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love story→ WONHA
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"Dreams are like angels, they keep bad at bay. Love is the light, scaring darkness away." - Power of Love- Gabrielle Aplin


The car engine stuttered as it came to a stop, making Eunha jump out of her skin. Sojung noticed the short girl and patted her knee, taking the key out of the ignition with the other hand.

"Sorry about that, this car is just very old. At least I don't have to wake you up, I was worried about that because you looked so peaceful and I didn't want to wake you." Sojung smiled, grabbing her phone, purse and the bag of food. 

"You shouldn't have worried, I'm used to interrupted sleep." Eunha smiled, as she undid her seatbelt. Sowon exited the car first and watched as the younger stretch and get out of the car herself. Sojung opened the door and grabbed the girls camping bag and sleeping bag.

"I would leave that in there or by the front door, I don't want it creating a continuous odour in your apartment." Eunha sighed, realising how bad her situation is.

"Really, it's okay. I'll wash them for you."

"No really it's okay, they will be fine."

"No, let me please."

"I can't, I can't have you do that. You have done so much for me already."

"Just come up into the house, please. I won't wash your things, just please have a shower and maybe some more food." Sojung pleaded as she gave Eunha her bags back as they seemed to store some precious things and that was the reason as too why she wouldn't let her wash her possessions. In an awkward silence, the two girls enter the apartment building, which had been left in such a state by Eunbi.

"Sorry, it's in such a state, imma clean it up a bit, make yourself at home. The bathroom is through there, and the kitchen is just over there." Sojung explained, pointing to the different rooms with junk food wrappers in her hands. Eunha placed her bags on the floor by the front door so the stench doesn't make its way around the apartment and made her way towards the shower, stopping before entering and looking up at Sojung for approval.

"Go ahead, I'm not stopping you. Go crazy, have a concert. Do you want my phone to listen to some music while you shower, that's what I usually do?" Sojung questioned as she grabbed the phone from her pocket unlocks it and passes it to the girl.

"Thanks, you but really don't need to be doing all this for me."

"I do, you were in trouble and you need some help, take as long as you need," Sojung smiled as she was left alone by the younger as she entered the bathroom. She quickly pulls the dirty clothes off her skin as if they were on fire and throws them near the bathroom door and steps into the shower, it's floor still wet from Sojung's and Eunbi's shower beforehand.

The sudden hot water that sprayed Eunha's back, caused her to screech, the shower had obviously been left on the highest setting so that limescale doesn't build up. Eunha fumbled around trying to find out how to turn it down and eventually succeeds.

"You okay in there?" Sojung asked, opening the door slightly to make sure the younger hadn't slipped over.

"Yeah, just burnt my skin that's all."

"Okay, just making sure," Sojung smiled, closing the door. Eunha returned her focus back to the shower and grabbed the shampoo bottle and emptied out most of the contents onto her hand and washed her hair violently, doing the same with the conditioner. After forty minutes of repeating the same steps with the shampoo and conditioner, the young girl took hold of the razor and decided to shave every last bit of hair off her body, from her armpit to her legs. Finally, an hour had passed and she finally turned off the shower, stepping out looking like a wrinkly grape. Wrapping herself in a towel she realised that her clothes were not there, but some fresh new pyjamas, that must have been left when Sojung came to check in on her. Drying her body quickly so she wouldn't stay cold for long, Eunha rapidly put the clothes on, leaving her without a bra, yet the older left her underwear, in which were far too large for her, but would have to do.

Eunha opened the door, carrying the soaking wet towel that had now turned into another shade of blue from the water. Sojung was on the sofa, setting up the Xbox, with multiple DVDs stacked beside it.

"Where should I put this?" Eunha questioned holding the towel up.

"Just put it near the washing machine, I know you didn't want me to wash your things so I bought your bag over so you can wash it yourself. I would feel guilty going through your bag and personal things. But please, I want you to wash your things, you deserve clean things." Sowon smiled as Eunha trudged over to the washing machine and saw her bag sat next to the washing machine. bending down, level with the washing machine and pulled every last thing out of her bag and put it in the washing machine, the objects such as her toothbrush and some personal stuff stayed out but the bag itself also went in.

"I called the school, they know we are b

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Tikky2510 #1
Chapter 20: TTvTT
mr_buckwheat #2
Chapter 20: wonha the married couple they are :3
mr_buckwheat #3
Chapter 19: damn xD
Chapter 18: uwu
Chapter 17: Ahckkkk so soft
_NightDrive #6
Chapter 16: Aghhhh ㅠㅠ wonha so cuteee
Chapter 14: Im bout to cryyy
Chapter 12: Yes, daddy jsjsjsjjsjs
mr_buckwheat #9
Tikky2510 #10
Chapter 12: Waooo!!!!!!!! This is getting hot!!!!!!!! Love it