i want out

How the death of shim changmin happened

Changmn was a regular student maybe a litttle messed up in the head. He was in a gang. The almost leader of it but still he was not himself. "Alright shim you have a job to do. Go and kill yoona. She's found out about our arganazation. Now go." the leader ordered. changmin bowed and agreed that he would. He stalked her for weeks. Then finally shot her point blank one night and smiled at his finished work. "Stupid . Keep your nose outta our work". he sneered and then walked away. A few years later he looked at his past and felt like he wasn't suppose to be a killer. So he went to his boss and looked at him and said "im leaving the group'. The leader laughed and called the guards. Changmin turned around in time to duck and fight off 10 guys. He ran outta the building.  He ran outta the town and went to another state and started a new life. He saw a entertainment called SM was having additions and wanted to go for it. He got a call two weeks later and they were putting him in band called dbsk. He was excited and was forgetting his past. but little did he kno that his past was still after him. The leader had been trying for years to find him till he heard the news and saw the young and grown up shim changmin. "found you you little " he smiled and drank more of his wine. He looked at the new next in command and said "dont kill him right away. study this band of his and find out their days and what they are like. Then kill him". The man nodded and walked out grabbing his things and whispered at the picture of changmin. "Hope you have a clear mind when you die shim. Noone gets outta this group alive" 

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