Chapter 1

Moving On
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A/N: Ok so I looked at the poll, and it seems that the majority of you guys want me to comtinue the story as is, so that is what I will do. I will continue the story with this same characters. I just hope Jennie and Kai doesn't see this. Hehe, I know there's probably no chance, but you know. Hope not. Those of you who gave me some people to ship with tzuyu, I will keep them in mind. Most probably create a one shot or another story for after this one. So thank you. 

And I'm sorry for this late update, school started again a week ago and I've been getting back in the swing of things. Sooo, the updates may continue to be a little irregular.

This is 1 week after Tzuyu's prologue, it's to help align the times with Jennie's. The POVs may switch from time to time, and when they do, I'll be sure to label it as so. So let's get right on to it. 


Tzuyu's POV

I tossed my bag onto the floor, and jumped facefirst into my bed. My comfy sweet bed. As I rolled myself over, I put my arm behind behind my head, and looked up towards the ceiling. My mind starts wandering over what has happened in the last week.

Flashback to the end of Tzuyu's prologue

I ran into my room and locked my door behind me. I jumped onto my bed and buried my head deep into my pillow, letting my tears soak into the pillowcase. I can hear them knocking and pleading for me to open my door. They're idiots if they think I'm going to open the door to them, willingly, after what I saw. Like for real, what are they thinking?

After what feels like forever, they finally stop. Thank goodness. I get up to a sitting position and lay my back against the wall. I wipe my tears from my face and just think. Think of what I could have done wrong. Think of what made her cheat. Think of why my friends chose not to tell me the truth. Think of if it was all a lie. Was it? I'm guessing it was.

I felt another tear start to fall down my face. And another. And another. It's starting again. I wipe my tears away, only for new ones to replace them soon after. What am I supposed to do now? As I'm starting to get lost in my thoughts, I hear a sliding noise on my floor, and I look to see a note from my 'friends'. I stop crying and wipe my eyes as I get up and read it. It's in her handwriting.

Tzuyu, I'm sorry. You weren't meant to have seen that. I'm sorry, please cone out. We're worried for you, you've been in there for hours. You haven't eaten since who knows when and, just come out please. I'm sorry, we're sorry. Just please come out and let us, me, explain. Please Tzuyu

- Your girlfriend

I hadn't noticed the tears starting to come out again, until a few drops landed on the note from her. I quickly wiped them again and went up to my desk, and took a picture of the note with my phone. Only then, did I noticed the texts from my 'friends'. Whatever, I'll just put them all on mute.  I took a pen out from on my desk and wrote 'ex-' in front of the girlfriend. I feel like I'm being petty, but don't I have the right to? I then folded the paper in half, and left it on my desk.

While I was doing that, I came to a sudden realization. Well not sudden, it's one of those where it's like, you got all the facts, but you don't actually connect it. Well I just connected it, and I just realized that they can't be trusted. There's no one in the dorm that I can trust. No one. I moved in with them because I trusted them. My parents let me move out because they trusted them, just as much as I trusted them. Well then, I guess now I have no reason the continue living here. I gotta leave this place.

My mind starts running through possibe places I could live. I could rent an apartment, but to be this close to the school, I can't afford that on my own. I could go stay in the dorms, but I think it's a bit too late to appl

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Witayuni16 #1
Chapter 4: Keep being Jennie Tzuyu please ?. I really love them both
danteriddle058 #2
Chapter 4: If you change jennie's character you could use Watanabe Rui from H.U.B she was on mixnine.
Tzuyu x Rui would be a beautiful pairing.
DragonKid729 #3