Chapter 7

Seeing Double
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After the kickoff ceremonies, the clubs then started to proceed to their booths for the recruitment process. The football team along with the other sports clubs stayed at the field while the other clubs settled at the gym. Club leaders are seen going from left to right trying to outsource as many new members as they can. The seniors at most are more stressed feeling the need to find new members who will work hard and contribute something to the clubs they are leaving.

And so, feeling exhausted and worthy of a good time, Jeongyeon decided to send out a message to her fellow leaders and some friends for a chill get-together at their family’s diner.

“Sana, JamZone tonight, ‘kay?”  Jeongyeon informed Sana after the latter just received Jeongyeon’s text message.

“I got a double invite huh?” Sana snickered as she read the message she just gotten.

“But I promised Momo dinner tonight…. I also need to do advance school work you know. I didn’t do
anything productive during the break.” Sana replied as she filed the last application sheet they got today in its corresponding folder.

“It’s just the first day! Come on! Besides I believe Momo is coming too, it’s free food for God Jihyo’s sake.”

““It’s just the first day”, said the girl who can’t even function earlier having to cram all of this. I better get free passes to skip training for my academics, but fine…..and hmm speaking of Jihyo, is the band going too?” Sana asked thinking of a certain pianist.

“You can count on that. I told Chaeyoung to make sure to get everyone tag along.”

“Good!” Sana said a little over the top which earned a confused look from Jeongyeon.

“I mean…the more the merrier, right?” Sana responded trying to get herself out of a possible grave she mildly dug for herself.

“Yup, so let’s go then. Help me prepare the diner. Nayeon said the dance club isn’t ready to leave yet, text Mo and tell her you’re hitching a ride with me.”

“Mkkkay!” Sana said as she grabbed her bag and sought out her phone to text her twin.





Sanafa: JamZone tonight? Jeongyeon told me to just catch a ride with her, would that be alright? Or do you want me to wait for you? Alsoooo, breakfast’s on me tomorrow. It’s really difficult to say no to Jeongyeon.

Momotherfcker: We’re just running a little late, still have app forms coming. Don’t worry about the food you promised! You take care, okay? See you later!

Momotherfcker: And, you were amazing earlier! I’m proud to be your number 1 fan!

Sanafa: Same as for you! I just can’t imagine how we were inside our mother’s womb. I was probably kicking a lot and you were moving a lot on the other side.

Momotherfcker: We gotta ask her that haha. God, I miss them.

Sanafa: Me too! But I also miss you so finish what you are doing quickly!

Momotherfcker: Alright! See you later, sis.

With that, Momo went on to lock her phone and put it inside her pocket.  She then went back on sorting the application forms they got without being mindful that she is humming while doing it. This behavior earned her teammates’ attention; Nayeon then commented, “Momo, you seem to be a little cheerful today?”

“I am always cheerful?” Momo responded who just realized she is humming.

“No, it’s like your aura is a little different.”

“Hmm endorphins?”

Momo’s answer satisfied Nayeon because why not? They just finished a whole routine so it’s just logical that she would be extra cheerful, all thanks to exercise. However, someone is not buying the excuse. Mina who has been hearing the exchange knew from the moment that Momo was humming that she is crushing on someone. Although a part of her wishes that she is the reason behind it, she knows that she can’t be that person – she will never be the person Momo will hum for. So she already started to mentally prepare herself for another story of supporting the person she loves, love someone else. What else could she do, right? “Cheers to all gays who are hopelessly in love with their best friends I guess. I hope this new person is great.” She whispered to herself as she drank her iced tea like she is taking a shot, without knowing that the person she is hoping to be great is just sitting across their booth.


“Sorry guys I gotta leave earlier, I need to catch a ride with my bro”, Chaeyoung said as she stands up packing her things.

“You take care, Chaeyoung” Jihyo responded.

“Jihyo-unnie, are we going to the Jamzone?” A voice from behind Chaeyoung said.

Chaeyoung knows that voice – that voice that is so familiar yet she always yearns for. Also, the looks that Dahyun is giving her is a huge giveaway for the identity of the person who is standing behind her.

“Would you like to, Tzu?”

“Yes please!” Chaeyoung blurted out what her heart desires before her brain could shut it down.

“Uhh…okay” Tzuyu responded.

“I mean…yes please get some time off to rest and relax a little” A shy Chaeyoung said facing Tzuyu.

Tzuyu chuckled and responded, “And the best place for that is at your diner, I suppose?”

“ bad,  sorry.” Chaeyoung responded who is mentally whacking her head. How does one mentally whack her own head? - Via apoptosis, probably.

“Oh no. I was just joking.  We’ll be there!” Tzuyu then transferred her gaze to Jihyo…Jihyo…To that Jihyo who have been friends with Chaeyoung for a long time now; the same Jihyo who is just realizing that the young cub is crushing on her baby cousin.

“But Jihyo-unnie can we drop by our house first to feed Gucci? The dog-sitter is not available this afternoon.”

“Oh sure, I guess we’re leaving too. Would that be alright to you Dahyun?”

“No worries. We’re done sorting out the app forms anyways.” Dahyun cheerfully responded.

“Thank you. Let me grab my things first, unnie.” Tzuyu responded before she went back to their booth just across the band’s booth.

“Ohhh uhmm I better leave now, bye!” Chaeyoung nervously commented turning her back away from the booth.

“YOO CHAEYOUNG!” Jihyo mumbled giving emphasis on every letter there is at Chaeyoung’

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I'm sorry I took long. I've read all your comments and woop I'm nervous for what I have in store for this story. The next chapter would be a little bit hmm :).

Thank you for sticking around 🥔.


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hi.. rereading this.
11 streak #2
Chapter 10: Awesome work
Chapter 10: This story is really cute ???
Emminemsi114 #4
Chapter 10: Bonus chapter ????????????
Asianfanficreader1 #5
Chapter 10: Dahyun straight? Hhahaha
Chapter 10: Woot woot! Straight? Woot woot! No one is safe with SaMo they can turn everyone straight to a gay mess.
Chapter 1: New reader!! Let’s go saidahmo ?
Chapter 8: So I mapped it out (a bit too overdramatic with the choice of phrase, but just go with it keke). As far as I know, this is how the triangle goes...

Momo has a crush on Dahyun (Dahyun also 'kinda' has a crush on Momo), but Dahyun has a bigger crush on Sana (who is also very much interested on our Tofu), and Sana loves Momo a lot. Sooo yeah. I'm thinking it's gonna be real messy soon. But I ain't complaining. We got Minari on the bench too, so I'm not really worried about our gentle Moguri. :)

But hey... You're the writer. You might just surprise us with a erpunch of a twist. I'm still hoping for SaiDa as end game though. It is my ultimate ship. :)
Chapter 4: Sana is a clumsy, blabbering, charming mess and Moguri is sooo good in this one. I've always wanted a twin myself, so reading this story only intensified that want. And now I WANT a Moguri kind of twin (because I'm 100% a Sana on this one; a clumsy blabbering mess, minus the charming kekeke). Still I love Sana too much to even hate on this kind of character on her.

Speaking of LOVE... I so love this story hehe. So keep it up. You got me hooked. :)
Asianfanficreader1 #10
Chapter 8: Love triangle <3