Chapter 9

Seeing Double
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If you tell Dahyun that she would find a family in the form of her new friends in JYP High months ago, she would actually think you are out of your mind.  In as much as she is optimistic and sees the world with a vibrant lens, her view of herself is the opposite. It is like she has classified herself and everything else in a spectrum of colors – her on the dark side and everything else on the brighter side; simply, isolating herself.

She never felt home anywhere besides her home with her family, and even that – her biological family being her home – is subject for debate.  She never felt like she belongs somewhere aside from her makeshift world with just her and her music. Do not get her wrong, she is not afraid of human interactions. It is just that she feel like she has a high potential to ruin everything she touches – that she is noxious.

Having to grow as an only girl with a quite huge with her brother took a toll on how she interacted with her fellow peers. She sounded mature for her age, acted mature for her age and thought mature for her age. She was always by the book, rules this, and rules that. In some careless thinking, always following the rules spoils fun, kills the buzz, and endangers rouge peers. That trait built a wall between her and most of her classmates from her previous school; A wall that moves closer to her by the day, enough for her to feel suffocated and harmed. The universe having its way to put things into place had her parents find out of her situation and decided to transfer her.  

Having that said, she does not want to ruin the forming relationships with the other students she has grown to know for the past weeks of her stay in JYP so she is to treasure them with utmost care. The said group of 8 students has welcomed her to their circle without apprehensions. Aside from Chaeng, it is most of the twins’ deeds that make her feel a certain sense of belongingness.

Routines – for someone who is an over thinker like Dahyun, routines relaxes her nerves. Luckily, every weekend, she gets an invite to the football team’s matches all thanks to Sana. In addition, she never fails to include Dahyun in their group’s plans outside school. It’s either she tells her first or she relentlessly remind Chaeng to inform Dahyun. On the first weekend of the football team’s match, Sana made sure that she did not feel left out. The older made a biased introduction guide to their group of friends on their way to the field which earned grunts and protests from the Yoo siblings when she says negative about them. After the game, instead of going with the team to celebrate their triumph, both Jeongyeon and Sana stayed with her and Chaeng to grab munchies at the Jam Zone. Even then, Sana never failed to assist her. Dahyun felt like the older did not need to assure her that she is not an outsider, since having only four of them for the rest of the day seems not taxing. Nevertheless, Sana makes extra efforts to give Dahyun attention – something the younger is grateful for receiving. Something the older is grateful for that she can give.

Efforts – for someone who breathes music, Dahyun needed to stay up late in school to improve on her craft or to just simply play. Since JYP High is quite far from her household, she needed to move and share a dorm with fellow schoolmates: Yeri and Lisa. The only op

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I'm sorry I took long. I've read all your comments and woop I'm nervous for what I have in store for this story. The next chapter would be a little bit hmm :).

Thank you for sticking around 🥔.


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hi.. rereading this.
15 streak #2
Chapter 10: Awesome work
Chapter 10: This story is really cute ???
Emminemsi114 #4
Chapter 10: Bonus chapter ????????????
Asianfanficreader1 #5
Chapter 10: Dahyun straight? Hhahaha
Chapter 10: Woot woot! Straight? Woot woot! No one is safe with SaMo they can turn everyone straight to a gay mess.
Chapter 1: New reader!! Let’s go saidahmo ?
Chapter 8: So I mapped it out (a bit too overdramatic with the choice of phrase, but just go with it keke). As far as I know, this is how the triangle goes...

Momo has a crush on Dahyun (Dahyun also 'kinda' has a crush on Momo), but Dahyun has a bigger crush on Sana (who is also very much interested on our Tofu), and Sana loves Momo a lot. Sooo yeah. I'm thinking it's gonna be real messy soon. But I ain't complaining. We got Minari on the bench too, so I'm not really worried about our gentle Moguri. :)

But hey... You're the writer. You might just surprise us with a erpunch of a twist. I'm still hoping for SaiDa as end game though. It is my ultimate ship. :)
Chapter 4: Sana is a clumsy, blabbering, charming mess and Moguri is sooo good in this one. I've always wanted a twin myself, so reading this story only intensified that want. And now I WANT a Moguri kind of twin (because I'm 100% a Sana on this one; a clumsy blabbering mess, minus the charming kekeke). Still I love Sana too much to even hate on this kind of character on her.

Speaking of LOVE... I so love this story hehe. So keep it up. You got me hooked. :)
Asianfanficreader1 #10
Chapter 8: Love triangle <3