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Soulmate AU where 0.1% of the population has a flower bud on their body and the touch of their soulmate will make their respective flowers bloom on their skin. Also known as the jensoo photographer and model AU.


The flower is
the stem’s cry of beauty
to the universe.
-Vassilis Comporozos


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Chapter 1: This is amaziiing! Now I want a sequeeel
Chapter 1: I rarely found jensoo soulmate thank you for this one
soshibell #3
Chapter 1: Wowwwww this one is totally amazing. I mean come one, there are tons of Soulmate AU fanfic, but believe me, yours are letting me have an actual feeling of butterflies just by reading a chapter !
a_taengsic_trash #4
Chapter 1: Wow that's a rare soulmate au!!!! Definitely love it sm and I hope there'll be an epilogue!!! Haha Merry Christmas btw!
devilgrins #5
Chapter 1: I have such weakness for Soulmate AUs. This is so charming and I love it. Thank you.
Chapter 1: beautiful!!!
Jisoosbby #7
Chapter 1: I seriously enjoyed reading this. I do hoped that it was longer or there's a sequel for this one shot. Thanks for this author :)
Kimlady #8
Chapter 1: I enjoyed it and im hoping for chapter 2 authornim :)
Jisoosbby #9
I'll be waiting for this story author! :))