
Remember You


♫*:..。♡*゚¨゚゚・ ♫*:..。♡*゚¨゚゚・ ♫*:..。♡*゚¨゚゚・ ♫*:..。♡*゚¨゚゚・


"I don't know which book should I buy, to be honest, Youngjae." Jinyoung said to his bestfriend who he is currently talking with on the phone. 

The twenty four year old pre-school teacher is seven months pregnant with his first baby along with his husband Jaebum who happens to be his other bestfriend. The three of them are really excited, but the most excited one is Jaebum, since his first born will be a boy.

Youngjae is asking him to buy a book so he can read it to his baby. Jinyoung said he'll buy book of rhymes but the younger said it'll bore him. Jinyoung said he'll buy a novel book, perhaps Nicholas Sparks' instead but Youngjae said his baby won't understand. Jinyoung already spent an hour roaming around the bookstore and he could only roll his eyes due to his bestfriend's indecisiveness. 


"That's it Youngjae. You just have to settle with whatever book I'm gonna buy." Jinyoung hang up and grabbed the first book which got his attention. Tʜᴇ Lᴇɢᴇɴᴅ ᴏғ Tᴀʀᴢᴀɴ ... well, kids love Disney, right?

He was about to head to the cashier when he heard someone talking from behind the shelf.

"But I cannot find it." 


Jinyoung turned, only to see a man with red hair. He can't see the man's face because he is facing the other way, but his voice is too familiar.

"Okay okay. I'll call again later." 


As the guy ended the call and faced his direction, Jinyoung almost gasped upon seeing those eyes. Those familiar eyes, which were shaded brown. His heart almost swelled with different emotions.

Love, pain, longing,

and guilt... 

Jinyoung could still remember it. That night when things have completely gone wrong.




Jinyoung is too fed up with everything. Most certainly because of this set up.

Ever since Mark moved away for college, their time to see each other has narrowed from twice a week, to twice a month. If only Mark listened to him and stayed with him in Jinhae instead. But Mark didn't.

Mark  just have to choose his dream over Jinyoung. And now he cannot take it anymore.


"If this is how we're always going to be, then I don't want to do this anymore." Jinyoung almost shouted over the phone. He asked Mark to go home but his boyfriend said he can't.

He just had enough. He loves Mark but he needs him here by his side.

"W-what... You're just mad. You don't mean that." But Jinyoung stood his ground. "No. I am sorry Mark, but I want to break up."


Next thing he knew, he is at the hospital, pleading for Mark's parents to let him see the older but they're too mad.

After the phonecall, Mark drove his way back to Jinhae. Despite the heavy rains, Mark just wanted to see Jinyoung and talk to him.

Then the unfortunate thing happened. Mark lost control of the wheel and crashed into the roadside railings.

"It's your fault why our son is in this situation! You don't deserve him! Leave!"




Jinyoung's eyes wandered back to his... to Mark's.

He is beyond glad to see the older healthy and well. After that accident, Jinyoung wasn't able to see him again. And he accepted it, thinking it was his punishment. For not loving Mark enough. For hurting Mark just because of his selfish intentions.

A part of him wanted to approach the red head, and maybe just say hi. And sorry. For what he has done to him.

But he is afraid.

What if, Mark still hasn't forgiven him?


So, with a deep sigh, Jinyoung decided to just walk away from him. He still haven't forgiven himself either.

He already turned to leave, but then...


Jinyoung immediately fell as he hit the shelf in front of him.

That's so stupid him, to not notice the big shelf.

Enough to say that he has caused a scene, it caught his attention. Now he sees Mark, turning his head towards him. The redhead quickly made his way to him and helped him stand up.

Concern is written on his face. But wait, shouldn't he be surprised to see me?


"Are you okay...mister?"

It's as if everything stopped.

"What happened? Didn't you see the shelf?" Mark's hand touched his forehead. "Are you hurt or something? Does this hurt?"

Jinyoung shook his head. "N-no."

His heart is pounding. Questions are flooding inside his head.

Is this him? Is this Mark? Why doesn't he know me?


"Are you sure?" Mark asked once more.

Jinyoung wasn't able to answer as he fought the urge to wrap his arms around the older.

"I.. I'm sure." he stared at Mark again, memorizing his beautiful face. He missed the guy so much, it hurts.

But he doesn't remember him now, does he?


"Okay. Good." Mark smiled his usual smile and Jinyoung almost cried upon realizing how much he missed seeing it. "Be careful next time, okay?"

He could only stare at his back as Mark walks away.

Away from him.



How Jinyoung wanted to call him. But he is sane enough to know that he shouldn't. Maybe this is better. Mark doesn't know him. Mark already forgot about him. And all the things that Jinyoung did to him.

It's as if Mark hasn't met him. It's as if he hasn't hurt Mark.

He's better off without you. Jinyoung tells himself. After all, you really don't deserve him.


So with heavy steps, and a broken heart, Jinyoung turned to leave.





His friend Bambam called him. "Is that..." as the Thai pointed towards him who is already walking out of the store.

Mark just nodded.


It's true that he had an accident...


but he didn't lose his memory. 


It's all crystal clear. 


But remembering all those that has happened and how much Jinyoung has hurt him...


I sometimes wish I really did forget about him.


♫*:..。♡*゚¨゚゚・ ♫*:..。♡*゚¨゚゚・ ♫*:..。♡*゚¨゚゚・ ♫*:..。♡*゚¨゚゚・


Annyeong! ^^


Just a short read. :) So it's just a small amount of pain. And YES it is NOT A HAPPY ENDING. okay?


I'm sorry but I chose this path. T_T


Anyway, tomorrow, I'll be updating my fics and none of it will bring you tears anymore. Alright? :) :*

Thank you for reading! Will wait for your comments! 






<3 nicapark

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moonchildern #1
Chapter 1: wow this is- SO GOOD PLEASE 😭❤️ bittersweet and short but still stings like hell. i love it!
Cho_lolai101 #2
Chapter 1: ?? pinpricks ... ga-zillion heart pin pricks ; very short but yes still Markjin tough, might be small amount but still painful ... I’ll get over it quickly ... we’ll tryna
Sophia1017 #3
Chapter 1: No i dont feel hurt. There's still hope they can be together again. Im a pessimist ? the love is still in their hearts. Fate will bring them back together again. Thank you. ?
Markjinlife #4
Chapter 1: So what come after???? Are u just going to end it like this without knowing what happens nexts ( feeling confused)
Chapter 1: I can't believe I missed this one but this is heartbreaking
Jaljajaja #6
Chapter 1: Sakit sa bangs huhu
nursya_ikaa #7
Chapter 1: Omg that's escalatee too fast isnt it. Idk whom to pity sobs.
Chapter 1: omg.... there is no sequel for this.... it's feel like there should be a continue story....
Jaljajaja #9
Chapter 1: Nakakainis pala kapag ganito kaikli. just the same thanks for this. Mwah