Chapter 1


I thought I was alone again, without anyone.


I was wrong.


Mark, my husband, was still sleeping by my side. I didn't want this. He was a heavy sleeper, with drool seeping out of his mouth.


Looking at him disgusted me, so I took my clothes in my wardrobe and I went to the bathroom. I stared at myself, only able to look at my empty eyes. I sighed and built up courage, finally undressing myself.


I opened the shower curtain and I felt the warm stream of water. It was a holy moment, one of the few times I was at peace with my body and my soul. I never wanted to get out of the shower. Deep down, I knew I had to do it, for I couldn't escape reality so easily. I stopped the water, the sense of peace draining away with it.


I dried my hair, dressed, applied maked-up, brushed my hair and used perfume, as usually. I put my precious necklace and I went out of the bathroom. On the way out, I once again saw my husband.

"Hi sweetheart,” Mark said, the smile I had grown to hate on his lips.


“Hey honey,” I said, hoping it didn’t sound too forced. “how are you?”


“I'm fine. How about you?”

It was very awkward. He didn't really care about me or my mental state, evidenced by the one dimensional conversations we consistently had. I kept on lying, knowing I was far too shy to tell him anything anyways.


“I’m okay,” I said. “You can use the shower now if you’d like.”


“Okay sweetheart,”

He kissed me before going to the bathroom. He scared me.


There was a part of me that wanted to sob and just let everything out, but I suppressed it. To get my mind off everything, I made something to eat before work. I cooked toast, seeing as I had to hurry or I’d be late for work. As I munched down my toast, I slid my coat on and put on my leather shoes. I grabbed my bag and my cellphone and I left my home, without saying a word to Mark.


Outside, the weather was good, the wind made me happy. Birds were flying in the sky, but I couldn't see them because of the sun, I should have taken my sunglasses. I enter the office. Everyone turned to me once I arrived as per usual. I offered a soft hello to them before entering in my personal office. A wave of exhaustion hit me as soon as I entered, forcing my feet to move towards the plush couch and lay down on it.

"Wow, asleep as soon as you arrive?”


I immediately recognized this voice to be my best friend Kim Yerim. I opened my eyes and saw her head sticking out from behind the door.


"Please be quiet for just this once, Yerim."

She opened the door, her hands on her hips, a playful glare on her face.

"Is that anyway to say hi to I, the great Kim Yerim?” She said, though her face softened when my expression didn’t change. “Is everything okay with Mark?”

She knows everything about my life. I tell her everything, whether I’m sad or happy. Kim Yerim was a good listener, and she always knew how to comfort me. It’s why she’s my best friend.

"Oh, you know, same old same old. It’s just been-“


I was cut off by a knock at the door.

"Miss Kang, may I enter?”

I got up and sat behind my messy desk.


"Yes Mister Kim. I need you to take a look at this.” I said.

Yerim scurried to her office, as if she had just remembered how much she had to do.


Kim Namjoon is my partner in the start-up. He was a kind, handsome man with a charming smile. Seulgi was very aware of all the ladies in the office having a crush on him.  


We spoke about the company for a bit before he started to change the subject.


“So, my birthday is coming up soon,” Namjoon said.


“I’m aware, Mr. Kim,” I said, silently praying he wouldn’t be inviting me anywhere.


“Well, I’m planning on having a bit of a get together at a bar. Is there any chance you can come?”


“Ah…” I said, feeling my body tense up a bit. “When is it?”


“Well, it’s-“ Namjoon was cut off by my office door opening.


Yerim entered, a bag that I presumed to be her lunch bag in hand, a huge grin on her face.


“Oh, am I intruding?” Yerim asked, knowing full well she was intruding.


“No, it’s fine,” Namjoon stood, offering a curt bow. “I’ll be on my way.”


With that, Namjoon left the office, leaving a relieved Seulgi and a very excited Yerim.


"Oh my god! He’s so handsome,” Yerim said. “Everytime I see him, I feel so… just… speechless, I guess!”


“I’m pretty sure he has a girlfriend, Yerim,” Seulgi said.


“You’ll be singing a different tune when we get married,” Yerim said without a shred of doubt.


“If you say so,” Seulgi said with a laugh. “I need to buy some new winter gear. Do you want to come to the mall with me?”



I wanted to buy a new scarf, seeing as winter was coming soon. Once we reached the shopping mall, Yerim wanted to buy the last album of SHINee, her favorite kpop group. Yerim was absolutely obsessed with kpop.


After she finished to buy what she wanted, I went to all the shops to find an pretty scarf, but I didn't find one I wanted. So Yerim and I went to eat something. She bought a sandwich and me I ate an salad. After the lunch I had to come back at work to power through some paperwork. After the long day, I closed my personal office and said goodbye to everyone. I leaved the little building and took my usual road. All the dead leaves was missing, I thought that the street was cleaned up. I could see my building not far away. I opened the door and Mark was not here. I felt the greatest rush of relief. I just remembered that Namjoon invited me to his birthday. I got dressed up and brushed my hair. I called Yerim too, she will have gone at this birthday with me. I left Mark a message before he thinks that I leave him alone without any reason. I took the subway. Honestly, I rarely took the subway. I often walked or rode my bike. After a long travel, I was in front of his building. I saw Yerim when coming to me. She saw to me.

"You’re late!” She said, an annoyed look on her face.


“I’m sorry,” I said, a bit sheepish.

“It’s a bit cold. We should go inside.”


(Sorry for the bad english, I'm just a random french :))

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