine at the dining table close to them, spoke up."You said, 'Yujinnie'."


"Are you sure you are okay, Minju-unnie?" Yujin sat down next to Minju. "You look a little pale."


"Ah, um, I'm sorry, Yujin. I'm probably just feeling a little tired from all of the studying." Minju tried to make up an excuse to cover her mistake. "I will be okay after some rest."


Yujin did not look convinced but she nodded. "Okay. I won't disturb you anymore so you can rest."


"Thanks, Yujinnie."


Minju watched as Yujin pulled Chaewon up from her spot and the two of them walked to the other side of the common room. She leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes. She did not know why but her dream was really affecting her. Maybe it was because it fe

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sherin_ns #1
Chapter 1: Oh my god.. where i'd been all this time? why i've found it just now? This is so cute
Chapter 3: AWWWWW
Yuwreee #3
Chapter 3: Awwwwww
Chapter 3: I love this <3
winterphobic #5
Chapter 3: literally in love with this series already
Chapter 2: Yuri's move please
megumiyuki #7
Chapter 2: Part 2 hahaha!
Chapter 2: Joyul! get your girl hurry!!
Chapter 1: my jinjooo haaaateu
Yuwreee #10
Chapter 2: This is so cute >_<
But yena...why you.. Arghhh just look at yuri!